5th place - The race for Europe is on

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby RedRory » Thu May 12, 2011 1:15 am

I dont know whats wrong with everyone who doesnt want us to get 5th. Personally I cant get enough of watching Liverpool play, even if it is a load of youngsters or a second string squad. At times it might be painfull to watch but I still watch. Its like an addiction or something. During the week when we arnt playing I always spend some time crawling round the internet looking for news about the club, most of it is absolute b.s but it feeds the craving. The extra games we will play in the europa league are fine by me. Thats just my personal desire to see as many Liverpool games as possible though, as woof woof has already said above its another source of income, european football will help us attract better players, it gives Kenny a chance to give younger players a start and if we are serious about building a squad to help challange for the premiership title then we are going to need a large squad of good players and any good player will always want to be playing. So the more games we have the better to enable us to rotate and try keep them happy. Suarez himself said a few weeks ago that we arnt likely to see the best from him until next season because of the breaks between games. I duno how that lad can get much better because against fulham he played a blinder.

Also if Kenny is going to be signing players over the summer he is going to want them to get to know each other and what better way is there to do that? You guessed it  :laugh: playing more games! This craic of not wanting us to play more games because it might damage our chances in the league? I dont buy that, I think the opposite in fact. More games to help new players settle quicker is what il be wishing for, and if later on in the season our top players are feeling the strain then Kenny will obviously know to rest them and give the youngsters a go, if they get knocked out of the other cups then so be it because there is only one trophy, next season, that the supporters of this club want. Kenny knows that, he knows what we want.

I would be very suprised if we did win it next season. But sure why not? The last manager/legend to win it with us returns 20 years later to win it again, its the kind of stuff you see in movies, like being 3-0 down at half time in the champions league final to comeback and win on penos.
I would be suprised if we won it, suprised and (I dont tink a word exists to describe the feeling) but I fully expect us to be up there challanging for top spot though.

Anyways, not wanting fifth.......Down with that sort of thing.
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Postby Reg » Thu May 12, 2011 2:20 am

Good post, lash.
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Postby Kenny Kan » Thu May 12, 2011 2:43 am

woof woof ! wrote:All those that don't want to see us in Europe unless it's the CL are imo 'Kin clueless

We're not in the CL because we weren't good enough

We didn't win the "tinpot" Europa cup last term because (guess what) we weren't good enough.

Whatever your personal opinion is of the Europa cup it is recognised as the second tier of European football and there have been some tasty teams (we've been one of them) in the competion.

It's important (imo) that we maintain as high a profile as possible in Europe for a number of reasons,
1, Financial
2, Helps attract good/better players to the club and maybe for some that are already here to stay
3, A chance to give our younger players some valuable experience on the European stage
4, Even if it's only considered by some to be a "tinpot" trophy, European nights at Anfield are still special

Roll on next season when we win the damn thing and go on to qualify for the following seasons CL.


Sorry Woof, it's just my personal opinion and I know the lads andDalglish want it and therefore that makes me f.ucking clueless.  :D

1, Financial

This is a bit of a myth, the UEFA cup doesn't bring in nearly as much money as most think. I think I'm right in saying Fulham Football club had more debt from playing in the 'tinpot' trophy. The outlays, team flights, accommodation, staff flights and all that jargon were barely covered for through TV rights and the comp itself. I maybe wrong  :D but I remember hearing something like this.

2, Helps attract good/better players to the club and maybe for some that are already here to stay

This IMO is another myth, most top players are only attracted at the prospect of playing CL. Those like Suarez were attracted due to the lure of the club itself, irrelative of whether we're in the UEFA or not. They're the kind of players we want a may I also add, players who want to play for the club itself.

3, A chance to give our younger players some valuable experience on the European stage

This I agree with.

4, Even if it's only considered by some to be a "tinpot" trophy, European nights at Anfield are still special

They weren't this season at Anfield. The tinpot cup couldn't even get a fullhouse in at Anfield. And the atmosphere of playing someone like Barca at Anfield in comparison with Braga doesn't compare.

