Harry kewell - Good to have you back

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Postby jonnymac1979 » Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:26 am

Signed from Leeds United for a bargain £5 million, we were all made up.  One of the most exciting left sided midfielders around, who our own Rafael Benitez would have signed when in charge of Valencia after he had seen him run Jaap Stam ragged against Manchester United six years ago.  The signs might have been there though had you listened to the Leeds fans who had not been convinced by him in the previous eighteen months,  Had he taken his eye off the ball?  Was it just down to injuries or had he lost the desire for football?

It all went downhill in the first eighteen months for Harry. 

Sure, his initial interviews when playing for Liverpool was that he’d signed for a team who were going places, the manager had convinced him to sign for Liverpool over Manchester United and the top continental sides.  He scored approximately a dozen goals in his first season but was still not the Harry Kewell we had seen blaze up the left side of midfield for Leeds.  A waste of money by Gerard Houllier?

You can look at the lad off the pitch, the bad blood from the start with the distribution of funds from his transfer which meant he and his agent received the biggest amount of the cash, the libel case with Gary Lineker, all this and the two poor showings in the Carling Cup final and the Holy Grail itself, the European Cup final.  He was branded a liability, a passenger, a player who is in it for himself and the money.  The lad reportedly earns £65,000 a week for Liverpool and he hadn’t pulled his finger out to earn a penny of it according to some fans.  Married to an actress, was he more arsed about his celebrity than playing for his boyhood team Liverpool?  Didn't exactly endear himself to us did he?

And look at his stupid hair!!!!

Roll on the 2005/06 season.  Kewell is still injured for the first quarter of the season.  Everyone had forgotten him anyway and was looking to get him off the books and sign a replacement.  Damien Duff anyone?  You don’t miss what you’ve never had anyway.

Recall last season when he was injured along with the likes of Gerrard, Alonso, Cisse, in fact, most of the squad were injured at some point or another last season.  Everybody seemed to have forgotten about Kewell; Kewell who had no bottle; Kewell who had no arse.  I admit, I said it about him myself and I never try to put the boot in if it isn’t necessary.  I do feel there are a couple of passengers in the squad at the moment who I won’t mention here but last season, I thought Kewell was one of them.  He’d lost the desire what made him a feared player for Leeds.  And what an exceptional player he was for Leeds.

Who had we signed, his weaker evil twin brother?

Kewell has played in 25 games for Liverpool this season including tonight against Arsenal and was eased in slowly.  He was played for one half; then given an hour, then seventy minutes.  Then he was given a few games under his belt and has seemed to regain his touch (which was probably there all along after all).  I am going to go out on a limb and say he has been performing out of his skin since he has been back and has proved some doubters wrong.  At least this doubter anyway.

I’ve been to Anfield a few times this season now and noticed that the lad has his confidence back.  I can’t belive it’s the same player.  I have watched his games last season where he may have been rushed back prematurely and you can clearly see that he lacked the fitness, pace and most importantly confidence to play his natural game and blitz down that left wing.  He was carrying a lot of excess weight as well.

We have been seeing more and more the old 'Leeds United' Harry Kewell the last dozen games.  Not quite there yet but the signs are more than encouraging.

Look at the game against Sao Paolo which we lost, the consolation being we absolutely battered the so called World Champions.  He gave their right-back Cicinho a torrid time, apparently the natural successor to the legendary Cafu. 

Look at his first touch.  Last year he didn’t have one, taking a second or two to decide what to do with the ball once he had it under control.  It would probably have invariably gone out for a throw in while he was making the decision and the full back had challenged him.  Opposition throw in, Kewell, head down, disillusioned, crowd on his back.

Now, he knows what he’s going to do before he even knows he’s going to get the ball.  You can see the way he positions his body when he has the ball, he knows what to do with it.  It’s all one touch football now, with either foot.  If not that, he’s too busy leaving the defenders in his dust, not only that, he can take the time to look up, see two men confronting him and think Fuck it, I’ll have you’s both”.  He’s hitting that touchline like he owns it and leaving players in his wake, throwing the crosses in and looking the player we all thought we had signed back in 2003.

