Ynwa phil!

Please use this forum for general Non-Football related chat

Postby Rafa D » Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:11 am

1. Joko & Mom - Get well soonest and YNWA, Phil! (we know you can cope, good man, keep getting better - joko's mom)
2. anfieldadorer - YNWA and god bless you, mate!
3. cheesecrackernuts - see you tomorrow on this forum, drummer
4. peewee- keep fighting phil, you can come back
5. NiftyNeil - Best wishes Phil, the lads will do you proud tomorrow.
6. dward - Get well soon Phil. All our thoughts and prayers are will you. Keep fighting. You'll Never Walk Alone.
7. LFC #1 - All the best to you and your family Phil mate, we're all thinking of you. YNWA
8. Bamaga - Get well soon Phil, Walk On
9. Dawson99 - Drummerphil, we all love ya mate, walk on and see you on here real soon
10. Laza  -  Get well soon D-Phil, No retreat No surrender
11. ckay -  Best wishes Phil. YNWA
12. babu - Come Phil u can beat this.
13. SouthCoastShankly - Get Well Soon mate. I need some betting tips!
14. 2520years - Never give up, even if you're 3-0 down.  YNWA.
15. thrgreedo - You're in Istanbul at 1/2 time Phil, you know the rest! YNWA!
16 kidder- get well soon mate. my thoughts and prayers are with you and ya family YNWA.
17. TommyCockles - get well soon mate - we're all thinking of you.
18. Leonmc0708 - Phil mate, through the wind and rain, you'll never walk alone. Karen and family thoughts prayers and best wishes are yours.
19. Red37 - all our hopes and dreams are on your side phil mate. you can win this battle! keep the faith...
20. JMac - Get well soon Phil
21. The Ace1983 - You Can Beat this, Phil. Keep fightin' Buddy. YNWA
22. Ciggy: Walk on Phil with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone my friend.
23. JBG - Hang in there Phil
24. andy_g: a big love to you and all your family, phil mate. keep strong, brother.
25. Woollyback: keep fighting Phil my friend, you're a tough cookie. At the end of the storm is a golden sky...
26.The Red Baron;with hope in OUR hearts YOU will never walk alone,Come on you mighty RED.
27. Maximus - My thoughts are with you an your family Phil, hang in there buddy
28. 7_Kewell-Don't you be going anywhere! Our glory days have returned and your team needs you!  So get well soon.
29. ToTinho- get well soon brother, my thoughts are with u and your family , YNWA
30.  john craig - I can only echo what everyone else has said - everyone's rooting for you.
31. Bad Bob -- Walk On Phil and family...we're right there with you
32. Lando. Thoughts and prayers for you mate. Best of luck. We all miss you dude.
33. Cool Hand Luke - You will truely never walk alone, there are many who love and support you.
34. Sabre - The respect you've achieved has reached abroad.
35. GOAT - Walk on Phil, We're all thinking of you
36. Woof Woof - Come on Phil , I know you're gonna wanna be with us when we win the prem next season , hang in there mate .
37. Stmichael - get well soon Phil. You will truly never walk alone.
38. Reinas No.1 Fan - keep on drumming Phil get well soon mate YNWA!!!!
39. Zarababe - Hey Fella you are a legend, enshrined on these pages forever... prayers and best wishes with you always !
40. Fivecups - No matter what hardships come - keep fighting, keep positive and enjoy your life.
41. DrTNT - Phil your an excellent poster and wish you all the luck in beating your illness, YNWA
42. Kazza 1 - My thoughts are with you and your family. Get well soon!! YNWA, X.
43.Redsince2001- Keep the faith .I'm praying for you everyday.!!I'm sure U'll be back soon!
44. Gaunt - YNWA Phil, hope you get well soon mate, i enjoyed your posts, especially the fight with Chelsea forever lol
45 Igor Zidane.... keep strong phil YNWA.
46. s.ward - I've seen your posts and I wish you the best! YNWA!
47. A.B. - Hang in there, you can do this. Prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family
48.Feeney - We were 3-0 down Phil, you know the score, keep fightin YNWA
49.Richardlfc1 - Ynwa phil god bless your sole keep fighting mate
50. Kukilon - You will never walk alone.
51. Dundalk - Hang in there phil we are all praying for you
52. Garymac - YNWA Phil, Thinking about you and your family always, Dont stop fighting mate
53. daxy1 seen your posts phil and seen the friends you have here YNWA..ALL THE BEST
54. Gareth G - Hang in there Phil, best wishes.
55. mrsdrummerphil - I love you sweetheart, please don't leave me xxx.
56. Hawkmoon - Remember fortress Anfield - play to the whistle - never give up! We're all thinking/praying for you.  Keep the faith.
57. supersub - keep up the fight Phil, we'll do the praying.
58. Mikz- Battle on ol soldier, God Knows we are praying for ya mate.
59. Scottbot - You can get well again. We believe you can do it.
60. RAFABENITEZ - keep fighting on! 
61. Alonso14 - Hang in there Drummer.
62. Ace Ventura - Phil thinking of you and your family, YNWA mate
63. RUSHIE#9 - Keep fighting this Phil, we're ALL rooting and praying for ya matey! YNWA
64.Rage uk—best wishes to you m8 walk on
65. Lionheart - it's not over until the fat lady sings and she hasn't even taken a deep breath yet. YNWA Phil mate.
Oops. (sorry guys) 
66. LFCNUTTER- You can beat this Phil, look forward to your posts soon
67. Phil - you the man. YNWA to you mate and karen. Get back here fella
68. God Bless you phil, keep fighting and i know God is on your side
69.H_K_LFC -  Stick in there Phil,hope ya enjoyed the F.A Cup final mate.
70. adamnbarrett - Come on phil, never give up. Keep fighting. Nothing is impossible. You'll Never Walk Alone
71. Sparky and Mrs Sparkz - Keep fighting phil and karen we are thinking about you and look forward to seeing you back on the forum !!! Y N W A !!
72. -Rafa- - Get well soon mate, you can beat this. YNWA
73. Coddy - Your a friend to some, an inspiration to much more.
74. Rafa-Dodd  -  Keep fighting Big Fella. You'll Never Walk Alone.
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Rafa D
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Postby joko » Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:04 pm

