Gerrard - Pure love

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby the-stinger » Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:52 am

LFC #1 wrote:
the-stinger wrote:But what do you do when the player has it in his head that he wants to leave sooner than later, you cant keep the inevitable from happening. We never thought that Michael will leave, and he did. Hope we are thinking with our heads not our hearts.

the difference is though, MO wasn't a boyhood fan of LFC, and Gerrard grew up in Liverpool so it  is home to him, it would be very difficult to leave as he is a true scouser and  loves the club.

Replace Owen with Fowler, you see how much it hurts especially since Houllier had Heskey (god knows why) higher in the pecking order than Fowler.

Whoever you look at it, it hurts the same way mate, Owen and Fowler and Macca was a tragedy to lose, Gerrard will be too in January.
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Postby the-stinger » Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:54 am

John Barnes' Granny wrote:My mind has changed over Gerrard.

I was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt concerning the rumours as I absolutely love Gerrard, but the captain of Liverpool giving the club an ultimation 24 hours before their biggest game of the season is disgraceful.

His performance prior to him scoring the goal was below par and petulant. His studs into the Greek player could have got him sent off was as it was wild and indisciplined in the extreme and we wouldn't have gone through.

Yes, he celebrated wildly with fans after he scored his sensational goal, which I thought was a bit rich after his (paraphrased) "If I leave Liverpool some fans will accept it and understand and some will hate me forever for it, but thats football and they'll get over it".

I love Gerrard and he would be a huge loss to the team and a body blow to the club's morale, but he's acting like a spoiled brat at the moment and I honestly think he should have been stripped of his captaincy for his threats and ultimations. That won't happen as the club are bending backwards to placate him and keep it happy.

The club were also too keen to please Steve McMannaman and Michael Owen, and I now guarantee that the same will happen with Gerrard.

We are now entering the long drawn out endgame with Gerrard which will last to next summer when he'll leave.

:angry:  :angry:

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Postby bigmick » Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:57 am

We had a big long thread on this subject last week. I stick to what I said then, fifty million. Pounds. If he's gonna go and call me pessimist etc etc then we need some serious funds for his services.
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Postby JBG » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:00 am

Gerrard won't go in January as he'll be cup tied (unless there is a massive falling out with the club over Christmas) but what he is doing now is paving the way for a move. He has set impossibly high targets for the team to achieve and he'll use these as an excuse to leave.

What he's doing now is getting the fans around to thinking and accepting that he's going, so that by next June supporters will be sick of it all and be prepared to give in.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:00 am

he is the captain of the club, he cant come on TV and say he is happy with fourth place, if he said that thenthe rest of the squad would think its ok also

Postby Ciggy » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:05 am

He was asked will he be leaving and then said well erm I wana win the prem like so duno like................... JBG hit the nail on the head he is going , hes just gettin the fans to accept it.
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Postby JBG » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:12 am

There's a difference between say, Roy Keane's scathing comments about Man UTD and Gerrard's comments.

If it was a simple matter of him saying "We just have to do better than 4th" you would say, fair play, we need to gun for the top and its good to hear such comments from your captain.

However, in his comments in the last 48 hours Gerrard has made it perfectly clear that he'll go unless something dramatic happens. His ultimation to the club on the eve of the biggest game of the season was disgraceful.
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Postby bigmick » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:19 am

I think its quite important to bear in mind though that he doesn't really owe us anything at present. He didn't cost a fee, he's been a fantastic player for us and lets not forget, last night wouldn't have happened at all were it not for his herculean efforts of last season.
The key is, as long as we get a realistic fee for him. No stringing along, poncing about, got to talk to me little brother first, depends what my agent says and all that old bo!!ocks, a proper and fair price. If we get that, then I don't begrudge him his move. I think he's misguided but I don't begrudge him.
On the question of a large family and showing his sons his medals, is it me or doesn't "look at this son. this is a championship medal I won with my hometown club.You know your Grandad? well he first took me down to training when I was eleven years old. he used to come and watch every game. And your grandma. Come rain or shine they cheered me on, just like I come and watch you when you play for the school. Anyhow it took me a whole career. We were rubbish at first but we gradually improved each season until in my last couple of years we were the best. I still remember the day we won it, your Grandad cried his eyes out, said it was the proudest moment of his life. One day I hope you'll play for Liverpool son. That'll be the proudest moment of mine," sound better than "see these son. Six Championships. What happened was, this Russian bloke came over and bought all the best players. One season we won it by twenty five points! Had a squad of seventy six players. I did well that year, played fourteen games."
If ever I had been good enough to make it as a pro, I would have definately been a glory hunter. Just depends what you call glory I suppose.
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Postby jymbojetset » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:29 am

