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Postby Paul C » Mon May 17, 2004 1:24 pm

I agree, you get behind your team when they are down, look at Everton, they fight relegation every season but their fans still sing  :D
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Postby murphy0151 » Mon May 17, 2004 3:27 pm

Paul C wrote:I agree, you get behind your team when they are down, look at Everton, they fight relegation every season but their fans still sing  :D

Yeah the only two songs they no are  WE DONT CARE WHAT THE RED ****** SAY and WE WILL HANG THE KOPITES ONE BYE ONE the horrible bitter mongrel blue ****** T**ts.

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Postby Paul C » Mon May 17, 2004 4:27 pm

lol  :D
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Postby Dalglish » Tue May 18, 2004 12:39 am

I'm not going to get into the Scousers/Non Scousers argument. Its pointless anyway and LFC wil always have universal support.

I'm not entirly sure that its ONLY the scousers who sing and cheer their team at games. I'm from Merseysde, know my fair share of songs and sing most of them. And yes i KNOW there are two verves of YNWA BEFORE we clap and it annoys me when they clap before the second verse!!!!

Problem for me is I was brought up in Woolyback land and haven't got the accent, does that make me less likely to sing ? No way , I've worked in liverpool for the last 16 years , my first child wil be born in Liverpool Women's hospital come August solely on the basis that it is the closest to Anfield I could get !!!!! I'm firecly red and Liverpool mad, always have been , always wil be.

Anfield has a poor atmosphere most games but travel AWAY and despite there being 3000-5000 of us we siong our heads off and the atmosphere's brilliant. Sad to say but i suppose having visited other so called Hotbeds of home support (Newcastle, Man U , Spurs, Arsenal etc....... its pretty much the same there.............. Only Celtic and Believe it or not , DERBY have impressed me with their home support..........
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Postby anfieldadorer » Tue May 18, 2004 7:29 am

When you walk through a storm hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.

I got the MP3 of YNWA sung by some old LFC players too, if you are interested.
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Postby murphy0151 » Tue May 18, 2004 8:01 am

Dalglish wrote:I'm not going to get into the Scousers/Non Scousers argument. Its pointless anyway and LFC wil always have universal support.

I'm not entirly sure that its ONLY the scousers who sing and cheer their team at games. I'm from Merseysde, know my fair share of songs and sing most of them. And yes i KNOW there are two verves of YNWA BEFORE we clap and it annoys me when they clap before the second verse!!!!

Problem for me is I was brought up in Woolyback land and haven't got the accent, does that make me less likely to sing ? No way , I've worked in liverpool for the last 16 years , my first child wil be born in Liverpool Women's hospital come August solely on the basis that it is the closest to Anfield I could get !!!!! I'm firecly red and Liverpool mad, always have been , always wil be.

Anfield has a poor atmosphere most games but travel AWAY and despite there being 3000-5000 of us we siong our heads off and the atmosphere's brilliant. Sad to say but i suppose having visited other so called Hotbeds of home support (Newcastle, Man U , Spurs, Arsenal etc....... its pretty much the same there.............. Only Celtic and Believe it or not , DERBY have impressed me with their home support..........

That pride park attmosphere is probably the best attmosphere Iv'e witnessed since seats have been intruduced.
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Postby Scottbot » Tue May 18, 2004 9:36 am

I'm a Wooley, from Hampshire as it happens though i'm not a farmer an i don't drive a combine harvester! I'm not so sure about the atmospere being so much better mid-week due to more scouse support. I've been to 6 games this season (4 home  and 1 away). One of the home games was the 3-0 midweek trouncing of Pompey on a Wednesday night. We were 3up by 60mins and pretty much murdered a shocking Pompey team. I sang my heart out all night but the general atmosphere in the ground was generally dead despite the score. I thought the fans were disinterested.
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Postby Woollyback » Tue May 18, 2004 9:52 am

To Leon, Murphy, Stu etc....

You talk a whole lot of insular ******. You've fallen into the trap of tarring everybody with the same brush.

There are wools and there are WOOLS. Does everybody who's not from Liverpool fail to sing and doesn't know the words to any of our songs? Yeah? OK, does everyone in Liverpool rob cars and inject smack?

You're generalising too much gentlemen and it's not good. I'm a wool - born in N Wales, live in Bury etc etc but I've also been going to the city of Liverpool on a regular basis since as far back as I remember, I have family in West Allerton and lived in Liverpool myself for 5 years. Basically I ****** love the city and always will. So don't go ****** telling me how I don't sing and don't know the words to our songs. Inward-thinking never got anyone anywhere.
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Postby murphy0151 » Tue May 18, 2004 4:05 pm

Woollyback wrote:To Leon, Murphy, Stu etc....

