It's incredible really, - The lack of reaction on here.

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:13 am

god_bless_john_houlding wrote:Back to basics. (not Benitez as he over compliments everything. If you asked Benitez to point to his right ear, he'd use his left round his neck)


Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:49 am

god_bless_john_houlding wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
god_bless_john_houlding wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Anyone who looks at our record under Benitez with scorn is a first-rate imbecile.

A season doesn't mean "the league." A season means "Every competition entered."

You can't separate them and say "If it weren't for the CL", or "Had we not won the FA Cup", or "If we hadn't reached the CL final... we'd be sh*t" - it's the logic of a two-year old child.

Grow up, you bleating benders.

So based on that, Houllie is a legend as he won 6 trophies (if you include the Charity Shield and Super Cup like Benitez does)

Houllier is a greater manager than Benitez, based on that theory. Well done Gerard.

Firstly, most of those trophies were won in the one season. So that's 2 good seasons, (as we won 5 one year, and 1 another).

Secondly, Houllier had at his disposal Robbie Fowler, Michael Owen, Gerrard, Carragher, Paul Ince and  Brad Friedel.

He also had a sh*t-load of money to throw at the team, without the need to sell first. He also didn't have Chelsea's mega-bucks to compete with.

Lastly, the cups Houllier won, while great for what they were, were never on a par with Istanbul.

Houllier won 6 trophies, it's still 2 more than Benitez. Houllier had as much money given to him as Benitez has. Benitez has had Reina, Torres, Alonso, Agger, Mascheranho, Gerrard and Carragher at his disposal. I also hear we're a better team now than Houllier's era, so who cares who Houllier had if we're a better team ???

Ambrovich took over in 2003, Houllier left in 2004. So he did have to compete to with Chelsea. Also nobody is saying it's on a par with Istanbul, but it's still trophies won.

Houllier had the named players at his disposal from day one.

Rafa had to buy Reina, Torres, Alonso, Agger and Mascheranho.

One year doesn't make a team, as Ranieri found out to his detriment when he got sacked for failing to win the league. That Chelsea wasn't the dominant force they have been since Rafa arrived.

Houllier won 2 more trophies, but was also here 2 years longer than Rafa has been.

At least make the comparisons realistic.

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:00 am

TwelthMan wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
We are getting worse and worse, more and more embarassing and it's even get to the point where we can lose at Home to Barnsly in the fifth round of the FA Cup and to be absolutely truthful, none of us are even surprised. Surely that's the clearest indicator of all.

So true.

What amazes me is that the usual fans that defend Rafa up until the sheer point of stupidity hide or dont even post on here after such a humiliation. They'll tell us "its posters like you who usually come out with the same old cr.ap, with your knives sharpened towards Rafa after a defeat"

Well I come out just as much after a win and praise and credit the lads, of course I'd love to talk about how great we are playing and wha a team we look. But as it stands I cant, havent done for at least a season now.

Tuseday will come, and by God by some miracle we keep a clean sheet and beat Inter, all the usual suspects will come out and say ..... ' Where are all those miserable Kunts who want to see rafa fail now ?'

My reply will be 'I'm here right with ya, celebrating' of course though that makes me fickle, to see my team lose and moan about it, then next game we win and I celebrtate it. If that is fickle, that would suggest the likes of Lando, LFC2007, Redtrader 74 and Sabre are equally happy when we lose. I just do not understand their argument. Amongst all that I will STILL mantain Rafa needs to go, Alonso and Kuyt are not good enough even if we did win the CL, but then again there is more chance of the Pope becoming a devil worshipper than there is of us winning the CL.

As a club due to the Yanks we've become an embarrisment
As a team where heading that way too.
Sorry Rafa, time has ticked out you.

Yeah - that's right - we don't have lives outside of this forum. We spend all day waiting for an opportunity to defend Rafa...  :Oo:

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Every club has a bad season - why should we be any different?

You want reasons, so we give them to you:

Injuries, bad officials, the owners being gimps, players under-performing.

But no. Thi sis never enough for the vulturous vermin out there.

It HAS to be Rafa.

Well f*ck the lot of you. That team and the tactics were more than good enough to turn Barnsley over. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a prat.