I said at the end of last season, even after we had won the Champions League that I was beginning to run out of patience with Kewell, but I wanted to see him fully fit before I judged him.  This was after all the player who had limped out of two cup finals.  I can see now, the way the man is playing, he MUST have been injured and I was wrong about him for thinking he didn’t have the balls.

I said this statement in the thread I started in the Advanced Debate forum titled “What The Champions League final Means To Me”.

Harry, if you read these online forums, it’s good to have you back.

Keep it up lad.

:bowdown  :bowdown  :bowdown  :bowdown  :bowdown

Postby babu » Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:46 am

jonnymac1979 wrote:I said at the end of last season, even after we had won the Champions League that I was beginning to run out of patience with Kewell, but I wanted to see him fully fit before I judged him.  This was after all the player who had limped out of two cup finals.  I can see now, the way the man is playing, he MUST have been injured and I was wrong about him for thinking he didn’t have the balls.

Great post jonnymac. When Liverpool signed Kewell I was a very happy man.

After the CL final I couldn't wait to see Kewell booted out on his arse, and I don't think I am the knee-jerk kind of fan. Of course i am estactic to have my words shoved back in mouth.

Its amazing, last season when kewell got the ball, i used to say to myself 'i hope he can hold on to it', these days when he gets its you almost expect him to get by 2 defenders and put a cross in. Fantastic.

Jonnymac I am going to have to disagree with you, I don't think its his fitness that has improved his game this season, its the fact that he no longer uses that gay tie-back (baros style) anymore.  :D

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Postby ynwa » Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:33 pm

i am glad to the old kewell back the way he played for leeds not nearly there but getting there
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Postby Lionheart » Sat Feb 18, 2006 11:37 pm

Jmac...good, honest posting.

I was a little bit different to the average. I didn't like Kewell when he signed for LFC. He looked good at Leeds and granted, he could turn on a bit of magic from time to time but I thought he didn't have the work ethic needed to succeed with the Reds.

Fast forward now to his injury and especially the Champions League final. To be completely 100% honest I was ashamed of many of the ratbags who booed Harry when he was injured. You could clearly see his quad 'balled' which indicated he has a muscle that has been snapped/torn. I felt for the lad but I was incensed by the verbal treatment he received from the Reds 'faithful' but I do understand how bitter disappointment can be in this situation.

I defended HK almost pathologically in this forum to the point that I was accused of only supporting Harry because he was an Aussie and so was I. Nothing further from the truth...I was bitterly disappointed in what I perceived as being rough treatment from the fans of a club he loves dearly. This must have been very hard for Harry to swallow.

Now, in hindsight, this may very well have been the spur that HK needed. He now seems to have put his demons (injury, touch, etc.) to bed...hopefully for good.

It is great to see him firing on all cylinders. He'll have his off days but he'll be thereabouts and will be the first to admit to a poor performance.

The turning point to HK's return was the Australian leg of the World Cup qualifier. Harry had played poorly in Montevideo but I think he thought he was going to retain his place in the Aussie squad simply because he was Harry Kewell and he played for the great Liverpool Football Club. No one was going to drop him!!!

Wrong, Guus Hiddink dropped Kewell to the bench without any apparent hesitation, "Stick your reputation up your ar$e son, you're NO ONE unless you're going to play as PART of my team and not think you are the team by yourself", seemed to be Hiddinks attitude.

History clearly indicates that Kewell came on the park that wonderful night in Sydney and tore the Uraguayian defence apart with a smart, intelligent & spirited brand of football.

This now seems to have given Harry some drive and motivation to continue to better himself and play like he knows he can for the club that means more to him that any other team (including Australia).

Welcome back son, it's nice to see you have found your vein of humility and desire.


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Postby taff » Sun Feb 19, 2006 3:59 pm

Fair post.

I slated him and lost patience with him but am glad to be proved wrong.