You talk a whole lot of insular ******. You've fallen into the trap of tarring everybody with the same brush.

There are wools and there are WOOLS. Does everybody who's not from Liverpool fail to sing and doesn't know the words to any of our songs? Yeah? OK, does everyone in Liverpool rob cars and inject smack?

You're generalising too much gentlemen and it's not good. I'm a wool - born in N Wales, live in Bury etc etc but I've also been going to the city of Liverpool on a regular basis since as far back as I remember, I have family in West Allerton and lived in Liverpool myself for 5 years. Basically I ****** love the city and always will. So don't go ****** telling me how I don't sing and don't know the words to our songs. Inward-thinking never got anyone anywhere.

Wooly we dont care were your from mate, well I dont anyway.  Iv'e been to every home game this season.  I get my tickets via the prority system.  Every game am sitting next to someon different, someone from Norway then London an wales you name a place and Ive sat next to someone from there at Anfield this season.  An the odd one or maybe two have actually song more than one verse of YNWA.  SO Ive seen it as close hand we no that Anfield is full off wools an daytrippers, am not having ago at you wooly. Do you no the singing corner in the kop area 202, they sing all threw the game.  Theres only about 20 off them.  Well some off them are wools, an hats off to them. Ive got knothing agaisnt people who travel far and beyond to get to Anfield, id give them more respect but half off them dont no who kenny dalglish or stephan henchoz.
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Postby Woollyback » Tue May 18, 2004 4:13 pm

I think we're probably barking up the same tree here Murphy, I know in general day-trippers ain't gonna sing & support like a season-ticket holding scouser but that's not to say that anyone within a 10 mile radius of Anfield is automatically a font of knowledge about the club, it's songs etc. whilst anyone outside 10 miles knows ****** all.

I was going to say that my point is that generalising & pigeon-holing isn't a good thing but I've gone and generalised myself about day trippers. Aaah B*llocks to it!   :O
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Postby Paul C » Tue May 18, 2004 4:17 pm

I know what you mean Muph, I just can't stand the people that talk ****** all the way through a game, winds me up.  I find theres always someone Irish sat by me, made me laugh cos their were a few Japanese/Asian people outside the ground on Saturday taking pictures of each other, I just thought of the Thai PM straight away  :D
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Postby Scottbot » Tue May 18, 2004 4:23 pm

It often feels like 'us an them' (scousers and Woolies) on these boards. I get the impression that some scousers would prefer it if only people from Liverpool supported LFC.
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Postby Woollyback » Tue May 18, 2004 4:31 pm

Not sure I'd go that far but there are some who definitely feel living in Liverpool makes them a better supporter than those who live elsewhere, be that Tamworth or Thailand.
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Tue May 18, 2004 11:10 pm

Not the point at all.

Woolback, you should know better, I played the right to support card when I first posted, and regreted it, then retracted it.

I am not disputing the right of any scouser over non scouse, my point and I beleive that of Murphy was that the people in the crowd who are NOT singing are not people with Liverpudlian/scouse accents. TRUE FACT.

This in itself is totally different to saying wooly backs dont know the words, or dont sing, or have no right to get tickets or to support the Reds. Get off the high horse old boy.

The biggest problem with prejudice is that those who are seen to be prejudged often jump on the defensive too soon. ie, just because the word scouser and woolyback where used on this thread, every member of this forum from further afeild than Formby comes on banging on about their right to support or have an opinion about LFC.

Total ******, the point of the whole thread, and the topic of debate is the atmosphere, and Murphy and I who have attended each and every home game for the last few years, (and a fair few away at that), gave our learned opinion on the reason for this lack of atmosphere.

People who come on saying "Yes well I went to the Lazio game in pre-season and this and that...." are talking out of their ****** quite frankly.

It is one thing telling me that you know a lot about the club, the city, the players or the board of directors, I will not argue with you on that, but if you do not go the game every week, dont come on here and poo poo the thoughts and ideas of people who attend all the time. And dont give me no fuck1ng sob story about work commitments, children or geographical problems, I work hard so I can go to the match and support the club, not to prevent me going.

Woolback, its not that we live in Liverpool that makes us a better supporter or more qualified it is the fact that we go to the games. END OF

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Postby fritzylfc » Tue May 18, 2004 11:27 pm

anfield is wot its now days .the board the managers the players . never blame the fans. 30 years and ive never being quite. walk on
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