OK? That alright, Bamaga? Can I get back to my life outside this forum now, your f*cking honour?  :bowdown

Are you in fact Rafa? Injuries? To who exactly? Bad officials? They are bad to everyone? In fact they are too good to us like the Everton game and even yesterday's ref tried to save us in not giving a clear pen! Bad luck? Like luck doesnt even itself out eh? Owners? yes they are cun.ts but they dont pick sub standard teams with sub standard instructions.

The team and tactics were not good enough because we lost - it's very simple really.  :wwww  :wwww

A bit like you, then?

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:04 am

Bamaga man wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
We are getting worse and worse, more and more embarassing and it's even get to the point where we can lose at Home to Barnsly in the fifth round of the FA Cup and to be absolutely truthful, none of us are even surprised. Surely that's the clearest indicator of all.

So true.

What amazes me is that the usual fans that defend Rafa up until the sheer point of stupidity hide or dont even post on here after such a humiliation. They'll tell us "its posters like you who usually come out with the same old cr.ap, with your knives sharpened towards Rafa after a defeat"

Well I come out just as much after a win and praise and credit the lads, of course I'd love to talk about how great we are playing and wha a team we look. But as it stands I cant, havent done for at least a season now.

Tuseday will come, and by God by some miracle we keep a clean sheet and beat Inter, all the usual suspects will come out and say ..... ' Where are all those miserable Kunts who want to see rafa fail now ?'

My reply will be 'I'm here right with ya, celebrating' of course though that makes me fickle, to see my team lose and moan about it, then next game we win and I celebrtate it. If that is fickle, that would suggest the likes of Lando, LFC2007, Redtrader 74 and Sabre are equally happy when we lose. I just do not understand their argument. Amongst all that I will STILL mantain Rafa needs to go, Alonso and Kuyt are not good enough even if we did win the CL, but then again there is more chance of the Pope becoming a devil worshipper than there is of us winning the CL.

As a club due to the Yanks we've become an embarrisment
As a team where heading that way too.
Sorry Rafa, time has ticked out you.

Yeah - that's right - we don't have lives outside of this forum. We spend all day waiting for an opportunity to defend Rafa...  :Oo:

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Every club has a bad season - why should we be any different?

You want reasons, so we give them to you:

Injuries, bad officials, the owners being gimps, players under-performing.

But no. Thi sis never enough for the vulturous vermin out there.

It HAS to be Rafa.

Well f*ck the lot of you. That team and the tactics were more than good enough to turn Barnsley over. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a prat.

OK? That alright, Bamaga? Can I get back to my life outside this forum now, your f*cking honour?  :bowdown


Officials  :laugh:  OMG, injuries  ???

Not Rafa of course though, you desperate turnip.

Why don't you just get yourself down to Anfield and start a "Rafa Out" demo?

The following have been injured this season:

Torres, Gerrard, Alonso, Carragher, Hyypia, Agger, Voronin, Finnan, Arbeloa, Aurelio, Riise, Pennant, and probably a few more I've forgotten about.

But hey - that doesn't count, right? Just like losing Scholes didn't f*ck the mancs up the other year? Just like Henry being out last season didn't affect Arsenal and their fantastic 4th-placed finish?

No - only RAFA can f*ck things up...

You grasping chimp.

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby god_bless_john_houlding » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:04 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:
god_bless_john_houlding wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
god_bless_john_houlding wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Anyone who looks at our record under Benitez with scorn is a first-rate imbecile.

A season doesn't mean "the league." A season means "Every competition entered."

You can't separate them and say "If it weren't for the CL", or "Had we not won the FA Cup", or "If we hadn't reached the CL final... we'd be sh*t" - it's the logic of a two-year old child.

Grow up, you bleating benders.

So based on that, Houllie is a legend as he won 6 trophies (if you include the Charity Shield and Super Cup like Benitez does)

Houllier is a greater manager than Benitez, based on that theory. Well done Gerard.

Firstly, most of those trophies were won in the one season. So that's 2 good seasons, (as we won 5 one year, and 1 another).

Secondly, Houllier had at his disposal Robbie Fowler, Michael Owen, Gerrard, Carragher, Paul Ince and  Brad Friedel.

He also had a sh*t-load of money to throw at the team, without the need to sell first. He also didn't have Chelsea's mega-bucks to compete with.

Lastly, the cups Houllier won, while great for what they were, were never on a par with Istanbul.

Houllier won 6 trophies, it's still 2 more than Benitez. Houllier had as much money given to him as Benitez has. Benitez has had Reina, Torres, Alonso, Agger, Mascheranho, Gerrard and Carragher at his disposal. I also hear we're a better team now than Houllier's era, so who cares who Houllier had if we're a better team ???