jkop left out, so i list em in

1. Joko & Mom - Get well soonest and YNWA, Phil! (we know you can cope, good man, keep getting better - joko's mom)
2. anfieldadorer - YNWA and god bless you, mate!
3. cheesecrackernuts - see you tomorrow on this forum, drummer
4. peewee- keep fighting phil, you can come back
5. NiftyNeil - Best wishes Phil, the lads will do you proud tomorrow.
6. dward - Get well soon Phil. All our thoughts and prayers are will you. Keep fighting. You'll Never Walk Alone.
7. LFC #1 - All the best to you and your family Phil mate, we're all thinking of you. YNWA
8. Bamaga - Get well soon Phil, Walk On
9. Dawson99 - Drummerphil, we all love ya mate, walk on and see you on here real soon
10. Laza  -  Get well soon D-Phil, No retreat No surrender
11. ckay -  Best wishes Phil. YNWA
12. babu - Come Phil u can beat this.
13. SouthCoastShankly - Get Well Soon mate. I need some betting tips!
14. 2520years - Never give up, even if you're 3-0 down.  YNWA.
15. thrgreedo - You're in Istanbul at 1/2 time Phil, you know the rest! YNWA!
16 kidder- get well soon mate. my thoughts and prayers are with you and ya family YNWA.
17. TommyCockles - get well soon mate - we're all thinking of you.
18. Leonmc0708 - Phil mate, through the wind and rain, you'll never walk alone. Karen and family thoughts prayers and best wishes are yours.
19. Red37 - all our hopes and dreams are on your side phil mate. you can win this battle! keep the faith...
20. JMac - Get well soon Phil
21. The Ace1983 - You Can Beat this, Phil. Keep fightin' Buddy. YNWA
22. Ciggy: Walk on Phil with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone my friend.
23. JBG - Hang in there Phil
24. andy_g: a big love to you and all your family, phil mate. keep strong, brother.
25. Woollyback: keep fighting Phil my friend, you're a tough cookie. At the end of the storm is a golden sky...
26.The Red Baron;with hope in OUR hearts YOU will never walk alone,Come on you mighty RED.
27. Maximus - My thoughts are with you an your family Phil, hang in there buddy
28. 7_Kewell-Don't you be going anywhere! Our glory days have returned and your team needs you!  So get well soon.
29. ToTinho- get well soon brother, my thoughts are with u and your family , YNWA
30.  john craig - I can only echo what everyone else has said - everyone's rooting for you.
31. Bad Bob -- Walk On Phil and family...we're right there with you
32. Lando. Thoughts and prayers for you mate. Best of luck. We all miss you dude.
33. Cool Hand Luke - You will truely never walk alone, there are many who love and support you.
34. Sabre - The respect you've achieved has reached abroad.
35. GOAT - Walk on Phil, We're all thinking of you
36. Woof Woof - Come on Phil , I know you're gonna wanna be with us when we win the prem next season , hang in there mate .
37. Stmichael - get well soon Phil. You will truly never walk alone.
38. Reinas No.1 Fan - keep on drumming Phil get well soon mate YNWA!!!!
39. Zarababe - Hey Fella you are a legend, enshrined on these pages forever... prayers and best wishes with you always !
40. Fivecups - No matter what hardships come - keep fighting, keep positive and enjoy your life.
41. DrTNT - Phil your an excellent poster and wish you all the luck in beating your illness, YNWA
42. Kazza 1 - My thoughts are with you and your family. Get well soon!! YNWA, X.
43.Redsince2001- Keep the faith .I'm praying for you everyday.!!I'm sure U'll be back soon!
44. Gaunt - YNWA Phil, hope you get well soon mate, i enjoyed your posts, especially the fight with Chelsea forever lol
45 Igor Zidane.... keep strong phil YNWA.
46. s.ward - I've seen your posts and I wish you the best! YNWA!
47. A.B. - Hang in there, you can do this. Prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family
48.Feeney - We were 3-0 down Phil, you know the score, keep fightin YNWA
49.Richardlfc1 - Ynwa phil god bless your sole keep fighting mate
50. Kukilon - You will never walk alone.
51. Dundalk - Hang in there phil we are all praying for you
52. Garymac - YNWA Phil, Thinking about you and your family always, Dont stop fighting mate
53. daxy1 seen your posts phil and seen the friends you have here YNWA..ALL THE BEST
54. Gareth G - Hang in there Phil, best wishes.
55. mrsdrummerphil - I love you sweetheart, please don't leave me xxx.
56. Hawkmoon - Remember fortress Anfield - play to the whistle - never give up! We're all thinking/praying for you.  Keep the faith.
57. supersub - keep up the fight Phil, we'll do the praying.
58. Mikz- Battle on ol soldier, God Knows we are praying for ya mate.
59. Scottbot - You can get well again. We believe you can do it.
60. RAFABENITEZ - keep fighting on! 
61. Alonso14 - Hang in there Drummer.
62. Ace Ventura - Phil thinking of you and your family, YNWA mate
63. RUSHIE#9 - Keep fighting this Phil, we're ALL rooting and praying for ya matey! YNWA
64.Rage uk—best wishes to you m8 walk on
65. Lionheart - it's not over until the fat lady sings and she hasn't even taken a deep breath yet. YNWA Phil mate.
Oops. (sorry guys) 
66. LFCNUTTER- You can beat this Phil, look forward to your posts soon
67. Phil - you the man. YNWA to you mate and karen. Get back here fella
68. God Bless you phil, keep fighting and i know God is on your side
69.H_K_LFC -  Stick in there Phil,hope ya enjoyed the F.A Cup final mate.
70. adamnbarrett - Come on phil, never give up. Keep fighting. Nothing is impossible. You'll Never Walk Alone
71. Sparky and Mrs Sparkz - Keep fighting phil and karen we are thinking about you and look forward to seeing you back on the forum !!! Y N W A !!
72. -Rafa- - Get well soon mate, you can beat this. YNWA
73. Coddy - Your a friend to some, an inspiration to much more.
74. Rafa-Dodd  -  Keep fighting Big Fella. You'll Never Walk Alone.
75. jkop - My family and i wish the drummerphil clan all the best.
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Postby Ola Mr Benitez » Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:49 am

