Democracy in action - Rehabilitation

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Democracy in action - Rehabilitation

Royal Pardon for Stu the Red ...OK
Off with his head .....again
Total votes : 13

Postby JBG » Tue Jul 27, 2004 1:10 pm

Stu's not as bad as he sometimes appears and personally I like the guy, but he'll the first to admit that he's very arrogant and he doesn't suffer fools. The problem, however, is that Stu's definition of "fool" is a hell of a lot looser than most people's!

We actually considered allowing Stu in here as a Premium Member a few weeks ago but then he posted his infamous "Houllier/Children/AIDS" thread......... ???
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Postby woof woof ! » Tue Jul 27, 2004 2:05 pm

Hmmm , Maybe I should have called this thread Democracy Inaction.
subtitle "Who gives a sh*t ?"
278 views, 15 replies , 7 votes, .
:D  :laugh:  :D
Stu is a high profile member, seems a shame he can't eat at the same table as us. I do however agree with virtually every comment expressed by those who replied , those for and those against. :)

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Postby XSD » Tue Jul 27, 2004 3:59 pm

John Barnes' Granny wrote:Stu is an interesting guy with a lot of very good opinions, but he does throw the dummy out of the pram when other people disagree with him.

That's quite accurate.
He knows a lot about football so that is what matters.
I think it's up to the site admins for whether he should post here, and it doesn't matter a lot because this forum isn't really buzzing with activity.
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Tue Jul 27, 2004 10:10 pm

XSD wrote:
John Barnes' Granny wrote:Stu is an interesting guy with a lot of very good opinions, but he does throw the dummy out of the pram when other people disagree with him.

That's quite accurate.
He knows a lot about football so that is what matters.
I think it's up to the site admins for whether he should post here, and it doesn't matter a lot because this forum isn't really buzzing with activity.

Wait until the season starts.  I love it.  :D   :D   :D

Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Tue Jul 27, 2004 10:46 pm

Stu considers his views as the definitive voice of the Liverpool fans but I admire his candidness  even though his ripostes are sometimes delivered in a offensive manner his dedication to the Red Men is unstinting .

Also the vast amount of threads he’s posted surely warrant his admittance

:D :D :D  Plus i like the Fella
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Tue Jul 27, 2004 10:52 pm

What's this about anyway?  Is he in danger of being banned from the whole forum or has he applied to join this section?

Like I say, he stays clear of me.  I stay clear of him.  Obviously I have read his posts, he has a good point to make most of the time, but is a proper nark isn't he?  Come on moderators - make a decision.

Postby woof woof ! » Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:04 am

JMac, I started the thread because I felt Stu the Red merited a place in the advanced forum, simple as that.  I haven't forgotten some of his past misdemeanours but felt his contribution to the site in general overshadowed his sometimes over the top abusive comments. I don't think he would drag that attitude into this particular part of the forum.
I wondered what the rest of the people in here thought,hence the vote. Thats all.

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Postby JBG » Wed Jul 28, 2004 12:34 pm

This "Advanced Thread" was set up as a response to what was happening at the end of last season when the LFC: General Discussion got bogged down with abuse and slagging matches. You'd start a thread in the LFC: General Discussion and within a few hours there would be too guys calling each other every name under the sun.

It got to the stage where you thought: "Whats the point in starting a bloody thread?"

There was also a problem where Leeds and Man UTD fans came here in groups for an evening and completely messed up all the threads and if the mods weren't around that evening then the forum was ruined for everyone that particular night. Many people will remember the likes of the Leeds crowd that came here a few months ago and dirtied up all the threads with abuse.

The idea of the Advanced Thread was to stop the abuse as those members who had a history of abusive posts were not allowed to participate. It also meant that Leeds fans etc could not mess up interesting threads.

You'll now see that most of the regular members that have been here a while are now Premium Members. I'd like to have Stu on board if he was interested but he knows himself that he'd get the boot if he got up to any of his old tricks.

He's an interesting guy who has his own ideas and opinions, and sticks to them, but he has a bad habit of calling people idiots (or worse) if people disagree with him.

The whole point of the forum is to debate and share knowledge and opinions, and respecting those of other members.
Last edited by JBG on Wed Jul 28, 2004 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby woof woof ! » Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:54 pm

I respect all the points you've reminded us of JBG but this area is a bit "dry" .
OK , I'm off to the "Rumpus Room" cya . :D

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Postby JBG » Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:08 pm

Not a whole lot happening in this forum all right woof woof, and it only gets a few replies a day.

The whole website picks up quite a lot once the season starts and you'll be surprised by the amount of new members that'll sign up come August.

LFC: General Chat is still probably the "default" forum for everyone although this and the other forums still get a reasonable amount of traffic.
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Postby azriahmad » Sun Aug 01, 2004 5:48 am

Quote (JBG @ July 28 2004,12:34)
The whole point of the forum is to debate and share knowledge and opinions, and respecting those of other members.

I totally agree with this statement.

If people get abusive in their threads, simply don't reply or you'd be fuelling the fire into a full blown feud. Stu is very opinionated and does not take too kindly to people disagreeing with him. But he is not really that abusive, unlike Big Ben. Remember him?

In internet threads, you don't sit face to face with people who are abusive etc. Just ignore them and the situation will die down.

This is the best LFC forum in my opinion. Walk on...
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Postby JBG » Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:16 pm

Anyway, there are far more abusive members around than Stu.
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Postby mistyred » Thu Aug 05, 2004 6:18 pm

Stu should be allowed into the area, as it seems he has now been constructive on certain aspects of LFC.

A majority of arrguments on the forum are started by people who lambast other members for having belief in the current squad.

There are a few people who take arguments to far sometimes i for one will also hold my hands up to the aformention comment and am formally apologising.

I think Everybody EXCEPT Hustler deserves a second chance to meke a constructive and valied contrabution towards the forum. :;):
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Postby JBG » Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:16 pm

The issue of Stu's membership will be discussed.

However, he never ventures out of "LFC: General Discussion" so I'm not sure whether he's interested in participating.
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Postby Woollyback » Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:28 pm

Let the guy in ffs. If he starts p***ing everyone off he can serve some time in the sin-bin that is the open-to-all forum. I'm sure we're all thick skinned enough to let some of his outbursts go in one ear and straight out the other.

I haven't been on the site for ages, mostly closed-season apathy, so I can't comment on his recent demeanour but I'll take your word for it that he's chilled a bit.  :devil:
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