I know i'm going to get flamed for this but... - How can the reds win the premiership ?

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Postby stmichael » Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:31 pm

give xabi a man marking job on okocha and we should be ok. stevie g will run rings around gary speed. :D
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Postby stmichael » Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:33 pm

meelan#5 wrote:i think we're being harsh on Benitez.  What yesterday showed and exposed horribly was a GENUINE LACK OF CLASS FOOTBALLERS at Liverpool football club.

Im not talking Centre backs or right siders or strikers...wotever. 

Im talking genuine footballers who can master a football and make it theirs.  Footballers playing off-the-cuff without tactics and formation, but playing according to the situation by themselves. i.e being 3-1 down and then going 4-3 up within 10 minutes.

IF you put ALL of these players into another Club that doesn't have the Aura, Mystique, Support and History of Liverpool Football CLub they'be in around the 14\15th position in the lge.

Only becoz of this did we manage 4th. And only becoz of this we'll manage some success. 

Sorry for the negatie post :down:

jesus christ you've depressed me now. :(

it was one game and fortunately it didn't matter. i'd rather have played badly last night than on sunday. :)
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Postby stapo1000 » Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:35 pm

i didn't see the game last night but i heard we were preety poor but look at the team we had out. Diao, potter, henchoz, warnock and sinama pongolle all played. no need to jump to con clusions when we've a team like that out. Lets compare:

Last nights team:
carra  henchoz  hyypia  riise
potter  gerrard  diao kewell
        cisse     baros

Team for rest of season:
Josemi  hyypia  carra  riise
Garcia  Alonso  gerrard kewell
         cisse    baros
Subs: Hamann, Finnan, Henchoz, Sinama, Nunez. Dudek/kirkland

Now that team can go places
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:42 pm

Hustlers Revenge wrote:L-Type, I watched Liverpool against Man City,and Gratz from the stands last night, and  I agree. Its hold your head in your hands time again!

I dont know why Rafa has decided to bring in a lot of youth/ reserve team players , Warnock, Potter, Whitbread etc all of a sudden, as he cant know them all that well, so far!

havin said that, Warnock is a better winger than Kewell, who has really annoyed my thus far. Harry seems to have forgotten how to play!

against man city, he was nervous and didnt do a lot. last night he was awful. Id sell him back to leeds actually, i dont thyink we are gonna get many games out of him.

last nights performance against gratz could have been a lot worse if we were playing Barcelona or madrid!

be interesting to see who we get in the draw on thursday.
we are bound to be one of the  'lower' seeds, getting drawn against two 'big' teams.

Potter was useless and i cant understand why he was in the side.

I think Garcia and alonso are needed and quick! the welcome party is over, get yer feckin boots on!

Hold your head in your hands time eh? Against Man City we came back from a first half defecit to win a game for the first time in 5 seasons. Last night the Austrians played out of their skin, closed our lads down well and although we were no great shakes, the team selection should have told you it was not going to be a vintage performance. we also still qualified for the Champions League proper, and thus secured some £12m in the process.

If you bothered to read newspaper articles and website info regarding Rafa's arrival, you will know that Rick Parry came out and said that he was amazed at the depth of knowledge of the youth players and reserves that Rafa had, and I am sure he has meticulously looked at all the squad, from Stevie G right down to Zat Whitbread. You simply MUST give the younger players a chance to show what they can do in a competitive game, and the earlier rounds of the Cup Competitions are the best games to do so.

At this moment in time Warnock is no where near as good as Harry Kewell. FACT. He is promising, but Kewell is the finished article as far as Premeirship football is concerned. Harry is looking out of sorts, but the addition of Luis Garcis will I think give Harry both the kick up the ****** and the rest he needs to start firing on all cylinders.

The point you make about it being worse had we played Barcelona makes me laugh. Do you think the team would have been anywhere near the same if we where playing Barce you idiot?

We are in the second group of seedings for the Champions League Group Stage, and we can only face one top team.

Potter looked nervous and a little out of his depth, but getting on his back is not the answer. He must be encouraged, as previously stated, Rushie was on the verge of being sent back to Wrexham after failing to impress during the first half of his first full season.

Your lack of knowledge about Liverpool and football in general makes me question your alliegence. Liverpool supporters are well known for being exactley the opposite of you, so who do you really support Hustler ?

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Postby akumaface » Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:12 pm

Agree Leon. I was going to say that especially the Barce and Madrid part. No way Rafa will put a team like the one they had yesterday against the big boys. Its a long season and Rafa just wanted to rest some of his important players whenever he can. He knows we are safe last night and that's why he had chosen the players he did. I'm sure Rafa knows what he is doing. As for playing the younger players, it was a good game for them to play because its the CL. The experience would have benefited them in the long run. Now, the younger players know what its like and I'm sure they will play better next time if they are called upon.

