
Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby scum » Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:39 am

Hey I'm a Man Utd fan, but I googled Fowler to read up follow ups on his performance last night, and this thread(s) kill me. I'm a man u fan, and hate liverpool with a passion, but no way can i deny Robbie Fowler looks mentally and technically more lethal then any other strikers you have. I been arguing for years that if he could stay fit, he'd be immense. Seriously, I never cacked my pants in a Liverpool vs Man Utd match when Owen played, but I had a nice stain when Fowler put 'em past us *grumble*

Bung him on a tread mill for a bit, and make sure he can't eat junk, and he's easily the best striker you'll have out of the :censored: you got now
Cisse - Fast, mentally, and technically :censored:
Morientes - Doesn't have the right sort of ethos for the team he's playing in or somthing.
Crouch - He should be scoring so many based on his immense size alone, but he doesn't.
Fowler - left foot, right foot, head, if he worked out a bit, some pace would be there too. And mentally, he's 2 seconds faster then the rest of them. Technically, I have never seen a better finisher in my life. And he's so dedicated to your club its unbelievable. You can't buy loyalty like that, it gives a player an extra 10% in every game.

Goals win Games
Fat Fowler = Scrappy Goals
Fit Fowler = Class Goals
Fowler = Goals

oh and Man Utd > Liverpool :P
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Postby TheoRacle » Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:59 am

Apart from the last line pretty much spot on ... :D

So what you going to do with no Van Horseface - any targets on the horizon ???
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Postby babu » Fri Mar 17, 2006 7:07 am

your all bloody wrong the only reason the strikers are scoring is........


:D :D :laugh: :p

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Postby azriahmad » Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:07 am

stmichael & murphy0151,
As far as I can recall, that's the second booing on a Liverpool substitution incident to have occurred at Anfield this season. The first involved Crouch being taken off and he himself shaking his head when he first saw his number being displayed for coming off (can't remember the opponent) to be replaced. The crowd immediately booed the decision to take off these players on both occassions before applauding both Crouch then and Fowler in the last game for their respective contributons thus far.

TBH, this is the first time I have ever come across booing at the manager's decicions at Anfield, of all places! I don't ever recall it ever happening in the past, even when we were so dire at Anfield in the final season of Houllier's managerial reign.

I presume both of you are Anfield regulars - are there different/new people who are now attanding matches at Anfield who were not followers of Liverpool before?

To my knowledge, the Anfield crowd is the most amazing one. They are very appreciative of good football, no matter from which team (perhaps except the Mancs or now Chelsea). Against Benfica, at half time when we were trailing at home, the sight of the crowd singing their hearts out is a sight to see. Even at the end, when we lost 0-2, the crowd kept singing "You'll Never Walk Alone" and also applauded Benfica. Liverpool fans never boo their own team or their manager. What's with this lot?
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Postby Judge » Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:17 am

bigmick wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:Mick, stop sitting on the fence for :censored: sake. Fowler's a good player, those who said he was better than what we had already and is still a capable top premiership player are right, thats the end of it.

:D It's not sitting on the fence stu to say what I've said. I just re-read it and actually stand by all of it. Jeez just because I don't slag anybody off on this occasion I get called Kofi Annan and a fence sitter.
I suppose rather than saying everybody was right in a way, I could've said that you all called it wrong. Kewell was wrong to say he wasn't good enough, and the rest of you were wrong to say he'd be almost the player who left and could still bang the goals in left, right and centre.
Of course, the only person who isn't wrong was me  :D Minds you, if I'd said that I wouldn't be Kofi Annan I'd just be a narky ponce who disagreed with everybody.

Seriously, I did say he's offered more of a goal threat than any of our other strikers and that his awareness is better than when he was at Liverpool before. I also said I'd keep him so that's not sitting on the fence at all. He's nowhere near the player he was though and if that makes me Kofi Annan to say all of that, I'd better get my little lad involved in the selling arms business.

mick never sits on the fence, it wouldnt take his weight  :D   :p   :D
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Postby JC_81 » Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:05 am

As far as the Fowler situation goes there are basically 2 questions:

1.  Was it right to bring him back in the first place?

imo yes.  He's looked the most likely of our strikers to score recently as many have stated, his link-up play has been good and if the 2 of his 3 disallowed goals that should have stood had counted that'd give him 3 goals in 8 games (or something like that)?  And not even all of those games were starts.  Not bad considering he's new to the team, didn't play with a regular partner and most of those games were against stiff opposition.  Not to mention the fact he cost nothing, isn't on high wages, gave us fans a major lift, is doing all he can to improve his fitness and is an example to all our foreign lads of the passion you should show every time you pull on the shirt.

