Gerrard arrested

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby dawson99 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:13 pm

Fo Dne wrote:I've heard the DJ brought the paternity of one of Gerrard's children into question on the microphone of the club infront of everyone after Gerrard had asked for the music to be changed.

Steven Apparently responded by throwing a bottle at the DJ and his mates have give him a few digs.

If this is correct, then the DJ is a mindless scrote and needs his head kicking in. If they find Gerrard guilty for reacting to comments like this then the do gooders in this country have won and it just proves what a horrible country this is.

This is what I've heard though so I can't be 100%.

If this is correct, then he threw a bottle at someone, that's all that the law will see. All depends on if the bottle hit the target.
but yeah, morally i completely agree, the guy is a mindless scrote which is being nice
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Postby Fo Dne » Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:24 pm

dawson99 wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:I've heard the DJ brought the paternity of one of Gerrard's children into question on the microphone of the club infront of everyone after Gerrard had asked for the music to be changed.

Steven Apparently responded by throwing a bottle at the DJ and his mates have give him a few digs.

If this is correct, then the DJ is a mindless scrote and needs his head kicking in. If they find Gerrard guilty for reacting to comments like this then the do gooders in this country have won and it just proves what a horrible country this is.

This is what I've heard though so I can't be 100%.

If this is correct, then he threw a bottle at someone, that's all that the law will see. All depends on if the bottle hit the target.
but yeah, morally i completely agree, the guy is a mindless scrote which is being nice

The law needs looking at to be quite honest.

IF thats the case you can make a living in this country by provoking someone into smacking you then sueing them, which is quite pathetic.
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Postby dawson99 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:27 pm

I always remember the burglar in America who fell through the garage, couldn't get out, had to eat dog food for a few days then sued the owners of the house for not having a way out... and he won!!!
A guy in Scotland got 2 years for running over the burglars who robbed his house, held a knife to his family then ran... he should have been given a medal chasing him
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Postby NANNY RED » Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:42 pm

lakes10 wrote:has Gerrard lost his mind, tv and radio have all picked up on the fact that he was driving using a mobile.

Sorry but someone needs to sit down with him and give him a chat, he know tv crew were going to be outside, now the police are going to talk to him about it (Radio 5 live).

Not being funny here like an we all know the disasters that do happen when your on your mobile while driving so its very sensative. But what i would say is Steven wont be able to go for a wee now as Radio 5 will be saying hes pi.ssing the wrong way. Its getting ridiculas . Stop listening to that load of Shi.te Lakes its a bitter bitter radio station
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Postby vlady16.1 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:44 pm

the saddest thing is that sg should have known better and not gotten involved. was the dj wrong..certainly and should have lost his job..his lack of visual injuries shows how minor this is.

face it, if i offer you 120k a week and all i want is that you keep your but clean (ie no arrests, drugs, hookers etc) and play footie it ain't a bad gig. He should have left and the bar should be begging him to return.
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Postby roberto green » Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:59 pm

Fo Dne wrote:I've heard the DJ brought the paternity of one of Gerrard's children into question on the microphone of the club infront of everyone after Gerrard had asked for the music to be changed.

Steven Apparently responded by throwing a bottle at the DJ and his mates have give him a few digs.

If this is correct, then the DJ is a mindless scrote and needs his head kicking in. If they find Gerrard guilty for reacting to comments like this then the do gooders in this country have won and it just proves what a horrible country this is.

This is what I've heard though so I can't be 100%.

If this is true i don't think Gerrard will be in to much trouble.Ok he shouldn't of thrown the bottle but everyone has their snapping point (or shall I say their smashing bottle point :D )
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Postby lakes10 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:09 pm

Fo Dne wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:I've heard the DJ brought the paternity of one of Gerrard's children into question on the microphone of the club infront of everyone after Gerrard had asked for the music to be changed.

Steven Apparently responded by throwing a bottle at the DJ and his mates have give him a few digs.

If this is correct, then the DJ is a mindless scrote and needs his head kicking in. If they find Gerrard guilty for reacting to comments like this then the do gooders in this country have won and it just proves what a horrible country this is.

This is what I've heard though so I can't be 100%.

If this is correct, then he threw a bottle at someone, that's all that the law will see. All depends on if the bottle hit the target.
but yeah, morally i completely agree, the guy is a mindless scrote which is being nice

The law needs looking at to be quite honest.

IF thats the case you can make a living in this country by provoking someone into smacking you then sueing them, which is quite pathetic.

Balls, but sorry mate, I dont care what anyone says, its only words, but as soon a you hit out or throw something your have crossed the line, and its right the law see's it that way.

He is a big boy and hears worst from away fans every week, i am not saying its right what was said but still you dont hit out.

As you know i teach Anger Managment and work with the police with the learners.

I can not tell you how many have hit out or thrown something and its missed and hit someone that had nothing to do with it. in one case a 5 year old boy got a glass in the face.
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Postby Number 9 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:32 pm

lakes10 wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:I've heard the DJ brought the paternity of one of Gerrard's children into question on the microphone of the club infront of everyone after Gerrard had asked for the music to be changed.

Steven Apparently responded by throwing a bottle at the DJ and his mates have give him a few digs.

If this is correct, then the DJ is a mindless scrote and needs his head kicking in. If they find Gerrard guilty for reacting to comments like this then the do gooders in this country have won and it just proves what a horrible country this is.

