Gerrards gone

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Postby tubby » Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:50 pm

If it was the events of the last 5 or 6 weeks then why the hell was he commenting about the TNS game after the draw if he knew he would be on his way. I have a suspicion that RM will get him. I think there was a clause in the Morientes deal perhaps for a first option which would explain why they havent made a bid yet.
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Postby ROBtheRED » Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:51 pm

Makes me feckin sick to think of him in a chelsea shirt - 2 or 3 years ago he would NEVER have considered playing for them! if money ain't a factor what is? he has every medal achievable other than the premiership, if he truly loves and supports the club he would want to help Liverpool win that not feckin Chelski! Romans roubles talk :censored: walks!  rentboys - the club ain't got no history - they win the league once every 50 years and they think they're the biggest club in the world! ! 
If he wants to go then i wish him well but PLEASE go to Madrid, why :censored: off the fans that have worshipped him since a kid by joining a rival club! ????
Gerrard is the worlds best midfielder - and i thank him for every goal, tackle and killer pass he has made in a red shirt - but the club can survive without him AND will !   
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Postby muttleyp » Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:53 pm

We need to put our negativity for Gerrard away and start concentrating on the positives for LFC. We got rid of a turncoat and now hopefully have a team of players who are actually commited to the team. We should have a ton of money from this transfer and we should use it to bring in a world class player (or two if we can stretch it that far) to fill the void.
Sell him to Real madrid for 35 mill and c if we can nick one of their worthwhile players aswell as part of the deal, If we sell him to the blue scum then make them pay through the nose for him as we all know they would.

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Postby LFC #1 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:54 pm

I just don't understnad ofr thel ife of me his reaosn for leaving?

He would've always had much more respect and admiration at this club than he is going to get anywhere else. He could have become a legend, instead he has decied to tuen his back on his city, his club and the fans and be a money grabbing judas. I'm sorry Stevie you are no true red mate, you don't even deserve mentioning next to a true scouse red like Carra.

FFS even players like Didi, who is a foreigner have more loyalty than Stevie G, he's meant to be a Liverpudlian ffs.
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Postby drummerphil » Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:54 pm

Why all this happen to us......

The curse.

All our academy player especially the english quited.

-Steve Mcmanaman
-Robbie Fowler
-Danny Murphy
-Michael Owen
S***** G******

could have sworn we signed Danny Murphy from Crewe
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Postby Rafas Amigo » Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:56 pm

Bye bye Steven, you have took the money and run, if a player who captins his home team to champions league glory and is offered 100 thousand quid a week to stay still wants to go the good f**king luck
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:57 pm

Woollyback wrote:ONWARDS AND UPWARDS

Better players than Gerrard have left the club before and we're still here, the most successful side in English football history. He is entirely dispensable as shown by our results when he was out injured last autumn - the team plays better when his ego isn't around and the team is less one-dimensional

Now is the time to move on, Carra for Captain, Alonso will become our boss in the midfield (he is a better player than Gerrard imo), Zenden has signed and now we have some serious money to spend in the transfer market, I have no doubts that Rafa will spend it wisely on players who would sweat blood to wear the red shirt and give 100% all year not just when it suits them

I am glad this ridiculous circus has finally been sorted out, now is the time for Parry & Moores to play HARD BALL with Chelsea, Real and SFX - sell the miserable sod for the absolute maximum we can get for him, let's just get the deal done and dusted quick-time. No fannying about.

Thanks for the good times Stevie, good riddance for all the bad times you've put us through.


Spot on Wooly

Postby Ciggy » Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:57 pm

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:Right finally got through those 11 pages.

I have so much to say and might just go off on a wild tangent but i dont give a f.uck I need to get this out my system for my own sanity, otherwise i might just give someone a two-footer at footy tonight.

"How could i leave after a night like this??"
Well quite easily it looks like you f.ucking c.unt!!!!


What a f.ucking liar SG has turned out to be then guys, just another one of these guys that kisses the badge and then decides to shaft the same team and its fans, some do it are not so good foriegners but SG WAS a hero, he suppossedly loved the club, thats what makes it so much worse.
To be honest, I knew this was gonna happen as soon as we won the CL Final and said many times, that if anything it was the best time for him to leave because he will always have that status as having lifted the big one with LFC and in years to come when all is forgotten (not by me btw!) the picture will be of HIM lifting the cup....Selfish C.unt!!

Anyway he was no good for the team last season (ok he scored TWO VITAL goals, but hey he is a footballer that is his job - to use his ability and do his best whether it be attacking/defending....Thats what he is PAID to do) always sulking, always poor body language, always complaining at other TEAM players, IDIOT!!
He WILL be replaced, and the team WILL be structured around ALONSO. I think this was part of it too -  I beleive he is JEALOUS of Alonso and knows that Rafa sees Alonso as the real key to his plans. And the C.unt cant take being the TOP DOG, well P,iss off then yopu C.unt!!!  Bet you wont learn to speak Spanish as quickly as the Spaniards have learnt English you have shown how THICK and for that matter FICKLE you really are.

The balance is not right when SG plays, the focus is always on him, and the players just look for him to get things going, its b.*ll*c*ks, just in the same way that we used to use OWEN as the key player, teams soon cottoned on to that and set up to stop it, and that is what happened with SG too. The stats dont lie, we are better and more DYNAMIC WITHOUT him in the team.

I KNEW it was coming, and didnt think i would get this angry, but it is the way he has gone about it all.
Well Ashley Cole did say it was a done deal and that was a good while ago now!