1. Joko & Mom - Get well soonest and YNWA, Phil! (we know you can cope, good man, keep getting better - joko's mom)
2. anfieldadorer - YNWA and god bless you, mate!
3. cheesecrackernuts - see you tomorrow on this forum, drummer
4. peewee- keep fighting phil, you can come back
5. NiftyNeil - Best wishes Phil, the lads will do you proud tomorrow.
6. dward - Get well soon Phil. All our thoughts and prayers are will you. Keep fighting. You'll Never Walk Alone.
7. LFC #1 - All the best to you and your family Phil mate, we're all thinking of you. YNWA
8. Bamaga - Get well soon Phil, Walk On
9. Dawson99 - Drummerphil, we all love ya mate, walk on and see you on here real soon
10. Laza  -  Get well soon D-Phil, No retreat No surrender
11. ckay -  Best wishes Phil. YNWA
12. babu - Come Phil u can beat this.
13. SouthCoastShankly - Get Well Soon mate. I need some betting tips!
14. 2520years - Never give up, even if you're 3-0 down.  YNWA.
15. thrgreedo - You're in Istanbul at 1/2 time Phil, you know the rest! YNWA!
16 kidder- get well soon mate. my thoughts and prayers are with you and ya family YNWA.
17. TommyCockles - get well soon mate - we're all thinking of you.
18. Leonmc0708 - Phil mate, through the wind and rain, you'll never walk alone. Karen and family thoughts prayers and best wishes are yours.
19. Red37 - all our hopes and dreams are on your side phil mate. you can win this battle! keep the faith...
20. JMac - Get well soon Phil
21. The Ace1983 - You Can Beat this, Phil. Keep fightin' Buddy. YNWA
22. Ciggy: Walk on Phil with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone my friend.
23. JBG - Hang in there Phil
24. andy_g: a big love to you and all your family, phil mate. keep strong, brother.
25. Woollyback: keep fighting Phil my friend, you're a tough cookie. At the end of the storm is a golden sky...
26.The Red Baron;with hope in OUR hearts YOU will never walk alone,Come on you mighty RED.
27. Maximus - My thoughts are with you an your family Phil, hang in there buddy
28. 7_Kewell-Don't you be going anywhere! Our glory days have returned and your team needs you!  So get well soon.
29. ToTinho- get well soon brother, my thoughts are with u and your family , YNWA
30.  john craig - I can only echo what everyone else has said - everyone's rooting for you.
31. Bad Bob -- Walk On Phil and family...we're right there with you
32. Lando. Thoughts and prayers for you mate. Best of luck. We all miss you dude.
33. Cool Hand Luke - You will truely never walk alone, there are many who love and support you.
34. Sabre - The respect you've achieved has reached abroad.
35. GOAT - Walk on Phil, We're all thinking of you
36. Woof Woof - Come on Phil , I know you're gonna wanna be with us when we win the prem next season , hang in there mate .
37. Stmichael - get well soon Phil. You will truly never walk alone.
38. Reinas No.1 Fan - keep on drumming Phil get well soon mate YNWA!!!!
39. Zarababe - Hey Fella you are a legend, enshrined on these pages forever... prayers and best wishes with you always !
40. Fivecups - No matter what hardships come - keep fighting, keep positive and enjoy your life.
41. DrTNT - Phil your an excellent poster and wish you all the luck in beating your illness, YNWA
42. Kazza 1 - My thoughts are with you and your family. Get well soon!! YNWA, X.
43.Redsince2001- Keep the faith .I'm praying for you everyday.!!I'm sure U'll be back soon!
44. Gaunt - YNWA Phil, hope you get well soon mate, i enjoyed your posts, especially the fight with Chelsea forever lol
45 Igor Zidane.... keep strong phil YNWA.
46. s.ward - I've seen your posts and I wish you the best! YNWA!
47. A.B. - Hang in there, you can do this. Prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family
48.Feeney - We were 3-0 down Phil, you know the score, keep fightin YNWA
49.Richardlfc1 - Ynwa phil god bless your sole keep fighting mate
50. Kukilon - You will never walk alone.
51. Dundalk - Hang in there phil we are all praying for you
52. Garymac - YNWA Phil, Thinking about you and your family always, Dont stop fighting mate
53. daxy1 seen your posts phil and seen the friends you have here YNWA..ALL THE BEST
54. Gareth G - Hang in there Phil, best wishes.
55. mrsdrummerphil - I love you sweetheart, please don't leave me xxx.
56. Hawkmoon - Remember fortress Anfield - play to the whistle - never give up! We're all thinking/praying for you.  Keep the faith.
57. supersub - keep up the fight Phil, we'll do the praying.
58. Mikz- Battle on ol soldier, God Knows we are praying for ya mate.
59. Scottbot - You can get well again. We believe you can do it.
60. RAFABENITEZ - keep fighting on! 
61. Alonso14 - Hang in there Drummer.
62. Ace Ventura - Phil thinking of you and your family, YNWA mate
63. RUSHIE#9 - Keep fighting this Phil, we're ALL rooting and praying for ya matey! YNWA
64.Rage uk—best wishes to you m8 walk on
65. Lionheart - it's not over until the fat lady sings and she hasn't even taken a deep breath yet. YNWA Phil mate.
Oops. (sorry guys) 
66. LFCNUTTER- You can beat this Phil, look forward to your posts soon
67. Phil - you the man. YNWA to you mate and karen. Get back here fella
68. God Bless you phil, keep fighting and i know God is on your side
69.H_K_LFC -  Stick in there Phil,hope ya enjoyed the F.A Cup final mate.
70. adamnbarrett - Come on phil, never give up. Keep fighting. Nothing is impossible. You'll Never Walk Alone
71. Sparky and Mrs Sparkz - Keep fighting phil and karen we are thinking about you and look forward to seeing you back on the forum !!! Y N W A !!
72. -Rafa- - Get well soon mate, you can beat this. YNWA
73. Coddy - Your a friend to some, an inspiration to much more.
74. Rafa-Dodd  -  Keep fighting Big Fella. You'll Never Walk Alone.
75. jkop - My family and i wish the drummerphil clan all the best.
76. Ola Mr Benitez - YNWA
Our job is simple, to support the club, not just parts of the club that are easy to support, but every one who plays a part, that includes ALL players.  We are stronger when we are all walking in the same direction. Walk On
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Ola Mr Benitez
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Postby account deleted by request » Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:09 pm

