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Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Callaghan » Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:22 pm

wanting Liverpool to lose just so the chances of Houllier being sacked increase.  I Have supported the Pool for over 20 years and I feel really bad about wanting them to lose.  I know a few of you will say I'm not a true supporter I can understand that, is there anyone else out there that feels the same?
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:27 pm

I'll bet you are a true supporter but just feel in a sorry state about the players who are just not good enough to wear the red shirt.  Houllier probably will have to go, although I think it will be at the end of the season.  We have a few games coming up now where we should pick 15 points up out of fifteen. 

I predict we will pick up SIX.

That's an indication of how I feel about the team's ability.

Postby gariando » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:15 pm

If liverpool dont qualify for champions league im afraid he is going to have to go.He has had money to spend but we seem to be going backwards.
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Postby Callaghan » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:23 pm

I was chuffed when he bought Diouf A.K.A 'The Serial Killer' because killed off teams.  Anyone know how many goals he has scored in the time he has been at the Pool?  What a load of sh##e!!!
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Postby seananddarragh23 » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:24 pm

Every time someone drops points who are above us we proceed to do the same.
is this reverse psychology,Ithink we can forget fourth,Leicester won,how many points
are we ahead of them now.
Same last season,when Chelsea looked like blowing it we messed up.
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Postby gariando » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:30 pm

Liverpool never sack managers and I cant see him resigning just yet.looks like we are stuck with him until he nearly takes us down.
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Postby staticstranger » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:48 pm

Well, that "tradition" has got to stop.  Something has got to be done!
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Postby HOMER » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:52 pm

Hello-new annoyed member :angry:

What has happened to us, Danny Murphy - "we have turned the corner" what? we drew against Leeds-bottom of the league, beat a third rate european side and lost again today. Is Gerrard Houllier brainwashing these players into thinking they are good?
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:58 pm

The next few months should be pretty interesting.

Did you read Brian Reade in the Mirror on Saturday?

Mar 13 2004

Brian Reade

FOR those of you who fancy a flutter let me give you this afternoon's racing results.

OK I don't know them all. But I can tell you that one race will be won by Bent As A Nine-Bob Note. Trust me. It's come straight from the jockey's mouth.

Betting on football is slightly harder unless you know a goalie with a gambling problem or a spark who can short-circuit floodlights. Yet there are two certainties which stand out right now like Jordan after a photo-shoot in an igloo.

Arsenal will be the next great British club side and Martin O'Neill will be the next great British manager.

Steve McClaren, Sam Allardyce, Alan Curbishley, Steve Bruce, Mark Hughes and David Moyes are all talented men, but O'Neill has an aura about him, which says he is destined to be elevated to the same status as Busby, Shankly, Paisley, Clough and Fergie.

And the logic of those two certainties is that the more Arsenal pull away from the rest, the more intensely will their rivals scramble to ensure O'Neill does his manic victory jigs in their dug-out. And that scramble might take place sooner than you think.Gary Neville reckons Manchester United are four years away from being great again. If that's the case, will the plc gamble on a 62-year-old, who has just had a pacemaker fitted and appears to have lost his touch, leading them on that long journey?

Unless Claudio Ranieri gets to the Champions League final (which means beating Arsenal then Real Madrid) he will be sacked, and who is to say Sven Goran Eriksson will fancy the ugly backlash that will go with walking out on England?

When either Liverpool or Newcastle fail to grab fourth spot, and are denied Champions League revenue for a second year running, how much pressure will be on the board to bring in someone who can take them to the next level? And who will be the first name on their lips?

The same first name Tottenham came up with recently. The same one Leeds, Everton and Nottingham Forest wanted four years ago, but who knocked them back in favour of Celtic, so he could bolster his reputation as a championship winner, and be ready for the time when the really big boys come knocking.

Which is surely this summer. O'Neill has been kicking his heels in Scotland for four years now, and has just turned 52. He is about to lose his only world-class player in Henrik Larsson, knows Chris Sutton and John Hartson have seen better days, can't hold on to young talent like Liam Miller, has a transfer budget based on a paltry £2.5million TV revenue and knows Celtic's hope of achieving its true potential by joining the English Premiership is light years away.

His tenure has peaked and he knows it. So he sits up there, clutching a rolling one-year contract, watching his currency increase with his and Wenger's every win, waiting for the right suitor.

