Bit Frustrated with FSG

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Postby metalhead » Sat May 19, 2012 6:16 pm

maypaxvobiscum » Sat May 19, 2012 5:05 pm wrote:I'm glad that the owners have ambitions, unlike some fans who continue to live in the past.

glad to see some plastic ones :rasp  :laugh:
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Sat May 19, 2012 6:22 pm

maypaxvobiscum » Sat May 19, 2012 5:05 pm wrote:I'm glad that the owners have ambitions, unlike some fans who continue to live in the past.

I'm glad you're glad , I'm also equally glad you didn't share our past or for that matter a lift or a trampoline or even a milkshake .
In fact I bet you share fuck all apart from your banal viewpoint .
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Postby 7_Kewell » Sat May 19, 2012 6:29 pm

dawson99 » Sat May 19, 2012 5:01 pm wrote:Would you give KK another £30 million only to possibly sack him as thats what you want, or do you get someone else in early in the summer with the funds to do it there way?

This is what it boils down to, were the board prepared to give Kenny more money. They weren't.
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sat May 19, 2012 6:35 pm

parchpea » Sat May 19, 2012 4:52 pm wrote:
ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sat May 19, 2012 3:17 pm wrote:
parchpea » Sat May 19, 2012 3:04 pm wrote:FSG gave it a go with the old guard by allowing people to stay in jobs and the fans to
have that feel good factor by appointing Dalglish.

I guess their only regret will be they didnt just wade in from the off and implement their
own ideas and they have lost a year by being tentative and people pleasing to win favour.

Anyway they have soon put that right now by dismantling the whole thing and re building
with their own vision for the club.

To be honest the fans have had their pick and now its the owners turn so we will have to
show a bit of faith back even if we dont care for some of their decisions initially.

Everything they are doing is an attempt to improve this football club and if we are always
going to fight people over everything we will eventually destroy the things ourselves if we
are not careful.

they appointed the first DoF in our history mate, on the say so of a baseball stats guru, that didnt work out if you remember.
they havent got a clue about footy, thats why they are employing a management company for advice and thats why they ask bloggers for advice.
stop trying to make out this is part of some masterplan

To be honest I have no clue why Comolli was actually appointed given Dalglish admitted he
selected the players.

If Comolli was only there to negotiate the deal then FSG themselves need a kick up the *****
for sitting in Boston whilst our DOF was getting his pockets emptied by Newcastle, Villa and

FSG have a lot to prove I would not disagree and I have been critical of them before. At this point
though their acts are a clear admission of failure on their part and now we must, and frankly have
no option, but to let them try and fix it.

Also they need people over here full time running the show not having things dealt with by phone
and video conference. The staff need that 1 on 1 contact like any organisation.

You get the impression they thought the football game may be pretty easy, pump in £100m and
bag the CL and off we go, tart Anfield up, investments worth more, but they have been given the shock of their
lives and are now in meltdown trying to please investors and protect the name of NESV.

i wouldnt read too much into dalglish`s statement that he picked the players, thats the type of thing kenny would say, the new signings must have felt pretty bad when comoli got sacked because the press were saying it was their fault but kenny stood up and said he wanted them, in other words he was publically backing the players and to a certain degree comoli.
no way FSG would give him £60m to spend on carroll and suarez a couple of weeks after taking over as interim manager, especially when they`d purposely employed a DoF because of his belief in their moneyball philosophy and because he`d signed players like bale for spurs.
even henderson and downing, i just find it a bit too coincidental that kenny wanted the exact 2 players who ticked all the boxes stats wise in terms of crosses etc. when henderson signed comoli was in the paper actually calling it a moneyball signing.
i think adam was probably a kenny signing though.
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Postby friendlyguy33 » Sat May 19, 2012 6:39 pm

Martinez given his lack of big club experience as a manager will be given leeway as long as he engineers a bid for the top four and reaches at least fifth or sixth I suspect. Mid-table and he'll be gone after a season as well which is why I don' t think he'll get the job.

It's a risky strategy that the owners have taken because if the top candidates like Klopp, Capello and Hiddink rule themselves out who are FSG going to appoint that will really have any credibility?

The future doesn't look good from where I'm sitting this is potentially a worse situation than after Souness left in 93. Even Rafa may not say yes if he has to work with a DOF.
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Postby friendlyguy33 » Sat May 19, 2012 6:42 pm

7_Kewell » Sat May 19, 2012 5:29 pm wrote:
dawson99 » Sat May 19, 2012 5:01 pm wrote:Would you give KK another £30 million only to possibly sack him as thats what you want, or do you get someone else in early in the summer with the funds to do it there way?

