Albert riera - deal agreed with espanyol

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Simari » Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:57 am

Haven't seen the lad play, but If he's anything like Gutierrez, he may well be worth it in the end.
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Postby LittleHobo » Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:59 am

fair play

i just hope hes a hit anyway and is the tricky winger with guile weve been missing
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Postby LegBarnes » Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:24 am

Way i see it he is winger thats a good start.

Hey at least we got a new one he might be good he might not for 9 million its worth a punt.

He might turn out to be rubbish but we can always off load him to everton for 50% shares in there new tesco stad so we have some where to shop.
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Postby LegBarnes » Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:34 am

Just to add i seen some videos of him and tbh he looks alot better then i thought.

He has a lovely cross on him Big plus of course for winger nice pass and can turn on 6 pence.

Another plus is he can bang freekicks he scored a few nice ones also ca head the ball well.

I think this might be a player we see at club for a long time he reminds me alot of downing but like 3 years better.

I am now very happy .  :D
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Postby LittleHobo » Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:41 am

you tube does make anyone look good

BUT he has tricks, he has pace and he has a good football brain it looks like

reminds me a bit of harry kewell with pace
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Postby The Good Yank » Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:03 am

I'm fine with this move.  Anyone who can add some pace and spread the field out a bit is a good fit for this bunch.
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Postby heimdall » Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:17 am

bigmick wrote:
LittleHobo wrote:ok heres a fact.

riera only played 15 times for city, is that enough to judge him on?

Yes, well it is for me anyway. I only saw him play two or three times in that period. Now I could say "I've only seen him play three times so I have absolutely no opinion whatsoever on how good he is". "He may be good, but then again he may be sh!t". Or, I could offer an opinion.

I've gone for the second one, and if I'm wrong you can happily join the band of people who will no doubt tell me to shove it up me erse. Infact, I suppose it being a free country and all that you don't actually have to wait that long if you don't want, you could just tell me to shove it up me erse anyway     :D

You have to give a new signing a chance though, what happened to backing the team etc. I have no memory of this player but I'm willing to give the guy a chance, he is doing well in La Liga so if he ends up sh1t for us we can sell him back to them and probably make a nice profit. As long as we have limited funds we have to go for these slight gambles.
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Postby maguskwt » Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:14 am

so many freakin doom mongers on here... the lad hasn't even booked a plane ticket to liverpool let alone boarded the plane, let alone put on the red shirt, let alone touched the ball in the red shirt, let alone played a whole match in the red shirt yet. I will just take seriously sabre's assessment of the player on here. A winger doesn't have to be pacy and direct, dribbling skills, vision and quality of passing can make up for it, just look at robert pires. Pires had a similar goal scoring rate to reira when he was in marseille and even his first few seasons in arsenal, ie he doesn't score that many. only later on he weighed in more with goals. Hopefully Reira can improve his goal tally when he plays for us but goals are not all that matters as long as he's weighing in with assists  which help other players score and the team is winning, then that's all that matters. People keep comparing wingers to c.ronaldo. Fact is that man united relies on their wingers to score because they don't have out and out strikers and this in turn makes ronaldo looks good. Now if indeed albert reira is lacking in the pace department I sure hope he has vision, technique and game intelligence that sabre has hinted he fairly possessed.
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:38 am

bigmick wrote:Right so after a bit of consideration. This notion of a budget is one I'd stick to, everyone to a lesser or greater extent has to work within one. I would concede though that in the case of Barry it does appear that while the money does seem to have been available (which would have meant we'd spent around 50 million in the Summer after the signings of Keane, Ngog, the goalie whose name escapes me and Dossena) the board actually pulled the plug on the deal as they judged the price to be too steep.

Heres what we have spent an re-couped Bigus Mickus.

Spent 27 million

re-couped 20 million
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:56 am

john craig wrote:
Sabre wrote:What I'm sure of is that he's not rubbish. He may have been garbage in 19 games in Manchester, but hey, Mascherano wasn't good enough for West Ham either.

I think that is a fair point.

My main concern though Sabre, is not that he was for City, it's that the last time you seemed this excited about one of our signings it was Mark Gonzalez...  :D


I tend to disreguard peoples opinions until I've seen the player muself. Mark Gonzalez was the perfect example of taken things people say with a pinch of salt.

I've never seem him play, so I'm not going to judge him.

