Carra for england

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Postby thegreedo » Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:46 am

stu_the_red wrote:Carragher isn't in there class.

Woodgate, Terry, Campbell and Ferdinand all have more ability.

F.uck me stu, I've seen some decent stuff posted by you in the past (sometimes), but having read this I have to say I think you've finally lost the fu.cking plot!!!

Terry aside, a fully match fit Woodgate might just reach Carra's level, Campbell is Arsenal's version of our Sami (great player starting to show his age), and Ferdinand or plug as he's known in my circles, don't even get me started stu!

I think you need to stop believing the hype that surrounds these players in the media. Wake up to the fact Carra has a bit more to his game than just commitment, he's grown as a player.

Basically what I'm saying is only a fool would suggest Carra is now not in the same class as his international counterparts.


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Postby Ciggy » Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:56 am

Glad he wasnt picked, well in Rafa.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:31 am

thegreedo wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:Carragher isn't in there class.

Woodgate, Terry, Campbell and Ferdinand all have more ability.

F.uck me stu, I've seen some decent stuff posted by you in the past (sometimes), but having read this I have to say I think you've finally lost the fu.cking plot!!!

Terry aside, a fully match fit Woodgate might just reach Carra's level, Campbell is Arsenal's version of our Sami (great player starting to show his age), and Ferdinand or plug as he's known in my circles, don't even get me started stu!

I think you need to stop believing the hype that surrounds these players in the media. Wake up to the fact Carra has a bit more to his game than just commitment, he's grown as a player.

Basically what I'm saying is only a fool would suggest Carra is now not in the same class as his international counterparts.

Disagree with you completely and don't dare acuse me of believing hype. Thats the last thing i do lad.

I have my own views and i see things properly, not what other people want to see. I know what happens on the pitch and i can spot a good player a mile off.

Sven Goran Eriksson is mis-managing one of the worlds best countries.

The problem is with these arsewholes is they all think they know a player when they saw one. They don't.

But to suggest the likes of Ferdinand is a poor player down to a lack of form and being misused and poorly motivated is pathetic.

The mans got practically every attribute in his game, the worst thing about him is his aggression and OCCASSIONALLY his concentration, he has the rest in abundance. I remember a few years ago when he first signed for Leeds and played against us at Anfield, he was quite simply the best player on that pitch by a mile.

Postby primodua » Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:36 am

stu_the_red wrote:Carragher isn't in there class.

Woodgate, Terry, Campbell and Ferdinand all have more ability.

Ferdinand? A big HAHAHA!
If you trust woodgate more thank carra at present, I think you should have your head examined by the nearest GP in  town.

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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:43 am

You're commenting on something you know nothing about.

The opinions on here at times are simply rediculous.

Up until the start of last season, i always said Carragher was a very good player... Now because i said that, I knew nothing about football as he was completely :censored:.

I also said after the Euro's Baros should go. Again, i knew nothing because he's better than Owen.

But actually, i was right in both cases.

Now, Jamie Carragher is the best centre half in the country?  :laugh:

You've either got it, or you haven't. You can't "become" a great player.

A footballer is easy to spot a mile off. Carragher is all heart, guts, concentration and leadership. He's not got great alround ability. Its a different ball game when you play internationally, you need the lot. Terry struggles as he's similar to Carragher only slightly better.

Postby primodua » Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:46 am

stu_the_red wrote:But to suggest the likes of Ferdinand is a poor player down to a lack of form and being misused and poorly motivated is pathetic.

The mans got practically every attribute in his game, the worst thing about him is his aggression and OCCASSIONALLY his concentration, he has the rest in abundance. I remember a few years ago when he first signed for Leeds and played against us at Anfield, he was quite simply the best player on that pitch by a mile.

I know how to spot on better players. Believe me.
Yes ferdinand WAS a great player before he thought he's the best in the lot and you agreed it was couple of years back.

Now? No.
Why? He thinks he's the best there is. No, he demands that he's the best there is. Even great players like Pele or Maradona aren't as cocky as the lad.
I strongly agree with Keano during the post match lashing of his team against Boro. " We've got some average players with fat @ss paychecks and thinks that they're f.cking somebody"

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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:54 am

primodua wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:But to suggest the likes of Ferdinand is a poor player down to a lack of form and being misused and poorly motivated is pathetic.

The mans got practically every attribute in his game, the worst thing about him is his aggression and OCCASSIONALLY his concentration, he has the rest in abundance. I remember a few years ago when he first signed for Leeds and played against us at Anfield, he was quite simply the best player on that pitch by a mile.

I know how to spot on better players. Believe me.
Yes ferdinand WAS a great player before he thought he's the best in the lot and you agreed it was couple of years back.

Now? No.
Why? He thinks he's the best there is. No, he demands that he's the best there is. Even great players like Pele or Maradona aren't as cocky as the lad.
I strongly agree with Keano during the post match lashing of his team against Boro. " We've got some average players with fat @ss paychecks and thinks that they're f.cking somebody"

So let me get this straight. You are basing your judgement of a player who's yet to reach his peak on the fact he's lost form and your interpritation of what he thinks.

The stupid thing is. You aren't seeing what i'm saying.

I'm on about ability, not form. Two completely different things. I remember when Kevin Campbell signed for Everton, he got 9 in his first 8. Did that make him better than Owen at the time? No it didn't.

Form is temporary, but if you have ability and the correct manager, you will come out of it.

Postby 76-1115222408 » Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:56 am

thegreedo wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:Carragher isn't in there class.

Woodgate, Terry, Campbell and Ferdinand all have more ability.

