Bit Frustrated with FSG

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Postby maguskwt » Sun May 20, 2012 7:26 am

RED BEERGOGGLES » Sat May 19, 2012 6:31 pm wrote:Nice to see S.O.S back on the scene least FSG will take our feelings of trepidation for the future seriously now .

Dear Mr Werner, Mr Henry and Mr Ayre

We are writing to you as we are concerned about the current situation that our football club finds itself in. It is a time of worry for supporters, not just because of the huge changes and the transformation that is happening in such a short time frame but the manner in which it is happening.

It may be that yourselves and the board of Liverpool Football Club have a vision you are working towards. It may be that you have implemented a strategy to deliver that vision and decisions are being made to work towards this. However, from the outside where supporters find themselves once again, it looks like a football club in disarray. Confusion and chaos seems to reign and no one is coming out of this with much credit, particularly the football club’s image and brand.

We need clear and pro-active communication, a confident message about the club’s plans that breeds confidence amongst supporters that we are moving in the right direction. Instead, we have silence and a lack of information or understanding on decisions being made.

Today we find ourselves with key positions at the football club vacant. Most notably, the position of Manager and the lack of a footballing man on the board. There has been much speculation, along with emails sent to supporters groups, on who is providing advice to yourselves. It may well be the case that this is speculation; however, it is understandable that there is speculation given the lack of clarity and information on who is deciding on matters, why and the timing of them. 

We have seen both Damien Comolli and Kenny Dalglish removed from their positions, and the search for replacements is still ongoing. We do know that conversations have been held with individuals mentioned in today's rumours about the football staff and those who have held these positions.

Mr Ayre has said today:

"I can tell you categorically that Alan Kayll and Paul Tompkins have had no input on the manager or anything else for that matter. I've seen a lot of that stuff being suggested and it's nonsense."

This is encouraging as it is the firm belief of Spirit Of Shankly that footballing decisions should be made by footballing men who are appropriately qualified. We know all too well of the mistakes that follow if this simple mantra is not adhered to.

Are suitably qualified individuals making these decisions?

Today, Ian Ayre gave an interview, talking about the removal of Kenny Dalglish as manager, in which he stated that “Winning the FA Cup wouldn’t have made any difference – it was never about an individual result. It was always about taking a review of the season in full."

As supporters, we have always believed in the quote from Bill Shankly that “Liverpool Football club exists not to make money, it exists to win trophies and be a source of pride for its supporters. It serves no other purpose.”.

To supporters, this is of massive importance. We know that success in football requires money. However, the quote from Ian Ayre would lead us to believe that our focus is no longer on winning trophies but making money. In a season that has seen us end with one trophy out of the three available and narrowly miss out on a second, it is somewhat disrespectful to suggest to supporters that winning another trophy would not be good enough. It is also contradictory to what Ian Ayre himself said earlier in the month: “Anyone who was at the Carling Cup final or the semi-final against Everton will tell you that’s what being a Liverpool fan is all about. It might not have the biggest prize money or the biggest status, but it’s fantastic. You go to watch a football team every week because you want them to be successful and win things. John and Tom will be there on Saturday. That’s why you buy sports teams – to watch them compete for trophies”. Ian Ayre, May 2012.

Is it now the strategy of Liverpool FC to place greater importance upon generating revenues above winning trophies? 

Today, communication and leadership is vital. As supporters we have seen all too clearly what a lack of communication from absentee owners leads to. There has been very limited dialogue through the Supporters Committee which is still in its infancy, but this has been mainly used by the club to get messages out, rather than the dialogue promised with supporters at the time of your takeover. At a time when a clear message is needed, it is somewhat embarrassing for supporters and the football club to see Twitter messages on who supporters think should be the next manager. We are Liverpool FC. We are better than that.

Ultimately, supporters remain in the dark once again about the plans for this football club moving forward. We find ourselves experiencing déjà vu, where boardroom decisions lead to more questions than they answer. If we all want to pull in the same direction, transparency is needed. As supporters we often offer blind devotion to our football team. Due to our history, we do not afford the same luxury to the football club. It is equally as important for you to trust in supporters, so that we can work together for the betterment of the football club, as it is for us to trust in you.