It is good though that we offered him the 100k a week, because I'm sure his agent thought there was no way we would pay that type of money and then they would have a reason for a move, but we called his bluff and that was PERFECT from the management as it has led to SG HAVING to show his colours and they obviously aren't RED!!
He obviously just doesnt see that the agents are not acting in his best interests, but their OWN......FFS wake up man!!!!

I think that his the rant just about over, but I have to say that some people need to wake up...£50m.......I dont (but hope it will!) think we will get this much, i say this because it is clear that he WANTS to go now and it is common knowledge, which i assume only became so after the Chelsea offer was rejected (32M supposedly), but now the I think they may try one more high offer (maybe 35M max.) and then if we dont accept they will make us wait and drop the price because WE NOW HAVE TO SELL (though technically could wait till next year and throw him in the world cup..Hmmm thats a thought actually   :idea   Nice revenge..C.unt) and THEY KNOW this and will offer less unless Real come into the reckoning (which i pray for)
So as people have been saying this will prove how much business nouse the board and Parry actually have, though the way they bluffed Gerrard into what he has done has upped my estimation in them.

Beleive me when i say i could f.ucking go on, but i gotta go footy training now, just realised what time it is!!!   :oops:


:bowdown My kind of rant luv it  :buttrock
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Postby Fernando Morientes > 19 < » Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:58 pm

i'm really gutted that some people play football only for big salaries.

SG is a great footballer but has not been loyal to this club i feel.

Owen left last year and we won the CL, hope that this year with the departure of Gerrard we can win the premiership and prove those who left to win more trophies wrong,
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Postby desperado0831 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:59 pm

'How could i leave after the night like this' - Gerrard.
But of course he can leave after that night at Istanbul. His job at Liverpool was already completed and sure he can leave now so don't blame at him anymore. A naive footballer will not leave his boyhood club like Maldini because of their inner essence,self esteem and respect for the club. But nowadays world keep changing because of MONEY regardless the fortune so everybody try to earn more money through everthing we've done.

Gerrard's just spread his wings and flying into hell. Forget about him cause he's close to be a EX-Liverpudlian.
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:01 pm

This is really making me hate the lad, look at this:

Steven Gerrard has released a statement to Sky Sports News explaining why he wants to leave Liverpool.

The England midfielder admits the decision to quit his boyhood idols has been a gut-wrenching one and that his initial thought after the UEFA Champions League victory was to remain at Anfield.

However, he has changed his mind, as he did last term when snubbing a move to Chelsea to commit his future to the Merseysiders.

"The last six weeks have been the toughest of my life," he informed Sky Sports News. "The decision I have come to has been the hardest decision I have ever had to make.

"I fully intended to sign a new contract after the Champions League final but the events of the past five or six weeks have changed all that.

"I have too much respect for the club and the people at it to get involved in a slanging match."

Gerrard inspired Liverpool's remarkable second half comeback against Milan in Istanbul and has been a key figure for Rafa Benitez's side.

Chelsea and Real Madrid are leading the chase for the midfield icon's signature as Liverpool fans come to terms with their favourite son's decision to turn his back on the European Cup holders.

Its the fact that he would feel "duty bound" to speak to Sky Sports News before giving us the fans the real reason behind it, we have paid his wages and sung his name for years, and to spit in our faces like this is fu.cking disgraceful attempt at an explanation.


Words cannot express how I feel, totally heart broken, betrayed, shat on etc...

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Postby <-alonso-> » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:04 pm

he's money hungry, it wasn't the hardest decision of his life, he's a (toss-pott), he will leave the club because he's not a true red. apparently stevie n his agent walked in and handed rick a contract, like any buissnessman would do, rick said you keep that, you are not liverpoolfc and we will write  your contract. his ego is too big now, he's like anakin skywalker turning to the darkside. i say :censored: off to him, the money hungry :censored:.
but, we cannot forget what he has done for us, and NOW what he has done to us, he's a worldclass player walking into a club run by money, not heart and soul like us, you cant by fans like ours. and thats final. he gonna go spiraling down from now, plus, HE COST ME £55 FOR THE ENGLAND SHIRT WITH HIS NAME N NUMBER, AND MY HOME SHIRT WITH HIS NAME N NUMBER, lickily i had king luis on my away, give the armband to a real red. CARRAGHER.
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:05 pm

Leonmc0708 wrote:to spit in our faces like this is fu.cking disgraceful attempt at an explanation.


EXACTLY - the thing is - there WAS NO F>UCKING EXPLANATION ....C.UNT C.UNT C.UNT  :angry:

Postby ynwa » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:05 pm

i hope he plays for chelsea sooner or later chelsea will be like leeds and no tw@t will want gerrard cause of the wages he is on we are a better team with out him we have proved that we are when u go ste dont look back u wan ker
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Postby Adebisi » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:08 pm

Architect wrote:"How can I leave after a night like this?"

To me that statement is the most sickening thing about this entire saga, those words just topped off an amazing night for a Liverpool fan and remember being filled with elation that he had more or less said he was staying.

I know for a fact I will be physically sick if I see Stevie in a Chelsea shirt, even thinking about him arm in arm with Mourinho is making my guts churn!

But sh*t like this happens all the time in football nowadays, there's no such thing as loyalty and having a boyhood team no longer matters to most players.
I was a bit gutted when Owen left but after about a week he was forgotten! (Mainly as he was away in Spain)
Hopefully we can move on from this and we can sign a big name signing to soften the blow!

BUT the fat lady hasnt sang yet, so fingers crossed this is all just a bad dream :D
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