2.  Do we keep him beyond this season?

Again I have to say yes.  I admit it is hard to see a team winning the premiership with Fowler as the main striker, but I also think as Mick points out that he would be one of the best 3rd or 4th choice strikers that we could find.  He's an intelligent player and when the chips are down you know you can bring him off the bench and there's every chance he'll change the game for you.  He'll happily sit on the bench for 70% of games next season without moaning because he loves the club.  I would imagine he's a good influence in the dressing room and I think the fact that people like Carragher and Gerrard still look up to Fowler even though they are the vice-captain and captain respectively says a lot.  I'd offer him a 1 year contract with the option of a second year depending on appearances next season.
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Postby Ciggy » Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:55 am

Big Niall you are probably right that he gets more support cause he is a scouser, but the lad is one of us, everything why what we scousers love him for.
From snorting the lines, Wearing the Dockers T-Shirt, Taunting the bitters, taunting the mancs.
The lads a fan aswell as a player.
We wish every player that plays for Liverpool loves the club as much as he does, same as we all dream of a team of Carraghers, we love local players playing for the club when they have the same passion as the fans, its a shame that  Fowlers, Gerrards, Carraghers only come round once a decade.
I have nothing against our foriegn players but none of them will be as passionate about Liverpool than a local lad playing for the club.
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Postby Ace Ventura » Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:07 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:7_Kewell, at the end of the day, everyone here can see what Fowler's bringing to the side, everyone here knows you refuse to support him because you don't want to admit i was right AGAIN about a player and you got it wrong. Move on and get over it, thank you please. :D :rasp


what an idiot you really are stu......not only have you been proved wrong (by claiming Fowler would become one of the best English strikers and be a 25 goal a season striker, if he played in the 'right system') you’re too immature to even admit it!

classic....but what would you expect from an idiot who once said Joey Barton was "technically better than Gerrard" 

I'm not being funny mate, but you are so anti-Fowler it's unreal.

Is he:

Missing chance after chance? - No.

Failing to link-up with his fellow strikers? - No. Mori is failing to find him, but the same cannot be said reversed.

Sulking at a lack of first-team opportunities? - No.

Working his f*cking ar*e off for the team he loves? - Yes.

As technically gifted as he was before? - No. He's better.

Failing to find space, peel away from defenders and create openings for the lumbering piles of sh*te he's playing alongside? - No.

Scoring goals? - YES.

Do you honestly think ANY strikers other than Henry,Spooney, etc could score frequently with the service Robbie's been getting? Do you actually watch our matches, and see these f*cking GLARING elements?

A f*cking resounding NO to both, I feel.  :no

Great post Lando  :bowdown

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Postby 7_Kewell » Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:43 pm

stu_the_red wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:7_Kewell, at the end of the day, everyone here can see what Fowler's bringing to the side, everyone here knows you refuse to support him because you don't want to admit i was right AGAIN about a player and you got it wrong. Move on and get over it, thank you please. :D :rasp


what an idiot you really are stu......not only have you been proved wrong (by claiming Fowler would become one of the best English strikers and be a 25 goal a season striker, if he played in the 'right system') you’re too immature to even admit it!

classic....but what would you expect from an idiot who once said Joey Barton was "technically better than Gerrard" 

Would become one of the best english strikers?

Where did i say that?  I actually said he is the third or fourth best english striker and i stand by that completely. Again, the dickhead misquotes me. Fowler is still capable of rattling goals in left right and centre given the right service and chances. I stand by that aswell. Anyone with an ounce of knowledge about the game can see that.

And if Steven Gerrard is so technically and tactically brilliant, why did he play a superb through ball for Henry the other week and completely fail to dominate the midfield of the worst away side in the country?

I'm not the only that can see you're clueless, i'm not the only one who can see you want Fowler to fail simply because you had a petty arguement with me... face it lad, if anyone's past it, its you. :D

Mick, stop sitting on the fence for :censored: sake. Fowler's a good player, those who said he was better than what we had already and is still a capable top premiership player are right, thats the end of it.

Barton is better than Gerrard,,,,you couldn't make it up, could you stu?  :D
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Postby 7_Kewell » Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:49 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:7_Kewell, at the end of the day, everyone here can see what Fowler's bringing to the side, everyone here knows you refuse to support him because you don't want to admit i was right AGAIN about a player and you got it wrong. Move on and get over it, thank you please. :D :rasp


what an idiot you really are stu......not only have you been proved wrong (by claiming Fowler would become one of the best English strikers and be a 25 goal a season striker, if he played in the 'right system') you’re too immature to even admit it!

classic....but what would you expect from an idiot who once said Joey Barton was "technically better than Gerrard" 

I'm not being funny mate, but you are so anti-Fowler it's unreal.