We ask that you speak with supporters – engage with a true representative cross section of supporters and work with supporters to provide solutions to our current problems. This will enable communication with supporters to take place in an open and accountable manner.

Hopefully hear from you soon.

Spirit Of Shankly

SOS is jumping the gun and so are some of the posters on here. Imagine if it were Hodgson being fired now... Nobody would have bat an eyelid and nobody will be questioning the owners. And also regading this footballing decision, how can owners be footballing people? Was Moores a footballing person? No. Did he make footballing decisions? Yes. Owners are really business people and Henry and Werner are no different...
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Postby parchpea » Sun May 20, 2012 9:22 am

I understand why SOS would feel the need to write something but I would doubt
it will make any difference or influence FSG.

At the end of the day it is them that own the club and paid a lot of money for it
and whilst we should have some input as fans we are not best placed to be making
the decisions despite what you might think.

These people know every detail of the club and will make decisions based on having
all the facts and figures at their disposal and not from a terrace using speculation
and rumour as guidance.

Their actions the past few weeks have been dramatic to say the least but perhaps we
need a short sharp shock and to clear the decks completely so we can start to move
ther club forward into a new era with Fenway.
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Postby devaney » Sun May 20, 2012 10:00 am

Good to see some common sense being applied this morning instead of idiotic childish snipes at Ayres and the owners which seems to be the preference of the self proclaimed highly educated!
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Postby kazza » Sun May 20, 2012 11:14 am

devaney » Sun May 20, 2012 9:00 am wrote:Good to see some common sense being applied this morning instead of idiotic childish snipes at Ayres and the owners which seems to be the preference of the self proclaimed highly educated!

Who the feck are you calling highly educated  :angry:
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Postby kazza » Sun May 20, 2012 11:17 am

kazza » Sun May 20, 2012 10:14 am wrote:
devaney » Sun May 20, 2012 9:00 am wrote:Good to see some common sense being applied this morning instead of idiotic childish snipes at Ayres and the owners which seems to be the preference of the self proclaimed highly educated!

Who the feck are you calling highly educated  :angry:

Remember when Fowler called Graham Le Saux gay because he went to a university  :D
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Postby 7_Kewell » Sun May 20, 2012 11:52 am

kazza » Sun May 20, 2012 10:17 am wrote:
kazza » Sun May 20, 2012 10:14 am wrote:
devaney » Sun May 20, 2012 9:00 am wrote:Good to see some common sense being applied this morning instead of idiotic childish snipes at Ayres and the owners which seems to be the preference of the self proclaimed highly educated!

Who the feck are you calling highly educated  :angry:

Remember when Fowler called Graham Le Saux gay because he went to a university  :D

remeber Le Saux saying: "I can't be gay, i'm married!"

Fowler: "Yeah? So was Elton John"  :D
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Postby Thommo's perm » Sun May 20, 2012 12:20 pm

I take your point but people are angry at the way things have panned out. You shouldnt criticise people too much for not being happy at whats gone on.
A massive decision has been made, we are told for the right reason. Some dont like it and are frightened of what the consequences might be.
FSG had better get it right and must justify what theyve done by getting the best manager they can and giving him time and money.
Just because you accept it without question doesnt mean everyone should
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun May 20, 2012 1:00 pm

the club just needs to let this die down for a couple of weeks to take the heat out of the speculation, at the moment our search for a manager has become a comedic farce played out in the media,to be fair to FSG though they havent exactly been helped by wigan and swansea either.
unless we dropped a right clanger and didnt make it absolutely clear to whelan that martinez was only one of a number of candidates being considered then he was out of order going to the press with our approach, apparently it said in the echo that our approach was being reported in the press 20 minutes after we put the phone down with whelan.
swansea too, i actually admire rodgers reading of the situation, as he said if he applied for a job he was unlikely to get then his relationship would have changed with swansea, by even agreeing to be part of the selection process he was basically saying i want out and that wasnt the signal he wanted to send out to the swansea players, board and fans. he said he was trying to build something at swansea and that isnt going to happen if the players constantly think the manager will jump ship as soon as a good job comes up.
as i say i like the way he read the situation, but why did rodgers and swansea need to tell the world? what happened to no comment?
to be fair to norwich apparently lambert has been approached but they are not shouting it from the rooftops.
the club need to take their time, the way our new structure is going to work the manager isnt absolutely vital to signing new players anyway so we dont want to get railroaded by a press frenzy into hiring the wrong man because others have turned us down publically.
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Postby Thommo's perm » Sun May 20, 2012 1:12 pm

ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun May 20, 2012 12:00 pm wrote:the club just needs to let this die down for a couple of weeks to take the heat out of the speculation, at the moment our search for a manager has become a comedic farce played out in the media,to be fair to FSG though they havent exactly been helped by wigan and swansea either.
unless we dropped a right clanger and didnt make it absolutely clear to whelan that martinez was only one of a number of candidates being considered then he was out of order going to the press with our approach, apparently it said in the echo that our approach was being reported in the press 20 minutes after we put the phone down with whelan.
swansea too, i actually admire rodgers reading of the situation, as he said if he applied for a job he was unlikely to get then his relationship would have changed with swansea, by even agreeing to be part of the selection process he was basically saying i want out and that wasnt the signal he wanted to send out to the swansea players, board and fans. he said he was trying to build something at swansea and that isnt going to happen if the players constantly think the manager will jump ship as soon as a good job comes up.
as i say i like the way he read the situation, but why did rodgers and swansea need to tell the world? what happened to no comment?
to be fair to norwich apparently lambert has been approached but they are not shouting it from the rooftops.
the club need to take their time, the way our new structure is going to work the manager isnt absolutely vital to signing new players anyway so we dont want to get railroaded by a press frenzy into hiring the wrong man because others have turned us down publically.

This is a sign of the times though and if anything FSG must learn how the media operates in this country. Thats why I question Ian Ayre, who seems more smug and ar'se licking every time I hear him speak. He should know better and take more control to stop us looking like desperate, dopey tw@ts.
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Sun May 20, 2012 1:37 pm

devaney » Sun May 20, 2012 12:29 am wrote:Oh get off your ill placed fkg high horse and get in the real world. Being polar opposites to you lad is a place I prefer to be. You are behaving like a spoilt five year old and it is embarrassing. Ayres and FSG have not dismissed or rubbished the Carling and FA Cup's they have simply and very clearly stated where we need to be to achieve long term success. They are right without CL qualification we live in danger of becoming a mid table also ran which they are clearly not content with. You and several other posters seem incapable of giving FSG any credit for what they have done for Liverpool FC which I find pathetic. Personally I'm delighted that they have got the balls to make unpopular and difficult decisions that are for the good of the club. It would have been very easy for them to stick their heads in the ground and suggest that everything is ok and do nothing which would have satisfied the likes of you. I did not like everything in Ayres statement but unfortunately whatever he said would not have satisfied you. Just how long would you have let Kenny carry on for? If he had a poor start to next season and they sacked him at Christmas you would probably be whinging that he should have been given to the end of the season. You're out of order and being very stupid getting stuck into FSG. Basically I don't think you have got a clue about running a successful business and one thing is for certain John Henry has. You're Dalglish scarf is pushed so far up your ars.e it has smothered your brain. Next time you want to have a go at me at least be constructive and try and get your two limited brain cells working in unison.

Listen if FSG are hitting all the right notes for you then I am practically ecstatic for you ,personally Id hazard a guess you're tone deaf ,but never mind ...I also think your attempts at humorous banter are a touch tepid ,but we wont dwell on that aspect of your posts just yet .

So what have FSG done thus far that makes you believe they can be trusted ? Now think on and try to remember all those wonderful things they have bestowed upon this club ,because if you wish I can detail precisely what they have taken from us, and I'm guessing it outweighs the gifts ?

I have no intention of spending my valuable spare time explaining to those with tunnel vision that the trust in the owners has been splintered if not shattered ,and I have not a shadow of a doubt that in the fullness of time their lack of faith in what made us truly special will seriously come back to haunt them .

I also believe that pulling my foreskin over my head would be infinitely less painful than reading another one of your posts .So are we straight now Merseyside  ?  :D Oh and we don't wear scarves where I come from ,or indeed replica shirts.

Although we do tend to wear our heart on our sleeves ..I can however see how that concept  would seem nothing more than divisive, to one as conducive to ***** as you .

