Gutted for ged - lyon out

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby madred » Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:13 pm

No real supporter of the club could honestly say that they hate Gerrard Houllier. Many will say that they just didnt have faith in him towards the end of his reign as boss but remember the good times. The guy was a fan at a early age and will die a fan like the rest of us. Gutted for him last night but bad defending let him down once again. I still admire him and hope he still has loads of success in the game.
Last edited by madred on Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:24 am

0asis wrote:One word : Treble.

You lose, I win.

It's a mini adventure out there.

You stupid, stupid b*stard. Houllier won the treble, then went backwards.

Can you not see that?

If he was so good, why was he the first manager to be sacked for f*cking decades?
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:15 am

also look at the finals we were in that season, we didnt stroll any of them and could juat have easily ended up with nothing.

i stick to my belief that he was actually bad for the club. we are still having to deal with some of his mess now and regain some of the money he wasted. i still think there is more to come out of this yet. why would he waste money on the cr@p he did unless he was taking a backhander?

yes he made a few good signings but many more bad ones which was a total waste of money. anyone who has not read fowlers book then i urge you to read it to shed light on the real houllier. i for one believe every word of it. how can a man refuse to play someone who was needed because of a petty squabble with thompson. of course discipline is needed but the team must come first and the win is important, more important than thompsons feelings.

Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:25 am

peewee wrote:also look at the finals we were in that season, we didnt stroll any of them and could juat have easily ended up with nothing.

i stick to my belief that he was actually bad for the club. we are still having to deal with some of his mess now and regain some of the money he wasted. i still think there is more to come out of this yet. why would he waste money on the cr@p he did unless he was taking a backhander?

yes he made a few good signings but many more bad ones which was a total waste of money. anyone who has not read fowlers book then i urge you to read it to shed light on the real houllier. i for one believe every word of it. how can a man refuse to play someone who was needed because of a petty squabble with thompson. of course discipline is needed but the team must come first and the win is important, more important than thompsons feelings.


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Postby teamleader1 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:49 am

peewee wrote:also look at the finals we were in that season, we didnt stroll any of them and could juat have easily ended up with nothing.

i stick to my belief that he was actually bad for the club. we are still having to deal with some of his mess now and regain some of the money he wasted. i still think there is more to come out of this yet. why would he waste money on the cr@p he did unless he was taking a backhander?

yes he made a few good signings but many more bad ones which was a total waste of money. anyone who has not read fowlers book then i urge you to read it to shed light on the real houllier. i for one believe every word of it. how can a man refuse to play someone who was needed because of a petty squabble with thompson. of course discipline is needed but the team must come first and the win is important, more important than thompsons feelings.

Thats sums up my feelings about the man,

The dodgy french connection- paying inflated prices for sub standared players.
I also believe his heart trouble only extended his stay at Anfield
Wish him well yes, but dont make him out to be somthing he never was, I remember the consistant garbage served up week in and week out and the total fkn relief of everyone when he finaly got the boot
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:56 am

peewee wrote:also look at the finals we were in that season, we didnt stroll any of them and could juat have easily ended up with nothing.

i stick to my belief that he was actually bad for the club. we are still having to deal with some of his mess now and regain some of the money he wasted. i still think there is more to come out of this yet. why would he waste money on the cr@p he did unless he was taking a backhander?

yes he made a few good signings but many more bad ones which was a total waste of money. anyone who has not read fowlers book then i urge you to read it to shed light on the real houllier. i for one believe every word of it. how can a man refuse to play someone who was needed because of a petty squabble with thompson. of course discipline is needed but the team must come first and the win is important, more important than thompsons feelings.

I dont agree with your terms that Houllier was bad for the club.

Yes he did waste a lot of money (to which we are still feeling the finacial strain ). Yes he bought a lot of dead wood and yes his tactics were very negative and of course there was never a plan 'B to his tactics.

With that I do agree....

I would also agree with you that he was bad for the club if he'd of done all that plus never brought any silverware back to Anfield.

But of course he did bring silverware back to the club and he did build a team which before him lacked any kind of discipline and just generally was a p!ss poor team. He took us to the next level and maybe a little bit more, he added solidity throughout the team and got us back challenging for cups and what not. He did make a few good buys his best one being big Sami Hyypia.

He did take us as far as he could and was sacked at the right time, he had become stale in the job and ran out of ideas it seemed. Unlike Rafa to he never could admit to buying a dud which was a shame as he spent a good 90 million or so on duds.

But to say he was bad for the club is a bit harsh mate I havent had the chance to read Fowler's book so I dont know his side but still...

Postby Scottbot » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:16 am

peewee wrote:yes he made a few good signings but many more bad ones which was a total waste of money.

Like most managers Houllier made some shocking signings but also brought in some top players who are still making an impact now. His big :censored:-up was making possibly his 3 worst signings (Diouff, Cheyrou, Diao) all at the most crucial time of his reign.

Shockers included - Diouff, Cheyrou, Diao, Heskey, Diomede + i would be Cisse into the same category.

I might have put Smicer into this bracket for his overall performance at the club but the guy is now a Liverpool legend for the 2 he put in the back of the net in Istanbul.