1. Joko & Mom - Get well soonest and YNWA, Phil! (we know you can cope, good man, keep getting better - joko's mom)
2. anfieldadorer - YNWA and god bless you, mate!
3. cheesecrackernuts - see you tomorrow on this forum, drummer
4. peewee- keep fighting phil, you can come back
5. NiftyNeil - Best wishes Phil, the lads will do you proud tomorrow.
6. dward - Get well soon Phil. All our thoughts and prayers are will you. Keep fighting. You'll Never Walk Alone.
7. LFC #1 - All the best to you and your family Phil mate, we're all thinking of you. YNWA
8. Bamaga - Get well soon Phil, Walk On
9. Dawson99 - Drummerphil, we all love ya mate, walk on and see you on here real soon
10. Laza  -  Get well soon D-Phil, No retreat No surrender
11. ckay -  Best wishes Phil. YNWA
12. babu - Come Phil u can beat this.
13. SouthCoastShankly - Get Well Soon mate. I need some betting tips!
14. 2520years - Never give up, even if you're 3-0 down.  YNWA.
15. thrgreedo - You're in Istanbul at 1/2 time Phil, you know the rest! YNWA!
16 kidder- get well soon mate. my thoughts and prayers are with you and ya family YNWA.
17. TommyCockles - get well soon mate - we're all thinking of you.
18. Leonmc0708 - Phil mate, through the wind and rain, you'll never walk alone. Karen and family thoughts prayers and best wishes are yours.
19. Red37 - all our hopes and dreams are on your side phil mate. you can win this battle! keep the faith...
20. JMac - Get well soon Phil
21. The Ace1983 - You Can Beat this, Phil. Keep fightin' Buddy. YNWA
22. Ciggy: Walk on Phil with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone my friend.
23. JBG - Hang in there Phil
24. andy_g: a big love to you and all your family, phil mate. keep strong, brother.
25. Woollyback: keep fighting Phil my friend, you're a tough cookie. At the end of the storm is a golden sky...
26.The Red Baron;with hope in OUR hearts YOU will never walk alone,Come on you mighty RED.
27. Maximus - My thoughts are with you an your family Phil, hang in there buddy
28. 7_Kewell-Don't you be going anywhere! Our glory days have returned and your team needs you!  So get well soon.
29. ToTinho- get well soon brother, my thoughts are with u and your family , YNWA
30.  john craig - I can only echo what everyone else has said - everyone's rooting for you.
31. Bad Bob -- Walk On Phil and family...we're right there with you
32. Lando. Thoughts and prayers for you mate. Best of luck. We all miss you dude.
33. Cool Hand Luke - You will truely never walk alone, there are many who love and support you.
34. Sabre - The respect you've achieved has reached abroad.
35. GOAT - Walk on Phil, We're all thinking of you
36. Woof Woof - Come on Phil , I know you're gonna wanna be with us when we win the prem next season , hang in there mate .
37. Stmichael - get well soon Phil. You will truly never walk alone.
38. Reinas No.1 Fan - keep on drumming Phil get well soon mate YNWA!!!!
39. Zarababe - Hey Fella you are a legend, enshrined on these pages forever... prayers and best wishes with you always !
40. Fivecups - No matter what hardships come - keep fighting, keep positive and enjoy your life.
41. DrTNT - Phil your an excellent poster and wish you all the luck in beating your illness, YNWA
42. Kazza 1 - My thoughts are with you and your family. Get well soon!! YNWA, X.
43.Redsince2001- Keep the faith .I'm praying for you everyday.!!I'm sure U'll be back soon!
44. Gaunt - YNWA Phil, hope you get well soon mate, i enjoyed your posts, especially the fight with Chelsea forever lol
45 Igor Zidane.... keep strong phil YNWA.
46. s.ward - I've seen your posts and I wish you the best! YNWA!
47. A.B. - Hang in there, you can do this. Prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family
48.Feeney - We were 3-0 down Phil, you know the score, keep fightin YNWA
49.Richardlfc1 - Ynwa phil god bless your sole keep fighting mate
50. Kukilon - You will never walk alone.
51. Dundalk - Hang in there phil we are all praying for you
52. Garymac - YNWA Phil, Thinking about you and your family always, Dont stop fighting mate
53. daxy1 seen your posts phil and seen the friends you have here YNWA..ALL THE BEST
54. Gareth G - Hang in there Phil, best wishes.
55. mrsdrummerphil - I love you sweetheart, please don't leave me xxx.
56. Hawkmoon - Remember fortress Anfield - play to the whistle - never give up! We're all thinking/praying for you.  Keep the faith.
57. supersub - keep up the fight Phil, we'll do the praying.
58. Mikz- Battle on ol soldier, God Knows we are praying for ya mate.
59. Scottbot - You can get well again. We believe you can do it.
60. RAFABENITEZ - keep fighting on! 
61. Alonso14 - Hang in there Drummer.
62. Ace Ventura - Phil thinking of you and your family, YNWA mate
63. RUSHIE#9 - Keep fighting this Phil, we're ALL rooting and praying for ya matey! YNWA
64.Rage uk—best wishes to you m8 walk on
65. Lionheart - it's not over until the fat lady sings and she hasn't even taken a deep breath yet. YNWA Phil mate.
Oops. (sorry guys) 
66. LFCNUTTER- You can beat this Phil, look forward to your posts soon
67. Phil - you the man. YNWA to you mate and karen. Get back here fella
68. God Bless you phil, keep fighting and i know God is on your side
69.H_K_LFC -  Stick in there Phil,hope ya enjoyed the F.A Cup final mate.
70. adamnbarrett - Come on phil, never give up. Keep fighting. Nothing is impossible. You'll Never Walk Alone
71. Sparky and Mrs Sparkz - Keep fighting phil and karen we are thinking about you and look forward to seeing you back on the forum !!! Y N W A !!
72. -Rafa- - Get well soon mate, you can beat this. YNWA
73. Coddy - Your a friend to some, an inspiration to much more.
74. Rafa-Dodd  -  Keep fighting Big Fella. You'll Never Walk Alone.
75. jkop - My family and i wish the drummerphil clan all the best.
76. Ola Mr Benitez - YNWA
77. s@int - God bless you, YNWA
account deleted by request
Posts: 20690
Joined: Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:11 am

