Action - Can we force him out?

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Postby banana » Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:31 am

Do you guys know what we can do to force Houllier out? It is obvious that the board is too weak to do their job. Please post some suggestions!
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Postby Dalglish » Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:37 am

What exactly do you mean by force him out ? ??? I appreciate you are frustrated mate but it will be sorted int he summer and makinga  change now isn't going to achieve anything. Maybe hoping we finish 5th is your best chance of seeing GH go but what a terrible thing to wish for, I'm torn , i really am !!
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Postby XSD » Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:45 am

Buy guns and hold the team bus up demanding he quits, if you really want to force him out.
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Postby ivor_the_injun » Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:49 am

I honestly think that the beginning of the season was the most promising in terms of the football played that we'd had for about four years, in spite of some poor results.

Basically, since the Blackburn match, when Baros and Carragher were bollocksed, everything fell apart because we just don't have an adequate squad. Our best 11 at their best is a bloody good team, but key players like Murphy, Hyypia and Owen have had long stretches of bad form this season, and we don't have anyone to come in that you'd trust to take their places. Kewell too - a really good player, but he just lets his head go down too easily (not to mention the rest of his body if he's anywhere near the box).

Sure, Houllier is definitely to blame for not making the right signings last season, but I'd give him another year purely because many of the players that you'd normally bank on to do a job just haven't performed this season. If we can pull 4th place out of the fire, and do some good business in the summer, next season could be something to look forward to.
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Postby big al » Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:55 am

This club is totally divided. Its fans are totally divided, the ex players are not so divided but some still support Houllier.  The Problem is that Houlliers failures are impacting on confidece of the supporters to such an extent we may see long term effects being felt.  I want Houllier out but I cant understand why people want to keep him.  My reasons are as follows

1 Gerald Houllier entered Liverpool by the back door, he knew fine well that Parry and Moore intended to remove Evans from the managers role.  Anyone With any pride or with a footballing background would never have behaved so dispicably.
2  Houllier build upon the foundations that Evans had laid,he got success which even for a while caused me to forget his arrival.  played to the strenghts of three outstanding players, Fowler, Litmanen and McAlister, when they left so did the creativity.
3  Houllier cannot adapt to critical situations, even tonight he admitted that at the beginning of the game he had a plan, when Biscan was sent off he had nothing.  He has no ability to look critically on a given situation and adapt to problems.  Houllier is a teacher he can deliver a set curriculum but when someone fu*ks his plan up Houllier is beat.
4 Houllier has bought players who have been all been touted as being stars of the future, he buys them plays them out of position and when the fail he is at a loss to explain why.  Just imagine Fergie playing RVN as right wing, Left wing, right mid, left mid.

i could go on and on and on but I won't

Here's it in simple terms  please leave Mr Houllier
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Postby ivor_the_injun » Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:15 am

The major problem I've got with Houllier is that he does seem to bear the most inconvenient grudges - I can't help but wonder how different the story would've been had we taken up the option to buy Anelka. From what I understand it never happened purely because of his dislike of the way Anelka's brother/agent conducted his affairs, which is incredibly petty in the general scheme of things.

Similarly, I know that Robbie has had his problems in his last full season at Anfield, but on his day I still think he's one of the best England have got - I'd love to see him have a really good run to the end of the season to force a Euro 2004 squad place. From what I've seen in recent weeks, he looks as sharp as he's been since the last-day win at Charlton a couple of seasons back.

Back on Houllier though - there is a reasonable case for saying that we're having a poor season purely because several of the players just haven't played up to the level you'd expect them to. At the beginning of the season, I looked at the squad and fancied us for a title push, as did he.

If he goes into a new season knowing that he has to prove himself, another poor year will leave him with absolutely no excuses and he'll have to go. We've got problems, and potentially he has the end of the season and the summer transfer market to find some solutions. Arsenal, Man U and Chelsea are miles ahead because they have quality cover if two of their major players drop dead mid-match or hit some patchy form. We don't, and that's why we're lagging so far behind.
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Postby Woollyback » Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:00 am

Houllier's got to go now, otherwise there's no chance of finishing 4th. The confidence all around the club and clearly players is shattered. Get someone in now whilst there's time to rescue an abortion of a season. The only question is who to take over? O'Neill is my clear favourite but on current form I'm not sure we could prise hime away from Celtic.

Au revoir Monsieur Houllier
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Postby LFC #1 » Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:11 am

I think that we should let the board worry about Houllier and we should do what we do best, support the team with all our heart, no matter what happens!
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Postby Woollyback » Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:21 am

Blind faith is a worrying thing. Yes we support the club with all our hearts through thick and thin, but it is OUR club and we have the right and the duty to do our bit to help put things right, starting with making the board know our feelings and forcing the issue that Houllier's gotta go and we will NOT ACCEPT MEDIOCRITY.
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Postby LFC #1 » Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:29 am

Woollyback wrote:Blind faith is a worrying thing. Yes we support the club with all our hearts through thick and thin, but it is OUR club and we have the right and the duty to do our bit to help put things right, starting with making the board know our feelings and forcing the issue that Houllier's gotta go and we will NOT ACCEPT MEDIOCRITY.

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Postby shilton_red » Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:39 am

Houlliers not gunna leave yet , not until we cant get 4th spot . If he fails with that hes got to and he knows that .
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Postby woof woof ! » Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:41 pm

shilton_red wrote:Houlliers not gunna leave yet , not until we cant get 4th spot . If he fails with that hes got to and he knows that .
No excuses .

Sorry to say this but if finishing outside the top 4 is the only way to get rid of GH then I hope we don't make it to 4th spot.
However I wouldn't trust the board to do the right thing by booting GH out and I wouldn't trust Foolier to do the honourable thing by resigning. :(  :(  :(

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Postby olympiquefan » Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:43 pm

It is not fair to fire a man that gave all his heart to your club...
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Postby woof woof ! » Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:45 pm

olympiquefan wrote:It is not fair to fire a man that gave all his heart to your club...

He can have it back , no problem :p

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Postby olympiquefan » Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:48 pm

medicaly not possible
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