Are our strikers clinical enough - In front of goal ?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:12 pm

After watching some of our recent performances Everton, Chelsea and Newcastle especially. This question has been brought to my mind, between Bellamy, Crouch and Kuyt none of them look as though they've got the poachers instinct. This worried me a bit when we where one nil up to the barcodes and Bellamy was clean through on goal, only to chip his effort wide of the post. I told myself 'if that had been against ManU or someone like Chelsea we may of paid for those misses'. Kuyt also squandered some decent opportunities.
At stamford bridge he hit the bar in the first half and opted for power, maybe a touch more composure and we'd of been one up at half time instead of one down. Credit to Kuyt for taking his goal but to be fair to all three of our regular forwards they dont look like the Rush's or the Linekars of the world and that maybe a cause for concern when the goals dry up from else where on the pitch.
At the moment what is shining out about our forwards is there workrate, its obvious Rafa likes a 'grafter' of a player. But sometimes I'd give-up some of that for a little more composure or quality in front of goal.

Postby PabloAimar » Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:16 pm

we're a football team, not a clap clinic.
we've only won it 5 times
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Postby anti-hero » Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:30 pm

Of course dude.

If we had a young Fowler or van Nistelrooy-esque player on our hands we would have won both the league and Champions League last year.

We create a lot of wonderful attacks from midfield, but we always seem to misfire once we get into the penalty area.

Maybe we're unlucky..

Who knows?
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Postby Sabre » Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:31 pm

Scoring goals is like being with girls mate. When you find a girl friend, there are lots of girls that are interested on you. But when you're alone, they wouldn't call you to know how you are doing.

Finishing goals is not a science, it's a matter of going through a bad patch, or a good patch. It's a matter of confidence often, and a bit of luck. Morientes is having a good start now in Spain, but then he might get stuck now. He was, for what I know before he came to Liverpool a good finisher, but then he didn't show what he was capable of except in a couple of matches (BM is right)

My point is that I'm unable at the moment to say if they have that finishing ability or not. At first glance, it seems to me that Kuyt is a better finisher than Bellamy. Not because he scored, but because I saw him hesitating less when trying to finish regardless the ball entered or not. If there's a position in which you can't think that's the striker position when you're about to finish. I saw Bellamy hesitating twice, once in the failed chip, and another one in the first half, after a great inner ball that sent by LG, he was in the left side of the goal, and hesitated, then tried to finish with his right foot shooting at the second post, but the goalie had covered most of the gap in that moment. If that hesitation is a matter of his state of confidence now, or something usual I don't know. I'm pretty sure we've bought two good strikers, not sure if they'll be the "goal poacher" kind. For that anyway, we still have Fowler.

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I rate Bellamy, and I think he's necessary in this team, he does a lot of harm, and he'll bring a good amount of goals because he'll have the chances. Torres is a player that fails more one on ones than anybody but since he manages to have chances often (the team played for him) he always has his share of goals. Bellamy's pace and work will provide him chances and goals. And he's a very useful player for our team, I don't have any doubts about that right now.
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Postby Bad Bob » Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:59 pm

It's not something that worries me too much to be honest.  Kuyt and Bellamy are getting into great scoring positions and the goals will come.  Time will tell whether they spurn more chances than they convert but I'm tempted to chalk it up to 'trying to impress' nerves at the moment.  As far as finishing goes at the moment, TBH, we could put Stevie down as being not clinical enough either: his drive right at Cech (power over placement), hitting the woodwork against PSV and Everton, etc.  But, of course, we all know what he's capable of when he's got his shooting boots on. :cool:
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Postby Mannyk » Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:48 am

I think Mr Kuyt has that instinct and will prove to be  a great purchase by the club, Crouch has proven himself as far as I am concerned . I think that rafa has that many options up front that he doesn't know who to play.

If Liverpool were only in the premiership and did not have European committments I think you would find there would be  more of a  settled upfront combination that would be scoring more goals.

Maybe the team needs a season of getting to know each others game now that the new blood is here. I know that's a costly scenario but Rafa is the coach and he must deal with what he has and make the most of it.

Not sure who said it in a previous thread but it's as if Rafa is concentrating on the cups because they are a safer option. Maybe thats true.

Anyway if the team does not get on a roll . We won't be playing European cup football next year  anyway.
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Postby anfieldadorer » Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:06 am

not relevant, but wouldn't bother making a new thread on this

after the spectacular goal from xabi, rafa says pepe is a better striker than xabi :D

Ever the pragmatist, Benitez admits he has been forced to reprimand Alonso for risking injury by practising his specialised art before the morning warm-up. Benitez also revelaed that, far from being the sweetest striker of a ball in the Premiership, Alonso was not even the best at his club. "Pepe Reina is good," he said. "Normally the keepers are the best because they are always kicking the ball."

now we know why he was played as mids back in a pre-season match, and he was almost scoring tho

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Postby 66-1112520797 » Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:23 am

It's not something that worries me too much to be honest.  Kuyt and Bellamy are getting into great scoring positions and the goals will come.

