Has anfield lost its atmosphere - What happend to all the singing

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Postby Dalglish » Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:45 pm

It's too easy to simply blame the lack of atmosphere on OOTers.

Football has sold it's soul over the last 15 to 20 years and Anfield has suffered as a result but occasionally we remeber our roots and make Anfield a cauldron of noise.

I've been lucky to have stood and sat on the KOP for many years and THAT semi final against Chelsea stands heads and shoulders above anything I've experienced in terms of noise, passsion and atmosphere.

As fans we stil have our part to play but it's becoming increasingly difficult to do that with over zealous stewards, the introduction of all seater stadiums and the corporate factor....
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Postby Feeney » Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:57 pm

Dalglish wrote:It's too easy to simply blame the lack of atmosphere on OOTers.

Football has sold it's soul over the last 15 to 20 years and Anfield has suffered as a result but occasionally we remeber our roots and make Anfield a cauldron of noise.

I've been lucky to have stood and sat on the KOP for many years and THAT semi final against Chelsea stands heads and shoulders above anything I've experienced in terms of noise, passsion and atmosphere.

As fans we stil have our part to play but it's becoming increasingly difficult to do that with over zealous stewards, the introduction of all seater stadiums and the corporate factor....

I have to agree with the corporate factor. In the firm I work for, there are constantly tickets being purchased for hospitality purposes, rather than tickets going to the real fans.

An example I can give is about a resent visitor to our company who was taken to the match. They didn't really want to go, but wanted to see what it was like and obviously enjoy the free booze and fine cuisine that our firm would lay on during the course of the evening.  :no


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Postby timmit » Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:01 pm

I think everyone is missing the mark simply blaming OOTs, the real reason is that football has changed beyond recognition inthe last 10-15 years.

I remember coming out of almost every home game having lost my voice regardless of the opposition. The onset of the Sky era has made football trendy and that brings with it a whole new class of person into the grounds that wouldnt have touched it with a bargepole pre 1992.

Whilst this raises the image of our game, it has meant a lot of the fan base has been priced out of the market and replaced with people who want to sit down, eat their food and watch quietly. This will continue until football disappears up its own backside or Sky go bust.

The positive thing from our point of view is that WE CAN STILL DO IT !  Anyone present at Anfield on May 3rd 2005 will vouch for that. The problem is getting everyone to do it EVERY home game even Fulham at home
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:31 pm

REDTILLDEAD wrote:Its down to the amount of "out of towner's" (woolies) who dont know how to sing..and dont know the words to half of our songs!. I sit in the kop and the amount of "day trippers" who attend L.F.C. home games is unreal..they are more interested in stuffing their faces with bloody hot dogs and pies...they cant sing cos' of the amount of grub they have stuffed into their gobs!. :angry:  :veryangry

oh you shrivelled little turd. You really have not got a clue have you. Tell you what, first home game of the season Anfield is open only to locals. No Ooters allowed. It's a scouser only match, how full do you reckon it'll be? (And I dont mean fill it up with wifes, kids etc like at them under 16's England games).
I reckon you'll be lucky to get it half full.

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Postby thegreenred » Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:41 pm

Des wrote:
REDTILLDEAD wrote:Fukk all these "day trippers"......and "cockney reds"!...why dont you support your own local team..you glory hunting parrasites. :nod  :buttrock

??? you dont make a lot of sense there brother, if they were glory hunters, i think they might be following Chelsea right now.
They made a choice just like you when you chose Liverpool over everton and tranmere etc :blush:

Thats were your wrong bro...i was born a red...didn't "become one....born and bred scouser me...and proud of it...er how about you bro? ???

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Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:03 pm

timmit wrote:I think everyone is missing the mark simply blaming OOTs, the real reason is that football has changed beyond recognition inthe last 10-15 years.

I remember coming out of almost every home game having lost my voice regardless of the opposition. The onset of the Sky era has made football trendy and that brings with it a whole new class of person into the grounds that wouldnt have touched it with a bargepole pre 1992.

Whilst this raises the image of our game, it has meant a lot of the fan base has been priced out of the market and replaced with people who want to sit down, eat their food and watch quietly. This will continue until football disappears up its own backside or Sky go bust.

