Big mistake selling baros ! - If you ask me...rafa shame on you!

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby joependo » Wed Jun 08, 2005 4:32 pm

For me i reckon if Baros is a good defenders.Alrite he might not score but he doesn't half make the defence tired.Then cisse comes on and scores the goals.But he is top scorer in euro 04 and he has scored 8 goals in prem for me that is awful.We should of sold him last year but he has been a great help with every one being injured.
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Postby 65-1114725958 » Wed Jun 08, 2005 5:56 pm

stu_the_red wrote:
From what I've gathered from reading the media etc, and posts on here, Milan Baros is out of favour with Rafa, and he looks set to leave very soon.

i don't think this is a good idea. I've never seen a player turn defenders on a sixpence with the ball glued to his feet the way Milan does....No one!

He runs his socks off, and was top scorer in Euro 2004. That speaks volumes. You have to remember this was his first full season getting a regular game, since the depressive ways of Gerard Houllier and Heskey the year before, so he needs more time.

Ok, he needs shooting practise, and more vision, but this is something that can be addressed on the training ground.

Cisse has yet to prove himself, and morientes has a question mark over him too. only time will tell.

I mean, can any of you tell me who we are gonna replace him with? Tell me that! only Henry, Del piero, Shevchenko, van Horseface are arguably better. and I doubt we are gonna get something of that quality.

Peter Crouch?? Do me a f*****g favour, the guys a lanky streak of p*ss.

Big Mistake to let him go.

Only  Del Piero, Schevchenko, van Nistlerooy are better? Have you ever been to any matches lad? That just bloody laughable. Theres at least 15 strikers in england alone who are far better than Baros i would say. Crouch is probably one of them.

The lads NOWHERE NEAR good enough. Just because he runs around alot and can go past the odd player who over commits himself doesn't make him a great player.

Fowler and Owen in there "first seasons" (AS TEENAGERS ASWELL) Scored 18 and 23 goals. Baros has a pathetic 13. Its not even like he's not had the chances or supply, the lad just doesn't cut it.

And this coming from someone who thinks we should re-sign FOWLER!!!! the one trick pony, well past his best. His form for city has been nothing short of awful, Man City fans booing him, and you want us to re-sign him!

name the 15 strikers that are in the premiership better than Baros!....

I'll start you off....Henry, Van Horseface, Rooney, and .......thats it!

I think you know less than me......."LAD"!

Postby A.B. » Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:02 pm

I've argued this particular subject with somebody for hours so I don't intend to continue doing it, however I will say something quickly and that is that Milan Baros is a player that plays for himself. (Simular to Nicholas Anelka) He's a player who can't satisify two different managers. You can argue that Houllier wants him to Lyon but for all you know he could be on the bench again, the same manager who had him on the bench for more than 30 occassions.

So he's had 43 games to prove himself to Rafael Benitez, but he hasn't done that. We need a better striker, so therefore we should sell him while we can make a profit on him.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:43 pm

And this coming from someone who thinks we should re-sign FOWLER!!!! the one trick pony, well past his best. His form for city has been nothing short of awful, Man City fans booing him, and you want us to re-sign him!

name the 15 strikers that are in the premiership better than Baros!....

I'll start you off....Henry, Van Horseface, Rooney, and .......thats it!

I think you know less than me......."LAD"!

:censored: easy...

van Persie
van Nistlerooy
Luis Garcia

Don't question my knowledge on the sport little boy. You'll get made to look like an idiot. Run along. :D

Postby 115-1073096938 » Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:44 pm

Yanno what, i've probably missed a load off aswell.

Postby A.B. » Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:46 pm

Add these two to that list Stu

Last edited by A.B. on Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby redthru&thru » Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:57 pm

I think it is time for Baros to go, he does't come up with the goods often enough. I got the impression he wasnt commited to us, and too often he does not perform. Whenever Rafa plays him on his own upfront I get concerned as I don't feel he is good enough.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:57 pm

Good shout.  :)

Postby slavia » Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:01 pm

the discussions of Baros have grown unimaginative. All of his critics constantly stress is lack of awareness, scorring power, individualism and complaining, whereas his supporters point to Euro 2004. What I find annoying is that both of the sides are simply picking what they like or dislike without any attempt at specificity. Baros has become generally unaware, dispite the fact that he is a striker who is expected to shoot and dispite the fact that he did pass to the few strikers who played along-side of him when Cisse was injured and the fact that he passed, to name the most recent examples, to at least 4 goals in the last two Czech games. Same goes for his scorring power. There is no denying that Baros has not been scoring lately. But why that should be attributed solely to Baros is beyond me. Considering that he scores consistantly for the Czechs (what 4 goals in the last three games, I think), one has to wonder why one blames Baros and does not seriously address to what extend the system does not suit his style of game. Concentrating on Baros and his inability to score without even considering the type of system we play is simply silly. And one could go on and on and discuss the fact that all of Baros's supposed complaining was speculation that was completely unsupported by any reliable sources or traslated from Czech (and very badly, mind you, since I have read it). Baros has not had a good second half of the season, but the criticism attributed to him here is frankly something I would expect from teenagers who know nothing about the game.
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Postby adamnbarrett » Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:17 pm

Right there are better strikers than baros but look at them they are unrealistic targets (most of them) And baros is part of our team the team that won the european cup the team that got to the carling cup final and you cannot say that if we didn't have baros we could have done all of that (and im not saying we are a 1 man team) baros was all we had just before january and baros always gives 110% and when he loses the ball he is determined to win it back wheras when morientes loses the ball he sits there on the floor for about 10 seconds (to me morientes looks lazy) and I know 13 goals isnt enough or alot but without those 13 goals where would we be?
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Postby Feeney » Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:20 pm

Who has he scored against for the internationals? Apart from the Euro's (past golden boot winner being Sava Milosevic of Villa fame!)and the odd goal against a decent team, his record for goals in internationals have all been against mediocre teams. He's slotted 2 tonight....against Macedonia. Hense the 'big number' of goals he has scored for the Czech's.