Sorry mate, we'll agree to disagree you big beautiful banana you.
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Postby woof woof ! » Thu May 12, 2011 7:56 am

Fairy Muff me old fruit bowl, it's all about opinions SO .... :D

from the Football Trade Directory
Fulham have posted a loss of £16.9m for the last financial year despite reaching the Europa League final last season which brought them additional revenue of £12.5m .

The annual losses for the club grew by £10m which was due to new contracts and higher wages.

Players would certainly prefer playing in the CL than the Europa Cup but then again (imo) players would welcome the chance to play in any European competition rather than just be consigned to appearing in their own domestic competitions.

There were some "not so special nights" at Anfield last season, but I'm not sure that it was solely down to the quality of the opposition, I think you'll find that next season the mood will be far more up beat.

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Postby Greavesie » Sun May 15, 2011 6:01 pm

positives - no thursday night games
               more saturday fixtures - less playing catch-up
               less fatigue
               domestic focus

negatives - no European football at all - might struggle to sign European players
                lost revenue

Overall I'm not @rsed about EL - I said all along it would be nice to have but the concerns I had about our league campaign being hindered can be put to rest. Harry said he didn't want it, maybe we just wanted it less :D
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Postby Dundalk » Sun May 15, 2011 6:10 pm

I'm not sorry to say that I'm happy that it dosent look like we will be in the UEFA cup.

In the long run it will be better for us next season
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Postby Greavesie » Sun May 15, 2011 6:15 pm

I agree DD, part of me is breathing a sigh of relief here

I think using a long term view - the positives in my post above outweigh the negatives
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Postby Johnny Boy » Sun May 15, 2011 7:51 pm

Not too bothered about Europa League, can concentrate on domestic competitions, less Sunday games, players get more time off after this season too.
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Postby The Good Yank » Sun May 15, 2011 8:16 pm

As I posted in the Match Thread.  I actually think we will end up in fifth.  We play Villa who have k'all to play for, where Spurs have Birmingham to play.  Brum lose next week and either Wigan or Blackpool wins, they will be relegated.  I'd have to say they'll be up for the game.
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I won't celebrate Rafa going........ but I will be over the moon if Dalglish comes in. League within 2 years if he gets the job, AND YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THAT.
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Postby Kenny Kan » Sun May 15, 2011 10:20 pm

The spurs match could turn out to be a bitter/sweet loss. :;):
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Postby Thommo's perm » Mon May 16, 2011 7:14 am

Kenny Kan wrote:The spurs match could turn out to be a bitter/sweet loss. :;):

It still hurts though
We didnt get started at all yesterday and you could see in the first five minutes who wanted to win more.
I believe KK made a big mistake in playing Carroll who was at best ineffective and at worst c'ack. His sitter was a huge bodyblow and confirmed that it wasnt to be our day.
Spearing was woeful, Lucas was outplayed and Maxi reverted to the invisible man. Johnson once again looked like a rabbit in the headlights and Kuyts headless chicken act was revived. Why is KK bringing Cole on for 3 minutes? Whats the Fu*king point?
To be fair that preening, primping egotistical, vain tw@t Webb had a shocker and was against us from the begining. His decison for Flanagans penalty was unbelievable and maybe KK should insist that the pr'ick never referees us again
Bad day at the office. Roll on next season...
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Postby Kenny Kan » Mon May 16, 2011 7:28 am

Yes it still hurts.

I agree the inclusion of Carroll changed the dynamics of the team and for the worse it has to be said. In the first half they had VDVart playing behind Crouch and he'd drop off Crouch and press Lucas and Spearing with his midfield counterparts doing the same. Press Spearing and Lucas and we're in trouble, neither are good enough with the ball when being pressured and nothing (momentum) could be built from our central midfield. Against Fulham it was the opposite, Lucas and Spearing added to that Raul had ample time and space to pick out the passes. However it was a different kettle  of fish when we came up against a team who play similar to ourselves (high pressing particularly). Both Kuyt and Maxi were ineffective and this was a knock on effect from CM especially.

Any manager watching us will now see that be pressing our midfield especially if Raul isn't playing will have a good chance to 'win the battle' in midfield. As for Carroll, he was shocking, I'm not a big fan of the 'target men' and at the moment Carroll to me is struggling (yes, I know he's been injured alot etc, before the thought police come wading in) and hopefully next season he can become MUCH more effective.

