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Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:33 am

so its the high from gambling you get addicted to rather than the actual act of gambling, so if you could replace the gambling with something that gives you the same high.......................................

Postby bigmick » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:18 am

Like all things, if you haven't really experienced it it's hard to really get it. I've read a few times that heroin is the most unbelieveable high you could ever get. That's one of the reasons why I'd never do it, because they reckon once you've been there once you never ever forget how good it is. People who've never smoked don't understand how difficult it is to give it up. People who've never been addicted to gambling can't really comprehend what it's like.

Lando's probably right that it's not an "illness", certainly not in the sense that cancer or something is, but it's most certainly a mental affliction, an addiction which is very similar to being desperate for a cigarette. To be honest, whether or not it's self inflicted I would have sympathy with anyone who is addicted to gambling. I've been there albeit in a relatively mild sense, and it isn't good.
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Postby Madmax » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:25 am

Yeah its more like a mental thing. Its something that triggers the craving. Depression, sad times etc.. Personally i think people who can't give up are weak...

I smoked alot before but have cut down and thank god have not touched a fag for a while now. For me it was a mental thing usually when i was bored i wanted to ciggy. Just had to keep myself occupied and set out better goals..

I feel individuals who can't give up are weak with in. They tend to give into pressure to easily and prefer to find a way out quick. Their way out is usually drugs or whatever.

Many people challenge situations in life and try to come up with solutions. Finding better ways of dealing with fiascos rather than puffing a joint.

There are certain people who smoke drugs not because of pressure but for pleasure i guess. With some its an addiction and goes way deep within themselves. I would say those people smoke as a hobbie rather than smoking to remove tension!
When one loves doing something its difficult getting the person out of pleasureville. Either the person will say enough is enough or will continue for the rest of their life.

With gambling i guess its an addiction maybe related to greed or just the thrill of winning. Anyhow don't know much about that so will leave it that...
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Postby bigmick » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:32 am

It always makes me a tad nervous when someone follows one of my posts with "edit". I always think they've posted "aw Mick stop being a c..." and then thought better of it and rubbed it off. Maybe I'm just being paranoid though ???  :cool:
Last edited by bigmick on Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:38 am


I have every sympathy for those affected by addictions - I just don't agree with them being labeled "ill".

I hope Didi sorts himself out and learns a valuable lesson from this, because seeing him as a park-bench bum, supping Special Brew and living in a cardboard box isn't how I want a Liverpool legend to end up...

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Postby Madmax » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:39 am

bigmick wrote:It always makes me a tad nervous when someone follows one of my posts with "edit". I always think they've posted "aw Mick stop being a c..." and then thought better of it and rubbed it off. Maybe I'm just being paranoid though ???  :cool:

lol na mick just was correcting my post...
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Postby Number 9 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:17 am

Lando_Griffin wrote: :D

I have every sympathy for those affected by addictions - I just don't agree with them being labeled "ill".

I hope Didi sorts himself out and learns a valuable lesson from this, because seeing him as a park-bench bum, supping Special Brew and living in a cardboard box isn't how I want a Liverpool legend to end up...

Like Alex Higgins!

He bumbs it around the dirtiest bars in Belfast playing people snooker if they buy him fanta!!
Sad!! :D

Didi will never go that far!
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Postby Big Niall » Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:26 am

Number 9 wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote::D

I have every sympathy for those affected by addictions - I just don't agree with them being labeled "ill".

I hope Didi sorts himself out and learns a valuable lesson from this, because seeing him as a park-bench bum, supping Special Brew and living in a cardboard box isn't how I want a Liverpool legend to end up...

Like Alex Higgins!

He bumbs it around the dirtiest bars in Belfast playing people snooker if they buy him fanta!!
Sad!! :D

Didi will never go that far!

I read Ken Doherty and Jimmy White organised a night for Higgins and raised about 20k. He spent it all on champagne so he could be a king for a night. It is a personality thing.

