Benitez unhappy with start of the season

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Ciggy » Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:27 am

Give the man a break people lets get behind him and our team that we love.

Benitez unhappy with start

Benitez admitted he had made a faltering start at Liverpool
Liverpool's new manager Rafael Benitez admits he has failed to get his ideas across properly to the team and is unhappy with the season so far.
The Reds have been without a game since losing to AK Graz and Bolton in successive games, and Benitez says they need to start winning fast.

"I think the supporters are waiting for something when a new manager arrives," he said.

"We need to start winning and to find our right balance and combination."

Benitez said he understood the frustration of fans, but said he had not been able to pick his best side yet and thought fans would give him time to prove himself.

He added: "If you need to jump to a higher level you must do it knowing you have the right foundations.

"The fans here are intelligent - they know these things do take time but they are waiting.

"If you want me to say in days, weeks or months when I will know my best side I cannot.

"We are improving each day and the players know we do not have much time, so they are concentrating hard and are trying to do the things we want them to do."
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Postby Starbridge42 » Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:33 am

Well who can blame him really.  While things dona't happen overnight I think everyone, himself, the board and players as well as the fans, expected something a little better than scraping cl qualification and losing to the likes of Bolton.
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Postby azriahmad » Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:41 am

At least this man is brave enough to make bold changes and blood the academy youngsters and having not had the desired start, he does not revert to intelligence-insulting statistics or excuses and tells it straight.

He respects the fans' intelligence and goes about doing his job without much os a fuss. This present Liverpool team has improved on their passing mentality but still need to fine tune the actual passing on the pitch and needs more consistency. It is refreshing to see a young player like Warnock so comfortable on the ball.

We are generally a petient lot, Liverpool fans, and we should give this man some time to settle.
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Postby Ciggy » Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:46 am

Well said m8 :)
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Postby azriahmad » Sat Sep 11, 2004 11:10 am

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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:47 pm

I know its awful the way Houllier didn't give Gerrard, Murphy and Carragher a chance to break into the first team.

Stop having a go at our ex manager lad. Its tiresome. You complain about Houllier not respecting the fans intelligence.... well show some intelligence before you form an opinion like that.

Think about it this way, the second most shots on target, most shots off target, most corners in the league, a ****** load of missed penalties, chances missed which Owen and others normally stick away for fun in nearly every single game, Heskey upfront and a rediculous injury crisis yet we still got fourth place.

Says to me he wasn't as bad as some people would have us believe. LEAVE THE MAN ALONE!!!
Last edited by 115-1073096938 on Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby jim_morrison_supported_liverpool » Sat Sep 11, 2004 3:19 pm

Stu i'm sick and tired of you chattin balls about Houllier.

you sounded just like the man himself reelin off these ridiculous stats that dont mean anythin. you can tell your players to get shots in as much as you want, if you dont create chances and dont play the football, or use different tactics  (all of this is relevant to liverpool in the last 2 seasons) you dont get anywhere.

that injury thing is bollox aswell because even when them players came back from injury it was just the same.

we all felt houllier had a cheek tryin to palm us off with those crappy statistics and excuses, cos we're more intelligent than was an insult to our intelligence. he's obviously convinced some people, the naive ones, or the ones who will show blind faith, no matter how bad things are.

your opening statement reeks of s*** aswell. since when was murphy one of our academy youth?  and Carragher was introduced by Roy Evans, before Houllier. that leaves Gerrard. thats one player. ONE PLAYER!!!!     why dont you read what steve heighway said? ?????
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Postby laza » Sat Sep 11, 2004 3:52 pm

While i certainly think Houllier was by his use by date and had to go. Some of the comments  on these boards towards him is way OTT.
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Postby jim_morrison_supported_liverpool » Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:02 pm

i totally agrre with that, totally.

but you dont have to back up that point of view with those bullsh** statistics and mindless nonsense.

as chris bascombe quite rightly pointed out, there is still relevance in talking about houllier because he's the reason the team is the way it is. its his team benitez has been given to fix.  but i agree, you dont have to go over the top, but just truthful.
its not the chilli sauce on kebabs that give you ring-sting, its the actual meat. had one without chilli, and still had ring-sting. the chilli's only there to mask the nonsense they stuff inside that bread.
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Postby laza » Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:10 pm

jim_morrison_supported_liverpool wrote:i totally agrre with that, totally.

but you dont have to back up that point of view with those bullsh** statistics and mindless nonsense.