Top Scorers - Czech Republic
For the season 2004/2005 Player Goals
Jan Koller
Vratislav Lokvenc
Tomas Rosicky
Milan Baros
Jan Polak
Tomas Galasek
Marek Jankulovski
Vladimir Smicer
This record is before tonight's game. Jan 'the man' top's it and who is he a target for.......Sunderland!!! I can understand your point about the 'system' not matching his play, but when you've got a touch like his in a league like our's, you are going to be found out, and quick.

To top that off, IMO his attitude is all wrong - put him next to someone like Cisse, and there is no comparison.


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Postby slavia » Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:58 pm

well, he has scored against whom he scored against because those were the teams the Czechs played - thus that is the only comparison there is. My point was NOT that he is a great player because he has scored for the Czech. My main point was that he CAN PASS when he plays for the Czechs. That is probably Bruckner's coaching, so I would attribute blame accordingly.

As for attitude, I don't really understand what attitude you are referring to. I have watched all Liverpool games this seasons and read the rumours. The attitute one generally refers to in this forum stems from the roomer mill. One should as a matter of principle take those with a grain of salt. Simple unhappiness does not make attitute. All players are unhappy at one point or another and simple unhappiness does not make the cut for me. It is a matter of what spins the newsmedia puts on it and what becomes public as opposed to what remains private.

Much has been made of Baros's desire to play for Barcelona. I wonder why really. Some here at once point to Baros as arrogant for even making such a statement or lackonically conclude that Baros was just unhappy with his lack of playing time and thus made the statement and now that he had played, he should just shut up, because he does not have what it takes. I think that people are forgetting that he was 22 at the time and just had a self-gratifying summer after several years of warming the bench in Liverpool. Was it that surprising to make comments like that after sitting on the bench for the better part of his youth? Are you telling me that other 20-something things differently if they have potential like he did after Euro 2004?

And that is whay irks me about these discussions. They take every comment he made out of context or accentuate the negatives.Now I agree that Baros should be sold. The system does not suit him. But Liverpool needs some replacement because our present strikers will not do it. But I don't agree that Baros should be sold because of his performance or his attitute. I don't see much in what Baros has done this season that would warrant selling him as the only choice of dealing with his performance or attitute. Since I think that the manager should be capable of dealing with the players' attitute, Rafa should deal with Baros's attitute (if that is a problem) and Rafa should create a system that best takes advantage of his resources.
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Postby policy » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:04 pm

No finishin buddy. He has had plenty of chances this year and doesn't score enough. Now he opens his pie hole. Come on. Baros is not class. He reminds me of Forrest Gump. "Run Forrest!!!!!!!!!!!"
Mourinho was customizing his flashy blue racing car -- applying the finishing touches of go-faster stripes, aerodynamic spoilers and a fat f@ck you exhaust -- while on his red car, Benitez was trying to glue together a broken chassis, repair bodywork and replace burst tyres.
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Postby A.B. » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:06 pm

the discussions of Baros have grown unimaginative. All of his critics constantly stress is lack of awareness, scorring power, individualism and complaining, whereas his supporters point to Euro 2004. What I find annoying is that both of the sides are simply picking what they like or dislike without any attempt at specificity. Baros has become generally unaware, dispite the fact that he is a striker who is expected to shoot and dispite the fact that he did pass to the few strikers who played along-side of him when Cisse was injured and the fact that he passed, to name the most recent examples, to at least 4 goals in the last two Czech games. Same goes for his scorring power. There is no denying that Baros has not been scoring lately. But why that should be attributed solely to Baros is beyond me. Considering that he scores consistantly for the Czechs (what 4 goals in the last three games, I think), one has to wonder why one blames Baros and does not seriously address to what extend the system does not suit his style of game. Concentrating on Baros and his inability to score without even considering the type of system we play is simply silly. And one could go on and on and discuss the fact that all of Baros's supposed complaining was speculation that was completely unsupported by any reliable sources or traslated from Czech (and very badly, mind you, since I have read it). Baros has not had a good second half of the season, but the criticism attributed to him here is frankly something I would expect from teenagers who know nothing about the game.

So we should change our complete system in order to suit the headless chicken up front? I find it easier for us to find a player suitable to Rafa's favourite system rather than the other way around.
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Postby slavia » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:06 pm

policy wrote:No finishin buddy. He has had plenty of chances this year and doesn't score enough. Now he opens his pie hole. Come on. Baros is not class. He reminds me of Forrest Gump. "Run Forrest!!!!!!!!!!!"

come one stewey, isn't it past your bed time.... :laugh:
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