That wouldnt worry me much either, if a striker is taking up the positions then that usually means the goals will eventually come. But I would only confidently say that about prolific goalscorers, i.e your Shearers, Van Nistleroys and your Owens etc. I remember, when Owen would go on a so-called barren run I was ALWAYS confident he'd find the net sooner rather than later. He isnt the best natural finisher but he is a goalscorer none the less. But certainly with Bellamy, goal scoring isnt really his forte, most of his good work is done outside the box running the channels and making space. Where as Owen's and Shearers best work was done inside the box, constantly looking a threat and getting on the end of things and converting them, making them more prolific and consistent.

As far as finishing goes at the moment, TBH, we could put Stevie down as being not clinical enough either: his drive right at Cech (power over placement), hitting the woodwork against PSV and Everton, etc.  But, of course, we all know what he's capable of when he's got his shooting boots on.

People may disagree with me, but we should rely on our strikers to get the lions share of goals IMO, especially when playing to up front. I know the midfield have to chip in, but you cant really compare Gerrards missed opportunities to our strikers. The strikers are the players who get more chances to score goals than any other players do, we cant point the finger at midfielders for not getting us goals just because the strikers arent scoring.

In saying that though I wouldnt be at all surprised if Gerrard come the end of the season finishes with a higher goal tally than Bellamy. And for Rafa Dodds sake I hope I'm wrong but I can see A.Johnson racking up more goals than Bellamy, just because scoring goals is a stronger part of his game compared to Bellamys.

Hope I'm wrong though :D

Postby account deleted by request » Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:31 am

I never expected Bellamy or Crouch to be prolific scorers, but I do expect lots more from Kuyt now that hes off the mark. I think Bellamy will get about 12-15, Crouch about the same and Kuyt 20+. In my opinion none of them are clinical finishers like Owen or Robbie were ,but even they missed chances. Once they start scoring and gain confidence I think the ratio of chances to goals will improve

We need 70+ goals to win the EPL even with a great defence.
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Postby kirankara » Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:02 pm

:censored: the bed, ffs the seasons barely started, bellamy , kuyt nor crouch have had two whole games each if they lucky up front, and we wondering if they are prolific enough, im absolutley flabbergasted, ok they have looked bit off at times, but strikers always score in patches, plus they still finding feet in team thats changed its members and system since last year and bit of luck and bellamy would be on 3-4 allready and so would kuyt. I  think we should go that bald slaphead from everton and play 1 up front like the blue :censored:, or buy harewood as hes top scorer, give me a break guys and judge them towards end of season, some of the stupid posts on here make me laff
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Postby Sabre » Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:08 pm

It was a question it was going to be raised sooner or later, (after doubting about Alonso, it was the time for Bellamy!) and Bamaga man posts it as a question, he's not saying they're not good enough whatsoever. I don't see why it makes you laugh. Just say your thoughts and that's all. There's no need to ruin thread by starting to slate posters.
Last edited by Sabre on Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kirankara » Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:09 pm

think Mr Kuyt has that instinct and will prove to be  a great purchase by the club, Crouch has proven himself as far as I am concerned . I think that rafa has that many options up front that he doesn't know who to play.

lol looks like rafas psting on here discussing his "options" i wish rafa would talk about someting other than the options his team have now and how he has good squad with lots of good players sometimes lol, just say something really nasty like they were cheating shits and they didnt deesrve a single point lol, sorry bout mouthing off in last post just get frustrated with people passing judgement allready on playes when its obvious this is a bit of a transition and we need time to bed these players in and then judge the team and players alike, we're making progress slowly and surely and altho we all want instant success its highly unlikely and those pretty triangles we saw rafas valencia playing wont come overnight as its new to most the  players in this country , as they say Rome wasnt built in a day. to all Lfc fans here "Walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone"
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Postby stmichael » Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:11 pm

bring back baros
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Postby kirankara » Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:15 pm

It was a question it was going to be raised sooner or later, (after doubting about Alonso, it was the time for Bellamy!) and Bamaga man posts it as a question, he's not saying they're not good enough whatsoever. I don't see why it makes you laugh. Just say your thoughts and that's all. There's no need to ruin thread by starting to slate posters.

yes i agree there will be times to discuss these things i just think now is not it,thats all, bellamy hasnt really played many games for us full stop, crouch hasnt really played this season, and kuyt is new as well, do ppl think things like striking partnership happen instantly??? Do you not think bellamy might be bit nervous as he wants to impress so badly that its affecting him in front of  goal, i get feeling he wants that goal more than us just to impress the croud and to feel like hes contributing to the club he supports. I think hes going to be invaluable to the team this season,but just think he should be given more time before ppl start foe writing him off, Henry was poor in his first season here and looked like 10 million :censored: down a drain, we are a work in progress and everyone knows a strikers first goal is the biggest burden on their shoulders, once that goes in they relax a bit and everything becomes bit easier
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Postby CardinalRed » Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:21 pm

stmichael wrote:bring back baros

Ouch....! St Michael? say it ain't so... You gotta be posting that tongue in cheek but when you look at it, Baros is a clinical finisher, trouble was that he didn't get himself in a position to do anything about it enough... Earlier references to the likes of Robbie and Owen show that this type of goalscorer don't come along that often, at present you could count those in the EPL on one hand, Henry definitely is and I think Robbie Keane could be classed as this type of finisher, the real greats are not only clinical but prolific as well, a dificult formula to find.......?

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