Do you think he started it? - I think he did.

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Ciggy » Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:37 am

We are lucky Baros isnt injured that Muscats a right dirty.B. :angry:
KEVIN MUSCAT is at the centre of another storm after a vicious clash with Liverpool’s Milan Baros.
Czech striker Baros admits he was desperate to punch the Millwall defender following a late challenge near the end of Tuesday’s League Cup clash.

Aussie Muscat, who has a reputation as the dirtiest player in football, grabbed Baros round the neck and the pair were booked by ref Alan Wiley.

Baros, who scored twice in Liverpool’s 3-0 win, rapped: “The ball was already out and he tackled me. He took my legs away.

“He grabbed me around the neck but I could not punch him because that is definitely three or four games out. I stayed cool and kept my anger in.

“It was silly and I think he knew that. I told him he could not do it and after a few seconds he maybe realised and said sorry.

“Sometimes people have too much motivation, especially against Liverpool.”

Last year, Millwall warned Muscat, 31, he would be sacked unless he cleaned up his act after he was sent off at Watford for stamping on Danny Webber.

And former Charlton midfielder Matty Holmes won a £750,000 pay-out following a career-ending tackle by the Aussie, then with Wolves, six years ago.

Muscat has also committed notorious fouls on Craig Bellamy, Stan Lazaridis and Christophe Dugarry
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Postby dawson99 » Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:52 am

i think thatw hat millwall were chanting was totally out of order, sickening in fact, but in all honesty we could have been better ourselves.
Provocation is one thing but neither team is gonna come from this smelling of roses to be honest which is a shame because what should be talked about is how well our youngies played against a very physical millwall team.
And about teh baros thing, well mellor was giving just as good as he got. Biscan made a great hard tackle on the stroke of half time and Djimi was playing just as hard, its just the football that made the difference, and thats what counts
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Postby Ciggy » Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:55 am

:) True dawson well done our reserves.
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:30 am

I think its time to end this thread, so please moderators lock it up after this post:

Millwall 0 - 3 Liverpool

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Postby jim_morrison_supported_liverpool » Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:34 am

taff i think you're bein a bit naive.

MIllwall fans on their site have even admitted singin that sh*te. so for all them people, that includes the scummy little Millwall fans that are comin on this site, Dennis Wise, Theo Paphitis, and the Media, shove it up your little scummy ar*eholes.

i've tried to think what i would feel like if i was there and they were singin that stuff, and i'm sorry but i'd have wanted to kick their f*ckin head in too. not everybody is a f*ckin saint and can control their frustration, especially when you've had a few pints.

when a PLAYER gets taunted and reacts, he's given a lot more support, especially when its racist. the hillsborough taunts are worse than racist ones, and people given us loads when we react to it. does anyone ever consider this point?

so all those people who say its no excuse, try and put yourself in the situation, try and think how you might feel bein from the city and how strong you feel about hillsborough, having to listen to those things. after considering it for the past couple of days, i can say hand on heart i'd have reacted too. i've no shame in that either.
its not the chilli sauce on kebabs that give you ring-sting, its the actual meat. had one without chilli, and still had ring-sting. the chilli's only there to mask the nonsense they stuff inside that bread.
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Postby redman25 » Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:40 am


Following last night's events at the New Den when Liverpool fans were subjected to taunts about the Hillsborough disaster from home supporters, we have received this letter from a Millwall fan.

"I would just like to apologise to the Liverpool supporters for the disgraceful Hillsborough taunts at last night's game. I've been a Millwall fan all my life and have witnessed many low points in the club's recent history, from being a schoolboy at Luton in the quarter finals, to the near end of the club after the riot after the Birmingham play-offs.
"There were many thousands of other fans in the ground who feel the same as myself, that tragedies like Hillsborough should not be used for baiting away support, and I hope that the majority of Liverpool fans can understand that.
"There will always be an element of the crowd willing to use such taunts, and as the years pass I can only hope they become fewer and fewer. I've no problem with banter between fans as this adds to the atmosphere but there are some things that should be left alone.
"So on behalf of the majority of Millwall football fans I wish you all the very best in the next round of the competition and for the rest of the season.
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Postby crazyhorse » Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:31 am

A pity not all MFC fans are as straight as that guy.
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Postby taff » Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:40 pm

Jim old bean

Ive been checking out the sites and the orrible fact is there are Liverpool fans on the Millwall site directing them to sites where they can talk about the other side of football and how it was great to see so many old faces at the game etc.