This is what it boils down to, were the board prepared to give Kenny more money. They weren't.

What credentials does Martinez have to attract top players to Liverpool? Manager of a relegation threatened team for three years, League One Champions with Swansea and a playing career with lower league english sides, one Spanish side and zero caps for Spain.

Do FSG have the remotest clue why they approached Dave Whelan?
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Postby 7_Kewell » Sat May 19, 2012 7:22 pm

friendlyguy33 » Sat May 19, 2012 5:42 pm wrote:
7_Kewell » Sat May 19, 2012 5:29 pm wrote:
dawson99 » Sat May 19, 2012 5:01 pm wrote:Would you give KK another £30 million only to possibly sack him as thats what you want, or do you get someone else in early in the summer with the funds to do it there way?

This is what it boils down to, were the board prepared to give Kenny more money. They weren't.

What credentials does Martinez have to attract top players to Liverpool? Manager of a relegation threatened team for three years, League One Champions with Swansea and a playing career with lower league english sides, one Spanish side and zero caps for Spain.

Do FSG have the remotest clue why they approached Dave Whelan?

i hate to point out the obvious, but Martinez isn't our manager...he's one of half a dozen guys being interviewed. Worry about that when/if he's made gaffer
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Sat May 19, 2012 7:31 pm

Nice to see S.O.S back on the scene least FSG will take our feelings of trepidation for the future seriously now .

Dear Mr Werner, Mr Henry and Mr Ayre

We are writing to you as we are concerned about the current situation that our football club finds itself in. It is a time of worry for supporters, not just because of the huge changes and the transformation that is happening in such a short time frame but the manner in which it is happening.

It may be that yourselves and the board of Liverpool Football Club have a vision you are working towards. It may be that you have implemented a strategy to deliver that vision and decisions are being made to work towards this. However, from the outside where supporters find themselves once again, it looks like a football club in disarray. Confusion and chaos seems to reign and no one is coming out of this with much credit, particularly the football club’s image and brand.

We need clear and pro-active communication, a confident message about the club’s plans that breeds confidence amongst supporters that we are moving in the right direction. Instead, we have silence and a lack of information or understanding on decisions being made.

Today we find ourselves with key positions at the football club vacant. Most notably, the position of Manager and the lack of a footballing man on the board. There has been much speculation, along with emails sent to supporters groups, on who is providing advice to yourselves. It may well be the case that this is speculation; however, it is understandable that there is speculation given the lack of clarity and information on who is deciding on matters, why and the timing of them. 

We have seen both Damien Comolli and Kenny Dalglish removed from their positions, and the search for replacements is still ongoing. We do know that conversations have been held with individuals mentioned in today's rumours about the football staff and those who have held these positions.

Mr Ayre has said today:

"I can tell you categorically that Alan Kayll and Paul Tompkins have had no input on the manager or anything else for that matter. I've seen a lot of that stuff being suggested and it's nonsense."

This is encouraging as it is the firm belief of Spirit Of Shankly that footballing decisions should be made by footballing men who are appropriately qualified. We know all too well of the mistakes that follow if this simple mantra is not adhered to.

Are suitably qualified individuals making these decisions?

Today, Ian Ayre gave an interview, talking about the removal of Kenny Dalglish as manager, in which he stated that “Winning the FA Cup wouldn’t have made any difference – it was never about an individual result. It was always about taking a review of the season in full."

As supporters, we have always believed in the quote from Bill Shankly that “Liverpool Football club exists not to make money, it exists to win trophies and be a source of pride for its supporters. It serves no other purpose.”.

To supporters, this is of massive importance. We know that success in football requires money. However, the quote from Ian Ayre would lead us to believe that our focus is no longer on winning trophies but making money. In a season that has seen us end with one trophy out of the three available and narrowly miss out on a second, it is somewhat disrespectful to suggest to supporters that winning another trophy would not be good enough. It is also contradictory to what Ian Ayre himself said earlier in the month: “Anyone who was at the Carling Cup final or the semi-final against Everton will tell you that’s what being a Liverpool fan is all about. It might not have the biggest prize money or the biggest status, but it’s fantastic. You go to watch a football team every week because you want them to be successful and win things. John and Tom will be there on Saturday. That’s why you buy sports teams – to watch them compete for trophies”. Ian Ayre, May 2012.

