Gerrard - Pure love

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Postby the-stinger » Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:12 pm

peewee wrote:Image

Anyone got any good captions to come with this pic?
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Postby lili » Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:13 pm

how long do you all think rafa will put up with it. To me he seems big on team harmony.I just cant believe that Gerrad dosent want to stay and play in the centre with Alonso whos just a brilliant player shorely he can see that with himself there and Alonso and Liverpool winning that they will attract better players and things will flow from there thats why all this is so frustrating because its hard to understand why he would leave at present unless its for the money and i dont give a stuff if he goes to chelksi and wins stuffen 10 champ medals cause it wont mean half as much as one with Liverpool if he stays does the hard yards.
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Postby woof woof ! » Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:22 pm

What gets me most about Stevie's downbeat comments is that everybody can see that under Rafa the team is definatley making progress . I'm more optomistic about our future than i have been for many a year. Surely now is the time for any player who says they love the club to give Rafa some support and dedicate the rest of this season and all of the next  to bringing success back to anfield  Thats what I would call love and loyalty for your team.
At the end of the 05/06 season Stevie would still be only 25 (?) and if he still felt he needed to move on to achieve medals trophies etc fair enough , but at least give Rafa a fair go .How can LFC return to the glory days if their top players keep sayin' "it's not happening quick enough I'm off "

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Postby woof woof ! » Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:24 pm

the-stinger wrote:
peewee wrote:Image

Anyone got any good captions to come with this pic?

YESSSSSS,   Just put a few more million on my transfer fee !

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Postby taff » Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:26 pm

God knows whats been said behind the scenes etc but we have to remember

Weve seen him mature and now he is turning into the finished article it stinks that we will probably lose him

But if he wants out then so be it we CANNOT have the club undermined by one player and he aint Maradonna or Pele

We should always thank him for his contribution but the club will still be around long after SG has retired
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Postby Ciggy » Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:56 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
the-stinger wrote:
peewee wrote:Image

Anyone got any good captions to come with this pic?

YESSSSSS,   Just put a few more million on my transfer fee !

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Postby spud » Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:02 pm

bigmick wrote:It was a touch worrying in the post-match interview when Stevie gave the impression that we need to gate-crash the Championship race pretty sharpish to keep him happy and motivated. I thought it was all about the Champions League? ???
Lets assume we win our next ten Premiership games, Chelsea and the Ars drop ten points during that period putting us right in there. What then? Jamie Carragher has to pen a Eurovision winner, Henchoz's missus has to win Miss World and Diouf has to go on I'm a Celebrity and be crowned king of the jungle? Best we give Ant and Dec a ring.

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Postby spud » Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:10 pm

the-stinger wrote:
peewee wrote:Image

Anyone got any good captions to come with this pic?


I wont have to play a third division team of Bulgarian miners now!
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Postby Santa » Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:15 pm

Players can use whatever excuses for wanting a, medals, big city glamour, commercial potential, new challanges etc. but Stevie's mind I reckon is already made up. If Moores leave, he will use it as a quick fire excuse to go, if we don't progress to last 8 in CL he will leave, if we don't qualify for CL next year he's off because "playing in CL is paramount", if we qualify, he will want the league medal and finishing fourth is not enough for him. Players will use whatever excuses they want but the lure of big money, glamour and errr...big money is a big carrot and we cannot deny we cannot compete in financial stakes and are not in same league where glamour is concern (eg, jetting out in club owners private jet to an European game). Players want to go to the likes of Real and Chelsea because they will be surrounded with star players and don't have to work as hard as they have to here, it's understandable. What's needed is for Stevie to come clean about his intentions so the club can start making preparation for live without him. I will never have the same respect for Michael precisely for that as it sure is a lowest form of saying thank you to your home town club.
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Postby JBG » Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:37 pm

Gerrard has made his mind up: he'll leave next summer.

I've been following football a long time and you can see the signs when a player wants to go. Gerrard is only laying down the foundations of the move, by making him staying contingent on the club being immediately successful, of Moores staying etc.

Its a crying shame after all we went through last summer, and if this is Gerrard's way of of engineering a move out of the club, I'd prefer if he'd gone last summer.
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Postby Redrider » Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:53 pm

It's like Rush to Juventus, we all knew it was going to happen at the end of the season !   Get used to it lad's, it's a pi$$er, but we will survive !! :)
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Postby Santa » Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:09 pm

We are strong and we will survive...see how the blue sh!te actually became a better and more consistent team after their "world-class" star left them this season. There is no "I" in "TEAM". I would rather we have a more balanced "team" than just a couple of "individuals". Of course if we have afford the finances, I really hoped Stevie will stay and add to the "team"
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Postby The_Rock » Thu Dec 09, 2004 5:13 pm

Move or no move, lets give gerrard the respect he deserves. A football player career is only about 13 to 15 yrs. So he has to think about his options carefully. Gerrard has been a wonderful servant for this club. If he stays great news. If he leaves (40 million pounds), ok news. Its a win-win situation for us.

Also i don't think he will go to chelsea. If he wants to moves, he will go to madrid.
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Postby spud » Thu Dec 09, 2004 5:13 pm

Redrider wrote:It's like Rush to Juventus, we all knew it was going to happen at the end of the season !   Get used to it lad's, it's a pi$$er, but we will survive !! :)

Spot on remember it well.

We should now take control of the situation and learn from our mistakes (Steve McMan, Michael Owen).

Force his hand at the end of the season, otherwise we should sell him to the highest bidder and give RB the funds to proceed.

I love him, but I cannot believe that after committing himself in the summer he's already making noises 5 months later,,,,,,,,,the writing is on the wall.
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Postby Ciggy » Thu Dec 09, 2004 5:22 pm

This is what hes said in the echo.

Gerrard's future dominated the pre-match coverage, and the skipper hopes his openness is respected by the supporters.

He said: "I know I put a lot of pressure on myself because of what I said. I felt I needed a big performance last night, but I was asked the questions and I wanted to be honest. I always will be.

"If I'm asked a question, I'll give a straight answer. I'm not going to go around the world telling lies about how I feel.

"I'm a fan as well, and I think what I've said the supporters will agree with. The main point I've made is I want to be in a Liverpool side which is challenging for the title and Champions League all the time.

"That's where the club needs to be. I want to be winning things with Liverpool, not somewhere else. That's the most important thing.

"But last night wasn't about me. I scored a vital goal for the team and for the club, not myself."
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