Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby daxy1 » Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:35 pm

Cool Hand Luke wrote:
tony.d wrote:hey guys, we at the everton supporters club welcome all, so please come along and make youselves at home

Image thanks

pmsl stick that up yer bitter @rse yer blue sh!te

tony.d are yer still sponsered by easyjet yer pr!ck

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Postby puroresu » Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:55 pm

The team in November should of settled and actually look like they know what they are doing as a unit.  We look so out of place away from home.  The attacks have no cohesion to them and whatever the plan is in these games something clearly isnt working.
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Postby adamnbarrett » Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:39 pm

Well we lost and looked second best but as for worrying over it :censored::

another 4 of our lads died in iraq and 3 seriously injured. Putting life in perspective we lost a game they lost there lives.
We WILL rember them.
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Postby tel » Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:46 pm

We just dont know how to score first. We never looked dangerous when we had possession in the middle. Zenden was lost there. He is not up to playing there against top sides.

This is a game Stevie should have started in the middle.

They scored a good first goal and it was over. The 2nd & 3rd goals were just a humiliation.

Cant believe I'm saying this but Reina was our best player. He looked very confident in everything he did today. Feel bad for the lad because he was up for this one and was let down by his mates.
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Postby RichardLFC1 » Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:47 pm

The performance today was under par and unacceptable. We look like we lost intrest in the game when we went 1-0 down. There was no driving force in the game today apart from the 1st half hour when it was arguably even.

Also when gerrard moved into the centre we looked diffrent then we see a slight attacking movement. But when he was on the right where ever the ball was going in the midfeild it seemed to travel backwards until a defender took it forward. Liverpool were simply not good enough today and im sick of it.

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Postby tubby » Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:58 pm

CharmlessMan wrote:
bavlondon wrote:
CharmlessMan wrote:Bav, why do you keep bringing up investors? We have two of the best people running club, who have kept our traditions, I wouldn't want a Glazer or Ambramovich buying to the club. The fact of the matter is we have the players, but they aren't performing and as Ciggy rightfully points out they lack passion, grit and determination.

You know what mate call me an ooter if you want but i wouldnt mind an Abramovich. (not a Glazer as hes borrowed all hismoney and the club is in big debt) becasue im concernd for the well being of the club in 10 years time.

What happened in Instanbull was a once in a lifetime moment and thats just it. We can be pulling of those sort of games every season.

If we had the proper investment to start with then maybe we would have gone for better players like SWP, Simao or Joaquin not reliying on a player who had postential but whos almost :censored: away his career thanks to alcohol abuse.

Mate you need to wake up and get a grip. Yes Rafa can bring the best out of players but this isnt always going to work and you need to on occasion spend a bit and not go with unproven players.

If Gonazales continues like this I can see Rafa selling him come the end of the season.

Why on earth would I bring an "OOT" comment into our discussion? It's not relevant. I wouldn't want an Ambramovich figurehead throwing his money about the place, because its people like him, who represent all the things wrong with football as a sport and you can kiss good bye to any creditability we would receive for winning trophies. I don't want us to be carbon copies of Chelsea. We are far too good for all of that and we have history and traditions.

Istanbul was magical because the under dogs came out on top and came back when things looked bleak, can you honestly say it would of been magical if we had £300,000,000 pounds worth of players on the pitch? I certainly can't.

SWP is nothing more than a mercenary, he could of came to us or Arsenal (where he'd win things too) but he chose Chelsea and that speaks volumes for him a person, I'm glad we didn't sign him, no matter how good his ability is and no matter how much potential he has shown. Simao is no better than Pennant, only difference is Simao can score some wonderful goals, he is also overrated. Joaquin was way out of our price range and he is like Luis Garcia, hit and miss, one match he can be on song and other matches he's non-existent.

You're wake up and get a grip comment has made me lose any respect for your opinions on this matter and the fact you want to see media hyped players like Ronaldinho is a Liverpool shirt shows me that you are just another modern day fan who is too impatient to wait for success but wants to get an Ambramovich figure for "quick success". You say that a multi-billionaire investor will get us trophies and players, at the same time it can back fire and plunge the club into mass amounts of debt and create an unpleasant atmosphere, you have to weigh up the pros and cons, the pros are the possibility of winning the league time after time and other trophies to boot, the cons are Chelsea FC, no respect from the opposition and possible administration when the investor gets bored and wants a change.