Postby sundy » Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:23 pm

1. Joko & Mom - Get well soonest and YNWA, Phil! (we know you can cope, good man, keep getting better - joko's mom)
2. anfieldadorer - YNWA and god bless you, mate!
3. cheesecrackernuts - see you tomorrow on this forum, drummer
4. peewee- keep fighting phil, you can come back
5. NiftyNeil - Best wishes Phil, the lads will do you proud tomorrow.
6. dward - Get well soon Phil. All our thoughts and prayers are will you. Keep fighting. You'll Never Walk Alone.
7. LFC #1 - All the best to you and your family Phil mate, we're all thinking of you. YNWA
8. Bamaga - Get well soon Phil, Walk On
9. Dawson99 - Drummerphil, we all love ya mate, walk on and see you on here real soon
10. Laza  -  Get well soon D-Phil, No retreat No surrender
11. ckay -  Best wishes Phil. YNWA
12. babu - Come Phil u can beat this.
13. SouthCoastShankly - Get Well Soon mate. I need some betting tips!
14. 2520years - Never give up, even if you're 3-0 down.  YNWA.
15. thrgreedo - You're in Istanbul at 1/2 time Phil, you know the rest! YNWA!
16 kidder- get well soon mate. my thoughts and prayers are with you and ya family YNWA.
17. TommyCockles - get well soon mate - we're all thinking of you.
18. Leonmc0708 - Phil mate, through the wind and rain, you'll never walk alone. Karen and family thoughts prayers and best wishes are yours.
19. Red37 - all our hopes and dreams are on your side phil mate. you can win this battle! keep the faith...
20. JMac - Get well soon Phil
21. The Ace1983 - You Can Beat this, Phil. Keep fightin' Buddy. YNWA
22. Ciggy: Walk on Phil with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone my friend.
23. JBG - Hang in there Phil
24. andy_g: a big love to you and all your family, phil mate. keep strong, brother.
25. Woollyback: keep fighting Phil my friend, you're a tough cookie. At the end of the storm is a golden sky...
26.The Red Baron;with hope in OUR hearts YOU will never walk alone,Come on you mighty RED.
27. Maximus - My thoughts are with you an your family Phil, hang in there buddy
28. 7_Kewell-Don't you be going anywhere! Our glory days have returned and your team needs you!  So get well soon.
29. ToTinho- get well soon brother, my thoughts are with u and your family , YNWA
30.  john craig - I can only echo what everyone else has said - everyone's rooting for you.
31. Bad Bob -- Walk On Phil and family...we're right there with you
32. Lando. Thoughts and prayers for you mate. Best of luck. We all miss you dude.
33. Cool Hand Luke - You will truely never walk alone, there are many who love and support you.
34. Sabre - The respect you've achieved has reached abroad.
35. GOAT - Walk on Phil, We're all thinking of you
36. Woof Woof - Come on Phil , I know you're gonna wanna be with us when we win the prem next season , hang in there mate .
37. Stmichael - get well soon Phil. You will truly never walk alone.
38. Reinas No.1 Fan - keep on drumming Phil get well soon mate YNWA!!!!
39. Zarababe - Hey Fella you are a legend, enshrined on these pages forever... prayers and best wishes with you always !
40. Fivecups - No matter what hardships come - keep fighting, keep positive and enjoy your life.
41. DrTNT - Phil your an excellent poster and wish you all the luck in beating your illness, YNWA
42. Kazza 1 - My thoughts are with you and your family. Get well soon!! YNWA, X.
43.Redsince2001- Keep the faith .I'm praying for you everyday.!!I'm sure U'll be back soon!
44. Gaunt - YNWA Phil, hope you get well soon mate, i enjoyed your posts, especially the fight with Chelsea forever lol
45 Igor Zidane.... keep strong phil YNWA.
46. s.ward - I've seen your posts and I wish you the best! YNWA!
47. A.B. - Hang in there, you can do this. Prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family
48.Feeney - We were 3-0 down Phil, you know the score, keep fightin YNWA
49.Richardlfc1 - Ynwa phil god bless your sole keep fighting mate
50. Kukilon - You will never walk alone.
51. Dundalk - Hang in there phil we are all praying for you
52. Garymac - YNWA Phil, Thinking about you and your family always, Dont stop fighting mate
53. daxy1 seen your posts phil and seen the friends you have here YNWA..ALL THE BEST
54. Gareth G - Hang in there Phil, best wishes.
55. mrsdrummerphil - I love you sweetheart, please don't leave me xxx.
56. Hawkmoon - Remember fortress Anfield - play to the whistle - never give up! We're all thinking/praying for you.  Keep the faith.
57. supersub - keep up the fight Phil, we'll do the praying.
58. Mikz- Battle on ol soldier, God Knows we are praying for ya mate.
59. Scottbot - You can get well again. We believe you can do it.
60. RAFABENITEZ - keep fighting on! 
61. Alonso14 - Hang in there Drummer.
62. Ace Ventura - Phil thinking of you and your family, YNWA mate
63. RUSHIE#9 - Keep fighting this Phil, we're ALL rooting and praying for ya matey! YNWA
64.Rage uk—best wishes to you m8 walk on
65. Lionheart - it's not over until the fat lady sings and she hasn't even taken a deep breath yet. YNWA Phil mate.
Oops. (sorry guys) 
66. LFCNUTTER- You can beat this Phil, look forward to your posts soon
67. Phil - you the man. YNWA to you mate and karen. Get back here fella
68. God Bless you phil, keep fighting and i know God is on your side
69.H_K_LFC -  Stick in there Phil,hope ya enjoyed the F.A Cup final mate.
70. adamnbarrett - Come on phil, never give up. Keep fighting. Nothing is impossible. You'll Never Walk Alone
71. Sparky and Mrs Sparkz - Keep fighting phil and karen we are thinking about you and look forward to seeing you back on the forum !!! Y N W A !!
72. -Rafa- - Get well soon mate, you can beat this. YNWA
73. Coddy - Your a friend to some, an inspiration to much more.
74. Rafa-Dodd  -  Keep fighting Big Fella. You'll Never Walk Alone.
75. jkop - My family and i wish the drummerphil clan all the best.
76. Ola Mr Benitez - YNWA
77. s@int - God bless you, YNWA
78. Sundy - YNWA Phil... Will be sorely missed on this forum :(
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Postby Kash_Mountain » Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:59 pm