The positive thing from our point of view is that WE CAN STILL DO IT !  Anyone present at Anfield on May 3rd 2005 will vouch for that. The problem is getting everyone to do it EVERY home game even Fulham at home

yeah i agree, society has moved on too.
the average fella who used to go the match in those days is a million miles away from the people who go these days.
fella`s left work and headed straight into the ale house and expected their tea on the table when they came staggering down the road, these werent twenty somethings going on the booze these were fella`s in their fifties. people were happy to have a roof over their heads whilst these days everyone is house mad. you could count on one hand the amount of times the house got decorated back then unlike now where the sodding thing is an ongoing project thats never finished. its like painting the forth bridge, by the time you get to the far end you have to start back again.
they were a tough generation that grew up with rationing and the hard times just after the war. most fella`s walked to the game as these days even some of the footy players in the 70`s couldnt afford some of the cars the fans turn up in. the streets around the grounds are full of bmw`s and mercs where as years ago they werent even full of viva`s or chevets.
add to those fella`s a bunch of teenagers who had no prospect of finding a job, political unrest, the three day week, power cuts, strikes every week and punk music and you had a social tinderbox.
a lot of social anger and fustration was released on the terraces in those days.
you can still get great atmosphere`s but you wont get the 70`s back.

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Postby Des » Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:30 pm

thegreenred wrote:
Des wrote:
REDTILLDEAD wrote:Fukk all these "day trippers"......and "cockney reds"!...why dont you support your own local team..you glory hunting parrasites. :nod  :buttrock

??? you dont make a lot of sense there brother, if they were glory hunters, i think they might be following Chelsea right now.
They made a choice just like you when you chose Liverpool over everton and tranmere etc :blush:

Thats were your wrong bro...i was born a red...didn't "become one....born and bred scouser me...and proud of it...er how about you bro? ???


So how do you be born a red? Do you need a red birthmark or what?
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Postby REDTILLDEAD » Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:56 pm

Lee J wrote:
REDTILLDEAD wrote:Its down to the amount of "out of towner's" (woolies) who dont know how to sing..and dont know the words to half of our songs!. I sit in the kop and the amount of "day trippers" who attend L.F.C. home games is unreal..they are more interested in stuffing their faces with bloody hot dogs and pies...they cant sing cos' of the amount of grub they have stuffed into their gobs!. :angry:  :veryangry

oh you shrivelled little turd. You really have not got a clue have you. Tell you what, first home game of the season Anfield is open only to locals. No Ooters allowed. It's a scouser only match, how full do you reckon it'll be? (And I dont mean fill it up with wifes, kids etc like at them under 16's England games).
I reckon you'll be lucky to get it half full.


You brain dead :censored:!...what do you know about locals going to home games eh?...i attend every home game and the away ones when posible and let me tell you num-skull...they atmosphere at european games is more noticable than it is at prem games...and do you know why?...cos there are more "locals" attending european matches....cos those who aint season ticket holders cant get tickets for the prem games cos the "woolies and day trippers" have bought them!. A lot of wools cant make (thank god!) the midweek games.so the locals who snap the tickets up come along and it makes for a great atmosphere...got that bozo!...there are some fukking idiots on here who know fukk all about LFC. :angry:  :veryangry
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:04 pm

Lee J wrote:
REDTILLDEAD wrote:Its down to the amount of "out of towner's" (woolies) who dont know how to sing..and dont know the words to half of our songs!. I sit in the kop and the amount of "day trippers" who attend L.F.C. home games is unreal..they are more interested in stuffing their faces with bloody hot dogs and pies...they cant sing cos' of the amount of grub they have stuffed into their gobs!. :angry:  :veryangry

oh you shrivelled little turd. You really have not got a clue have you. Tell you what, first home game of the season Anfield is open only to locals. No Ooters allowed. It's a scouser only match, how full do you reckon it'll be? (And I dont mean fill it up with wifes, kids etc like at them under 16's England games).
I reckon you'll be lucky to get it half full.


You brain dead :censored:!...what do you know about locals going to home games eh?...i attend every home game and the away ones when posible and let me tell you num-skull...they atmosphere at european games is more noticable than it is at prem games...and do you know why?...cos there are more "locals" attending european matches....cos those who aint season ticket holders cant get tickets for the prem games cos the "woolies and day trippers" have bought them!. A lot of wools cant make (thank god!) the midweek games.so the locals who snap the tickets up come along and it makes for a great atmosphere...got that bozo!...there are some fukking idiots on here who know fukk all about LFC. :angry:  :veryangry

...and you my retarded little friend are a scouser that knows F.All about LFC.

You don't know how many home games I go to? and more to the point WTF has it to do with you? It's a football match between 2 teams, one of which is Liverpool FC (the only club I've ever supported, since 1979 when I was 6). It dosn't matter whether I live on Anfield Road or in the middle of timbuckfuckingtoo, I have as much right to attend the game as you do. Come to think of it, my Great Great Auntie Ethal (who has supported Bradford Park Avenue since 1909) has as much right to go to the LFC games as you.