This is what I've heard though so I can't be 100%.

If this is correct, then he threw a bottle at someone, that's all that the law will see. All depends on if the bottle hit the target.
but yeah, morally i completely agree, the guy is a mindless scrote which is being nice

The law needs looking at to be quite honest.

IF thats the case you can make a living in this country by provoking someone into smacking you then sueing them, which is quite pathetic.

Balls, but sorry mate, I dont care what anyone says, its only words, but as soon a you hit out or throw something your have crossed the line, and its right the law see's it that way.

He is a big boy and hears worst from away fans every week, i am not saying its right what was said but still you dont hit out.

As you know i teach Anger Managment and work with the police with the learners.

I can not tell you how many have hit out or thrown something and its missed and hit someone that had nothing to do with it. in one case a 5 year old boy got a glass in the face.

I agree with that Lakes!
What I'll also say is that I dont for a second believe that Gerrard threw a bottle at the DJ but if he did,he deserves whats coming to him.

I cant believe (well I can cause its Stu) that he feels its OK to throw a glass bottle at someone for saying something out of turn,no matter how bad or personal it is.Chucking a bottle at someone is a cowardly wimpish act,something you expect off a lowlife.When it leaves your hand you dont know where its gonna hit him if he'll live or die or if its gonna smash into the face of an 18 year old girl 3 feet away.Only last week there was a guy on the news jailed for throwing a bottle into a club because bouncers never let him smashed and a piece went into a girls neck..she died!
No excuse for it in any situation.

I'm not sure how the law works but if Gerrard had thrown a bottle would the charges not be more serious anyway?
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Postby dawson99 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:35 pm

..not if it missed. if it missed (which it did judging by the pics) its a lesser charge, incetement to something or other.
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Postby Sean » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:45 pm

What concerns me is that our captain was in a pub late at night at a critical time of our season.  It proves that premiership footballers are bluffers and their commitment to sustaining peak fitness doesn't match up to your regular professional rugby player.
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Postby dawson99 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:49 pm

Sean wrote:What concerns me is that our captain was in a pub late at night at a critical time of our season.  It proves that premiership footballers are bluffers and their commitment to sustaining peak fitness doesn't match up to your regular professional rugby player.

bollox, just had a massive win, best pay of the season, days and days til next game so he had a few ales. if anything, finally shows hes human.
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Postby Rorschach26 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:56 pm

maypaxvobiscum wrote:the club shouldnt fine him even if he is wrong.
he is our own player ffs
there needs to be bias

needs 2 be bias?............ofcourse he should be fined if he was the 1 throwing the punches

thats the kind of gang mentality stupid way of thinking thats destroying this country & most others
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Postby Sean » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:56 pm

Its just a general observation.  I know of amateur sportsmen who take their sport so seriously they won't touch a drop of alcohol.  Yet, premiership footballers who claim to be elite sportsmen have no problem getting :censored:.

Perhaps football simply isn't as demanding a sport as rugby or track and field etc. After all, Tony Adams and Paul Merson played for Arsenal and England when in the grip of alcoholism while Paul McGrath won the player of the year award in 1993 despite by his own admission spending alot of the season drunk.
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Postby aCe' » Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:00 pm

lakes10 wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:I've heard the DJ brought the paternity of one of Gerrard's children into question on the microphone of the club infront of everyone after Gerrard had asked for the music to be changed.

Steven Apparently responded by throwing a bottle at the DJ and his mates have give him a few digs.

If this is correct, then the DJ is a mindless scrote and needs his head kicking in. If they find Gerrard guilty for reacting to comments like this then the do gooders in this country have won and it just proves what a horrible country this is.

This is what I've heard though so I can't be 100%.

If this is correct, then he threw a bottle at someone, that's all that the law will see. All depends on if the bottle hit the target.
but yeah, morally i completely agree, the guy is a mindless scrote which is being nice

The law needs looking at to be quite honest.

IF thats the case you can make a living in this country by provoking someone into smacking you then sueing them, which is quite pathetic.

Balls, but sorry mate, I dont care what anyone says, its only words, but as soon a you hit out or throw something your have crossed the line, and its right the law see's it that way.

He is a big boy and hears worst from away fans every week, i am not saying its right what was said but still you dont hit out.

As you know i teach Anger Managment and work with the police with the learners.

I can not tell you how many have hit out or thrown something and its missed and hit someone that had nothing to do with it. in one case a 5 year old boy got a glass in the face.

have to agree there.... no excuse for throwing a glass bottle at someone regardless of what they say...

wanna go ahead and give em baastards a proper smack in the head and deal with the consequences id understand, but throwing a glass bottle is imo no way to react to such a thing..

anyways if true, hope it missed everyone and gerrard gets it easy with the law... id think it would be better for all parties involved if they could settle outside court and drop the whole thing...

read somewhere that gerrard is proper devasted by the whole thing and is beating himself over being in the wrong place in the wrong time... apparently one of his mates came out and spoke to one of the local rags about the whole thing or something... will try to find a link or something..
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Postby Rorschach26 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:00 pm

crazyhorse wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:maybe Rafa could tell the police they have the wrong liverpool player...i'm sure Babel was there and not Gerrard  :D

Not a racist comment in any way.. but surely Ryan is a little too..........Black to get away with that one!!


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