1. Joko & Mom - Get well soonest and YNWA, Phil! (we know you can cope, good man, keep getting better - joko's mom)
2. anfieldadorer - YNWA and god bless you, mate!
3. cheesecrackernuts - see you tomorrow on this forum, drummer
4. peewee- keep fighting phil, you can come back
5. NiftyNeil - Best wishes Phil, the lads will do you proud tomorrow.
6. dward - Get well soon Phil. All our thoughts and prayers are will you. Keep fighting. You'll Never Walk Alone.
7. LFC #1 - All the best to you and your family Phil mate, we're all thinking of you. YNWA
8. Bamaga - Get well soon Phil, Walk On
9. Dawson99 - Drummerphil, we all love ya mate, walk on and see you on here real soon
10. Laza  -  Get well soon D-Phil, No retreat No surrender
11. ckay -  Best wishes Phil. YNWA
12. babu - Come Phil u can beat this.
13. SouthCoastShankly - Get Well Soon mate. I need some betting tips!
14. 2520years - Never give up, even if you're 3-0 down.  YNWA.
15. thrgreedo - You're in Istanbul at 1/2 time Phil, you know the rest! YNWA!
16 kidder- get well soon mate. my thoughts and prayers are with you and ya family YNWA.
17. TommyCockles - get well soon mate - we're all thinking of you.
18. Leonmc0708 - Phil mate, through the wind and rain, you'll never walk alone. Karen and family thoughts prayers and best wishes are yours.
19. Red37 - all our hopes and dreams are on your side phil mate. you can win this battle! keep the faith...
20. JMac - Get well soon Phil
21. The Ace1983 - You Can Beat this, Phil. Keep fightin' Buddy. YNWA
22. Ciggy: Walk on Phil with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone my friend.
23. JBG - Hang in there Phil
24. andy_g: a big love to you and all your family, phil mate. keep strong, brother.
25. Woollyback: keep fighting Phil my friend, you're a tough cookie. At the end of the storm is a golden sky...
26.The Red Baron;with hope in OUR hearts YOU will never walk alone,Come on you mighty RED.
27. Maximus - My thoughts are with you an your family Phil, hang in there buddy
28. 7_Kewell-Don't you be going anywhere! Our glory days have returned and your team needs you!  So get well soon.
29. ToTinho- get well soon brother, my thoughts are with u and your family , YNWA
30.  john craig - I can only echo what everyone else has said - everyone's rooting for you.
31. Bad Bob -- Walk On Phil and family...we're right there with you
32. Lando. Thoughts and prayers for you mate. Best of luck. We all miss you dude.
33. Cool Hand Luke - You will truely never walk alone, there are many who love and support you.
34. Sabre - The respect you've achieved has reached abroad.
35. GOAT - Walk on Phil, We're all thinking of you
36. Woof Woof - Come on Phil , I know you're gonna wanna be with us when we win the prem next season , hang in there mate .
37. Stmichael - get well soon Phil. You will truly never walk alone.
38. Reinas No.1 Fan - keep on drumming Phil get well soon mate YNWA!!!!
39. Zarababe - Hey Fella you are a legend, enshrined on these pages forever... prayers and best wishes with you always !
40. Fivecups - No matter what hardships come - keep fighting, keep positive and enjoy your life.
41. DrTNT - Phil your an excellent poster and wish you all the luck in beating your illness, YNWA
42. Kazza 1 - My thoughts are with you and your family. Get well soon!! YNWA, X.
43.Redsince2001- Keep the faith .I'm praying for you everyday.!!I'm sure U'll be back soon!
44. Gaunt - YNWA Phil, hope you get well soon mate, i enjoyed your posts, especially the fight with Chelsea forever lol
45 Igor Zidane.... keep strong phil YNWA.
46. s.ward - I've seen your posts and I wish you the best! YNWA!
47. A.B. - Hang in there, you can do this. Prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family
48.Feeney - We were 3-0 down Phil, you know the score, keep fightin YNWA
49.Richardlfc1 - Ynwa phil god bless your sole keep fighting mate
50. Kukilon - You will never walk alone.
51. Dundalk - Hang in there phil we are all praying for you
52. Garymac - YNWA Phil, Thinking about you and your family always, Dont stop fighting mate
53. daxy1 seen your posts phil and seen the friends you have here YNWA..ALL THE BEST
54. Gareth G - Hang in there Phil, best wishes.
55. mrsdrummerphil - I love you sweetheart, please don't leave me xxx.
56. Hawkmoon - Remember fortress Anfield - play to the whistle - never give up! We're all thinking/praying for you.  Keep the faith.
57. supersub - keep up the fight Phil, we'll do the praying.
58. Mikz- Battle on ol soldier, God Knows we are praying for ya mate.
59. Scottbot - You can get well again. We believe you can do it.
60. RAFABENITEZ - keep fighting on! 
61. Alonso14 - Hang in there Drummer.
62. Ace Ventura - Phil thinking of you and your family, YNWA mate
63. RUSHIE#9 - Keep fighting this Phil, we're ALL rooting and praying for ya matey! YNWA
64.Rage uk—best wishes to you m8 walk on
65. Lionheart - it's not over until the fat lady sings and she hasn't even taken a deep breath yet. YNWA Phil mate.
Oops. (sorry guys) 
66. LFCNUTTER- You can beat this Phil, look forward to your posts soon
67. Phil - you the man. YNWA to you mate and karen. Get back here fella
68. God Bless you phil, keep fighting and i know God is on your side
69.H_K_LFC -  Stick in there Phil,hope ya enjoyed the F.A Cup final mate.
70. adamnbarrett - Come on phil, never give up. Keep fighting. Nothing is impossible. You'll Never Walk Alone
71. Sparky and Mrs Sparkz - Keep fighting phil and karen we are thinking about you and look forward to seeing you back on the forum !!! Y N W A !!
72. -Rafa- - Get well soon mate, you can beat this. YNWA
73. Coddy - Your a friend to some, an inspiration to much more.
74. Rafa-Dodd  -  Keep fighting Big Fella. You'll Never Walk Alone.
75. jkop - My family and i wish the drummerphil clan all the best.
76. Ola Mr Benitez - YNWA
77. s@int - God bless you, YNWA
78. Sundy - YNWA Phil... Will be sorely missed on this forum
79. Kash_Mountain - Rest In Peace Phil. YNWA.


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Postby zarababe » Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:23 am

80. Goodbye fella, the memory of you will live on and on



Miss YOU Phil-Drummer - RIP YNWA


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Postby zarababe » Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:24 am