Is it now the strategy of Liverpool FC to place greater importance upon generating revenues above winning trophies? 

Today, communication and leadership is vital. As supporters we have seen all too clearly what a lack of communication from absentee owners leads to. There has been very limited dialogue through the Supporters Committee which is still in its infancy, but this has been mainly used by the club to get messages out, rather than the dialogue promised with supporters at the time of your takeover. At a time when a clear message is needed, it is somewhat embarrassing for supporters and the football club to see Twitter messages on who supporters think should be the next manager. We are Liverpool FC. We are better than that.

Ultimately, supporters remain in the dark once again about the plans for this football club moving forward. We find ourselves experiencing déjà vu, where boardroom decisions lead to more questions than they answer. If we all want to pull in the same direction, transparency is needed. As supporters we often offer blind devotion to our football team. Due to our history, we do not afford the same luxury to the football club. It is equally as important for you to trust in supporters, so that we can work together for the betterment of the football club, as it is for us to trust in you.

We ask that you speak with supporters – engage with a true representative cross section of supporters and work with supporters to provide solutions to our current problems. This will enable communication with supporters to take place in an open and accountable manner.

Hopefully hear from you soon.

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Postby supersub » Sat May 19, 2012 8:49 pm

good letter....would be appreciated if the questions asked were addressed
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Sat May 19, 2012 10:00 pm

Ian Ayre ...Labouring under the assumption he has a fucking clue  :no
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Postby parchpea » Sat May 19, 2012 11:34 pm

The first man I would have expected to go in the cull would have been Ayre yet
he is still there, a survivor.

I wouldnt trust him so far as I could throw him but Fenway seem to enjoy him. At
a guess he the biggest yes man going.

I mean never in a million years should he be the voice of Liverpool, but then
again I guess hes the only member of staff left at this point  :laugh:
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Postby maguskwt » Sun May 20, 2012 12:27 am

metalhead » Sat May 19, 2012 4:45 pm wrote:
maguskwt » Sat May 19, 2012 4:17 pm wrote:Kenny got sacked and all of a sudden the owners are mishandling the football club...  :Oo:

season just finished... the owners had a goal and this goal wasn't achieved. Give them a bit of time to get the right manager and DOF in. We have plenty of time...

What if next season we don't get 4th place? will they  sack the manager and DOF? will we have to start from scratch every single season until we get 4th? that's worry in every Liverpool fan's mind.

If FSG care about the success of their club they will have to give whoever comes in huge backing in the transfer market and most importantly time to get it right, even if we did poorly next season. Tony Evans from the times said in January that Kenny Dalglish did not recieve any transfer funds to strengthen his team and he was right back then that Kenny wouldn't stay long because of that.

Let's hope whoever comes in, be it Rafa, Martinez, AVB, etc... is given 2 or 3 years to build a team capable of challenging for a CL spot

It was obvious, Kenny never really looked like their long term choice... Kenny came in as caretaker manager and after such a wonderful turnaround from the Hodgson era, and also due to overwhelming support by the fans, they had to give Kenny a contract to see what he can do. The owners were expecting a top 4 finish or at least enough progress to show that we are close to top 4 after spending the most money in a summer in the club's history ever. Spending a combined 110 million in January and in the summer is unheard of for LFC. It's natural the expectations were high. Let's be honest here, after being in relegation fight and climbing up to 6th, the majority of fans' expectations were similar to the owners in the summer, that we will definitely be challenging for top 4. Under Kenny, Clarke and Commoli, we regressed. The purchase of Carroll, Henderson, Downing and Adam for a fee close to 80 million to strengthen our starting 11 was an unmitigated disaster. Kenny had to go. He is still a legend, but if the owners feel that Kenny is not the long term solution and the team wasn't progressing, it is better to do the changes earlier than later. These owners so far have shown that they can be ruthless when it comes to progress and maybe this ruthlessness might be just what Liverpool FC needs. If the next manager gets fired after one season, fine, let's all sing from the same hymn book, and say that the owners got no patience. But I have a feeling the next manager will be carefully chosen and will be given 4-5 years contract for continuity and progress...
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Postby dundreamin » Sun May 20, 2012 12:34 am