F.uck me stu, I've seen some decent stuff posted by you in the past (sometimes), but having read this I have to say I think you've finally lost the fu.cking plot!!!

Terry aside, a fully match fit Woodgate might just reach Carra's level, Campbell is Arsenal's version of our Sami (great player starting to show his age), and Ferdinand or plug as he's known in my circles, don't even get me started stu!

I think you need to stop believing the hype that surrounds these players in the media. Wake up to the fact Carra has a bit more to his game than just commitment, he's grown as a player.

Basically what I'm saying is only a fool would suggest Carra is now not in the same class as his international counterparts.

Sorry Greedo, but seen as you are throwing names around, i would say that it is you that is a 'fool' rather than Stu!

Carragher simply isnt in their class, it really is as simple as that. He didnt explain it first time round, because (IMO) anyone who really knows their football, knows that this is the truth!

Carra is great for us, but he is no way World Class, nowhere near really, but he is a top top defender, who knows his ability and plays to his strengths.
I feel you may be forgetting Carragher the Right/Left back, I wouldnt even say he was anything other than reliable at best in those positions, playing CB, just compliments his abilities better, thus he looks better!

Sorry, but Carra is not in their class, take off those Rose tinted glasses, and as others have said, its best he doesnt play (for us at least) as we dont have cover he gets injured, this two week break is a Godsend for big players we have such as Carra!  With have many games left to play!

Postby Lando_Griffin » Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:20 am

I'm not being funny, LA, but other than defending, what do you want your central defenders to do?

Forgetting about Campbell for the moment due to his injuries and age, lets compare JC and Rio's attributes. (Assuming Terry is going to play anyway.) An "x" signifies the stronger.

Attribute                                                    Ferdinand                               Carragher

Pace                                                                x
Strength                                                                                                       x
Anticipation (Reading of the game)                                                                     x
Ability on the ball                                                x
Decision making                                                                                               x
Attitude                                                                                                         x
Commitment                                                                                                    x
Aerial ability                                                                                                     x
Positional sense                                                                                                x
Height                                                                x
Tackling                                                                                                           x.

I cannot see how you rate Ferdinand higher than JC.
The Manc may be "classier", but look at the goals against column, and look at the mistakes the punk makes.
Give me JC over any of them any day of the week.

BTW - the whole class is permanent, form is temporary thing works the other way around - Kewell's f*cking awesome, going on his days at Leeds.
Could it be Rio was playing with form, and now his true level has been exposed? Think about it.

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Postby 76-1115222408 » Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:34 am

Ok, fair enough assesment I suppose. But let me just say, though I am advocating rio a better player, that doesnt mean I would necassarily want him over JC, but I appreciate a good player when I see one.

I would disagree with the following of your 'attributes', and would say that Rio is stronger in the following:
*Decision Making
*Positional Sense

*Heading - Neither are great headers of the ball, so i would call that even there.

*Tackling - Carra is definetly a more impact type tackler, but the reason you dont se Rio do as many tackles is because of the first three attributes (and the rest he has). Because he as these, he has less tackling to do, and at times will seem as though not even involved in he game, but that is the sign of a good player. Such as a Makelele, or even a Xabi. They just tick the game over!

One thing I would say about Ferdinand, is that he doesnt ike to put his face where it hurts, and admittedly that is one skill that IS needed at CB, yet he gets away with it (but not always, such as the Hasselbaink goal last weekend) because he has the other skills in abundance!
Last edited by 76-1115222408 on Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Lando_Griffin » Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:48 am

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:Ok, fair enough assesment I suppose. But let me just say, though I am advocating rio a better player, that doesnt mean I would necassarily want him over JC, but I appreciate a good player when I see one.

I would disagree with the following of your 'attributes', and would say that Rio is stronger in the following:
*Decision Making
*Positional Sense

*Heading - Neither are great headers of the ball, so i would call that even there.

*Tackling - Carra is definetly a more impact type tackler, but the reason you dont se Rio do as many tackles is because of the first three attributes (and the rest he has). Because he as these, he has less tackling to do, and at times will seem as though not even involved in he game, but that is the sign of a good player. Such as a Makelele, or even a Xabi. They just tick the game over!

One thing I would say about Ferdinand, is that he doesnt ike to put his face where it hurts, and admittedly that is one skill that IS needed at CB, yet he gets away with it (but not always, such as the Hasselbaink goal last weekend) because he has the other skills in abundance!

Whenever I've seen Rio play, he's always seemed too ponderous on the ball. He also takes an age to decide whether to commit to a tackle or not. He has the odd outstanding game which convinces folks he is brilliant, but the next 10 are utter garbage.
JC plays it safe, and is hardly ever to blame for conceding a goal. He has to cover more ground than Rio aswell, playing alongside Sami (who has had to cover for Traore with alarming regularity).
Most of the tackles Carra makes is to rescue the mistakes of others.

So in summary, JC still gets the decision making and anticipation votes from me, while positioning is one of JC's major strengths IMO.

Regarding headers, with the commitment of JC, he tends to win most.
From what I've seen of Rio, he seems to be more concerned about his hair than preventing a goal.

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Postby 76-1115222408 » Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:50 am

Its getting late, and Im off to bed, so we will have to agree to disagree on this one!

Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:52 am

Ferdinand's ariel ability is superb. He's no Hyypia or Terry, but he's fcukin quality in the air!

Postby The_Rock » Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:32 am

Rio, Terry, Campbell all have better technical qualities than carra..... but carra is the better defender. Sometimes that is all we need....I wouldn't trade carra for the above 3.......

But Ledley King will complement Carra very well as his CB partner (in our team   :D).
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Postby *XABIALONSO* » Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:14 am

he started the last 4 england games i think
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