Bloody hell! keep baros! - What's he done wrong?

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Postby Espionage » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:16 am

Well said AB

"Luis Garcia" you are the one without a clue :p
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:30 am

Luis Garcia wrote:
A.B. wrote:
Yes , his main priority is a CB or RM !

So that means NO! he doesnt want a striker.

End of.

Until you find a quote in where Benitez states "I DONT WANT OWEN" then you're right, until that happens you're talking out of your :censored:.

His main priority (do you know what a priority is?) is to buy a cb and a rm, HOWEVER that does not mean that he will not buy Owen. It may not be his main priority but it does not suggest that he won't buy him or that he doesn't rate him.

My priority proving that you dont have a clue!

So Rafa Benitez loves owen then does he? how do you know.
Just beacause he doesnt mention him, doesnt mean he  wants to buy a striker.

Whats this big thing with Owen? Just because Owen is moaning that he cant get a game at madrid, and will certainly not be bought by chelsea, arsenal or Man Utd.
So Liverpool and Rafa HAVE to buy him back do they???
No we dont matey, far from it. we have cisse morientes and crouch now.

Why on earth would we want to buy a striker, who we have just sold a year earlier? for at least 4m more than we sold him for.
People are even suggesting we are selling Baros, so we can buy back Owen, which is totally untrue!

A lot of LFC fans seem to be getting this silly notion, because owen wants out of madrid , that liverpool are automatically gonna bail him out.

Utter Tosh! Stop dreaming, cause Ill bet you 100 quid he aint coming back.

LG, while I don't want to see Owen back at LFC, your talking utter b*llocks. When did A.B say Rafa "LOVES" Owen, or that we "HAVE" to buy him back? I agree with your sentiments that Owen is a t*at, but if you must engage in arguements, at least keep to the facts.  :nod

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Postby begintoend » Fri Aug 12, 2005 5:53 am

A lot do not know what is needed?
A lot thinks that MO is necessary and by selling Baros, MO will be coming.
And a few of those thinks like they run the club.
Some of those few thinks their middle name is Rafa.
Among those some is one that jus supported LFC 2 or 3 years back and acts as if he known the club a few decades beyond his actual age. ???

I think I need 50pints to get involve with them on the same level. :D
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Postby Chelsea forever. » Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:24 am

i would agree with Garcia here and say that A.B is the one who might not have a clue.

Rafa does not want Owen. If he had the slightest of interest in Owen, he would have moved for him before putting in a bid for Crouch, he would have mentioned him to the press instead of being adamant on a CM and RWF, he would have churned up the Baros move (out) and overall he would have shed light on the situation being positive (owen coming back).

He does not want Owen and will not buy Owen.

I think the best move for Owen would be to Newcastle. He wont have to worry about
a - a starting spot
b - Europe
c - a straight run of 35 + games

I think its better for him if he plays every game in the EPL and concentrates on getting his form and fitness back for the WC. If he moves to a big club - Manu - he will be on the bench again and will be to and fro from EPL to CL. If he stays at Madrid he will rot and his legs will turn into wood.

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Postby A.B. » Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:56 am

i would agree with Garcia here and say that A.B is the one who might not have a clue.

This comming from a Chelsea fan, why don't you p1ss off to the Russian Mafia F.C. forum and post over there.

Rafa does not want Owen. If he had the slightest of interest in Owen, he would have moved for him before putting in a bid for Crouch, he would have mentioned him to the press instead of being adamant on a CM and RWF, he would have churned up the Baros move (out) and overall he would have shed light on the situation being positive (owen coming back).

How do you know that Rafa doesn't want Owen?

At the time we signed Crouch, Real Madrid did not sign Robinho or Baptista. Therefore there were no rumours about Owen going back nor was Owen stating that he would like to return back home. He stated that only after Madrid signed Baptista and Robinho.

Why would he want to mention him in the press? If he did other clubs would/could attempt to hijack the deal. i.e. Newcastle fecked up Manchester United last summer by placing a bid on Rooney [15 million I believe] and United had to up their bid to secure his move.

Benitez rarely speaks of players he's trying to sign. He's smart enough to know how things work in the transfer market.
Last edited by A.B. on Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby A.B. » Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:01 am

He does not want Owen and will not buy Owen.

I think the best move for Owen would be to Newcastle. He wont have to worry about
a - a starting spot
b - Europe
c - a straight run of 35 + games

Once again how do you know that Benitez does not want Owen and that he will not buy Owen? You base this on what concrete evidence?

He wouldn't have to worry about Europe? The reason he left this club in the first place was because he was in persuit of a Champions League medal. I'm sure Newcastle can bring that to the table............

Him playing too little or too much seems to be irrevelant to Eriksson because today he's said that he will pick Owen almost nine times out of ten regardless of how much or where he plays.
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Postby Chelsea forever. » Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:11 am

The reason he left Liverpool was because he wanted to win someting period. Weather thats a CL medal or a Cup medal I didn't matter. Now obviously that you are European Champion and have a decent side to secure a top4 spot he might want to come back.

But just because he is Ex Liverpool doesnt mean Rafa will take him back with open arms.

I donest matter weather or not Madrid had signed Robinho and Baptista then. If Rafa had wanted Owen he would have made a move for him instead of going for 9ft Peter Crouch.