Sell Gonzales after one indifferent season? I'll put your strange comments down to anger and disappointment after our defeat, but Gonzales is new and is still adapting, I doubt he will be sold and who will we replace him with? Vicente? Ze Roberto?

I'd much rather win trophies by using this method;

Honesty + hard work = success!

It's what all great teams have used to achieve success except for Real Madrid and Chelsea.

Well a few hours later and im a bit more relaxed now.

Still though that was a shitty performance by us today.
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Postby Sabre » Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:00 pm

I'm going to watch the game now. :( I'll comment tomorrow or so. I must say that I hoped we were recovering the good track but this is a major setback :(

I couldn't follow the LFC news last two days, but TO be honest, if there are not injuries, I can't understand how Zenden or Gonzalez, that do not have regular appearances are given a match of this heights.

Come on the reds!
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Postby LittleHobo » Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:01 pm

i think rafa has got it wrong in the big away games this season

last season we played 4-5-1 with attacking right and left mids......(cisse, kewell) so it could be a 4-3-3 at times but a solid 5 in midfield at other times

this season rafa has gone 4-4-2 away from home and we have struggled to dominate in any of the games

last season we looked very solid away, gave away few chances due to 5 in midfield
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:51 pm

LittleHobo wrote:this season rafa has gone 4-4-2 away from home and we have struggled to dominate in any of the games

No he hasn't.

Today was the first 4-4-2 away for f*cking ages.

He virtually ALWAYS plays 4-5-1, but was forced to rethink in the absence of Momo.

At least get your facts straight.

Today's game, despite many opinions, wasn't a bad performance. We more than matched them for long periods, only to be undone on the counter attack.

I think some of you forget we scored twice, only to have them both ruled out. (Rightly or wrongly, they scored.)

FWIW, Bellamy was onside, as the Arsenal leftback played him on, something Sky failed to show. (You can just see the guy's hand and leg on the edge of the camera shot.)

F*cking w*nkers.

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Postby account deleted by request » Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:07 am

Having now recovered some perspective after a bloody awful experience I think we need to accept that our away form has not been due to bad luck , rotation, silly mistakes etc but facing the truth that we are getting it wrong tactically. People are saying 4-5-1 is the way we should go, others have been crying out that 4-4-2 would sort all our problems out. IMO although some of these have had a bearing on our results , the main problem has been that we have never defended with 2 banks of 4 as we did last season . I know this doesnt solve the problem that we cant score goals away, but it would give us a basis on which to build. Gonzales and Pennant should be sacrificed in the short term away from home until we get a few good performances under our belts.

Until Kewell and Momo are back or January sales I think we have to accept that Zenden is the best of a bad bunch (unless Aurelio?). Gerrard needs to start playing better, whether it be central midfield or on the wing. Agger deserves to be given a run now, and maybe Warnock LB with Riise LM.

Team for away matches

Finnan   Carra            Agger     Warnock

           Alonso            Zenden(AURELIO)

Gerrard                                 Riise
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Postby Dalglish » Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:01 am

Oh dear oh dear , the curtains have barely closed on another LFC away defeat in the Premiership and the "Grim Reapers" who purport to be fans sharpen their sycthes and predict doomsday for Liverpool Football Club :D

For many THIS was the year that LFC were supposed to be mounting a serious challenge to Chelsea's dominance of the Premiership and so I suppose the frustration is understandable. Whats NOT understandable in my eyes is the venom and loss of perspective from many members on here who were probably claiming we are unbeatable a fortnight ago ! ???

Whats irrefutable is the loss of form of our most inspirational player, a team lacking in even the confidence (Especially when we go a goal behind) and the underachievement of several of the new signings (Pennant and Gonzales).

Whats particualrly concerning me is the absence of Stevie G whose head is usually the first to drop to his chest when we fall a goal behind and the inability of the manager to fathom out whats going so badly wrong away from home.

With the exception of Eveton we lost ALL our away games against Bolton, United, Chelsea and Arsenal LAST Season you know but I don't recall the same reaction then....................

