How i saw the match - A london perspective

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby dawson99 » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:36 am

I just had to say what i thought about the match, coming from down south and all that and no being at the game. Still had one of the best football nights of my life.

Finished work at 4pm. Made sure i had an early finish and the next day off as this was a big night in football. One of my mates had done the same, whilst the rest of my liverpool mob were going to watch the match in some poncy pub in covent garden.
I have a pub close to me where i watch the liverpool games and this pub is always lucky.
Its called the junction, a little student pub with loads of screens, a big screen and pool tables (plus some lovely bar staff)
When we got to the pub we saw a band setting up, and realised that there was to be no football here tonight.
I half thought about going to the poncy pub in covent garden but by this time i would have missed the match so we went to O'Neils (another nice local pub) and were there in time for the match.
We were alreadya little tipsy by kick off but had somehow managed to roll staright into the pub and get prime seats for the football. Liverpool tops were scattered all over the pub and an arsenal fan even came over to me to wish the team good luck.
When the first goal we had was dissallowed i was a little bit annoyed but spirits were still high and the beer was still flowing.
When Rivaldo was fouled i was livid. How could we let this happen? Why didnt we just take him out of the game earlier? Why did our wall crumble and fall to pieces? To say i was upset was an understatement of the year.
The goal went in and half time soon approached. I have to admit i was already thinking about the UEFA cup. Deportivo were definately doing us no favours and how could we score 3 goals in 45 minutes of football with the squad available. It would take some miraculous managerial work for this to happen.
The second half started and i was now kinda drunk. Then i saw it. The reason why we brought Kewell. He finally did one of those runs that he should be doing week in and week out. Sinema got on the end of it and it was 1-1. I knew now that if we could score another goal in the next 20 minutes w were in with a great shout. An air of confidence was slowly building around the pub as well as fans left their seats to stand together, each shouting at the screen each time an Olympiakos player rolled on the floor over the slightest of touches.
When Neil Mellor scored we all jumped around, hugging each other and shouting, it was one of the best atmospheres ive seen. I cant remember if the next dissallowed goal came after of before this goal but i was so angry. I thought this would be snatched away from us at the last minute, that somehow the ref was there to make sure we did not qualify. Each of Andy Greys words pierced through my skin like sharp needles, id never hated him so much.
The Stevie G did his thing. The goal went in slow motion for me, as im sure it did for everyone else. As the goal went in i was surrounded by liverpool fans, all singing you'll never walk alone, all pointing at the screen and crying out Gerrards name. 3 minutes or something plus stoppage time.
Why does stoppage time last longer than real time? Why did those 4 minuts seem to last 20?

At the final whistle i realised we were through but somehow didnt believe it. Drinks all round i said as i brought apple sours and beers for about 6 of us. singing carried on and i lookedat my mate and we both still couldnt quite believe what had happened.

It didnt matter that id forgotten to put on my 3-1 liverpool rivaldo first goal scorer bet like i said i would. My mate rang me later to say hed made #500 out of the game and had i remembered to do the same. I said no, and that i didnt care. Id just witnessed wahat i honestly think was the best second half of football i have ever seen in my life.

The arsenal fan said well done to me, as did a couple of chelsea fans (altho i know they wanted us to lose so they could poach stevie g from us)

I might be from London, but Liverpool is in my blood, if anyone is sill reading this then they'll know exactly how i feel. I would have written this last night but iw as way too drunk, not just from the copious amounts of beer, but also from a liverpool side that have made the end of the year fantastic. Rafa said it best tho... "This is Anfield and You'll Never Walk Alone,  ...and IT'S TRUE"
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Postby FrankM » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:50 am

Great post. I'm from Co Louth in Ireland which possibly is closer to Anfield than London but never have I felt so close to Liverpool than last night.
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Postby Ciggy » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:57 am

:cool: Nice one Dawson
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Postby the-stinger » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:58 am

dawson99 wrote:Why does stoppage time last longer than real time? Why did those 4 minuts seem to last 20?

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Postby Boocity » Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:03 pm

dawson99 wrote:The arsenal fan said well done to me, as did a couple of chelsea fans (altho i know they wanted us to lose so they could poach stevie g from us)

Great post, a couple of Chelski fans I work with congratulated us through gritted teeth. One of them did admit that he wanted us to lose so SG would join them in Jan instead of waiting to the end of the season.

Cheeky tw@t, then he starts going on about living on past glories, at least we got a past. :angry:
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Postby Stan Laurel » Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:07 pm

Great post and it was lovely to read your post, Dawson

Clap clap clap! (applaused you for this great post)
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Postby laza » Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:25 pm

Good stuff

a real enjoyable read  :D
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:46 pm

dawson99 wrote:I just had to say what i thought about the match, coming from down south and all that and no being at the game. Still had one of the best football nights of my life.