Even after Madrid have signed those 2 Rafa has not mentioned he is even thinking of Owen.

If he can say he wants a RWF and a CD then why cant he say he is thinking of the possibility of Owen returning.

Sven has said his spot is safe, but that will chang once the season is 70% done and other strikers like Defoe and Rooney are banging the goals in while Owen sits on the Real Bench!
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Postby A.B. » Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:26 am

The reason he left Liverpool was because he wanted to win someting period. Weather thats a CL medal or a Cup medal I didn't matter. Now obviously that you are European Champion and have a decent side to secure a top4 spot he might want to come back.

Obiviously Newcastle won't be winning anything any time soon. Owen left for a CL medal because thats one of the things he's never won in his career here. What will Newcastle win that Owen hasn't won with us?

ut just because he is Ex Liverpool doesnt mean Rafa will take him back with open arms.

Don't put words in my mouth.

I donest matter weather or not Madrid had signed Robinho and Baptista then. If Rafa had wanted Owen he would have made a move for him instead of going for 9ft Peter Crouch.

Even after Madrid have signed those 2 Rafa has not mentioned he is even thinking of Owen.

If you can provide me a quote in where Benitez says that he's not interested in Owen. But you can't because he hasn't stated anything regarding Owen period. All he's said is that he wants to sign a centerback and a right winger. Signing Owen is not a priority however Benitez has not ended the speculation by saying that he doesn't want him.
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:34 am

Luis Garcia wrote:
BarryBelfast wrote:
<-alonso-> wrote:i think we should definetly keep milan, he's better than crouch, pongolle, mellor,le tallec, and morientes! dont sell him!

No no no!
We have to sell him mate!Hes had his chances especially last year,started loads and the simple truth is he's a striker,his job is to score goals and he does'nt score enough!That's it!Dont give me all this he's better than Morientes or Crouch :censored:!Morientes will take time to adapt to the more physical side of the Epl and then we will see the best of him!This guy has the ability to be an anfield legend,we'll judge him at the end of this season!!I know everyone on here wud love our signings to be instant successes but it rarely happens,so be patient all ok!!As for Crouch,well this season is his chance to show wot he can do on the big stage and good luck to the big man!
And back to Baros his mins played/goals scored ratio is pathetic!
We can't keep players cos we like them!If they dont do there job its bye bye,thats football,thats life!!
And one more thing,if Milan is so hot why are other big clubs not banging on our door to sign him??
The answer is as i said before he does not score enough goals and also misses too many chances!!
Come home please Michael Owen!!!

this post was sooooo bad.

Baros has scored more goals for LFC than Morientes has.

Lets see just how many Crouch scores shall we. Any less than 13 should he be sold?

And stop yapping on about Owen, he's gonna spend next season warming the Real Madrid bench. Cause Rafa dont want him.

Listen Miister Alonso!!The fact that u stated that Baros has scored more than Morientes only highlights the fact u aint worth debating with Baros has started about 10 times more games than Morientes !!Footballers need 2 adapt,Morientes will come good believe it!!
And as for people saying Baros does this n that blah blah blah!!He doesnt do his :censored:!ng job full stop! He does not score enough goals and that is his job!
It strikes me that a lot of people hve warmed to Baros becauise thet like it when he runs with the ball,this is lack of football knowledge!Where is his end result?He aint even a good crosser at the end of his runs!!Not to mention finishing ffs!His time at Anfield is up if Rafa gets what he wants!
And the thing thats annoying me is that its looking like its only Baros thats standing between us and Owen coming home!Its time 2 go for Baros,hes had more than a fair crack of the and in my mind more chances than he deserved!!

Postby begintoend » Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:35 am

Rafa did said he was not interested. (All of a sudden, I felt like I downed 50pints) :D

Ok guys jus shut up! :p
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Postby Chelsea forever. » Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:39 am

'We have a lot of strikers who I am happy with and for me the most important thing at the moment is to protect Sami Hyypia and Jamie Carragher,' he said.

'I am looking for a centre-back and not a centre forward.'


Now if your smart enough you will understand what that means.

He does not want to openly say it because of the fans.

Can you show me a quote where he has said he wants him or is interested in him or in getting a striker?
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Postby Judge » Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:01 am

why dont you ask Andy Owen (MO's brother), he seems to know alot more about it than you chelskiforever.

it just could be a board decision and perhaps fans wanting, rather than a manager decision. that does happen you know!!
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Postby Chelsea forever. » Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:06 am

Why would I want to ask Andy Owen.

I have read and seen nothing that suggests Rafa wants him, infact all i see is Rafa suggesting he doenst want to give the lost kid a home as he isnt in his plans.
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Postby Judge » Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:11 am

apparantly rumour has it that MO and real have struck a deal with LFC to bring him home.

now, if baros is off loaded, and lfc get MO, then i feel we will have by far the most superior strike force in the premier league, plus we have strength in depth now, and we are all match fit and have played more competitive matches than our cohorts. as you know, winning is a nasty little habit, and lfc have WON all there pre season matches
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Postby Chelsea forever. » Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:12 am

The Return of the Judge wrote:apparantly rumour has it that MO and real have struck a deal with LFC to bring him home.

Where is the link?
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