In summary:
If you wish to swallow the rancid diatribe that  Ayre and those two cowardly cuntz Henry and Werner are currently churning out then that's fine by me ,but please don't labour under the assumption you can brow beat anyone else into believing the shite your lapping up .
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Sun May 20, 2012 2:05 pm

Lando_Griffin » Fri May 18, 2012 4:53 pm wrote:I know that Kenny is a legend and the club owe him a lot but the sheer fact of the matter is he did not deliver in the league. I distinctly recall people muttering that Rafa should leave in 2005 as we finished 5th, despite the CL win. Legend does not mean infallible and Kenny, like all managers, is subject to scrutiny over his performances. Over £100m spent on a large amount of rubbish was his downfall. Out of all of his signings Suarez and Enrique have been the only real successes.

It's not good enough, and that's the reason he's been sacked. We need to move on from his backwards mentality that his weaknesses should be overlooked because of who he is. Forgiven - yes. Blindly ignored - no.

Kenny is too old fashioned in his thinking and if Rafa doesn't come back where he belongs I think Martinez is an awesome candidate and definitely my 2nd choice behind Benitez.

He's back! You here to help knock some sense into the idiots on this board.

I'm sceptical about Martinez. Sure he had a great season but they only started playing well 3 months ago. They pretty much just avoided relegation in the previous 2 seasons. I think we'd be a too big step up.
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun May 20, 2012 2:10 pm

Thommo's perm » Sun May 20, 2012 12:12 pm wrote:
ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun May 20, 2012 12:00 pm wrote:the club just needs to let this die down for a couple of weeks to take the heat out of the speculation, at the moment our search for a manager has become a comedic farce played out in the media,to be fair to FSG though they havent exactly been helped by wigan and swansea either.
unless we dropped a right clanger and didnt make it absolutely clear to whelan that martinez was only one of a number of candidates being considered then he was out of order going to the press with our approach, apparently it said in the echo that our approach was being reported in the press 20 minutes after we put the phone down with whelan.
swansea too, i actually admire rodgers reading of the situation, as he said if he applied for a job he was unlikely to get then his relationship would have changed with swansea, by even agreeing to be part of the selection process he was basically saying i want out and that wasnt the signal he wanted to send out to the swansea players, board and fans. he said he was trying to build something at swansea and that isnt going to happen if the players constantly think the manager will jump ship as soon as a good job comes up.
as i say i like the way he read the situation, but why did rodgers and swansea need to tell the world? what happened to no comment?
to be fair to norwich apparently lambert has been approached but they are not shouting it from the rooftops.
the club need to take their time, the way our new structure is going to work the manager isnt absolutely vital to signing new players anyway so we dont want to get railroaded by a press frenzy into hiring the wrong man because others have turned us down publically.

This is a sign of the times though and if anything FSG must learn how the media operates in this country. Thats why I question Ian Ayre, who seems more smug and ar'se licking every time I hear him speak. He should know better and take more control to stop us looking like desperate, dopey tw@ts.

i think ayre just needs to get off the telly screens and go back to what he`s apparently very good at. he could be the nicest fella ever but the public perception of him isnt great atm, i suppose when someone is the only one left standing after a mass clearout of staff at any organisation there`s a tendancy, rightly or wrongly, to think that he was the one passing the boss the ammunition and showing him where to aim his redundacy notices.
he`s said a few things recently that havent exactly gone down well either, the day kenny was sacked he was implying that his part of the business was going great (i`m all right jack) which may be correct but it`s not the time to mention it and when the owners said to him that kenny would have gone anyway even if he had won the f.a cup he should have thought to himself `i dont think i`ll mention that to the fans`.
saying that was basically calling anyone who watches a cup game next season a mug. why should a manager risk players trying to win cups that wont guarentee him a job the following season?
apparently the business side of the club is the only thing that is going right at the club at the moment so he`s obviously good at his job, he just needs to go back to doing his thing and let this jen chang fella do his thing.
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Postby metalhead » Sun May 20, 2012 2:15 pm

FSG are protecting their investment like any business men, their decisions are more $$$ based than football decisions.
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Postby Igor Zidane » Sun May 20, 2012 3:49 pm

Still time for FSG to surprise us. But not much.

by Jim Boardman // 20 May 2012

WHERE to start? A week ago Liverpool were about to embark on their final game of the season, a meaningless trip to Swansea the latest in a run of meaningless league games. There may be some dispute on when exactly it was the league games became meaningless, and to some none of them were meaningless, but it was hard to think of that Swansea game in any other way. Maybe somebody at the club should have told Kenny Dalglish that the owners didn’t see those remaining league games as meaningless.