This is quickly becoming a farce utd city chelsea etc etc must be p.issing thereselves ONCE AGAIN we
are the laughing stock of the prem. Am becoming tired of it all why don't a British company buy us out? Then re-install rafa and make Carra his number 2 FSG john Henry you bought us on the cheap sell us at a profit and fook off. Make LFC a YANK FREE ZONE. Imho you are not welcome and never will be
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Postby maguskwt » Sun May 20, 2012 12:39 am

dundreamin » Sat May 19, 2012 11:34 pm wrote:This is quickly becoming a farce utd city chelsea etc etc must be p.issing thereselves ONCE AGAIN we
are the laughing stock of the prem. Am becoming tired of it all why don't a British company buy us out? Then re-install rafa and make Carra his number 2 FSG john Henry you bought us on the cheap sell us at a profit and fook off. Make LFC a YANK FREE ZONE. Imho you are not welcome and never will be


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Postby devaney » Sun May 20, 2012 1:29 am

RED BEERGOGGLES » Sat May 19, 2012 9:49 am wrote:
devaney » Sat May 19, 2012 7:20 am wrote:
RED BEERGOGGLES » Sat May 19, 2012 1:12 am wrote:Anyway I'm off to bed still well peeved with the incompetence and downright cowardice of FSG ... I'm surmising I will wake up in a similar state
of mind tomorrow .  :down:

You desperately wanted Kenny back and whilst not as ecstatic as you it was good to see him back after the H & G years and the Hodgson debacle. We have got to accept however that it simply has not been a success. A Carling cup trophy that we tried desperately to throw away and a very embarrassing first 62 minutes against Chelsea in the FA Cup final will live in the memory for the wrong reasons. Our league performances on many occasions have been awful.The handling of the media has been embarrassing.

Your abuse towards FSG is totally unacceptable and ridiculous. After Liverpool's season if they hadn't taken any action they would have been accused by many supporters of incompetence and cowardice. If it was your business would you have been A happy paying a manager in excess of £3m for such a lack lustre performance. If the season had ended on a high note it may have been different but that was not the case. Based on our league performance from the beginning of January to the end of the season we would have been relegated and that cannot be argued with. For some bizarre reason you seem happy
to allow Kenny to continue? Why when his performance in the second half of the season was just as bad as what Hodgson achieved? I fully accept the frustrations of all this but abusing the owners is not the answer. FSG got us out of a mess and for that we should be grateful. If it was all about money they could have simply sold Torres and replaced him with a very cheap altenative. Instead they spend £57m on Carroll and Suarez plus a further £50m in the summer and you have the audacity to accuse them of incompetence and cowardice. Sorry lad but you are talking rubbish.

I haven't even begun to vent my feeling of disappointment towards the owners me on that one , plus Im so glad you decided not to scold
me last night ,because I just wouldn't have slept knowing a poster I hold with such high regard doesn't concur with my views .
Polar opposites me and you fella ,and it makes me proud to be so .

Oh get off your ill placed fkg high horse and get in the real world. Being polar opposites to you lad is a place I prefer to be. You are behaving like a spoilt five year old and it is embarrassing. Ayres and FSG have not dismissed or rubbished the Carling and FA Cup's they have simply and very clearly stated where we need to be to achieve long term success. They are right without CL qualification we live in danger of becoming a mid table also ran which they are clearly not content with. You and several other posters seem incapable of giving FSG any credit for what they have done for Liverpool FC which I find pathetic. Personally I'm delighted that they have got the balls to make unpopular and difficult decisions that are for the good of the club. It would have been very easy for them to stick their heads in the ground and suggest that everything is ok and do nothing which would have satisfied the likes of you. I did not like everything in Ayres statement but unfortunately whatever he said would not have satisfied you. Just how long would you have let Kenny carry on for? If he had a poor start to next season and they sacked him at Christmas you would probably be whinging that he should have been given to the end of the season. You're out of order and being very stupid getting stuck into FSG. Basically I don't think you have got a clue about running a successful business and one thing is for certain John Henry has. You're Dalglish scarf is pushed so far up your ars.e it has smothered your brain. Next time you want to have a go at me at least be constructive and try and get your two limited brain cells working in unison.
Last edited by devaney on Sun May 20, 2012 7:33 am, edited 3 times in total.
Net Spend Over The Last 5 Years (10 years
are in brackets)
LFC £255m (£467m)
Everton £38m (£287m)
Arsenal £645m6 (£925m)
Spurs £510m (£541m)
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