bigmick wrote:On the question of a large family and showing his sons his medals, is it me or doesn't "look at this son. this is a championship medal I won with my hometown club.You know your Grandad? well he first took me down to training when I was eleven years old. he used to come and watch every game. And your grandma. Come rain or shine they cheered me on, just like I come and watch you when you play for the school. Anyhow it took me a whole career. We were rubbish at first but we gradually improved each season until in my last couple of years we were the best. I still remember the day we won it, your Grandad cried his eyes out, said it was the proudest moment of his life. One day I hope you'll play for Liverpool son. That'll be the proudest moment of mine," sound better than "see these son. Six Championships. What happened was, this Russian bloke came over and bought all the best players. One season we won it by twenty five points! Had a squad of seventy six players. I did well that year, played fourteen games."
If ever I had been good enough to make it as a pro, I would have definately been a glory hunter. Just depends what you call glory I suppose.

Excellent post!

Similar to Bryan Robson at the mancs. Similar position, much as I hated him, he gave 110% every week and stayed loyal and eventually got the medal that he desired.
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Postby Big Niall » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:40 am

Yeah but Robson had little to do with the title winning team, ince was the leading midfielder, Robson injured and slow. He was a passenger in the team at that stage. He never got to LEAD a team to glory. I think Bruce was captain in 93 too.

Never the less, I won't begrudge Gerrard a move either and LFC should start seeing how much money they can get for him and make plans for his replacement (£10m to get  Danny Murphy back?)

At least he is not Rivaldo who said "medals don't count when you go to your bank manager"
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Postby the-stinger » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:56 am

peewee wrote:he is the captain of the club, he cant come on TV and say he is happy with fourth place, if he said that thenthe rest of the squad would think its ok also

Threatning to leave isnt a solution also. Imagine you do stuff like that at your workplace, you'll get shipped out quicksmart, and thats what he wants.
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Postby ICE-MAN » Thu Dec 09, 2004 12:02 pm

danny murphy was shyte we should never talk him back big niall! as for gerrard he clearly wants a transfer, i was a bit annoyed reading all the papers and listening to post match comments saying our one man show gerrard won it for us, in my view thats ballox, what about the great performances of carra, alonso, baros and pongolle, even kewell had a great game and looked back to his old self!

gerrard went around for a good bit of the match like a big baby, the way rooney did for england in spain, he just went around kicking people and he should definitely have been sent off for kicking out at two players, it was as if he was trying to get sent off, he didnt even have faith in his team and is showing a huge lack of respect towards the players by saying he might be moving on if we dont do well and at half time he didnt think we could do it! great goal and i was jumping around like a lunatic celebrating!

but its time to cut our losses and concentrate without him, hes disrespectful to the team and rafa in his comments, no player is bigger than the club, BYE BYE GERRARD! :cool:
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Postby lakes10 » Thu Dec 09, 2004 12:15 pm

you say he loves the club but how could he hold us to ransom as that is what he has been doing. its like telling your wife that if she dont buy you a TVR for xmas you are going to dump her(hint to my wife there).
if he loves liverpool fc he would stay even if we did not win anything this year and even if we did not get into the CL next year .
if he is going to leave then he should just come out and say so and then we can think about what to spend the money on.
yes i would like him to stay but if he is going to go on and say things like he has been then just go!
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Postby laza » Thu Dec 09, 2004 12:46 pm

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:He was asked will he be leaving and then said well erm I wana win the prem like so duno like................... JBG hit the nail on the head he is going , hes just gettin the fans to accept it.

Well if thats the case i have to say its beginning to work.
I rather not lose him but if he goes then let be on our terms with biggest transfer fee we can get.
Im have to say im somewhat friggin annoyed after  a superb result like that some of inital media reports on the game was how it has now kept Stevie G from leaving in January. Talk about the player becoming bigger then the club .
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Postby the-stinger » Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:10 pm

Wish they were all like Jaime.
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