Before the season started John Henry declared that Liverpool had to finish in the top four. There was no leeway. No “challenging for top four” – it had to be a top four finish. Had FSG done enough to make this a genuine target?

Liverpool finished second in 2009. Then Christian Purslow was sent in by the banks who were at stage one of having had just about enough of Tom Hicks and George Gillett. By the end of that season the interference and the need to sell to buy had played its part in Liverpool ending a turbulent season in seventh.

Liverpool were seven points from fourth, four points behind the now rich Manchester City and two points above neighbours Everton.

By now the banks were on stage two of having had just about enough of Hicks and Gillett and so they sent Martin Broughton in to finish off the job Purslow had started. Benítez was sacked, Hodgson came in and expectations that had put pressure on Benítez all season were lowered. Fourth place didn’t really matter now – and although the board were reluctant to admit it, that was because Liverpool were as good as in administration by now.

By the end of that season the dodgy American owners had gone and new American owners had come in. The “yanks out” banners went up in the loft and although the new owners weren’t welcomed with open arms they made the right noises to keep those banners in those lofts. To this day they’ve never been referred to as “the yanks”, perhaps a sign that Liverpool supporters recognise that businessman can be good or bad regardless of where they come from, even if it’s from a country where football is called soccer and mainly played by girls. It’s a big country and its interest in the flavour of football Liverpool play is growing rapidly with many US Reds more clued up than many of their UK counterparts. In fact football fans can be good or bad at it regardless of where they’re from.

The new American owners were FSG, known as NESV at the time. They didn’t meet the criteria that Broughton had laid down for buyers – they paid off the acquisition debt but not the remaining debt and they did not commit to building the stadium that had got Liverpool into a mess in the first place. But they bought the club fair and square although litigation continues disputing how fair and square the sales process was. None of that is FSG’s fault.

FSG brought Damien Comolli in as director of football strategy and less than three months after taking over they sacked Roy Hodgson. Liverpool were heading for relegation and the sacking took place long after the fans had run out of patience. He was paid off and told to get his things; in his place came Kenny Dalglish, who managed to get Liverpool back up to sixth by the end of the season.

Liverpool were now ten points from fourth, 13 points behind the now third-placed Manchester City and four points above neighbours Everton.

FSG had reduced the amount of money Liverpool were spending on interest payments (by a little under £15m a year) and put it towards new signings. They also got money in from the sales of Fernando Torres and Ryan Babel – not to mention money that came in too late to be spent in full (on transfers at least) from the sale of Javier Mascherano at the end of the final Hicks and Gillett transfer window. In all Liverpool’s “profit on player sales” was £43.3m between the end of July 2010 and the end of July 2011. In previous seasons as the Hicks and Gillett bubble started to burst that figure was £23m (2010) and £4m (2009)

Since the end of July 2011 the club says it has bought players for total guaranteed transfer fees of £12.5m and sold players for total guaranteed transfer fees of £16.5m.  The club has also refinanced its debts. The £92m facility previously held with RBS and Wachovia has been replaced by a £120m facility with RBS, Barclays and Bank of America. £37.7m of that earlier facility related to the costs of the yet-to-be-started new stadium, the new facility sees that facility upped to £45m. The infamous shovel is yet to even see the ground it was meant to have broken five years ago.

Meanwhile, at the end of the first full season for both the returning Kenny Dalglish and the owners FSG, Liverpool FC finished eighth in the league.
Liverpool were now seventeen points from fourth, 37 points behind the new champions Manchester City and four points below neighbours Everton.
They’d also won their first trophy since the arrival of Hicks and Gillett and came runners-up in another, a massive improvement on the early exits from both domestic cups the season before.

Old sayings and quotes are brought up as and when it suits. When Liverpool were challenging for the title in 2009 the cries from those who are never satisfied were of “this club exists to win trophies” as the title challenge was belittled and the achievement of staying into the top four again was dismissed. By 2012 the cries were of “the league is this club’s bread and butter” as the cup success and near-miss were played down and belittled.