What they sang was a f***ing disgrace and yes if I was there I would have wound up yes

I have no time for Millwalls reputation but to play the victims is in my opinion wrong and naive of us, there are trouble makers at every club but the difference between us and them is expect that again this weekend but you might not here of us doing it for the rest of the season

We have evolved a bit further than they have and the decent fans down there know this but dont know how they are ever going to get away from it
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Postby Stan Laurel » Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:03 pm

Boocity wrote:Was anyone at the match last night? Do we know if it was Liverpool fans who started the trouble? I may have been at the Liverpool end but the Liverpool end could have been infiltrated by non supporters who just saw it as an opportunity to cause trouble. Its happend before :angry:  :angry:

I didn't go there and my mate went there, he told me everything what happened.

At the start of the match, that Millw@nk fans started thrown at coins at us. We didn't give a damn about it because we knew they were going to cause trouble in the second half.

They were booing Diao after he scored and Traore as well, they were doing a monkey noises at them, which they are fcuking cnuts!!! That does made me really sick!!

They chants really horrible things about Hillsborough, Kenneth Bigley and John Peel.

They chants "96 NOT ENOUGH", so Liverpool fans went berserk and started thrown the seats to them and Polices were laughing at us and push us away and where the f**k stewards doing there cos they were sh1tting themselves!!

Tell you what, that Millw@nk fans should be banned for life and they are racist cnuts!! They should be ashamed of themselves and should be end up in the f**king cage with the animals cos they are f**king animals!!

I am glad we stuffed them by 3 nil.
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Postby MFC & Proud » Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:51 pm

Stan Laurel wrote:
Boocity wrote:Was anyone at the match last night? Do we know if it was Liverpool fans who started the trouble? I may have been at the Liverpool end but the Liverpool end could have been infiltrated by non supporters who just saw it as an opportunity to cause trouble. Its happend before :angry:  :angry:

I didn't go there and my mate went there, he told me everything what happened.

At the start of the match, that Millw@nk fans started thrown at coins at us. We didn't give a damn about it because we knew they were going to cause trouble in the second half.

They were booing Diao after he scored and Traore as well, they were doing a monkey noises at them, which they are fcuking cnuts!!! That does made me really sick!!

They chants really horrible things about Hillsborough, Kenneth Bigley and John Peel.

They chants "96 NOT ENOUGH", so Liverpool fans went berserk and started thrown the seats to them and Polices were laughing at us and push us away and where the f**k stewards doing there cos they were sh1tting themselves!!

Tell you what, that Millw@nk fans should be banned for life and they are racist cnuts!! They should be ashamed of themselves and should be end up in the f**king cage with the animals cos they are f**king animals!!

I am glad we stuffed them by 3 nil.

Oh dear are you still bleating on and coming out with youur little sob story, sorry but I will repeat for the 10th time "THERE WAS NO RACIST CHANTING" Traore was booed, yes "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" not "OOO,OOO" for going OTT with one of our BLACK players.  But I suppose we wont let anything like the truth get in the way of you playing the victims AGAIN.
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Postby taff » Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:50 pm

To be honest thats what it sounded like booing a tackle

But MFC you cant defend the hillsborough chants end of.

On a different note then what did you think of the game itself
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Postby Woollyback » Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:53 pm

MFC, I've been on your lot's website the last couple of days and you lot have got some f*ckin cheek accusing scousers of wallowing in victim status. All they can talk about on Millwall's site is "Oh poor Millwall, we're so picked on by the press, OOh poor us, the press will say it's all our fault"

Whingeing cockney tw*ts.
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Postby Ciggy » Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:54 pm

Taff how come you have 5 balls  ???
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Postby taff » Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:56 pm

Its a Welsh thing  :p

Hey Wooly Ive seen you on their site, got to be honest theres one or two decent ones there but they are caught up in the hooligan thing and cant see a way out for them.

Id run from a boozer with Cilla Black in there as well  :D
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Postby Woollyback » Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:04 pm

:D  :D
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