Gerrards gone

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby parchpea » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:08 pm

I think we all hoped Gerrard was different to any other modern footballer. A guy who would break the mould. Unfortunately our dreams have been shattered. I should think that all the talking was a smokescreen. Lets recall the Adshley Cole trial when he stated that Kenyon told him Gerrard was on board already. Today we have two announcements within hours which cannot be pure chance. A bid is received and rejected. A few hours later Gerrard states he wants away. This is a further kick in the rocks for Liverpool because it weakens us in negotiation. We now have a player who wants away. The £32m we knocked back hours earlier may never return, maybe only in Gerrards and his Agents pockets perhaps?. Its a terriblke manipulation of a club and all involved by Gerrard and his advisers, and ofcourse the people at Chelsea. We have been taken for a ride and we really deserve none of it  :no
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Postby 65-1114725958 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:09 pm


100k a week on the table, Captain of LFC, European cup winners medal, Top Manger changing things for the better?

What More do you F*cking want? Greedy tw@t.

Possible reasons?

1) cant be money, 100k p/w is top whack,
2) bust up with benitez?........He might be sulking cause Rafa speaks his mind, and Stevie hasnt got Sympathetic Tommo and Houllier to put their arm around him.

3) Trophies? We've just won the most prestigious Cup in the Club world, and its not good enough for him!

4) Rafa's new signings? Listen Stevie...Rafa picks the Fecking team, not you. he is the boss, you sulker.

Just Feck off, Greedy selfish ****

Every paper has got 32m chelsea bid on back page so must be some truth in that.

If he goes there, he should be booed for 90 mins upon return

Postby red_indian » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:10 pm

he always wanted to go, for whatever reason, agents in his ear, being tapped up whatever.

the club getting drawn in the first round of the champ league threw a big spanner in the works on the timetable in which to engineer a move. sounds like he/SFX tried to call LFCs bluff by coming up with an ultimatum on new contract terms rather than a 'negotiation' (look the word up in a dictionary SG) - with all the expectation being that LFC could not match the demands and thus can be made to look bad by forcing him to leave - in the event they did and so little or no choice left but to make up stories about what was going on behind the scenes. how did it ever come to this?

good luck for the future but you'll soon see what you left behind, Rafa is building a dynasty to rival the past and he has the tactical awareness and humility to equal the past great managers of this great club
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Postby LFC #1 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:10 pm

Leonmc0708 wrote:Words cannot express how I feel, totally heart broken, betrayed, shat on etc...

exactly the emotions I'm feeling, he lied to us and has shown what a :censored:wit of a man he is, great player mind.

Peopel bnag on about foreign mercenaries, but oyu woudl expect a lot betetr form a scouser who has grown up in the city and then decides to betray all reds on Merseyside nad around the world, what a :censored:!

Is it me or does it tarnish that great acheivement on the 25th of May (or 26th dpeending on what way you look at it) somewhat? Seeing Gerrard lift the toprohy when he knew all along he was probably leaving, Judas springs to mind.
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Postby LFC #1 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:12 pm

Adebisi wrote:there's no such thing as loyalty and having a boyhood team no longer matters to most players.

Thats why Carra is so special, I love they guy I really do.
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Postby <-alonso-> » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:13 pm

WE'LL jus have to win the euro super cup and the world club championship without him. HA.
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Postby London_Red » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:14 pm

it wont be the same watching gerard lift the trophy, but it takes nothing away from that because he was only a part of the side that won the CL, garcia, alonso, carra, hypia, everyone in the team, even biscan contributed to us winning it
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Postby LFC #1 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:15 pm

Ebay selling Gerrard disloyal t-shirts

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Postby ynwa » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:16 pm

the devil have took the heart of gerrard i hope he rots in hell since the captions arm went to him he got big for his boots gerrard whould be among the gods like rush king kenny emlyn hughes shanks pailsey now he is scum
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Postby tubby » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:17 pm

I though were pulling out of the World Club championship ? Yes i forgto all about the supercup. It will be refreshing to lift something at the start of the season. Im sure we can beat CSKA Moscow.

Its time for the rafalution to press on. Ok so weve lost one worldclass player, but we will replace him with 2 or 3.
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Postby 65-1114725958 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:19 pm

thing is though, you can't feel sorry for him, his face has been touching the floor for the past two seasons. Even when he signed the contract 2 years ago, didnt look happy then.

Postby desperado0831 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:20 pm

Hope we draw the team which Gerrard's leaving for. Then i can boo until my throat broken.

I think his shirt number will not be promote anymore after all of us use it for toilet paper.

So,start destroy your jersey which printed the BETRAYAL-GERRARD.
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Postby steverkop » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:22 pm

Dont worry, he will be booed and well frustrated. Its a promise!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby lakes10 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:23 pm

Chelsea to put a bid in of £35m.
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Postby Rafas Amigo » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:24 pm

Will anyone ever leave the way fowler did again, there was people crying in the streets because he was going, when Owen left last year there was not the same sense of that, people just wished him all the best and sent him on his way.

When Owen left he was the first player in a long time (probably Rush) to leave the club at his peak. Now Gerrard has done the same but on different terms, Owen has been back ay Anfield to watch games since he left (against Southampton at Xmas) and got a good reception.

What kind of reception is Mr. Gerrard going to get when he comes back as a fan or a player??

When i look back at all the captains that have lifted the european cup for this great team I look back with pride and a sense they where what the club was all about and stood for, but NOW how do we look back at the man who lifted the cup THAT night in Istanbul

We will move on and become better I am sure of that but for me anyway I can never look at him the same way again.

The framed photo I have at home of him lifting the cup will be taken down and replaced by someone else lifting it........maybe Rafa!!

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