Welcome and Good luck.

Postby maypaxvobiscum » Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:22 am

why does everyone here slag him off so fast? ???
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Postby aCe' » Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:22 am

Ciggy wrote:
bigmick wrote:Right so after a bit of consideration. This notion of a budget is one I'd stick to, everyone to a lesser or greater extent has to work within one. I would concede though that in the case of Barry it does appear that while the money does seem to have been available (which would have meant we'd spent around 50 million in the Summer after the signings of Keane, Ngog, the goalie whose name escapes me and Dossena) the board actually pulled the plug on the deal as they judged the price to be too steep.

Heres what we have spent an re-couped Bigus Mickus.

Spent 27 million

re-couped 20 million

thats 31 mill without riera being included. So all in all we spent around 40mill or so. We havent sold any of our best starting 11 of last season (except riise maybe?!) and we have yet again decided on spending big money on 4 or 5 average players instead of spending big on 1 or 2 big names !
Hope Riera adapts fast and turns out to be a good signing because if not then i can see Babel staying in that left side with our new winger warming the bench for a few months before we sell him again !
Dissapointing summer of transfers so far, hope you are right about us not being done with all our transferes but just cant see us spending anymore cash without selling players we'd be better off keeping.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:24 am

Wenger is generally accepted as an exception to to the rule in terms of expenditure/success ratio

Okay, so we'll just cast that to one side as there is no arguement there then.

Rafa identifies his targets, approaches the board and they 'see whether they can get them', which means they reserve a certain remit themselves for assessing player value.

I refer you to Micks post.

The point about net spend is mainly due to timing, as we have often had to sell before we bought

Thats not totally true, Mascha, Torres, Skertel, Kuyt and Babel are just some of the players brought straight from the kitty. I think your classing "sell before we bought" largely down to this summer where Peter Crouch and JAR are concerned so IMO its a slight exageration to say ' We have to sell before we buy' thats what teams like Hull, Stoke, Everton and Bolton do.

With us, although I can't say for certain, it ceratainly seems that we have to feck about a bit before we consider signing the players we've identified

I think thats more to do with the "Parry factor" than us not being able to stump up the funds.

Fair point - he's accountable at all times, but it's about being reasonable as to the circumstances he's had to work within - and I consider 'being reasonable' as to have expected by now, to have signed one full back and one wide player who are up to standard. That isn't the case and that's one of my main criticisms of Rafa during his time with us. I don't think it's reasonable to 'expect a Wenger' every time (that isn't what I think you expect either btw), but I would certainly expect a player of a higher standard than Riera, even if we only have £7-10m to spend. That's being reasonable. I don't think people will use the point about Rafa having to settle for a secondary target as a cop out if Riera turns out to be a complete flop, but if he's another 'not quite good enough' player, people might - as it's difficult to get a top quality player for that kind of money, in that position. There are exceptions and you can get very good players for that kind of money occasionally, as you mentioned - Young, and you could throw Arteta into that mix, but how many are out there at present?. Who would you sign for £7-10m (rough idea of what Riera may cost) that is good enough to nail down a place on one of the wings?

In agreement with most of this LFC2007, BUT, the highlighted bit I dont agree with, I've been around these boards long enough now to know that that line, will be the excuse to stop any critisism coming Rafas way. That critisism will be pointed elsewhere, know doubt at the hands of our owners. L

Like Mick said, if Rieria does well "Rafa will be a genius, and will deserve the noble peace prize' In my opinion if Rieira does do well then all credit to Rafa. If he doesnt do well, it will be the owners fault as Rafa cannot be blamed due to a finacial position. Again IMO if he doesnt do well Rafa should take most of the critisism.

But I hope he does do well, and will surely be better than what we've got now (I'm hoping), being a left footed player he'll surely give us more width than Benayoun does, and a better balance to the midfield. I just hope he doesnt mind the hustle and bustle of the Prem.
Last edited by 66-1112520797 on Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby GYBS » Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:54 am

No Pace
No trickery
No guile
Cant Beat defenders

Perfect signing - god help us if this is Rafas answer to the left .
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:19 am

GYBS wrote:No Pace
No trickery
No guile
Cant Beat defenders

Perfect signing - god help us if this is Rafas answer to the left .

I think its clear that he is Rafa's second or third choice for the left is it not ?

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