Howard Webb is a grade A c... no way in the world was that ever a pen and from there on you just knew it wasn't gonna be our day.
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Postby Thommo's perm » Mon May 16, 2011 7:34 am

Kenny Kan wrote:Yes it still hurts.

I agree the inclusion of Carroll changed the dynamics of the team and for the worse it has to be said. In the first half they had VDVart playing behind Crouch and he'd drop off Crouch and press Lucas and Spearing with his midfield counterparts doing the same. Press Spearing and Lucas and we're in trouble, neither are good enough with the ball when being pressured and nothing (momentum) could be built from our central midfield. Against Fulham it was the opposite, Lucas and Spearing added to that Raul had ample time and space to pick out the passes. However it was a different kettle  of fish when we came up against a team who play similar to ourselves (high pressing particularly). Both Kuyt and Maxi were ineffective and this was a knock on effect from CM especially.

Any manager watching us will now see that be pressing our midfield especially if Raul isn't playing will have a good chance to 'win the battle' in midfield. As for Carroll, he was shocking, I'm not a big fan of the 'target men' and at the moment Carroll to me is struggling (yes, I know he's been injured alot etc, before the thought police come wading in) and hopefully next season he can become MUCH more effective.

Howard Webb is a grade A c... no way in the world was that ever a pen and from there on you just knew it wasn't gonna be our day.

Why is he playing Cole for 3 minutes?
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Postby Kenny Kan » Mon May 16, 2011 7:36 am

Thommo's perm wrote:
Kenny Kan wrote:Yes it still hurts.

I agree the inclusion of Carroll changed the dynamics of the team and for the worse it has to be said. In the first half they had VDVart playing behind Crouch and he'd drop off Crouch and press Lucas and Spearing with his midfield counterparts doing the same. Press Spearing and Lucas and we're in trouble, neither are good enough with the ball when being pressured and nothing (momentum) could be built from our central midfield. Against Fulham it was the opposite, Lucas and Spearing added to that Raul had ample time and space to pick out the passes. However it was a different kettle  of fish when we came up against a team who play similar to ourselves (high pressing particularly). Both Kuyt and Maxi were ineffective and this was a knock on effect from CM especially.

Any manager watching us will now see that be pressing our midfield especially if Raul isn't playing will have a good chance to 'win the battle' in midfield. As for Carroll, he was shocking, I'm not a big fan of the 'target men' and at the moment Carroll to me is struggling (yes, I know he's been injured alot etc, before the thought police come wading in) and hopefully next season he can become MUCH more effective.

Howard Webb is a grade A c... no way in the world was that ever a pen and from there on you just knew it wasn't gonna be our day.

Why is he playing Cole for 3 minutes?

You'll have to ask him that.
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Postby Thommo's perm » Mon May 16, 2011 7:41 am

Kenny Kan wrote:
Thommo's perm wrote:
Kenny Kan wrote:Yes it still hurts.

I agree the inclusion of Carroll changed the dynamics of the team and for the worse it has to be said. In the first half they had VDVart playing behind Crouch and he'd drop off Crouch and press Lucas and Spearing with his midfield counterparts doing the same. Press Spearing and Lucas and we're in trouble, neither are good enough with the ball when being pressured and nothing (momentum) could be built from our central midfield. Against Fulham it was the opposite, Lucas and Spearing added to that Raul had ample time and space to pick out the passes. However it was a different kettle  of fish when we came up against a team who play similar to ourselves (high pressing particularly). Both Kuyt and Maxi were ineffective and this was a knock on effect from CM especially.

Any manager watching us will now see that be pressing our midfield especially if Raul isn't playing will have a good chance to 'win the battle' in midfield. As for Carroll, he was shocking, I'm not a big fan of the 'target men' and at the moment Carroll to me is struggling (yes, I know he's been injured alot etc, before the thought police come wading in) and hopefully next season he can become MUCH more effective.

Howard Webb is a grade A c... no way in the world was that ever a pen and from there on you just knew it wasn't gonna be our day.

Why is he playing Cole for 3 minutes?

You'll have to ask him that.

Im sure we have a genius on here who can explain it
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