Sad that Hamann may be a compulsive gambler as I believe SG and Carragher hold him in high regard for being a top bloke.

I think people should be able to go into a bookies and get themselves banned (a moment of clarity etc)
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Postby tonyeh » Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:35 pm

Rush Job wrote:
tonyeh wrote:
Rush Job wrote:
tonyeh wrote:I think some people here aren't comparing like with like.

An addiction to gambling is very different than getting addicted to Heroin or even smoking. There are copious amounts of evidence out there to show EVERYBODY that trying heroin is a stupid, stupid decision that WILL wreck your life. Likewise, the same can be said for smoking these days too. People will still have a go and the results will be the same by and large. But, there are no excuses at the end of the day.

However, "having a flutter" is still presented as an acceptable pastime. Bookies line the street in every town in England and Ireland. The Irish government was even looking at bringing over Vegas style casinos at one point. Can you imagine? In Ireland? Bloody hell.

Anyway, my point is that there just isn't the stigma attached to gambling, as there is to taking hard drugs etc. So some people go into it completely unaware of it's potential addictive qualities. A friend of mine, his old man got addicted to the horses. An extremely intelligent, well read kind of chap. He had no real vices whatsoever. Liked a drink, but never got addicted to cigs or any other drug, found himself one day with a serious gambling debt on the g g's. He kicked it, over a very long period and always said, "I never saw it coming". He hated himself for it.

Personally, I would have more sympathy for someone with a gambling addiction than I would with somebody hooked on heroin. One is presented as an acceptable activity with it's inherent dangers masked to a large degree. The other is a mugs game, with absolutely no excuse for getting involved in.

You might want to do some research mate, just about every famous scientist, artist, philosopher and composer was on opium if you go back a hundred or so years you`ll find much more people were on it then than there is now and it wasnt just the "stupid" working classes.
Why do you think we waged wars over the stuff?
Life is about experiences, good and bad, they just serve to make you a wiser person as long as you come out the other end.
Im like Bill Hicks, never killed anyone, never raped anyone, never robed anyone, never got sacked from one fkin job and for the most part had a real good time, now weres my fkin comercial?
Its ignorant people who sit around tutting and judging who have the problem, not everyone who`s had a bit of a life and done abit of this and that is a stupid, aids infected, murdering cleptomaniac. :D

I'm not talking about a 100 years ago. I'm talking about today and today, there is absolutely no excuse for trying the likes of heroin and thinking that everything's going to be hunky dory...

...unless you've been living under a rock, in a cave, on the moon, with Slayer banding in your ears for the last three decades.

I fail to see the difference, its been used for thousands of years, you think the kind of artists and interllectuals, the very people who created the art you look at the music you listen to and the science you learn didnt know it was addictive? :D
Yeh alright pall have it your way, you obviously know alot about this subject.
This isnt really the place for this kind of discussion anyway,if you want to drop the ignorance we can do this over pm. :)

You fail to see the difference on the information about drugs that was available 100 years ago and what's available today?

I'm well aware that opiate use has been around for centuries, but I don't agree that EVERY artist, scientist or composer etc was smashed on opiates 100+ years ago. Contrary to the popular myth, drugs destroy creativity, they don't enhance it.

Anyway, my point is that with all the information readily available today on the effects of heroin and it's utter distruction on life, people these days (not 100 years ago) have absolutely no excuse for being ignorant about the extreme dangers a drug like that presents, unless they're just extremely stupid.

Either way, i really don't want to get into a discussion about heroin, on here or in PM. But I think you may have misunderstood the point of my original post.
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Postby Number 9 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:52 pm

Big Niall wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote::D

I have every sympathy for those affected by addictions - I just don't agree with them being labeled "ill".

I hope Didi sorts himself out and learns a valuable lesson from this, because seeing him as a park-bench bum, supping Special Brew and living in a cardboard box isn't how I want a Liverpool legend to end up...

Like Alex Higgins!