We'll no doubt go on an extended run  in the Prem now and possibly make one of the Cup Finals (Pick any one from three) and Yes I include the European Cup Final in that and some of you on here will hang off the ceiling with jubilation and conveniently forget the day you stuck the knife into your own club ! ???

Walk on ...................
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Postby account deleted by request » Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:12 am

Dalglish wrote:Oh dear oh dear , the curtains have barely closed on another LFC away defeat in the Premiership and the "Grim Reapers" who purport to be fans sharpen their sycthes and predict doomsday for Liverpool Football Club :D

For many THIS was the year that LFC were supposed to be mounting a serious challenge to Chelsea's dominance of the Premiership and so I suppose the frustration is understandable. Whats NOT understandable in my eyes is the venom and loss of perspective from many members on here who were probably claiming we are unbeatable a fortnight ago ! ???

Whats irrefutable is the loss of form of our most inspirational player, a team lacking in even the confidence (Especially when we go a goal behind) and the underachievement of several of the new signings (Pennant and Gonzales).

Whats particualrly concerning me is the absence of Stevie G whose head is usually the first to drop to his chest when we fall a goal behind and the inability of the manager to fathom out whats going so badly wrong away from home.

With the exception of Eveton we lost ALL our away games against Bolton, United, Chelsea and Arsenal LAST Season you know but I don't recall the same reaction then....................

We'll no doubt go on an extended run  in the Prem now and possibly make one of the Cup Finals (Pick any one from three) and Yes I include the European Cup Final in that and some of you on here will hang off the ceiling with jubilation and conveniently forget the day you stuck the knife into your own club ! ???

Walk on ...................

Im not knocking your post mate probably one on the most balanced Iv read tonight, but we drew against Bolton 2 -2  last season, lost to the Mancs to a last min goal when we could and should have won, and would have drawn with Arsenal but for Xabi being sent off for slipping and Gerrard having a nap.
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Postby Dalglish » Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:21 am

Hi Saint, I was at all three of the games you mentioned last seaon and your right we DID draw with Bolton (We lost the season before that 1-0). At Arsenal we were as outplayed there last season as we was today and nearly snatched  a draw from the clutches of defeat.

I'm not arguing that we aren't looking pretty shoddy away from Anfield or that we are playing anyway like a swell as we were last season but wanted to make a point about the emotional outbursts and quite frankly banal comments that folow a defeat. Some supporters gauge their level of suport on how upset and angry and out of perspective they get when we lose above everything else.

All I suppose I'm saying is get mad, get angry, get steaming and get drunk if you must but FFS get a grip on reality and realise that a good club like LFC doesn't stand or fall on 5 or 6 games or a season for that matter.

It's time to stand up and be counted and that applies to PLAYERS as well as Supporters !!
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Postby Fowler_E7 » Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:30 am

Dalglish wrote:We'll no doubt go on an extended run  in the Prem now and possibly make one of the Cup Finals (Pick any one from three) and Yes I include the European Cup Final in that and some of you on here will hang off the ceiling with jubilation and conveniently forget the day you stuck the knife into your own club ! ???

Walk on ...................

I think ur exactly right with your point here. I see this season as being similar to last season, we will go on an unbeaten run soon, and it wouldnt suprise me if it starts vs Middlesboro next week, and everyone will be happy again.

Most if not all our most difficult away games are out of the way now, and were doing well in the cups, and i predict the team will click soon away from home just like they have done at home, we just need to nick a one nil on the road somewhere.

Theres plenty to play for in the season, people need to remember it's november for christs sake.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:34 am

hi ian, ever the optimist   :D

we all want the club to succeed mate, but the frustration is to be expected, as a one off we would have just said "ok" to yesterdays result, but the problem is its not a one off.

as far as rafa goes, we all know gerrard is one of the most gifted central midfielders in the world, yesterday we had a problem with central midfield with the injury to sissoko, i thought like many others that this wont be a problem, we can put a world class player in that position, but rafa ecides to keep him out of position on the right and play a left winger in the centre. so we have a midfield with 2 players not in their best positions. i would have put gerrard centre midfield (his best position, (pennant right wing )his best position and zenden left wing (his best position) and lo and behold we have a midfield with no one out of position.

but what do i know?  i have said this beore but rafa is getting that stubborn trait that failed houllier so badly, the desire to prove himself right and im afraid its at the detriment to the team and our season


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