Gutted for ged - lyon out

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 48-1119859832 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:01 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
0asis wrote:One word : Treble.

You lose, I win.

It's a mini adventure out there.

You stupid, stupid b*stard. Houllier won the treble, then went backwards.

Can you not see that?

If he was so good, why was he the first manager to be sacked for f*cking decades?

You're the stupid B*stard if I have ever met one. A bad manager doesn't win a treble & a bad manager doesn't win 5 trophies in the space of one year. Yes we did go backwards but that trophy success and the dedication he undertook to fight until the very end, speaks volumes of his characther.


Postby 48-1119859832 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:05 pm

peewee wrote:also look at the finals we were in that season, we didnt stroll any of them and could juat have easily ended up with nothing.

No one likes a boring final, finals were not designed to be boring! And we won! Enough said

And as for believing every word Fowler says, you do that, it just shows how gullible you really are! Becoz I for one have read his book and there is a certain degree of bias in it, and remember there's two sides to every story. So I will be looking forward to hearing Ged's and making a decision on what happened by taking both angles of what happened into account.
Last edited by 48-1119859832 on Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby HantsRed » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:28 pm

I don't like to criticise Houllier too much as he clearly had Liverpool close to his heart (along with a fair amount of cholesterol evidently!) and he just seemed to go stale in his last few seasons.

However when I have seen Lyon this season I have been surprised at what a good attacking team they are - very unlucky not to be in the CL semi's. Really impressive going forward and completely the opposite of the defensive tactics Houllier used at Liverpool.

Maybe he learnt his lesson! Or maybe he just inherited loads of good attacking players at Lyon.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:35 pm

0asis wrote:"Oh he wants a new challenge, what a (w)anker, I hate him....grow up you're just pathetic! And that goes to all the other idiots who have a hate campagin towards Houllier!

i hope that w anker comment is not aimed at me as all i have done is put forward a reasonable argument and if you cant discuss it without resorting to abuse then i pity you.

you are entitled to your opinion as am i. i agree that the manager should back up his coach but not to the detriment of the team and not when it was over something so petty as thompson trying to stamp his authority.

and you comments about just wanti ng exciting finals beggar belief. are you suggesting the ged planned the finals that way to entertain the crowd (dont answer that question its just there to make a point), i would find that very surprising when the rest of the time he set out to bore us all rigid.

i stand by my belief that he was bad for the club and it will take time to recoup the money he lost with bad signings and lining his own pockets

Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:37 pm

0asis wrote:5 trophies in the space of one year.

come on be realistic, we won three trophies and won two one off games, i would hardly class that as a trophy win

Postby 48-1119859832 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:52 pm

peewee wrote:i hope that w anker comment is not aimed at me as all i have done is put forward a reasonable argument and if you cant discuss it without resorting to abuse then i pity you.

No it wasn't aimed at soley you, it was aimed at everyone who constantly slags Houllier off but I bet they weren't doing that whilst he was incharge during the 2000/01 and 2001/02 campaigns. Fickle is what it is!

But you are right you have your opinion and I have mine. I am suggesting that Ged loved a good knees up, a good footie match and thefore planned to make the finals action packed, because Houllier's nice like that!

Postby 48-1119859832 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:53 pm

peewee wrote:
0asis wrote:5 trophies in the space of one year.

come on be realistic, we won three trophies and won two one off games, i would hardly class that as a trophy win

5 trophies, 1 year!


Enough said!

Postby 7_Kewell » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:55 pm

0asis wrote:
peewee wrote:i hope that w anker comment is not aimed at me as all i have done is put forward a reasonable argument and if you cant discuss it without resorting to abuse then i pity you.

No it wasn't aimed at soley you, it was aimed at everyone who constantly slags Houllier off but I bet they weren't doing that whilst he was incharge during the 2000/01 and 2001/02 campaigns. Fickle is what it is!

But you are right you have your opinion and I have mine. I am suggesting that Ged loved a good knees up, a good footie match and thefore planned to make the finals action packed, because Houllier's nice like that!

football fans change their mind, its how the game goes.  Just like the players, you're loved when you're doing well, hated when it all goes to pot.  It's just football and business.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:57 pm

0asis wrote:
peewee wrote:
0asis wrote:5 trophies in the space of one year.

come on be realistic, we won three trophies and won two one off games, i would hardly class that as a trophy win

5 trophies, 1 year!


Enough said!

then there is really no point taking you seriously as a football poster. obviously one of those supporters who cant see any bad in their team or management.