Well you know the old saying

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics    :D
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Postby The_Rock » Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:28 pm

We will have a good finish to the doubt about it. Its just tthe 1st 10 games i am the most worried about. Just hope we are not too far away from the leaders come january.
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Postby mrcool2003 » Sun Sep 12, 2004 8:15 pm

jim_morrison_supported_liverpool wrote:Stu i'm sick and tired of you chattin balls about Houllier.

you sounded just like the man himself reelin off these ridiculous stats that dont mean anythin. you can tell your players to get shots in as much as you want, if you dont create chances and dont play the football, or use different tactics  (all of this is relevant to liverpool in the last 2 seasons) you dont get anywhere.

that injury thing is bollox aswell because even when them players came back from injury it was just the same.

we all felt houllier had a cheek tryin to palm us off with those crappy statistics and excuses, cos we're more intelligent than was an insult to our intelligence. he's obviously convinced some people, the naive ones, or the ones who will show blind faith, no matter how bad things are.

your opening statement reeks of s*** aswell. since when was murphy one of our academy youth?  and Carragher was introduced by Roy Evans, before Houllier. that leaves Gerrard. thats one player. ONE PLAYER!!!!     why dont you read what steve heighway said? ?????

well said m8

stu has been talking ****** about houllier for months, sounds exactly like him and wasn't it stu that kept praising him and sayin he wasn't that bad and repeating houlliers ****** excuses about y the team were playing ******

and isn't it true if it was as good as stu seemed to think, y isn't he still manager? he jumps on the new manager bandwagon, doesn't mention the fact that he was a houllier lover and hes one of the few who thinks he was any good
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Postby JBG » Sun Sep 12, 2004 8:35 pm

I don't think we have made a bad start at all.

Out of 4 league games we have won two, drawn one and lost one.

Sure, losing to Bolton was poor, but 7 from four games is not disasterous, especially at this stage of the season.

We effectively qualified for the CL by beating Graz away in a decent performance, so the home defeat wasn't that important.

I'd sooner the team loses to Graz in a meaningless match than lose a more important game.

I think Benitez has done ok so far, nothing spectacular, but not poorly either.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun Sep 12, 2004 8:52 pm

So "Mrcool" Top name by the way lad... so cool.

Because i supported my manager, love my club and think that Houllier was a good manager who done his best for the club and was nowhere near as bad as people said means that i'm not allowed to think that Benitez is also a good manager and could possibly take us to another level given time?

Who the ****** are you to say i can't support my clubs board's decisions? Ya little maggot. The only thing I'm guilty of is backing the club and its players and manager through thick and thin and always offering my support. Unless something is drastically wrong.

Its well documented we'd have gone for Thomas Rosicky, Phillipe Mexes and Dion Dublin. All players who would have added something to the squad and first 11. Houllier had his faults, alot of them but the fact is he done his best.

We now in my opinion have a potentially better manager and he will recieve the same backing Houllier got.

Then guess what ya little nugget, i'll still believe he can do it when people are saying he can't, then after we change manager i'm sure the club will get the next appointment right and i'll do the same all over again.

Unlike some of us "mrcool" i support, LOVE and LIVE FOR my local side. So if you're going to question my passion for LFC ya can friggin well drop dead for all i care ya arrogant little s**t.

Postby Leonmc0708 » Sun Sep 12, 2004 9:14 pm

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