He bumbs it around the dirtiest bars in Belfast playing people snooker if they buy him fanta!!
Sad!! :D

Didi will never go that far!

I read Ken Doherty and Jimmy White organised a night for Higgins and raised about 20k. He spent it all on champagne so he could be a king for a night. It is a personality thing.

Sad that Hamann may be a compulsive gambler as I believe SG and Carragher hold him in high regard for being a top bloke.

I think people should be able to go into a bookies and get themselves banned (a moment of clarity etc)

His heads away,sure Jimmy White stuck by him and the last event they organized Alex was that pi$$ed and acting such a tw@t Jimmy White walked out!
He's and incurable alcoholic mate,I've seen him a few times coming from a bar in Sandy Row to the bookies and he looks awful,like a walking corpse!
Hes beyond help now!
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:39 pm

Big Niall wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote::D

I have every sympathy for those affected by addictions - I just don't agree with them being labeled "ill".

I hope Didi sorts himself out and learns a valuable lesson from this, because seeing him as a park-bench bum, supping Special Brew and living in a cardboard box isn't how I want a Liverpool legend to end up...

Like Alex Higgins!

He bumbs it around the dirtiest bars in Belfast playing people snooker if they buy him fanta!!
Sad!! :D

Didi will never go that far!

I read Ken Doherty and Jimmy White organised a night for Higgins and raised about 20k. He spent it all on champagne so he could be a king for a night. It is a personality thing.

Sad that Hamann may be a compulsive gambler as I believe SG and Carragher hold him in high regard for being a top bloke.

I think people should be able to go into a bookies and get themselves banned (a moment of clarity etc)

There's no way a casino/bookies will ban one of their best customers! :D

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Postby dawson99 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:47 pm

People can get themselves banned, make a self-exclusion. then pictures can be put up etc etc

there is only so much that bookies can do, but trust me, they do a lot
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Postby Number 9 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:49 pm

dawson99 wrote:People can get themselves banned, make a self-exclusion. then pictures can be put up etc etc

there is only so much that bookies can do, but trust me, they do a lot

Sure its easier to bet online anyway!

you can set a daily limit though,but you can change it too! :D
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:51 pm

also online u can self exclude. there are a lot of ways bookies have to by law look at.. have to be careful or could get sued so its actually easy to stop betting if u really want to (or even if u dont but bookies hear certain things that means they can exclude a customer to stop future re-precussions)
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Postby burjennio » Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:58 pm

Number 9 wrote:
Big Niall wrote:
Number 9 wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote::D

I have every sympathy for those affected by addictions - I just don't agree with them being labeled "ill".

I hope Didi sorts himself out and learns a valuable lesson from this, because seeing him as a park-bench bum, supping Special Brew and living in a cardboard box isn't how I want a Liverpool legend to end up...

Like Alex Higgins!

He bumbs it around the dirtiest bars in Belfast playing people snooker if they buy him fanta!!
Sad!! :D

Didi will never go that far!

I read Ken Doherty and Jimmy White organised a night for Higgins and raised about 20k. He spent it all on champagne so he could be a king for a night. It is a personality thing.

Sad that Hamann may be a compulsive gambler as I believe SG and Carragher hold him in high regard for being a top bloke.

I think people should be able to go into a bookies and get themselves banned (a moment of clarity etc)

His heads away,sure Jimmy White stuck by him and the last event they organized Alex was that pi$$ed and acting such a tw@t Jimmy White walked out!
He's and incurable alcoholic mate,I've seen him a few times coming from a bar in Sandy Row to the bookies and he looks awful,like a walking corpse!
Hes beyond help now!

:D  seen him a few times when ive been loitering around Benedicts! he looks feckin awful but saying that he beat cancer a few years back which seems incredible given the state of his health for the last decade. In fact I seem to remember him doing a piece in the Sunday World were he was stated to have "weeks to live" living up to the Sunday Worlds record of 0% accuracy in anything they've ever reported
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