Kash_Mountain wrote:1. Joko & Mom - Get well soonest and YNWA, Phil! (we know you can cope, good man, keep getting better - joko's mom)
2. anfieldadorer - YNWA and god bless you, mate!
3. cheesecrackernuts - see you tomorrow on this forum, drummer
4. peewee- keep fighting phil, you can come back
5. NiftyNeil - Best wishes Phil, the lads will do you proud tomorrow.
6. dward - Get well soon Phil. All our thoughts and prayers are will you. Keep fighting. You'll Never Walk Alone.
7. LFC #1 - All the best to you and your family Phil mate, we're all thinking of you. YNWA
8. Bamaga - Get well soon Phil, Walk On
9. Dawson99 - Drummerphil, we all love ya mate, walk on and see you on here real soon
10. Laza  -  Get well soon D-Phil, No retreat No surrender
11. ckay -  Best wishes Phil. YNWA
12. babu - Come Phil u can beat this.
13. SouthCoastShankly - Get Well Soon mate. I need some betting tips!
14. 2520years - Never give up, even if you're 3-0 down.  YNWA.
15. thrgreedo - You're in Istanbul at 1/2 time Phil, you know the rest! YNWA!
16 kidder- get well soon mate. my thoughts and prayers are with you and ya family YNWA.
17. TommyCockles - get well soon mate - we're all thinking of you.
18. Leonmc0708 - Phil mate, through the wind and rain, you'll never walk alone. Karen and family thoughts prayers and best wishes are yours.
19. Red37 - all our hopes and dreams are on your side phil mate. you can win this battle! keep the faith...
20. JMac - Get well soon Phil
21. The Ace1983 - You Can Beat this, Phil. Keep fightin' Buddy. YNWA
22. Ciggy: Walk on Phil with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone my friend.
23. JBG - Hang in there Phil
24. andy_g: a big love to you and all your family, phil mate. keep strong, brother.
25. Woollyback: keep fighting Phil my friend, you're a tough cookie. At the end of the storm is a golden sky...
26.The Red Baron;with hope in OUR hearts YOU will never walk alone,Come on you mighty RED.
27. Maximus - My thoughts are with you an your family Phil, hang in there buddy
28. 7_Kewell-Don't you be going anywhere! Our glory days have returned and your team needs you!  So get well soon.
29. ToTinho- get well soon brother, my thoughts are with u and your family , YNWA
30.  john craig - I can only echo what everyone else has said - everyone's rooting for you.
31. Bad Bob -- Walk On Phil and family...we're right there with you
32. Lando. Thoughts and prayers for you mate. Best of luck. We all miss you dude.
33. Cool Hand Luke - You will truely never walk alone, there are many who love and support you.
34. Sabre - The respect you've achieved has reached abroad.
35. GOAT - Walk on Phil, We're all thinking of you
36. Woof Woof - Come on Phil , I know you're gonna wanna be with us when we win the prem next season , hang in there mate .
37. Stmichael - get well soon Phil. You will truly never walk alone.
38. Reinas No.1 Fan - keep on drumming Phil get well soon mate YNWA!!!!
39. Zarababe - Hey Fella you are a legend, enshrined on these pages forever... prayers and best wishes with you always !
40. Fivecups - No matter what hardships come - keep fighting, keep positive and enjoy your life.
41. DrTNT - Phil your an excellent poster and wish you all the luck in beating your illness, YNWA
42. Kazza 1 - My thoughts are with you and your family. Get well soon!! YNWA, X.
43.Redsince2001- Keep the faith .I'm praying for you everyday.!!I'm sure U'll be back soon!