For those who always moan the idea that both sayings can be combined into one is rather alien. The fact the sayings were coined when the Champions League was called The European Cup and was only entered by actual champions is lost. Can Liverpool not exist to try and win every competition they are entered into?

Three years since finishing second it’s quite clear that for Liverpool the Premier League is a competition they are now entered into not to win but to finish as high as possible, in fourth if the owners’ demands are taken seriously. For the two domestic cups the club has shown it’s capable of winning them although next season’s Europa League will almost be unknown territory after a year away.

The top four used to be Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea and one other team. Liverpool were that other team in all but one season from 2004 to 2009 but in the years that followed the teams who are contenders for the top four has increased markedly. Spurs and Manchester City have forced their way in, even Chelsea, with all their money, only managed sixth. Newcastle might turn out to be regular top four contenders, it may turn out to be a flash in the pan (Villa finished sixth in 2010), but even without Newcastle the Reds are trying to break into the top four of a group of six clubs who have all got as much right to play in the Champions League as the Reds.

To get into the top four the club has to do much more than change manager and reinvest money brought in from selling players. Borrowing money to buy players to get into the Champions League killed Leeds United.

Manchester United, even if their owners keep their hands in their pockets, have a massive advantage over Liverpool in a financial sense because they made their stadium bigger and bigger as Liverpool dithered over moving a few hundred yards across the road.

Manchester City and Chelsea can find as much cash as their ways of getting round Financial Fair Play will allow. Spurs usually find money when they need it, and chances are they’ll decided they need it this summer, having finished fourth but still missed out on the Champions League. Arsenal might surprise everyone and use some of those funds they claim to have available when needed. What are Liverpool going to do?

As it stands Liverpool are going to miss out on any early summer bargains – a problem the club have had for far too many years now. Rafa Benítez was frustrated at how Liverpool as a club would go on holiday as soon as the season ended, instead of using the time to persuade clubs to part with their gems before any bidding wars kicked in. They’ll miss out on those bargains because, unless someone is being less than honest, Liverpool don’t have a manager yet and don’t know what the new one thinks he will need to take Liverpool from bottom-end Europa League places to bottom-end Champions League places. And players aren’t exactly going to be keen to join a club that still has no manager having got rid of three in the space of less than two years.

There are plenty of reasons that can be put forward for and against the sacking of Kenny Dalglish but if he and the owners agreed on top four as a minimum requirement he didn’t meet their targets. If that wasn’t the minimum requirement for FSG why say so to the media before the season even begins?

That comment set the tone for the season. Top four was a must, regardless of how much other sides – already further on in their progress than the Reds – might have upped their own games. By the time Liverpool were heading south for the Carling Cup final they were four points behind Arsenal, seven points away from fourth but at the start of a decline in league form. Time and again Liverpool played well without getting the points, although they were also capable of losing after playing badly.

That demand for a top four finish had always seemed an unreasonable demand, a challenge for top four seemed more suitable to Liverpool’s situation and that of the others at the top end of the table. A challenge for top four should guarantee European football of some kind – but that’s what the Carling Cup win did. When Liverpool lost the game after the Carling Cup final – at home to Arsenal – it felt like the league season was over. Liverpool had challenged for the top four, albeit only until the end of February, and European football was assured.

Sadly, it seems, FSG didn’t share this view. They felt the investment in the squad (nowhere near the £120m often quoted) should have brought that top four finish and that place in the Champions League.

Nobody has asked them what they’d have done if Liverpool had finished fourth and still missed out.

A new kit deal with Warrior has now kicked in, reportedly worth around £13m per season, but Liverpool are still stuck in a stadium that hold 45,000 fans. For reasons not yet explained FSG have dumped the plans drawn up at great cost and granted planning permission for a stadium that could potentially be expanded up to 75,000 seats if other obstacles relating to infrastructure are eventually overcome. Instead they’ve reverted to plans for a stadium that can hold a maximum of 60,000 and can’t be expanded any further.

To build that 60,000 seater stadium they need to find a naming rights partner and the increased revenue from just an extra 15,000 seats means it isn’t so attractive to FSG to build it. Redeveloping Anfield is full of obstacles and far more expensive to do than FSG will accept.