Ambrovich took over in 2003, Houllier left in 2004. So he did have to compete to with Chelsea. Also nobody is saying it's on a par with Istanbul, but it's still trophies won.

Houllier had the named players at his disposal from day one.

Rafa had to buy Reina, Torres, Alonso, Agger and Mascheranho.

One year doesn't make a team, as Ranieri found out to his detriment when he got sacked for failing to win the league. That Chelsea wasn't the dominant force they have been since Rafa arrived.

Houllier won 2 more trophies, but was also here 2 years longer than Rafa has been.

At least make the comparisons realistic.

Alright then lets talk about those who Benitez had at his disposal. Gerrard/Carragher/Hyypia/Hamman/Owen.

One year doesn't make a team that's right, that's why Mourinho won it in his first yeah eh?

Look at the starting 11s, see how many different names are on there.

Ranieri on the left, Mourinho the right

Cudicini to Cech
Johnson to Geremi
Terry to Terry (wasn't bought by either)
Gallas to Carvalho
Bridge to Bridge (wasn't bought under Ambrovich, I THINK)
Gronkjaer to Robben
Lamapard to Lampard (wasn't bought under Ambrovich)
Parker to Makelele
Zenden to Duff
Mutu to Drogba
Crespo to Kezman

So in one year, there's about 6 or 7 changes there, but one year doesn't make a team?

Houllier by his fourth season (this is Benitez' fourth) had won won more trophies. He'd won 5 (if you include the Charity Shield and Super Cup) if not it's only 3, but on the same score Benitez has only won 2 trophies.

Slightly more realistic?
1) You'll Never Walk Alone
2) pass and move is the Liverpool groove
4) If Torres has scored 60 league goals for Liverpool by the start of the 2011/12 season, I'll say he's better than Owen.
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Postby Rush Job » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:36 am

Fook me all hells broke lose! Well here's a whacy idea how about you know like seeing as we are in a crisis we show a bit of unity and get though a much troubled season! Instead of getting rid now, giving the media another field day, monster distruption finishing below the bitters and not being able to pay the debt let alone be able to afford a new manager and players. I know its daft but its just an idea.
Dont judge a book by the cover, unless you cover just another, because blind exceptance is a sign,
Of stupid fools who stand in line......  Like..
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:37 am

god_bless_john_houlding wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
god_bless_john_houlding wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
god_bless_john_houlding wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Anyone who looks at our record under Benitez with scorn is a first-rate imbecile.

A season doesn't mean "the league." A season means "Every competition entered."

You can't separate them and say "If it weren't for the CL", or "Had we not won the FA Cup", or "If we hadn't reached the CL final... we'd be sh*t" - it's the logic of a two-year old child.

Grow up, you bleating benders.

So based on that, Houllie is a legend as he won 6 trophies (if you include the Charity Shield and Super Cup like Benitez does)

Houllier is a greater manager than Benitez, based on that theory. Well done Gerard.

Firstly, most of those trophies were won in the one season. So that's 2 good seasons, (as we won 5 one year, and 1 another).

Secondly, Houllier had at his disposal Robbie Fowler, Michael Owen, Gerrard, Carragher, Paul Ince and  Brad Friedel.

He also had a sh*t-load of money to throw at the team, without the need to sell first. He also didn't have Chelsea's mega-bucks to compete with.

Lastly, the cups Houllier won, while great for what they were, were never on a par with Istanbul.

Houllier won 6 trophies, it's still 2 more than Benitez. Houllier had as much money given to him as Benitez has. Benitez has had Reina, Torres, Alonso, Agger, Mascheranho, Gerrard and Carragher at his disposal. I also hear we're a better team now than Houllier's era, so who cares who Houllier had if we're a better team ???

Ambrovich took over in 2003, Houllier left in 2004. So he did have to compete to with Chelsea. Also nobody is saying it's on a par with Istanbul, but it's still trophies won.

Houllier had the named players at his disposal from day one.

Rafa had to buy Reina, Torres, Alonso, Agger and Mascheranho.

One year doesn't make a team, as Ranieri found out to his detriment when he got sacked for failing to win the league. That Chelsea wasn't the dominant force they have been since Rafa arrived.

Houllier won 2 more trophies, but was also here 2 years longer than Rafa has been.

At least make the comparisons realistic.