The bottomline was we got into the next round of CL didn't we? So, what's there to complain.
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Postby laza » Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:19 pm

I think expectations are way too high by some quarters
There may be a lot of short term pain but in the end im convinced that Rafa will take us a lot higher that GH unfortunately was able to do in his term
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Postby kenny`s mate » Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:13 pm

one good thing about rafa is he doesn`t pass buck at low performence games,unlike GH,that gives us a little hope,he tell us its everyones fault ,a team game good on him
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Postby JBG » Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:27 pm

People who dismiss Man UTD as having a poor squad are guilty of wishful thinking.
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Postby A.B. » Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:37 pm

People who lose faith in matter of days in the club that they praised a week before are hypocrites.

At the moment, Man Utd doesn't have a solid squad. They were lucky that they won against Norwich, if Norwich was lucky in the first half when their striker took that shot which beat Howard, it would had been 2-2. They have slightly improved since pre-season, but still don't impress me. They should be paying attention to Middlesbrough, unlike Man Utd., Midlesbrough for the most part put up a descent fight against Arsenal while Man Utd. were beat 3-1 in the Community Shield, the score should had been higher because Reyes missed two chances to score which would had been goals if it was Henry or Berkgamp.

I am disapointed because so many have already lost faith in the club. Look at the Norwich Fans, they haven't won yet but they give u a good fight and the fans have faith in them.

I don't give a S...H....I......T. if the next person who posts disagrees with me, don't have faith in the club don't say at the end of the season after Liverpool does good "I knew it all along that we were going to be a great squad" because the same F...U....C...K...-i-n-g idiot who says that will be that one mother f--u--c--k--e--r who said that we couldn't stand a chance.
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Postby C-R » Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:06 pm

I am simply happy with the way things are going, a great new coach, some great signings - hopefully a couple more to come - as long as we finish top four i think that would be great.  Maybe a cup too :)
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Postby stapo1000 » Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:03 pm

As far as the lge is concerned, i believe we should be aiming to finish 3rd ahead of united. we should be looking for a good run in europe and maybe an fa cup or lge cup
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Postby sgs » Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:59 pm

On the contrary I think it is going well so far, in spite of the bump with Graz. Bottomline is we qualified.
With Alonso's transfer now concluded, the real rebuilding starts now! Also, I think it is smart of Rafa not to rush into bringing too many new players. That way the team is rebuilt around the existing core players. The real challenge is to achieve consistency, (something one can hardly say for Kewell). I would not worry a bit about ******.
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Postby A.B. » Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:51 am

You are forgetting Garcia and the soon to be recoverd Garcia. Also Baros and Cisse will imrpove surely
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Postby charwell » Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:29 am

I wish numptys like Hustler et al would stop peddling such ******! It is stuff like this that makes the fans nervous which is translated through to the players! We need to be confident and scream the reds on. Rafa is doing an absolutely magnificent job, Rome wasn't built in a day so FFS please show a bit of patience and let the man do the job his way. He has forgotten more than we will ever know. With his bolstering of the squad plus his tactical accumen we will have a good season this year and A GREAT SEASON NEXT!

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Postby L-type » Thu Aug 26, 2004 4:02 am

A.B. wrote:People who lose faith in matter of days in the club that they praised a week before are hypocrites.

At the moment, Man Utd doesn't have a solid squad. They were lucky that they won against Norwich, if Norwich was lucky in the first half when their striker took that shot which beat Howard, it would had been 2-2. They have slightly improved since pre-season, but still don't impress me. They should be paying attention to Middlesbrough, unlike Man Utd., Midlesbrough for the most part put up a descent fight against Arsenal while Man Utd. were beat 3-1 in the Community Shield, the score should had been higher because Reyes missed two chances to score which would had been goals if it was Henry or Berkgamp.

I am disapointed because so many have already lost faith in the club. Look at the Norwich Fans, they haven't won yet but they give u a good fight and the fans have faith in them.

I don't give a S...H....I......T. if the next person who posts disagrees with me, don't have faith in the club don't say at the end of the season after Liverpool does good "I knew it all along that we were going to be a great squad" because the same F...U....C...K...-i-n-g idiot who says that will be that one mother f--u--c--k--e--r who said that we couldn't stand a chance.

So A.B what your telling me is that everyone that turned the cold shoulder to Owen for departing are hypocrites?  Unfortuantely Owen was a world class player and had simply grown weary of a team that "scarred" him?  Because i'm sick of everyone dismissing Owen as a lackluster player when any team in the premiership would give their false teeth to acquire him.

Also many people have written off Kewell for the season... How is that possible? Against the Spurs Kewell was among the best on the pitch and had several good shots and crosses.  Like it or not he is a vital part of this team. 

Unfortuantely, in my opinion I think Dudek needs to be sidelined when Kirkland becomes healthy as he has shown to much of a weakness that teams are exploiting.  In both premiership games only two goals have been scored and both have gone in from the same angle and the same spot; his right side just inside the post, but no more than 2 feet away from him.

As for me I know that Rafa needs time to build up Liverpool to play the type of football that suits his strategy. I know that most rational people don't expect a league title this season, but I'm simply unhappy with the style of football rafa has played thus far through the season
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