INTER MILAN vs LIVERPOOL: CL-11/03/08 - 2nd Leg - Build up and Match Discussion

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:50 am

toffeehater, read my posts rather than read what the idiots say about me, try and find a post where i say i am unhappy about the result.

its a match thread. and as such i am here to discuss the match, i pointed out one of our players was very poor (which he was).

I didnt realsie people could only post in here if they have the red tinted glasses and praise EVERYTHING about the performance

i have already said it was a great result and great performance

Postby maguskwt » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:01 am

peewee wrote:i pointed out one of our players was very poor (which he was).

the problem with that is you pointed out the player you hate without really mentioning others who were as bad or worse... just like you decided to blame rafa's substitutions for not winning the other match and ignored the fact that crouch missed 3-4 clear cut chances to do so...
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Postby anfieldadorer » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:09 am

peewee wrote:
zarababe wrote:Fantastci result - though hay I expect that of Rafa's Reds !

Can see where Rafa is taking us - I hope some of you can too - 10pts of the pace and much more to come

er yeah right,

it will be exactly the same next season in the league, just as it has been for the last 4 seasons. rafa places his priorities in the CL and always will do, explain to me how we can beat inter and can't beat barnsley, west ham, reading etc etc etc

because he has no interest in english football, he has no clue about english football after nearly 4 years here.

sadly if we win the CL again this year this will buy him a stay of execution and we will meander on aimlessly again the league next season


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Postby account deleted by request » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:26 am

Whats this .... lets get at peewee day ? He said Kuyt was cr@p and he was. His control was p!ss poor and he had a few chances to create a goal and blew them all. He worked hard, but that doesn't take away that it was a poor performance by him.

As for Rafa I wouldn't put money on him winning the league .....winning the CL YES. I don't believe Rafa will ever win the league unless he gets an assistant and moderates some of his methods. Either that or we get a £100million transfer chest from Hicks  :D
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:34 am

s@int wrote:Whats this .... lets get at peewee day ? He said Kuyt was cr@p and he was. His control was p!ss poor and he had a few chances to create a goal and blew them all. He worked hard, but that doesn't take away that it was a poor performance by him.

As for Rafa I wouldn't put money on him winning the league .....winning the CL YES. I don't believe Rafa will ever win the league unless he gets an assistant and moderates some of his methods. Either that or we get a £100million transfer chest from Hicks  :D

ah sense at last     :D

Postby 66-1112520797 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:38 am

Whata great result and the performance wasnt to shappy either, well done lads that was a good result!

I said before the game I'd like to of seen Carra and Hyypia start together and I also said I would like to of seen us attack them a bit more than sitting back, that is what Benitez said before the game too.

That we'd would attack them where possible, so in that sense I can see why he picked Skertel, if we were pushing up on Inter we'd have a bit more pace there at th\e back to recover. If we went there to defend and sit deeply Rafa would of probably opted for Carra and Sami. So in my mind Rafa did go into the game with the right mentality. Of course all that could be bollox :D IS Finnan fit ?
As I would of thought Arbeloa would of started at RB.

I said in another thread that Reina is a good keeper, and he pulled off two good saves from memory, the quick reflex save from that overated Swedish thing and the long range effort from another player both were crucial saves and Reina had an excellent game in between the sticks.

Mascha was his usual self, that guy is making a new trend in that p[osition, he's ever so present when he's maruading around the pitch that this "Unsung" stuff is now becoming "Sung" stuff. Making it obvious on the eye, its impossible to see his work go unoticed because its so in yer face ... Love it.

Gerrard was quality again especially in his defensive aspects he covered alot of ground, maybe he wasnt as prominent on the ball and didnt see as much as he would of liked but stil another quality game from him.

Skertel looks sound, Ilike the look of him. Some people on here slaughtered him after the Havant and Waterlooville game, but I knew not to judge to quickly. He does look a good prospect and for me and from what I've seen in the short amount of time he looks like everything Agger is not. He'll give him a run for his money the two could complement eachother perfectly. Although Skertel did have one lapse in concerntration with that suiside pass in the second half, we were lucky with that.

Hyypa as usual was immense, nothing can make up for experiance and this guy is srtill a leader and a rock when used sparingly.

Have to admit Carra at times looked as though he had two right feet out at fullback, but he hasnt played their for a few years now, and certainly is a better CH. He doesnt really know what to do in the final third with the ball either. :D

Aurelio, still not convinced by him defensively but played well enough.

Babel looked bright and offered an outlet, I was surprised to see him taken off he does look a threat.