Alright then lets talk about those who Benitez had at his disposal. Gerrard/Carragher/Hyypia/Hamman/Owen.

One year doesn't make a team that's right, that's why Mourinho won it in his first yeah eh?

Look at the starting 11s, see how many different names are on there.

Ranieri on the left, Mourinho the right

Cudicini to Cech
Johnson to Geremi
Terry to Terry (wasn't bought by either)
Gallas to Carvalho
Bridge to Bridge (wasn't bought under Ambrovich, I THINK)
Gronkjaer to Robben
Lamapard to Lampard (wasn't bought under Ambrovich)
Parker to Makelele
Zenden to Duff
Mutu to Drogba
Crespo to Kezman

So in one year, there's about 6 or 7 changes there, but one year doesn't make a team?

Houllier by his fourth season (this is Benitez' fourth) had won won more trophies. He'd won 5 (if you include the Charity Shield and Super Cup) if not it's only 3, but on the same score Benitez has only won 2 trophies.

Slightly more realistic?

For the love of f*ckery...

Moris won his sh*t with a team largely complied by Ranieri.

Of the Sh*tski squad which won the league in 2004-05, very few were actually the Portu-gimps signings. Most had already been put in place by Ranieri, such as Robben, Drogba and Cech.

Your list should actually read thus:

Cech - Ranieri. (Deal was already in place.)

Ferrera - Moris

Carvalho - Moris

Terry - neither.

Gallas - Ranieri.

Robben - Ranieri (a deal was already in place when the portuc*nt joined.)

Fat Frank - Neither.

Makalele - Ranieri. (Signed in 2003.)

Duff - Ranieri.

Drogba - Ranieri.

Kezman - Moris.

So in answer to your question:

No, not even slightly realistic.

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby RedBlood » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:41 am

JohnBull wrote:This is all getting really silly lads.

The backroom problems have to be addressed and why highly paid staff haven't got the sense to look at the American sites covering G&Hs rapes of other teams before coming to a deal with them has me looking for a lot of brown envelopes passing hands.

None of this justifies the team selections and tactics used in some games by Raffa. I'm even starting to believe that he is looking for the sack and the big pay off. After all he is the manager who threw the towel in a Reading. The first time I've ever seen a Liverpool team do that !

He must go, irrespective of the Inter games and the replacement has to be some one of stature. It needs a strong boss back at the helm and not someone who's going to spit his dummy out when things don't go just right.

This situation is not so far removed from Raffa's last days at Valencia.

yes we need someone like ferguson  wenger or mourinho because they know how to keep there mouth shut and never complain :oops:
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Postby god_bless_john_houlding » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:43 am