Give your head a shake and wake up sunshine, there is no preferential treatment for Liverpool born supporters.
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Postby REDTILLDEAD » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:05 pm

Des wrote:
thegreenred wrote:
Des wrote:
REDTILLDEAD wrote:Fukk all these "day trippers"......and "cockney reds"!...why dont you support your own local team..you glory hunting parrasites. :nod  :buttrock

??? you dont make a lot of sense there brother, if they were glory hunters, i think they might be following Chelsea right now.
They made a choice just like you when you chose Liverpool over everton and tranmere etc :blush:

Thats were your wrong bro...i was born a red...didn't "become one....born and bred scouser me...and proud of it...er how about you bro? ???


So how do you be born a red? Do you need a red birthmark or what?

I'LL tell you how its simple...(even for someone like you) my father was a L.F.C. fan and brought me up in the tradition of  the great L.F.C. He took me to many a game from the age of 5yrs. :nod  :bowdown
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:08 pm

I'LL tell you how its simple...(even for someone like you) my father was a L.F.C. fan and brought me up in the tradition of  the great L.F.C. He took me to many a game from the age of 5yrs. :nod  :bowdown

been easier and cheaper to just shoot you at birth.
Last edited by Roger Red Hat on Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby REDTILLDEAD » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:10 pm

Lee J wrote:
Lee J wrote:
REDTILLDEAD wrote:Its down to the amount of "out of towner's" (woolies) who dont know how to sing..and dont know the words to half of our songs!. I sit in the kop and the amount of "day trippers" who attend L.F.C. home games is unreal..they are more interested in stuffing their faces with bloody hot dogs and pies...they cant sing cos' of the amount of grub they have stuffed into their gobs!. :angry:  :veryangry

oh you shrivelled little turd. You really have not got a clue have you. Tell you what, first home game of the season Anfield is open only to locals. No Ooters allowed. It's a scouser only match, how full do you reckon it'll be? (And I dont mean fill it up with wifes, kids etc like at them under 16's England games).
I reckon you'll be lucky to get it half full.


You brain dead :censored:!...what do you know about locals going to home games eh?...i attend every home game and the away ones when posible and let me tell you num-skull...they atmosphere at european games is more noticable than it is at prem games...and do you know why?...cos there are more "locals" attending european matches....cos those who aint season ticket holders cant get tickets for the prem games cos the "woolies and day trippers" have bought them!. A lot of wools cant make (thank god!) the midweek games.so the locals who snap the tickets up come along and it makes for a great atmosphere...got that bozo!...there are some fukking idiots on here who know fukk all about LFC. :angry:  :veryangry

...and you my retarded little friend are a scouser that knows F.All about LFC.

You don't know how many home games I go to? and more to the point WTF has it to do with you? It's a football match between 2 teams, one of which is Liverpool FC (the only club I've ever supported, since 1979 when I was 6). It dosn't matter whether I live on Anfield Road or in the middle of timbuckfuckingtoo, I have as much right to attend the game as you do. Come to think of it, my Great Great Auntie Ethal (who has supported Bradford Park Avenue since 1909) has as much right to go to the LFC games as you.

Give your head a shake and wake up sunshine, there is no preferential treatment for Liverpool born supporters.

Huh...i might have guessed..another woolie back tw@t eh?.....and just where about in the british isles do you spawn from?...go on surprise me how often do you sing or perhaps your still learning the verses to "You'll never walk alone". :laugh:  :p
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Postby REDTILLDEAD » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:13 pm

Lee J wrote:
I'LL tell you how its simple...(even for someone like you) my father was a L.F.C. fan and brought me up in the tradition of  the great L.F.C. He took me to many a game from the age of 5yrs. :nod  :bowdown

been easier and cheaper to just shoot you at birth.

Mmm...me thinks they threw you away when you were born....and kept the afterbirth instead!. :laugh:  :wwww
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:15 pm

REDTILLDEAD - I find you quite abusive towards anything that anyone says, not just me.

for instance, that post where you answered DES. Perfectly reasonable question and you gave an abusive answer. Now I've got a yellow card for this kind of behaviour towards other forum members and I am now a reformed character trying to get on around here. Please watch the level of abuse you post when answering threads.

just some advice.
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Postby REDTILLDEAD » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:19 pm

Lee J wrote:REDTILLDEAD - I find you quite abusive towards anything that anyone says, not just me.

for instance, that post where you answered DES. Perfectly reasonable question and you gave an abusive answer. Now I've got a yellow card for this kind of behaviour towards other forum members and I am now a reformed character trying to get on around here. Please watch the level of abuse you post when answering threads.

just some advice.

Take my advice then and dont annoy me....and as for abusive comments...i can give just as well as receive them!...dont come on here telling e i know nothing about L.F.C.....I was following them when you were still "pooing in your nappies".  :veryangry
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