Finished work at 4pm. Made sure i had an early finish and the next day off as this was a big night in football. One of my mates had done the same, whilst the rest of my liverpool mob were going to watch the match in some poncy pub in covent garden.
I have a pub close to me where i watch the liverpool games and this pub is always lucky.
Its called the junction, a little student pub with loads of screens, a big screen and pool tables (plus some lovely bar staff)
When we got to the pub we saw a band setting up, and realised that there was to be no football here tonight.
I half thought about going to the poncy pub in covent garden but by this time i would have missed the match so we went to O'Neils (another nice local pub) and were there in time for the match.
We were alreadya little tipsy by kick off but had somehow managed to roll staright into the pub and get prime seats for the football. Liverpool tops were scattered all over the pub and an arsenal fan even came over to me to wish the team good luck.
When the first goal we had was dissallowed i was a little bit annoyed but spirits were still high and the beer was still flowing.
When Rivaldo was fouled i was livid. How could we let this happen? Why didnt we just take him out of the game earlier? Why did our wall crumble and fall to pieces? To say i was upset was an understatement of the year.
The goal went in and half time soon approached. I have to admit i was already thinking about the UEFA cup. Deportivo were definately doing us no favours and how could we score 3 goals in 45 minutes of football with the squad available. It would take some miraculous managerial work for this to happen.
The second half started and i was now kinda drunk. Then i saw it. The reason why we brought Kewell. He finally did one of those runs that he should be doing week in and week out. Sinema got on the end of it and it was 1-1. I knew now that if we could score another goal in the next 20 minutes w were in with a great shout. An air of confidence was slowly building around the pub as well as fans left their seats to stand together, each shouting at the screen each time an Olympiakos player rolled on the floor over the slightest of touches.
When Neil Mellor scored we all jumped around, hugging each other and shouting, it was one of the best atmospheres ive seen. I cant remember if the next dissallowed goal came after of before this goal but i was so angry. I thought this would be snatched away from us at the last minute, that somehow the ref was there to make sure we did not qualify. Each of Andy Greys words pierced through my skin like sharp needles, id never hated him so much.
The Stevie G did his thing. The goal went in slow motion for me, as im sure it did for everyone else. As the goal went in i was surrounded by liverpool fans, all singing you'll never walk alone, all pointing at the screen and crying out Gerrards name. 3 minutes or something plus stoppage time.
Why does stoppage time last longer than real time? Why did those 4 minuts seem to last 20?

At the final whistle i realised we were through but somehow didnt believe it. Drinks all round i said as i brought apple sours and beers for about 6 of us. singing carried on and i lookedat my mate and we both still couldnt quite believe what had happened.

It didnt matter that id forgotten to put on my 3-1 liverpool rivaldo first goal scorer bet like i said i would. My mate rang me later to say hed made #500 out of the game and had i remembered to do the same. I said no, and that i didnt care. Id just witnessed wahat i honestly think was the best second half of football i have ever seen in my life.

The arsenal fan said well done to me, as did a couple of chelsea fans (altho i know they wanted us to lose so they could poach stevie g from us)

I might be from London, but Liverpool is in my blood, if anyone is sill reading this then they'll know exactly how i feel. I would have written this last night but iw as way too drunk, not just from the copious amounts of beer, but also from a liverpool side that have made the end of the year fantastic. Rafa said it best tho... "This is Anfield and You'll Never Walk Alone,  ...and IT'S TRUE"

Great post dawson, I got in last night about 01:30am and tried to put into words to what I was feeling but my head was to mashed, one of the best nights ever supporting the Reds.

Don't you just love comebacks like that?  To experience this last night and Arsenal a week or two back, it's been in some ways a good fortnight to look back on.

Postby addicted norwegian » Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:50 pm

Good post Dawson.

I my self watched the game on a pub in Norway, and at half time I was so f@ckin frustrated both because of us being 1-0 down and a ****** ref disallowing the Baros-goal, but even more because of the bastrard gooners-fan who was bar-man for the night. Some of my friends and I then bought coffee with free refills. When we accidently  poured about 5 refills on the floor the pub-manager substituted the bar-man   :cool:  and what a glorious night it turned out to be :D
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Postby Santa » Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:03 pm

Nice one Dawson...I can certainly relate to those highs and lows that you went through yesterday...the loudest I have shouted for a long time. Funny how a simple game can bring out such emotion in each of us... :D  YNWA indeed
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Postby Red_Si » Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:14 pm

Well, I was watching the game from my deckchair on the surface of the Moon.
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Postby Ciggy » Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:21 pm

Ive just watched it again this time sober :D
That ref never give us 2 pens :angry: .
Dont remember much of it last night was on another planet :D
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Postby The_Rock » Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:34 pm

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Ive just watched it again this time sober :D
That ref never give us 2 pens :angry: .
Dont remember much of it last night was on another planet :D

but you got to luv it when the ref prevented rivaldo from taking the freekick and ordered him to go to the sidelines.....  :p
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Postby A.B. » Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:14 am

Nice post Dawson.
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Postby laza » Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:25 am

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Ive just watched it again this time sober :D
That ref never give us 2 pens :angry: .
Dont remember much of it last night was on another planet :D

I wouldnt be complaining too much about the ref Cisse
Stevie G studs up tackle with the ball no where in sight should have probably seen him heading for a early shower rather then last minute glory
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