FSG, from day one, seemed reluctant to build a new stadium. 18 months on and it looks no closer than it did when all the talks was about how vital is was that it was complete before Liverpool’s year of European Capital of Culture in 2008.

There are now genuine fears about FSG and although there is still a minimal amount of time left for their actions to make up for their lack of words the vacuum created by so many sackings and so little recruitment is leaving fans increasingly frustrated.

News that Roberto Martinez has been approached does not tally with claims that the club are looking to get Pep Guardiola. André Villas-Boas might feel he has unfinished business to do in the Premier League but if FSG’s mystery advisers have recommended no contact whatsoever with Rafa Benítez it seems FSG are still being swayed by those with old grudges. And those old grudges almost destroyed the club once.

Benítez may prove not to be right for the club, but if the club are interested in names like Martinez, Rodgers, Villas-Boas and Guardiola it’s incredible to think that they don’t see any need in at least meeting him and listening to him.

A new communications director starts his new role at the club in a few weeks. By the time he’s in post the job may be much tougher than he ever envisaged.

There is still time for FSG to surprise us. But not much. ... -not-much/
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Postby devaney » Sun May 20, 2012 4:10 pm

RED BEERGOGGLES » Sun May 20, 2012 12:37 pm wrote:
devaney » Sun May 20, 2012 12:29 am wrote:Oh get off your ill placed fkg high horse and get in the real world. Being polar opposites to you lad is a place I prefer to be. You are behaving like a spoilt five year old and it is embarrassing. Ayres and FSG have not dismissed or rubbished the Carling and FA Cup's they have simply and very clearly stated where we need to be to achieve long term success. They are right without CL qualification we live in danger of becoming a mid table also ran which they are clearly not content with. You and several other posters seem incapable of giving FSG any credit for what they have done for Liverpool FC which I find pathetic. Personally I'm delighted that they have got the balls to make unpopular and difficult decisions that are for the good of the club. It would have been very easy for them to stick their heads in the ground and suggest that everything is ok and do nothing which would have satisfied the likes of you. I did not like everything in Ayres statement but unfortunately whatever he said would not have satisfied you. Just how long would you have let Kenny carry on for? If he had a poor start to next season and they sacked him at Christmas you would probably be whinging that he should have been given to the end of the season. You're out of order and being very stupid getting stuck into FSG. Basically I don't think you have got a clue about running a successful business and one thing is for certain John Henry has. You're Dalglish scarf is pushed so far up your ars.e it has smothered your brain. Next time you want to have a go at me at least be constructive and try and get your two limited brain cells working in unison.

Listen if FSG are hitting all the right notes for you then I am practically ecstatic for you ,personally Id hazard a guess you're tone deaf ,but never mind ...I also think your attempts at humorous banter are a touch tepid ,but we wont dwell on that aspect of your posts just yet .

So what have FSG done thus far that makes you believe they can be trusted ? Now think on and try to remember all those wonderful things they have bestowed upon this club ,because if you wish I can detail precisely what they have taken from us, and I'm guessing it outweighs the gifts ?

I have no intention of spending my valuable spare time explaining to those with tunnel vision that the trust in the owners has been splintered if not shattered ,and I have not a shadow of a doubt that in the fullness of time their lack of faith in what made us truly special will seriously come back to haunt them .

I also believe that pulling my foreskin over my head would be infinitely less painful than reading another one of your posts .So are we straight now Merseyside  ?  :D Oh and we don't wear scarves where I come from ,or indeed replica shirts.

Although we do tend to wear our heart on our sleeves ..I can however see how that concept  would seem nothing more than divisive, to one as conducive to ***** as you .

In summary:
If you wish to swallow the rancid diatribe that  Ayre and those two cowardly cuntz Henry and Werner are currently churning out then that's fine by me ,but please don't labour under the assumption you can brow beat anyone else into believing the shite your lapping up .

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......... Shi.t pal you've found the cure for insomnia !!!!! By the way no humour intended.I just think you are a self righteous sanctimonious a.rse but then you probably know that already !!!!!! However it would appear that I was being overly generous suggesting you actually have two brain cells. Enough of this, your inability to recognise the need for change is only matched by your pathetic behaviour when somebody has the courage to make changes.
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