Top signings - Hyppia, Hamman, Gary Mac, Riise, Henchoz, Finnan
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:17 am

i respect your views bamaga man, give fowlers book a read and it sheds some light about the club at that time.

also wtf is a bamaga   :D

Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:27 am

peewee wrote:i respect your views bamaga man, give fowlers book a read and it sheds some light about the club at that time.

also wtf is a bamaga   :D

I couldnt really think of a decent name and I still dont think Bamaga is to decent a name.  :D

But its where Im living now, in Cape York Australia the northern most town/village on the Aussie continent, near Papa new guinea.

Postby Scottbot » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:28 am

peewee wrote:give fowlers book a read and it sheds some light about the club at that time.

I read his book Peewee and it does give a lot of insight into Houllier's character. He does come across as quite tetchy, petty and paranoid but don't think it wasn't written with a certain amount of bias. I got the impression that Houllier didn't particularly like the idea that Fowler was, and always would be more popular then himself with the Anfield faithfull BUT i also believe that Houllier (like our Rafa) felt that footballers should be ULTRA professional (in training, matchdays, and at home) and i guess Fowler didn't fit into this.

I think that the humble, hardworking (you can tell he is working harder than ever before) attitude that Robbie is showing now would have served him better under Houllier.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:33 am

i think houllier comes across as petty to be honest, and i do believe the book is not really sensationalised. the facts speak for themselves in relation to performance and the teams picked by houllier, also the fact that fowler was dropped after his little spat with thompson speaks volumes.

Postby stmichael » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:37 am

I think Bigmick summed it up when he started a thread when he asked the question of where we would be now if Houllier in charge. Would we be in as strong a position? Would we have won the Champions League last season? I dont think so. Whilst nearly all of the Champions League winning side were Gerrard Houlliers signings, theres a hell of a big difference between signing good players and getting the best out of them week in week out.

Houllier was a decent man who gave his all for this football club and revolutionised the players' training, preparation and lifestyles. When he took over we were nothing short of a shambles off the pitch, despite playing some great attacking football on it. Ill always be grateful to him. 2001 was one of the best years of my life as a Liverpool fan.

However in the end (after a heart attack i may add) the stats didnt lie and we we sliding backwards at an alarming rate. When he took over we had just climbed from fourth to third, lying 13 points behind champions Arsenal, and he promised the Premiership within five years. Not only did he fail to achieve that, he oversaw our removal from the top three, and left us battling for the "goldmine" of fourth place, 30 points behind Arsenal, and nearer relegation than the title.  After what would prove to be his last game against Newcastle he lauded us finishing fourth as a "massive achievement". Is that what we as a club had come to?

Wed been watching two years of an uninspiring, one-dimensional style of play, and deemed it so unacceptable Anfield ceased to attract full houses for the first time as long as I could remember. Money was wasted on pi$$ poor players and Gerrard came within a whisker of leaving as a result. In the end, it was Houllier's poor judgement of players which did for him.

Expect to see him announced as the new Newcastle manager before the end of the season then. :D
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:41 am

stmichael wrote:However in the end (after a heart attack i may add)

he didnt have a heart attack mate, it was some other problem with a heart valve.

but i like the rest of the post, big mick does indeed speak sense

Postby Scottbot » Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:46 am

peewee wrote:i think houllier comes across as petty to be honest, and i do believe the book is not really sensationalised. the facts speak for themselves in relation to performance and the teams picked by houllier, also the fact that fowler was dropped after his little spat with thompson speaks volumes.

I think Houllier struggled to deal with Fowler because he was already a 'god' with the fans and he couldn't relate to stuff like the Everton goal celebration. He also liked his players to be real athletes which perhaps explains why he signed the likes of Heskey, Diao and Traore. Thus fowler (who was/is amuch better natural footballer than either player) often played second fiddle to the fitter, faster Owen and the stronger, faster Heskey. I was absolutely gutted (who wasn't?) when we sold Fowler and it was horrible seeing him score his 1st few goals for Leeds but as the injuries kicked in  and his fitness deteriated I felt the 11mill we got for him was good business. I'm delighted to see him back at the club now (and happily proved wrong) and hope and expect him to win a new contract at the club.
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Postby 48-1119859832 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:57 pm

peewee wrote:i think houllier comes across as petty to be honest, and i do believe the book is not really sensationalised. the facts speak for themselves in relation to performance and the teams picked by houllier, also the fact that fowler was dropped after his little spat with thompson speaks volumes.

What manager isn't going to back his coaching staff over a player? Houllier made a professioanl judgement and decided to back Thompson, which I might add was the right decision to take.

However you can spend your days slagging Houllier off, try and over-shadow all his good with his bad but at the end of the day most supporters with a heart will respect Houllier for what he did for club, even if they didn't agree with certain decisions he made.

I'd love to see how many ppl on here will be against Rafa when he steps down. "Oh he wants a new challenge, what a (w)anker, I hate him....grow up you're just pathetic! And that goes to all the other idiots who have a hate campagin towards Houllier!

I'm sick & tired of ungrateful idiots who sit there and slag him off! At the end of the day he's one of us a fan, a supporter and he tried with all his ability and effort to awaken a sleeping giant and he won us six trophies in his six years here!

Just remember that the next time you feel like slagging him off!
Last edited by 48-1119859832 on Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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