Can we beat arsenal?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby JBG » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:22 am

While I still think Arsenal are the best team in the country I said at the start of the season that this year will see the Champions win the league with the usual 3 or 4 defeats (instead of being unbeaten) and I think Arsenal have another couple of defeats yet: one against Chelsea, one against someone like Middlesboro and perhaps one against us?
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Postby A.B. » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:23 am

Boro beating Arsenal? I can't see that.
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Postby JBG » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:29 am

Arguementive for the sake of it as usual, AB: I said "someone like Boro". It could be Birmingham, Fulham or Portsmouth.

Boro are one of the last teams to beat Arsenal at home in the league, and that was a 3-0 win at Highbury 18 months or so ago. Boro have also been a banana skin for Man UTD, and with Viduka and Hassailbank this year they have what it takes to beat anyone, "on their day".

Believe me, Arsenal will suffer a suffer a slip up against someone unfashionable.
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Postby A.B. » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:38 am

Birmingham, Fulham

Birmingham have a hard time scoring at the moment. Their forwards haven't scored in quite some time.

Fulham are in deep sh!t right now.
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Postby JBG » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:40 am

A.B. wrote:
Birmingham, Fulham

Birmingham have a hard time scoring at the moment. Their forwards haven't scored in quite some time.

Fulham are in deep sh!t right now.

Yet we are only a quarter of a way through the season.

Every team goes on a good run at some stage and I have a feeling that someone small will catch Arsenal out.
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Postby tel » Mon Oct 25, 2004 9:15 am

We can beat anyone at home.

Maybe some are short of memories, but can you remember what Charlton did to us both games last year? I'm still sick at how a nobody like Lisbie made Hyppia look like a 5th rate defender.

Look at the difference this year. I know we've got to do things one step at a time, but I've not been as excited as I was watching the club on Sat since Rushy was still playing.
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Postby 77-1098692964 » Mon Oct 25, 2004 10:01 am

Could you guys beat Arsenal? I doubt it...

A draw would be good for you lot...

But I can see Arsenal winning...

Postby jim_morrison_supported_liverpool » Mon Oct 25, 2004 10:11 am

shut up knoblet we're better than you's (and you know it) so if you can beat them so can we.  your time is over. your F A cup was yesterday. Fergie should have threw the towel in a few years ago when he said he would. since then you's havent got it. for every good player bought there's an equally sh*te one. bye bye
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Postby Red_Si » Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:51 am

ManUtd wrote:Could you guys beat Arsenal? I doubt it...

A draw would be good for you lot...

But I can see Arsenal winning...

P*ss off and go bum your deranged scroat.
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Postby dawson99 » Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:53 am

we can beat ****** at anfield, we can beat them at highbury, on our day no one is better. thas what i think anyways :)
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Postby 77-1098692964 » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:01 pm

jim_morrison_supported_liverpool wrote:shut up knoblet we're better than you's (and you know it)

Oh of course you are

2-1 springs to mind...

Postby dawson99 » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:03 pm

Manutd, dont u have a scum forum to go on? or do u like this one because you know that liverpool fans actually know something about football? :p
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Postby addicted norwegian » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:05 pm

I think that we can beat Arsenal on our day. We seem pretty solid at Anfield, I believe that we are the strongest home-side in the premiership so far (when counting points and score-difference). We probably can`t afford wasting as many chances as we have done lately, but if we sort that out I believe that we have got a fair chance of winning.

And to all the fans of the ****** manure-team joining this forum, I would like to say that I would settle for a draw if the alternative is to win the game the way you ****** did yesterday :angry:
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Postby jim_morrison_supported_liverpool » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:05 pm

ManUtd wrote:
jim_morrison_supported_liverpool wrote:shut up knoblet we're better than you's (and you know it)

Oh of course you are

2-1 springs to mind...

you stupid tw@t we've been beating you for years but you's were the better side. doesnt mean anything that result.

we're better than you now, and we've only just started under benitez. we will wipe the floor with you's in time.
its not the chilli sauce on kebabs that give you ring-sting, its the actual meat. had one without chilli, and still had ring-sting. the chilli's only there to mask the nonsense they stuff inside that bread.
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Postby Ciggy » Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:10 pm

:blues: Go Big Jim mate you tell em :;): :D
There is no-one anywhere in the world at any stage who is any bigger or any better than this football club.

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