Who that is, nobody but O'Neill knows. Some say his heart is set on the biggest job of all, at Old Trafford. Others that it's at Anfield because 14 years without the title has made their instant expectations drop, and he would have the cash and time to build a team in his own image.

Some say no one could refuse Chelsea's millions, while in the north east they say that awakening a sleeping giant like Newcastle would make him go down in folklore alongside his mentor Cloughie. The choice of course may not be his, due to timing and the fact that not everyone is an O'Neill fan.

Critics say he played too many big balls at Leicester and plays against too many also-rans in Scotland. I disagree. At Leicester he made a mediocre bunch a top-10 team, took them to three League Cup finals, and won two of them.

In Scotland he broke Rangers' dominance spectacularly. In his first season at Celtic he won the title in the quickest time for 25 years. This year he will win it even quicker. Out of 78 points so far, he has won 76.

On Thursday, despite having such a weakened squad he could only field six of his seven substitutes, he chalked up his 25th win in 44 European games, adding Barcelona to the scalps of Ajax, Juventus, Valencia and Liverpool. He was unlucky not to win last year's UEFA Cup final and was denied this season's Champions League knock-outs by a last-minute penalty that never was.

He is a motivator, an organiser and a winner. He's on a 74-game unbeaten run at Parkhead and he's done it by playing football the only way that Celtic fans would allow. Swiftly and accurately on the deck.

There are some supporters in Liverpool, Newcastle and even Manchester, unhappy with the way their team are going, who hope their side carry on underachieving so the board is forced to move for O'Neill this summer. Mainly because they fear what he can do for their great rivals.

They know that as sure as Bent As A Nine-Bob Note will pop up at the winner's post somewhere today, so O'Neill will pop up at a big Premiership club next season, and motivate them into the same league as Arsenal.

This summer one chairman will take a brave decision while the others falter.

And the next great English club side but one will be decided.

I suggest the board gets their a#ses into gear.


Postby supersub » Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:01 am

yes he is attempting to brain-wash the players..sadly there are still fans who are under that very same spell but more importantly,most fans can see right through him and it is only a matter of weeks before the curse is lifted.
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Postby Stackman » Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:12 am

I have been a Liverpool supporter for nearly 30 years, and I feel the same as Callaghan, and I feel terrible about it.  But Houllier has to go.  Liverpool do have a team that I believe is good enough to be challenging at the top, not scrambling around hoping to finish fourth.  Has it crossed anybody's mind that we may not even get a Uefa spot?  Houllier is not bringing the best out in the players we have, and O'Neill is the man to do that.  I'm sure he could come in and produce something with the players that are already there.  Surely the key squad of Dudek, Kirkland, Finnan, Carragher, Riise, Henchoz, Hyppia, Gerrard, Hamann, Murphy, Kewell, Cheyrou, Owen, Baros and Heskey is better than the likes of Birmingham, Charlton and Newcastle.

If something isn't done quickly to turn things around, then we are looking at losing Owen and Gerrard who will be after Champions League football.  Then where would we be without 2 world class players?

It's time for the board to get tough.
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:15 am

Enough is enough.

I'm sick and tired of this.

Houllier has got to go and half these players we have are complete and utter s##t.

The Champions League???


Are the board f##king kidding me?

We can't beat Southampton and Pompey and they are dreaming about the Champion's League???

What a pile of s##t.

:angry:  :angry:  :angry:
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Postby HOMER » Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:20 am

we have 10(ish) games to try and get into the Champions League - is there any point! We would be knocked out of the qualifying stages - this season Newcastle, Birmingham, Charlton, Fulham and Tottenham are all playing better football than us? HELP!
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Postby Stackman » Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:48 am

And what do those teams have in common?  A manager who has brought out the best in the players they have.
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Postby big al » Mon Mar 15, 2004 11:08 am

It deeply saddens me to hear supporters wantin the team beat so that Houllier gets the boot.  I think that's not good for the club or the future.  If a new manager comes in and dosent make a quick impression will we want him out to.  Wanting Liverpool beat is very worrying, I dislike Houllier intensely but not enough to want the team beat.  We will lose more games this season because he is not good enough to manage the team.  Many forum users have constantly point out his glaring weaknesses.  So he has to go, But If he pulls of A miracle and wins all the remaining games of the season I will be delighted,  He would still have not done enough but I would love the Manc's to be looking over their shoulder because I think they have a few more defeats to contend with before its all over and would it be nice to end Arsenal unbeaten run.
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