courtasy of

Official Name: Chelsea Football Club
Formed: 1905  Ground: Stamford Bridge (42,449)  Manager: Claudio Ranieri
Number Name Pos Height Weight Date of Birth Birth Place Previous Club
2 Glen Johnson D 5'11" 11 00 23-08-84 London West Ham U
3 Celestine Babayaro D 5'09" 10 12 29-08-78 Kaduna Anderlecht
4 Claude Makelele M 5'07" 10 03 18-02-73 Kinshasa Real Madrid
6 Marcel Desailly D 6'02" 12 06 17-09-68 Accra Milan
7 Adrian Mutu F 5'11" 11 06 08-01-79 Pitesti Parma
8 Frank Lampard M 6'00" 11 12 20-06-78 Romford West Ham U
9 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink F 6'02" 13 10 27-03-72 Paramaribo Atlético Madrid
10 Joe Cole M 5'09" 11 00 08-11-81 Camden West Ham U
11 Damien Duff M 5'08" 09 07 02-03-79 Ballyboden Blackburn R
12 Mario Stanic M 6'00" 13 07 10-04-72 Sarajevo Parma
13 William Gallas D 6'01" 11 13 17-08-77 Asnieres Marseille
14 Geremi M 5'11" 12 04 20-12-78 Bafoussam Real Madrid
15 Mario Melchiot D 6'02" 11 11 04-11-76 Amsterdam Ajax
17 Emmanuel Petit M 6'01" 13 03 22-09-70 Dieppe Barcelona
18 Wayne Bridge D 5'10" 12 04 05-08-80 Southampton Southampton
19 Scott Parker M 5'09" 11 00 13-10-80 Lambeth Charlton Ath
20 Juan Sebastian Veron M 6'01" 12 06 09-03-75 Buenos Aires Manchester U
21 Hernán Crespo F 6'02" 12 04 05-07-75 Florida Internazionale
22 Eidur Gudjonsson F 6'00" 13 00 15-09-78 Reykjavik Bolton W
23 Carlo Cudicini G 6'01" 12 02 06-09-73 Milan Castel di Sangro
24 Boudewijn Zenden M 5'08'' 11 09 15-08-76 Maastricht Barcelona
26 John Terry D 6'00" 11 11 07-12-80 Barking None
27 Alexis Nicolas M 5'10'' 09 12 13-02-83 London None
28 Filipe Oliveira F 5'10'' 10 12 27-05-84 Braga FC Porto
29 Robert Huth D 6'02'' 12 12 18-08-84 Berlin None
30 Jesper Grønkjær M 6'01" 13 03 12-08-77 Nuuk Ajax
31 Marco Ambrosio G 6'00" 12 06 30-05-73 Brescia Chievo
32 Mikkel Forssell F 5'10" 10 10 15-03-81 Steinfurt HJK Helsinki
33 Joel Kitamirike D 5'11" 12 08 05-04-84 Kampala None
34 Neil Sullivan G 6'00" 12 01 24-02-70 Sutton Tottenham H
35 Jurgen Macho G 6'04" 13 12 24-08-77 Vienna Sunderland
36 Joe Keenan M 5'07" 10 00 14-10-82 Southampton None
37 Sebastian Kneissl F 5'11'' 11 05 13-01-83 Germany None
38 Valerio di Cesare D 6'02'' 11 13 23-05-83 Rome None
39 Carlton Cole F 6'03" 12 13 12-10-83 Surrey None
40 Lenny Pidgeley G 6'03" 13 09 07-02-84 Isleworth None
41 Craig Rocastle M 6'01" 12 13 17-08-81 Lewisham Slough T
42 Ben Hudell D   19-10-85  None
43 Danny Jeffreys M 5'07" 09 04 21-01-85 Hammersmith None
44 Filipe Morais M 5'09" 11 07 21-11-85 Lisbon None
45 Billy Sentance M   30-10-84  None
47  Sam Tillen D 5'09" 10 05 16-04-85 Reading None
48  Steven Watt D 6'02" 12 09 01-05-85 Aberdeen None
49  Danny Woodards D 5'11" 11 01 07-10-83 Forest Gate None
50  Yves Makabu Ma-Kalamby G 6'04" 13 00 31-01-86 Brussels PSV Eindhoven

Drogba, Cech, Robben?
1) You'll Never Walk Alone
2) pass and move is the Liverpool groove
4) If Torres has scored 60 league goals for Liverpool by the start of the 2011/12 season, I'll say he's better than Owen.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:47 am