Postby stmichael » Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:41 pm

Looking back, the Liverpool that Houllier inherited were on the verge of being a very, very good side. There was a significant young English core of players with the likes of Fowler, Macca, Redknapp, Matteo etc, some fantastic youngsters coming through the junior ranks - Gerrard, Carra, Owen, Thompson, and a few wise old heads.

If the board had given Roy Evans even a tiny fraction of the cash that was made available (and mostly wasted) to Houllier then we could have gone on to win the title with that side.
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Postby onizukaeikichi » Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:51 pm

sad to see them go out, i was hoping they will win the CL, i wont support Arsenal or AC milan, if not Barcelona let it be Benifica or Villareal :D
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Postby stmichael » Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:56 pm

onizukaeikichi wrote:sad to see them go out, i was hoping they will win the CL, i wont support Arsenal or AC milan, if not Barcelona let it be Benifica or Villareal :D

i want villarreal to win it. any team with a mascot this lame deserves our support.


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Postby Scottbot » Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:01 pm

Saint, cheers for changing the PSG bit in the thread title to Lyon. At least i won't get any more abuse on that front! :D

I think most fans became very bitter ( i was one of them) towards Houllier during his final season. this was fuelled by some terrible football which was backed up by a lot of crazy comments from the Ged ie. he was always banging on about Liverpool having more shots on goal than any other team. I've always felt that his reign would be remembered a little more favourably (i'm begining to) as the years went by but i get the impression it might take a couple more years yet.

In defence of his tactics and the way Ged's Liverpool played it was only really in the last 2 seasons that i felt we looked ultra-negative and ugly to watch. We played some excellent football during the treble season and the season after. It wasn't all long balls and hopeful punts over the top. We were a very powerful team, not the prettiest to watch but with Gary Mac pulling the strings, Stevie's agression, Mikeys pace and solid players like Berger and Murphy there were plenty of goals. Chelsea aren't the prettiest team in the world to watch. The press and fans like to call them a long ball team (which isn't true) but they are not to disimilar in style to the one Houllier looked to be building before it all went tits up.
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Postby 48-1119859832 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:12 pm

peewee wrote:then there is really no point taking you seriously as a football poster. obviously one of those supporters who cant see any bad in their team or management.

I couldn't careless whether you take me seriously or not, I come on here to share my view with other Liverpool fans, I don't aim to be taken seriously or to be praised. I come here simply to give my view.

I can see wrong in the club I support. I just choose to respect Houllier & his achievements at this club that the likes of which you were celebrating all those years ago but are now mocking with sheer ignorance.

Houllier wasn't without his faults, he wasted a lot of money and it cost us dear and it stunted our growth as an elite team, therefore we went backwards. Yes he did make wrong decisions but that was then and this is now, can't you just let by gones be by gones and acknowledge the good things Ged did during his six year reign? Or do you just like to look on the pessimistic side of life and hold a grudge against Houllier?

I wanted Ged out of Liverpool as much as the next fan but do I hate him for signing Diouf, Diao or Cheyrou? No, do I hate him for selling Fowler? No. See Houllier did a few decisions that I was strongly against but I still respect him and acknowledge the good he did for us whilst he was here and sure I also acknowledge the bad things he did but that's unimportant now.

You may not like Ged and you may think he was bad for the club but I just can't see why you or most other Liverpool fans can't just give him the respect he deserves and acknowledge the good he did for us rather than the bad.

And Gerard was in a no-win situation, if he had resigned following his heart problem, people would be saying "oh he'sa  quitter he has no backbone - what could have been". But Gerard being the model professional and long time Liverpool fan that he is chose to stick to his guns and chose to stay at Liverpool through thick and thin, he could of walked but chose to say. And I know lots of people say that sentiment has no place in football but I don't care - it takes gut and dedication to do what he did and for it, he'll always be welcomed by me at Anfield and he'll always have my ut-most respect!.
Last edited by 48-1119859832 on Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby teamleader1 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:00 pm

stmichael wrote:Looking back, the Liverpool that Houllier inherited were on the verge of being a very, very good side. There was a significant young English core of players with the likes of Fowler, Macca, Redknapp, Matteo etc, some fantastic youngsters coming through the junior ranks - Gerrard, Carra, Owen, Thompson, and a few wise old heads.

If the board had given Roy Evans even a tiny fraction of the cash that was made available (and mostly wasted) to Houllier then we could have gone on to win the title with that side.

Agreed- where did this myth that he inherited a bunch unfit lazy boozers come from?

For me he was a very ordinary manager who got very lucky and then got VERY found out!  :D
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