Keep it up HK your part of the best midfield in the premiership
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Postby laza » Sun Feb 19, 2006 4:10 pm

Good post
Absolutely rapted when we signed him and then very disappointed in his performances last season. While he certainly deserved some stick, a lot of slagging especially after 25th was out of order and i dont see that sort of stuff as being a spur personally.
Im glad to see he has silenced the boo boys and bandwagon trendy need someone to slag lot but sadly those sort of fans will always find someone to bitch about.
Have to agree the WC qualifier against Urugary seems to have been a turning point, bout time a international match brought something good to the club.
Though was reading in the paper today that his groin still isnt right and he been treated heavily to get him on the field.
Would like to see him getting a few more goals in now though especially with the forwards mis-firing
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Postby mighty mo » Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:22 pm

and the best thing is he isn't 100% yet,he seems to be working his socks off to prove the doubters wrong
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Postby jeffiroquai » Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:55 am

I always wanted to see the best of HK.  It was frustrating the last couple of years, but during the WCC I saw something I hadn't seen in Harry as a Red.  He started to get stuck in.  Fighting for balls.  Like I said in the game thread, he had a nasty streak going that I had not recognized him having while playing for this club.  Trace the rest of his season back to that game in Dec. because he has been playing outstanding ever since.  I like Harrys contribution to our squad, and I look forward to finishing out strong for the rest of the season.
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Postby andy_g » Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:17 am

i'm as delighted as anyone to see harry back on the pitch as you put it so well, jmac - hitting that touchline like he owns it. myself i never lost faith with him, it's been frustrating not having him perform as we'd like him to but i'd never put that down to his own wishes. the look on his face when he was brought of after 23 minutes of the CL final said it all, he looked devastated. how so many fans could say that he obviously wasn't up for it and was crying off because we were one down absolutely astonished me, it was the pinnacle of pointless abuse getting thrown at him for month after month.

i'm not slating anyone for being frustated about not having such a well paid and high profile player on the pitch but i think the majority of that frustration was vented inappropriately.

so now we have what looks like a new signing. there are still people saying that he's only making an effort because its world cup season but if you look at his body  language and aggression on the pitch you can tell that's way off the mark. in my view a large part of the reason why we've been doing so well (most of the time) recently is the presence on the field of a rejuvenated harry kewell.

maybe, in a skewed logic, there has been some kind of benefit froom all the abuse he was getting. harry must have known he had to win back many fans, that he had something to prove, that this was his make or break season. and by god is he going about setting things straight in a fantastic way.

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Postby H_K_LFC » Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:12 pm

We havent't seen the best of HK at Anfield yet.He's on his way there and is improving with each game.The most important thing is that as a fan you now expect him to create a chance or score a few goals rather than hope he can do something with the ball.

Since the Cl final which signalled a disastrous season for him he's looked a completely different player and is now a solid first eleven starter each week.

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Postby 48-1119859832 » Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:11 pm

His goals against Everton & Tottenham just summed up what Harry Kewell's all about. That's the type of Kewell we saw in the early days but then faded away. But it looks as tho he's making a comeback which is very pleasing, and I agree £5million is a complete bargain.

He'll never be the same player he was in his younger days at Leeds but never-the-less he's still a fantastic player.

I hope too see many more good & positive things to come from Harry.


Postby shanks » Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:06 pm

got to agree 5 million was a bargain , i too slagged him off but rightly so he as improved hell of alot under rafa
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Postby Dundalk » Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:55 pm

His performance against chesea was one of his best in a liverpool shirt since we signed him, he was immense before he had to go off.

At last he is starting to look the player we seen at Leeds and its all down to Rafa who stuck by him when it would have been easier to sell him, I think Aston Villa where in for him,

How much is he worth now?
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Postby AussieKopite » Mon May 01, 2006 2:27 am

He seems to have regained a bit of his magic. In the FA Cup semi against Chelsea, he played well when he switched to the right as well. Previous games against lesser opposition, he's looked uncomfortable on that right side. He seems to be getting more adaptable.
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Postby pur3 rav3r » Sun May 07, 2006 5:10 pm

i wasen't sure if he could play the way he did at leeds when he came back. his first couple of matches were poor and i was wondering if he was worth keeping but he has improved so much and seems to be getting better every game and how he is at the moment is at a gd lvl but i think he has alot more to show us.
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