god_bless_john_houlding wrote:courtasy of

Official Name: Chelsea Football Club
Formed: 1905  Ground: Stamford Bridge (42,449)  Manager: Claudio Ranieri
Number Name Pos Height Weight Date of Birth Birth Place Previous Club
2 Glen Johnson D 5'11" 11 00 23-08-84 London West Ham U
3 Celestine Babayaro D 5'09" 10 12 29-08-78 Kaduna Anderlecht
4 Claude Makelele M 5'07" 10 03 18-02-73 Kinshasa Real Madrid
6 Marcel Desailly D 6'02" 12 06 17-09-68 Accra Milan
7 Adrian Mutu F 5'11" 11 06 08-01-79 Pitesti Parma
8 Frank Lampard M 6'00" 11 12 20-06-78 Romford West Ham U
9 Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink F 6'02" 13 10 27-03-72 Paramaribo Atlético Madrid
10 Joe Cole M 5'09" 11 00 08-11-81 Camden West Ham U
11 Damien Duff M 5'08" 09 07 02-03-79 Ballyboden Blackburn R
12 Mario Stanic M 6'00" 13 07 10-04-72 Sarajevo Parma
13 William Gallas D 6'01" 11 13 17-08-77 Asnieres Marseille
14 Geremi M 5'11" 12 04 20-12-78 Bafoussam Real Madrid
15 Mario Melchiot D 6'02" 11 11 04-11-76 Amsterdam Ajax
17 Emmanuel Petit M 6'01" 13 03 22-09-70 Dieppe Barcelona
18 Wayne Bridge D 5'10" 12 04 05-08-80 Southampton Southampton
19 Scott Parker M 5'09" 11 00 13-10-80 Lambeth Charlton Ath
20 Juan Sebastian Veron M 6'01" 12 06 09-03-75 Buenos Aires Manchester U
21 Hernán Crespo F 6'02" 12 04 05-07-75 Florida Internazionale
22 Eidur Gudjonsson F 6'00" 13 00 15-09-78 Reykjavik Bolton W
23 Carlo Cudicini G 6'01" 12 02 06-09-73 Milan Castel di Sangro
24 Boudewijn Zenden M 5'08'' 11 09 15-08-76 Maastricht Barcelona
26 John Terry D 6'00" 11 11 07-12-80 Barking None
27 Alexis Nicolas M 5'10'' 09 12 13-02-83 London None
28 Filipe Oliveira F 5'10'' 10 12 27-05-84 Braga FC Porto
29 Robert Huth D 6'02'' 12 12 18-08-84 Berlin None
30 Jesper Grønkjær M 6'01" 13 03 12-08-77 Nuuk Ajax
31 Marco Ambrosio G 6'00" 12 06 30-05-73 Brescia Chievo
32 Mikkel Forssell F 5'10" 10 10 15-03-81 Steinfurt HJK Helsinki
33 Joel Kitamirike D 5'11" 12 08 05-04-84 Kampala None
34 Neil Sullivan G 6'00" 12 01 24-02-70 Sutton Tottenham H
35 Jurgen Macho G 6'04" 13 12 24-08-77 Vienna Sunderland
36 Joe Keenan M 5'07" 10 00 14-10-82 Southampton None
37 Sebastian Kneissl F 5'11'' 11 05 13-01-83 Germany None
38 Valerio di Cesare D 6'02'' 11 13 23-05-83 Rome None
39 Carlton Cole F 6'03" 12 13 12-10-83 Surrey None
40 Lenny Pidgeley G 6'03" 13 09 07-02-84 Isleworth None
41 Craig Rocastle M 6'01" 12 13 17-08-81 Lewisham Slough T
42 Ben Hudell D   19-10-85  None
43 Danny Jeffreys M 5'07" 09 04 21-01-85 Hammersmith None
44 Filipe Morais M 5'09" 11 07 21-11-85 Lisbon None
45 Billy Sentance M   30-10-84  None
47  Sam Tillen D 5'09" 10 05 16-04-85 Reading None
48  Steven Watt D 6'02" 12 09 01-05-85 Aberdeen None
49  Danny Woodards D 5'11" 11 01 07-10-83 Forest Gate None
50  Yves Makabu Ma-Kalamby G 6'04" 13 00 31-01-86 Brussels PSV Eindhoven

Drogba, Cech, Robben?

The deals were in place lad - do you listen?

I never said they were already playing for them - I said Ranieri had negotiated their transfers before that c*nt arrived.

Cech's move was agreed in the winter of 2003-04.

Robben's move was agreed during the '03-'04 season.

Drogba's move was agreed before Ranieri was sacked.

Dear me.

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby god_bless_john_houlding » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:49 am

Still they were Mourinho's players.
1) You'll Never Walk Alone
2) pass and move is the Liverpool groove
4) If Torres has scored 60 league goals for Liverpool by the start of the 2011/12 season, I'll say he's better than Owen.
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Postby The_Rock » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:49 am

john craig wrote:We have no time to start with another manager with a 5 year plan and we've got no time to wait for Benitez to realise that his methods won't win us the league.  We need a manager who can put these players' confidence back together and get them enjoying their football again.  We need someone who knows what it takes to win the Premiership and is a proven winner, and I don't care how pretty the football is.  We need someone who understands that rotation doesn't win Premiership titles and we need someone who can turn the club around quickly.  For me there is one stand-out candidate.