Is he:

Missing chance after chance? - No.

Failing to link-up with his fellow strikers? - No. Mori is failing to find him, but the same cannot be said reversed.

Sulking at a lack of first-team opportunities? - No.

Working his f*cking ar*e off for the team he loves? - Yes.

As technically gifted as he was before? - No. He's better.

Failing to find space, peel away from defenders and create openings for the lumbering piles of sh*te he's playing alongside? - No.

Scoring goals? - YES.

Do you honestly think ANY strikers other than Henry,Spooney, etc could score frequently with the service Robbie's been getting? Do you actually watch our matches, and see these f*cking GLARING elements?

A f*cking resounding NO to both, I feel.  :no

i'm not anti Fowler......i just don't see the point in bringing back players who, in my opinon, are past it.  Fowler will never reach 100% fitness and i also find his lack of pace staggering.   In my opinion, ALL our strikers aren't good enough and the fact Fowler shines among them just highlights how poor they all are.

If Fowler scores 10 goals from now until May, great.....i'll happily hold my hands up and say i was wrong (something Stu is unable to do) but until then, i'm not going to jump on the bandwaggon and pretend he's going to become the 25 goal striker again he once was.

Liverpool FC should have players at the peak of their game...not become a retirement home for players who can't get a game at their old clubs.
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Postby RAGE UK » Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:27 pm

I agree with you 7_kewll well said.
I like fowler he was grate he might still have some goals left in him witch is good for us because our strikers are firing blanks.
But I think anyone that thinks fowler will become again what he was in for a shook.
I an not a fowler hatter I just know we should be going forward not backwards.
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Postby Flashard » Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:36 pm

If we are saying about not going backwards which before i stae something i agree with. Should we not be looking to bring Owen back. As we think he might produce what he once did. I have always thought since suffering continually with some form of muscle related injury he has lost pace. Yes he can finish but hey give fowler the right service and he will do that and he loves the club.

Just a thought . hmmmm
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:33 pm

7_Kewell wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:7_Kewell, at the end of the day, everyone here can see what Fowler's bringing to the side, everyone here knows you refuse to support him because you don't want to admit i was right AGAIN about a player and you got it wrong. Move on and get over it, thank you please. :D :rasp


what an idiot you really are stu......not only have you been proved wrong (by claiming Fowler would become one of the best English strikers and be a 25 goal a season striker, if he played in the 'right system') you’re too immature to even admit it!

classic....but what would you expect from an idiot who once said Joey Barton was "technically better than Gerrard" 

I'm not being funny mate, but you are so anti-Fowler it's unreal.

Is he:

Missing chance after chance? - No.

Failing to link-up with his fellow strikers? - No. Mori is failing to find him, but the same cannot be said reversed.

Sulking at a lack of first-team opportunities? - No.

Working his f*cking ar*e off for the team he loves? - Yes.

As technically gifted as he was before? - No. He's better.

Failing to find space, peel away from defenders and create openings for the lumbering piles of sh*te he's playing alongside? - No.

Scoring goals? - YES.

Do you honestly think ANY strikers other than Henry,Spooney, etc could score frequently with the service Robbie's been getting? Do you actually watch our matches, and see these f*cking GLARING elements?

A f*cking resounding NO to both, I feel.  :no

i'm not anti Fowler......i just don't see the point in bringing back players who, in my opinon, are past it.  Fowler will never reach 100% fitness and i also find his lack of pace staggering.   In my opinion, ALL our strikers aren't good enough and the fact Fowler shines among them just highlights how poor they all are.

If Fowler scores 10 goals from now until May, great.....i'll happily hold my hands up and say i was wrong (something Stu is unable to do) but until then, i'm not going to jump on the bandwaggon and pretend he's going to become the 25 goal striker again he once was.

Liverpool FC should have players at the peak of their game...not become a retirement home for players who can't get a game at their old clubs.

You're the only "normal" poster on these boards who thinks like that.

Liverpool shouldn't have experience and youth then?

Only players in there peak?

So any player who isn't 27 or 28 shouldn't be playing for us because they aren't in there peak? So when we get promising youngsters or usefull veterains they have to go because they aren't in their peak...

Keep going you fool... :D

Postby Crouchamania » Fri Mar 17, 2006 7:07 pm

Shankly based the Liverpool dynasty on players with courage,committment and intelligence. Fowler still personnifies these and if all he can do physically is play for 60 minutes or come off the bench for 30 minutes he will still be a major contributor. He will also be invaluable in helping any new strikerts Rafa brings in the same way St. John and Hickson helped Hunt.

Treasure him while you can
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Postby 7_Kewell » Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:28 pm

stu, i suggest you find a dictionary and look up the word irony  :D
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