Kuyt, not one of his better games at fullback :laugh: but he'll never have the same affect on me like players like Gerrard, Torres, and Mascha do, but works for the cause. He should of done better when Inter played a sloppy pass similar to that of Skertels but in the first half, his control lets him down a lot too, but he has surprised me in recent games a\out wide and does whip in some excellent crosses.

Lucas, hmm still not convinced. After Alonso performnace against Newcastle where for the first time this season he actually looked sharper I'd of picked him just ahead of Lucas for this game. This formtion allows to play to defensive midfielders together i/e Mascha and Alonso or Lucas while Gerrard is still central but just pushed on further.

And Torres what can you say about him ...... Legend in the making.

I just wished the other three English teams werent in the CL, against the continental sides we dont have many problems and would be confident of reaching the semis. But with the Other English sides in it and our record against them I just hope we dont draw any of them, even including Chelsea. I'd rather Barca personally or even better Schalke.

Anyway great win YNWA :)

Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:48 am

Bamaga man wrote:Whata great result and the performance wasnt to shappy either,

shabby alonso      :wwww

Postby JoeTerp » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:48 am

s@int wrote:Great win but unlike most on here I was a nervous wreck until the sending off. I thought we were playing too many long balls and giving possession away too cheaply. Skirtel made some great tackles (2 in particular ) but was also guilty of ball watching and let his man get passed him too easily on a couple of occasions (Cruz and Ibrahimovic). Babel was poor and while Kuyt was just as bad in possession, he worked his a$$ off to make up for it. Gerrard struggled to make an impact as Cambiasso again managed to keep him quiet for most of the game.

Reina made two great saves and showed again why he is probably as good as anyone. Masch was probably my M.O.M  although Torres worked extremly hard and scored a great goal to run him close. I think we missed Alonso a lot last night, someone who could stroke the ball about and help retain possession, Lucas looked lightweight and didn't quite get his short passing game going.

Inter looked threatening early on but by the time they had a player sent off, I think we had already rode out the storm. Ibrahimovich flattered to deceive as he had chances but never looked like scoring from them.( His freekicks reminded me of Riise at his worst) I wouldn't mind signing Cruz though, looks a very very good player. Zannetti was probably Inter's best player until he had to retreat into defence after the sending off.

Great result, and without us ever playing at our best, a good performance. (Maybe Inter had a little to do with our not looking at our best though)

for a while I thought I watched a different game than everybody else. After we scored I don;t rememebr much, all I can think about was them  breaking us down and getting off TERRIBLE shots and that first 15 mintues or so we didn't have the ball at all it seemed.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:52 am

peewee wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:Whata great result and the performance wasnt to shappy either,

shabby alonso      :wwww

Oh yeah its spelt Xabi.  :D

Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:53 am

the best part of the night for me was when we strung together about 30 odd passes from defence up to the front where kuyt f*cked up his cross

:p   :D

Postby account deleted by request » Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:27 am

Stevie admits its Torres he now loves and not Xabi


Torres !!!!
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:37 am

torres was a steal mate, i was discussing him with stu earlier on msn, the guy is a legend in the making.

torres i mean, not stu    :D

Postby laza » Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:11 am

Bamaga man wrote:I just wished the other three English teams werent in the CL, against the continental sides we dont have many problems and would be confident of reaching the semis. But with the Other English sides in it and our record against them I just hope we dont draw any of them, even including Chelsea. I'd rather Barca personally or even better Schalke.

Anyway great win YNWA :)

Couldnt agree more on this, im not sure i could stomach another cup tie against Chelsea. Though the thought of knocking off Mancs  in final at  Moscow and showing who the true reds are in the square is somewhat appealing :)
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:15 am

If Torres gets a strike partner of equal ability and hunger to score goals, there's no telling what kind of damage they could cause next season.

They will destroy everyone.

Add some wingers who can provide crosses and LFC are lethal, because in midfield with Alonso, Gerrard, Masch, Babel and Lucas we are pretty much sorted and in Carra, Aggar, Arbeloa and Skrtel our defence is coming along very well, although some new additions are needed.

It's all very promising.

Our Achilles Heel this year has been draws not defeats. Far too many.
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Postby Toffeehater » Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:44 am

peewee wrote:toffeehater, read my posts rather than read what the idiots say about me, try and find a post where i say i am unhappy about the result.

its a match thread. and as such i am here to discuss the match, i pointed out one of our players was very poor (which he was).

I didnt realsie people could only post in here if they have the red tinted glasses and praise EVERYTHING about the performance

i have already said it was a great result and great performance

thats the thing mate , they always seems to be a flaw for you in a splendid performance
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