
Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby redspirit » Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:46 am

How was gerrard's debut season in comparison to Alonso's?
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Postby Live4pool » Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:15 am

How old was Gerrard in his debut season and how many games had he under his belt before that ?
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Postby redspirit » Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:31 am

I'm not doubting Gerrard's ability, but he had to go through a learning curve and still learning.  I think Xabi has exceeded a lot of expectations.  We  didn't expect Gerrard to carry the team during his first season.  Therefore, we shouldn't expect the same for Alonso.
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Postby Live4pool » Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:25 pm

Ok, no argument about that except that Stevie G was fresh from the Liverpool Youth Academy while Xabi came to Liverpool as a Spanish International.

Of course, in reality, time must be given for all players. But, please forgive me, I don't think Xabi's style of play will be able to turn games like Stevie G's. His colleagues at the end of his passes must be good enough to convert. It wasn't there last night nor at Old Cesspit.
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Postby JBG » Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:35 pm

I'm prepared to go out on a limb and say that when Gerrard returns, he and Alonso will potentially be one of the best central midfield partnerships in Europe.

The two of them look like they'd compliment each other perfectly.
Jolly Bob Grumbine.
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Postby Live4pool » Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:09 pm

Yes, together they'll form a potent partnership.
Stevie G's penetrating runs and defending higher in the opposition half while Xabi spraying passes from deep.

Stevie G's return will hopefully put back the confidence in his squad.
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Postby 106-1093504160 » Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:13 pm

by then we'd have played 6-7 more matches?

Postby Homebooby » Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:40 pm

Noone seems to have really responded to the point being made in the first post here stating that Stevie would be a little bit worried.I think that that couldn't be anything more from the truth. This'll get me flamed, but I think that the standard (quality wise) of Stevies performance in the last couple of seasons has also dropped, purely due to the fact that he has the weight of the whole team on his shoulders and feels he needs to be doing everything. He still stood out due to his outstanding work rate and the fact that the people around him were performing poorly.

I believe that he'll be encouraged that these signings are doing the job that they are meant to be doing. It takes some of the pressure off of him and allows him to focus on what he really should be doing. It'll help him through the season as he won't be needing to run himself into the ground each game ****** he has been doing until now. That can only help him survive throughout the season without injuries. Kicking the ground and breaking your foot smacks of a stupid thing that happens when you are tired and doing too much. His poor(ish) england performance in the summer was also down to tiredness in my opnion.

Secondly considering the fact that he could have been playing for Chelsea this season, the positive performance will only further encourage him that he made the right choice.

When he comes back from injury, he'll be a little rested and raring to go. These other guys will have settled in even further and you'll see what the midfield can really do. Once they click and really start providing the goods to the lads up front, we'll be motoring.
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Postby Live4pool » Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:54 pm

I thought Stevie G had about his best season last year. Possibly anyone would shine amongst lacklustre team-mates, but Stevie G is the most reliable and consistent player in Liverpool and possibly one of those in the England squad.

He has become less reckless in his tackles. (Whilst ironically Hamman has become more so)

Yes, he is running more meaningfully now.
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Postby 106-1093504160 » Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:56 pm

Live4pool wrote:I thought Stevie G had about his best season last year. Possibly anyone would shine amongst lacklustre team-mates, but Stevie G is the most reliable and consistent player in Liverpool and possibly one of those in the England squad.

He has become less reckless in his tackles. (Whilst ironically Hamman has become more so)

Yes, he is running more meaningfully now.

aye, but heskey shone at leicester, and look what type of pudding we bought


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