Jose Mourinho..............Jose Mourinho...............  :D
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Postby god_bless_john_houlding » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:54 am

Official Name: Liverpool Football Club
Formed: 1892  Ground: Anfield Road (45,362)  Manager: Gerard Houllier
Number Name Pos Height Weight Date of Birth Birth Place Previous Club
1 Jurek Dudek G 6'02'' 12 08 23-03-73 Rybaik Feyenoord
2 Stephane Henchoz D 6'02" 12 08 07-09-74 Billens Blackburn R
3 Steve Finnan D 5'10" 12 00 20-04-76 Limerick Fulham
4 Sami Hyypia D 6'04" 14 00 07-10-73 Porvoo Willem II
5 Milan Baros F 6'00'' 13 02 28-10-81 Valassake Mezirici Banik Ostrava
6 Markus Babbel D 6'00'' 13 03 08-09-72 Munich Bayern Munich
7 Harry Kewell F 6'00" 12 10 22-09-78 Sydney Leeds U
8 Emile Heskey F 6'02" 13 12 11-01-78 Leicester Leicester C
9 El-Hadji Diouf F 5'11'' 11 11 15-01-81 Dakar Lens
10 Michael Owen F 5'08" 11 00 14-12-79 Chester None
11 Vladimir Smicer M 5'10" 11 10 24-05-73 Degin Lens
13 Danny Murphy M 5'09" 10 08 18-03-77 Chester Crewe Alex
15 Salif Diao M 6'00'' 11 07 10-02-77 Kedougou Sedan
16 Dietmar Hamann M 6'03" 12 06 27-08-73 Waldsasson Newcastle U
17 Steve Gerrard M 6'01" 13 00 30-05-80 Whiston None
18 John Arne Riise M 6'01'' 12 08 24-09-79 Molde Monaco
20 Anthony le Tallec F 6'00" 11 07 03-10-84 Hennebont Le Havre
21 Djimi Traore D 6'03" 13 10 01-03-80 Saint-Ouen Laval
22 Chris Kirkland G 6'03" 11 07 02-05-81 Leicester Coventry C
23 Jamie Carragher D 6'01" 13 00 28-01-78 Liverpool None
24 Florent Sinama-Pongolle F 5'09" 10 12 20-10-84 Saint-Pierre Le Havre
25 Igor Biscan M 6'03'' 12 08 04-05-78 Zagreb Dynamo Zagreb
26 Richie Partridge M 5'08" 10 10 12-09-80 Dublin None
27 Gregory Vignal D 5'11" 12 03 19-07-81 Montpellier Montpellier
28 Bruno Cheyrou M 6'01'' 12 08 10-05-78 Suresnes Lille
29 Patrice Luzi G 6'03'' 13 10 08-07-80 Ajaccio Monaco
30 Carl Medjani D 5'11" 11 05 15-05-85 Lyon St Etienne
31 Alou Diarra D 6'03'' 12 06 15-07-81 Villepinte Bayern Munich
32 John Welsh D 5'07" 11 06 10-01-84 Liverpool None
33 Neil Mellor F 6'00" 13 07 04-11-82 Sheffield None
34 Darren Potter M 6'01" 11 05 21-12-84 Liverpool None
35 Stephen Warnock M 5'07" 12 01 12-12-81 Ormskirk None
36 Jon Otsemobor D 5'10" 12 00 23-03-83 Liverpool None
37 Zak Whitbread D 6'02" 11 06 10-01-84 Houston None
38 Michael Foley-Sheridan M 5'06" 11 01 09-03-83 Dublin None
40 Paul Harrison G 5'10" 11 05 18-12-84 Liverpool None
Players no longer at this club
Number Name Pos Height Weight Date of Birth Birth Place New Club
12  Paul Jones G 6'02" 15 03 18-04-67 Chirk Southampton

2003/04 Liverpool squad, how far we've moved on in terms of talent.  :nod

How far we've moved in quality of performances  :no
1) You'll Never Walk Alone
2) pass and move is the Liverpool groove
4) If Torres has scored 60 league goals for Liverpool by the start of the 2011/12 season, I'll say he's better than Owen.
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Postby LFC2007 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:55 am

The_Rock wrote:
john craig wrote:We have no time to start with another manager with a 5 year plan and we've got no time to wait for Benitez to realise that his methods won't win us the league.  We need a manager who can put these players' confidence back together and get them enjoying their football again.  We need someone who knows what it takes to win the Premiership and is a proven winner, and I don't care how pretty the football is.  We need someone who understands that rotation doesn't win Premiership titles and we need someone who can turn the club around quickly.  For me there is one stand-out candidate.

Jose Mourinho..............Jose Mourinho...............  :D

You are a c* are a c*nt......... :D
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:30 am

god_bless_john_houlding wrote:Still they were Mourinho's players.

Get f*cked off were they his players!  :laugh:

Did he request that Ranieri ordered them for him prior to his arrival, then?  :D

Come on - your anti-Rafa bias is bordering on the obsessive mate. :no

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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