Big mistake selling baros ! - If you ask me...rafa shame on you!

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby slavia » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:11 pm

A.B. wrote:So we should change our complete system in order to suit the headless chicken up front? I find it easier for us to find a player suitable to Rafa's favourite system rather than the other way around.
I don't know where you got that sort or reading. I said that addressing Baros's abilities should take into account to what extend the system suits him... Did you even read what you quoted?
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Postby A.B. » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:24 pm

Yes I read what you wrote, and I drew a conclusion that you think that  the reason Baros can't put away a sitter for instance is because of the system that we use or did I miss comprehend?

Couldn't it be  that he simply can't produce the goods in the same way he does for his beloved country?
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Postby Feeney » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:25 pm


And therin lies the solution. Rafa doesn't have to deal with his attitude, nor create solutions - he will get shut of him. He will not change a system that has, so far in his career, served him incredibly well and won him the top two club competitions in consecutive seasons.

I agree, much has been made of what he is supposed to have said, of which 95% is :censored:. BUT, he is a very selfish individual and this is the attitude that I am relating to. When playing, he has little concept that he is playing with 10 others that are on his side. In terms of footballing ability, are he and Pongo so disimilar? Quick, hungry for the ball and with a similar finishing ability. Yet, it is attitude that is seperating the two.

I agree, he does have merits. When running at defenders, he can be frightening. He can be an absolute pain in the backside for a defender and have served us extremely well this season. However, for his merits, he does have faults. As i've mentioned, his first touch is awful. He's missed some awful sitters this season (Juve, anyone?). His head drops far too easily during a game that is not going his way. And, crucially for me, he isn't in it for the thing that matters the most, which is LFC.


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Postby A.B. » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:31 pm

And, crucially for me, he isn't in it for the thing that matters the most, which is LFC.

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Postby slavia » Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:28 pm

A.B. wrote:Yes I read what you wrote, and I drew a conclusion that you think that  the reason Baros can't put away a sitter for instance is because of the system that we use or did I miss comprehend?

:) funny

Couldn't it be  that he simply can't produce the goods in the same way he does for his beloved country?

true, he can't. But that's an observation of fact rather than an explanation of his LFC form, which is what is at stake. To simply say that his mind isn't in it for LFC's sake is and isn't on point. There are very few players who get to play for a team which they cherish. The rest are hired guns which owe a team some loyalty, but perhaps only so much loyalty as the team owes to them. So the question is then what Baros plays for. Assuming for a moment that Baros is a selfish :censored: who couldn't give a f++k about the team, there are still thousands of fans whom he wants to impress and that itself gives him drive to play his best. So under this worse case scenario, I don't see why Baros would want to play more for the Czechs. While he plays for his nation, no more than 20, 000 people ever show up for the Czechs' match, whereas the crowds at Liverpool are always much larger and give him much more to play for.

@ Feeney - I agree with two reservations. Strikers are not infallible and the faults they have are something one has to deal with it rather than to dismiss players for them (well, as long as those faults can be addressed, which I think they can be in Baros's case). Bruckner brought Baros into the starting lineup where he used to sub Baros at the half. When he did so for the first time, I was not convinced. I always thought that Baros could not keep running for longer than one half (and note that in the Spring, he has really slowed down. He can't burn the defenders like he used to in the Fall. This is a matter of conditioning. He needs rest and training to prepare his sprints) . But Baros probably can, given the proper coaching. My second reservation concerns Pongo. He is a very similar player to Baros, but when he came to replace Baros in Winter, he seemed lost. He didn't have the same impact. This is probably only because Pongo needs some more confidence.
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Postby LiverpoolMadman » Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:52 pm

Baros is a good player but he doesn't suit with RB plan. Let him go .....
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Postby Paul_Poland » Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:06 am

Mabye Owen will replace him?  :cool:  Great come back
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:24 am


Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:27 am

Not u P.Poland miss typed:D

Postby LiverpoolMadman » Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:35 am

Sell him and buy Aimar or Kapo .....
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Postby Galactico » Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:49 am

Lads your all against Baros......fair enough!! hopefully we get what 7-8 million great!!!!-now we can afford CROUCH??

Alfonso 1, i completely agree with your statement and the rest of you.. were basically swapping baros for crouch??....Do we support the same team?? cos i love to hear anyone claim crouch is better than baros???

Admitedly selling baros for 7-8 along with diouf 3-4 mil respectively could give a combined kitty of 35-40 mil, but to think 7 or so mil wasted on Crouch is a bloody disaster!!!
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:53 am

Agree with selling Baros.
But never in a million years would i buy Crouch.

Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:04 am

slavia wrote:well, he has scored against whom he scored against because those were the teams the Czechs played - thus that is the only comparison there is. My point was NOT that he is a great player because he has scored for the Czech. My main point was that he CAN PASS when he plays for the Czechs. That is probably Bruckner's coaching, so I would attribute blame accordingly.

As for attitude, I don't really understand what attitude you are referring to. I have watched all Liverpool games this seasons and read the rumours. The attitute one generally refers to in this forum stems from the roomer mill. One should as a matter of principle take those with a grain of salt. Simple unhappiness does not make attitute. All players are unhappy at one point or another and simple unhappiness does not make the cut for me. It is a matter of what spins the newsmedia puts on it and what becomes public as opposed to what remains private.

Much has been made of Baros's desire to play for Barcelona. I wonder why really. Some here at once point to Baros as arrogant for even making such a statement or lackonically conclude that Baros was just unhappy with his lack of playing time and thus made the statement and now that he had played, he should just shut up, because he does not have what it takes. I think that people are forgetting that he was 22 at the time and just had a self-gratifying summer after several years of warming the bench in Liverpool. Was it that surprising to make comments like that after sitting on the bench for the better part of his youth? Are you telling me that other 20-something things differently if they have potential like he did after Euro 2004?

And that is whay irks me about these discussions. They take every comment he made out of context or accentuate the negatives.Now I agree that Baros should be sold. The system does not suit him. But Liverpool needs some replacement because our present strikers will not do it. But I don't agree that Baros should be sold because of his performance or his attitute. I don't see much in what Baros has done this season that would warrant selling him as the only choice of dealing with his performance or attitute. Since I think that the manager should be capable of dealing with the players' attitute, Rafa should deal with Baros's attitute (if that is a problem) and Rafa should create a system that best takes advantage of his resources.

So what you are eloquently attempting to infer is that Liverpool F.C. should, for the benefit of Mr Baros, totally alter the ethos and infastructure to accomodate his somewhat debatable attributes? I regretably inform you that this is an untenable juncture, ergo you should refrain from conversing from your anus. One cannot comprehend the notion that the residing Champions of Europe should retire the system which has offered obvious dividends, in order that a third-rate striker can prevail. I jest ye not, fellow LFC fans - this homosapian is an ar*e. :p  :suspect:

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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:39 am

This thread should be titled.

It would be a big mistake if we didnt sell Baros.

Postby babu » Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:17 am

This is a great thread. I am going to throw my 'word a day' desktop calender in the bin and just read this thread every day to increase my vocabulary. :D

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