Is he worth  £ 80.000 a week? - Owen

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby XSD » Sat Jul 03, 2004 9:23 pm

If that is what it takes to make Owen stay at Liverpool and score goals for us then it's worth it. Not to mention the benefit that having superstar (yes superstar) strikers at our club for merchandising and for attracting other players to come here.
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Postby 84-1083280474 » Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:23 pm

stu_the_red wrote:For once i agreed...

Untill the last line of your post.

If it was me i'd play him. But there where times over the last two years where his form dipped and he did become highly ineffective. This always happens tho with any player, if it was me though i wouldn't play Owen through these games. Baros and Cisse are good enough and if Owen is off form he shouldn't be in the side. I remember him being dropped for a West Ham game when Baros came in and scored and we won 3-0. The game after he was back in the side. If that was me i'd have left him out for the next game aswell. I'm a firm believer in not tampering to much with something if its not broke... 

At his best though theres no question whos the best.

For once Stu a good valid point!

I dont think there is anyone better than Owen, with the ball at his feet in the 18 yard box.

I have to say its an exciting dilemma for Benitez to have, and theres a chance we'll buy 1 more striker for the squad, so if one gets injured etc.

It well looks like it will be Cisse and Owen to start most games, which is a shame for Baros I always got excited when he came on, as he is so busy on the ball, very direct etc

I just worry for him, sitting on the bench for the 1st ten games of the season after having a good summer. He aint gonna be pleased,and might decide to exit. :p

He deserves a first team place, maybe 4-3-3?

Postby banana » Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:31 pm

For me Owen is a waste of money. 80k a week. It's hilarious. Not even the CEO of BP makes that kind of money. It is unfair, unwise and damaging for the fans. I am not prepared to pay more money for watching the games, or on merchandise just to cover Owen's wagebill. If Owen makes 80k a week what then should players like Gerrard, Henry, Ven Nistelroy, Ronaldo and Zidane deserve? 250k a week? And what about the other Liverpool players? How much should they earn? I say let Owen go. He would never get more than 25k in another club. This is his true worth. Personally I would love to se Baros and Cisse playing up front. They will not make half as much as Owen, but they will be twice as deadly.

F.uck. I think I'm going crazy. Why did I start supporting this club in the first place? When I did it had nothing to do with money, model wives, or fancy cars. It was because Keegan, Dalglish, Souness, Rush, Barnes etc. was fantastic players and Liverpool played beautiful football. Nowadays when Linvoy Primus at £ 3.000 a week makes Owen at £ 80 k a week look like a 10 year old girl I don't know who to cheer for. The passion is gone. Now it is just like a bad habit, and a lame excuse for having a few drinks with the lads.
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Postby XSD » Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:34 pm

At the same time lets just tell all the worlds best players they won't get any decent wages if they come here and we can't afford to keep hold of our best strikers.
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Postby 84-1083280474 » Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:41 pm

With a few big deals recently....Gerrard/benitez/Cisse and Owens big money contracts, does this mean that the fans will have to stump up??, have the price of tickets have gone up?

I know the season tickets have gone up a fair bit from last season, 500+ quid isnt it, compared to 425-475 last season.

Anyone know the ticket prices for 2004/2005. was 26/29 quid.

If they have gone up as well, you know where the money is going!

Shocking 30 quid to watch a game of footy.

Postby ivor_the_injun » Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:54 pm

Good point made by XSD Owen being a good draw for merchandising. I have no idea how much money Real made on Beckham shirts, but I bet it was enough to take the edge off his price tag.

Owen's reputation since he burst onto the scene has preceded him in many ways - and particularly in the way that these contract talks have turned out. If I was Stevie G, I'd be very ****** off if I didn't start the new season as the best paid player - Owen did very little last season to suggest that he should be rewarded handsomely.

Whoever Benitez picks up front for the first game, I think that it's exciting for LFC fans to know that there's going to be someone top drawer knocking on the door should form take a dive. There's nothing like competition to bring up the level of a player - it's exactly what Kewell needs for example - and it also bodes well for fitness levels towards the end of the season. Players like Owen may not be the biggest fans of a rotation system, but it's the key to a sustained championship bid.
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Postby supersub » Sat Jul 03, 2004 11:05 pm

I find it heart-warming that Hustler and stu agreed on a particular post.
Nobody who kicks a bag of wind is worth payment of £80,000 a week,but sadly that's todays football for you.Because of the inflated wages of players,we as fans have to pay more to watch.
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Postby zarababe » Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:08 am

Yes.. this thread is definately depressing.. First we didn't want Owen to be sold.. because its would be really bad for LFC???

Then he stays.. gets the going rate for a top striker..which he is.. sorry fellow Avatarist (Banana.. good choice man!) he really is.. and whilest no-one is woth 80k a wk.. its the going rate .. mate long as it don't bankrupt the club .. what can u say.. pay the man :blues:
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Postby Santa » Sun Jul 04, 2004 2:11 am

I thought Owen was quoted as saying that money is not his motivation and he won't hold the club at ransom. Then why is he getting a pay raise when his form is generally poor and the club have underachieve in the past 2 seasons? I don't doubt his class on the day when he's on form but he do need to adapt his game to the team more (because I don't think Rafa will build his team around Owen). Did he stay because he had a bad summer and knows he won't command any good money from the other clubs ??

Playing alongside Cisse can only be a good thing because I feel the defenders attention will be split and allow Owen more room to operate.

Our next one or two signing will be important because that will determine the supplyline for our frontline. I hoped we will get an inteligent midfielder in the mould of a Nedved or an Aimar (I have watched very little of Xabi or Angel to comment here) and a speedy right-winger.

It pains me to say this but Owen has been upstaged by an 18 years old Shreak from across the park...for NOW :cool:

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Postby adayinthelife » Sun Jul 04, 2004 2:32 am

banana wrote:For me Owen is a waste of money. 80k a week. It's hilarious. Not even the CEO of BP makes that kind of money. It is unfair, unwise and damaging for the fans. I am not prepared to pay more money for watching the games, or on merchandise just to cover Owen's wagebill. If Owen makes 80k a week what then should players like Gerrard, Henry, Ven Nistelroy, Ronaldo and Zidane deserve? 250k a week? And what about the other Liverpool players? How much should they earn? I say let Owen go. He would never get more than 25k in another club. This is his true worth. Personally I would love to se Baros and Cisse playing up front. They will not make half as much as Owen, but they will be twice as deadly.

F.uck. I think I'm going crazy. Why did I start supporting this club in the first place? When I did it had nothing to do with money, model wives, or fancy cars. It was because Keegan, Dalglish, Souness, Rush, Barnes etc. was fantastic players and Liverpool played beautiful football. Nowadays when Linvoy Primus at £ 3.000 a week makes Owen at £ 80 k a week look like a 10 year old girl I don't know who to cheer for. The passion is gone. Now it is just like a bad habit, and a lame excuse for having a few drinks with the lads.

Way I see it what we were paying Owen under houllier was much more of a waste as we never got the best out of him.

80k a week is madness but it's the going rate for a top striker.

If we lose our best players we will never win the title.

IMO Owen is the best finisher we have and when we start playing proper football and Owen starts getting short passes instead of 40 yard balls from Gerrard we will again see how deadly he is in the box.

If you have lost your passion no point in going on anymore. :laugh:

Cheer up the future is bright and we have a realistic chance of winning the title in the next few seasons.  :D
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Postby The_Rock » Sun Jul 04, 2004 6:06 am

My take, if he does the business, pay him 100 grand per week for all that I care.

But the thing is Owen has had 2 poor seasons in a row. And on top of that, he had a really poor euro championship. In fact he should have been one of the fresher players (taking into account how many matches he missed last season). He was anything but......

I hope Owen gets back to his 2001 form. But seeing him in each match, it gets harder & harder to believe that he will regain his form. My worry is, what if this is the way owen plays for the rest of his football life. He lost a few yards of pace. His first touch is getting similar to heskey....

His problems could be mental though (like spiderman link spidey 2...hehehheh). Maybe he needs a sports shrink to re-gain his power......
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Postby BoogiePimp » Sun Jul 04, 2004 9:06 am

Owen has had 2 bad seasons but so has liverpool u just cant blame owen
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Postby fivecups » Sun Jul 04, 2004 9:16 am

Players wages are ludicrous. They make up about 75% of the gross annual turnover of a football club. But players have agents and their job is to get the player as much money as possible. Whilst there is a demand for top quality their wages will continue to cripple clubs.

The sooner some form of wage capping is introduced the better.
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Postby Paul C » Sun Jul 04, 2004 10:05 am

I know Owen is only one man of eleven on the pitch but one of the reasons why we have had two bad seasons is because Owen hasn't been playing well or he's been injured and we haven't had the replacements, Heskey was cr3p and Baros can't do it on his own, I'm not blaming Owen cos it isn't his fault but Liverpool's team plays around Owen.

I don't wanna rave on but now that we have Cisse I think that will change.  :)
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Postby y cymro » Sun Jul 04, 2004 12:36 pm

MO was poor last year. I hope he gets back to his best but on the evidence of the last 6 months he was  Not world class for Liverpool, not world class in the Euro Championships AND definitely not worth £80000 per week.He was not even a good TEAM player. He has got to do more around the pitch.
But lets wait for two months into the season to see if either: 1.he proves his worth/class or
2.gets dropped by a new manager not afraid to make hard decisions!
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