44. Gaunt - YNWA Phil, hope you get well soon mate, i enjoyed your posts, especially the fight with Chelsea forever lol
45 Igor Zidane.... keep strong phil YNWA.
46. s.ward - I've seen your posts and I wish you the best! YNWA!
47. A.B. - Hang in there, you can do this. Prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family
48.Feeney - We were 3-0 down Phil, you know the score, keep fightin YNWA
49.Richardlfc1 - Ynwa phil god bless your sole keep fighting mate
50. Kukilon - You will never walk alone.
51. Dundalk - Hang in there phil we are all praying for you
52. Garymac - YNWA Phil, Thinking about you and your family always, Dont stop fighting mate
53. daxy1 seen your posts phil and seen the friends you have here YNWA..ALL THE BEST
54. Gareth G - Hang in there Phil, best wishes.
55. mrsdrummerphil - I love you sweetheart, please don't leave me xxx.
56. Hawkmoon - Remember fortress Anfield - play to the whistle - never give up! We're all thinking/praying for you.  Keep the faith.
57. supersub - keep up the fight Phil, we'll do the praying.
58. Mikz- Battle on ol soldier, God Knows we are praying for ya mate.
59. Scottbot - You can get well again. We believe you can do it.
60. RAFABENITEZ - keep fighting on! 
61. Alonso14 - Hang in there Drummer.
62. Ace Ventura - Phil thinking of you and your family, YNWA mate
63. RUSHIE#9 - Keep fighting this Phil, we're ALL rooting and praying for ya matey! YNWA
64.Rage uk—best wishes to you m8 walk on
65. Lionheart - it's not over until the fat lady sings and she hasn't even taken a deep breath yet. YNWA Phil mate.
Oops. (sorry guys) 
66. LFCNUTTER- You can beat this Phil, look forward to your posts soon
67. Phil - you the man. YNWA to you mate and karen. Get back here fella
68. God Bless you phil, keep fighting and i know God is on your side
69.H_K_LFC -  Stick in there Phil,hope ya enjoyed the F.A Cup final mate.
70. adamnbarrett - Come on phil, never give up. Keep fighting. Nothing is impossible. You'll Never Walk Alone
71. Sparky and Mrs Sparkz - Keep fighting phil and karen we are thinking about you and look forward to seeing you back on the forum !!! Y N W A !!
72. -Rafa- - Get well soon mate, you can beat this. YNWA
73. Coddy - Your a friend to some, an inspiration to much more.
74. Rafa-Dodd  -  Keep fighting Big Fella. You'll Never Walk Alone.
75. jkop - My family and i wish the drummerphil clan all the best.
76. Ola Mr Benitez - YNWA
77. s@int - God bless you, YNWA
78. Sundy - YNWA Phil... Will be sorely missed on this forum
79. Kash_Mountain - Rest In Peace Phil. YNWA
80. Zarababe - Goodby fella, the memory of you will live on and on ....
Last edited by zarababe on Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.



Miss YOU Phil-Drummer - RIP YNWA


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Postby Hebz » Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:28 am

1. Joko & Mom - Get well soonest and YNWA, Phil! (we know you can cope, good man, keep getting better - joko's mom)
2. anfieldadorer - YNWA and god bless you, mate!
3. cheesecrackernuts - see you tomorrow on this forum, drummer
4. peewee- keep fighting phil, you can come back
5. NiftyNeil - Best wishes Phil, the lads will do you proud tomorrow.
6. dward - Get well soon Phil. All our thoughts and prayers are will you. Keep fighting. You'll Never Walk Alone.
7. LFC #1 - All the best to you and your family Phil mate, we're all thinking of you. YNWA
8. Bamaga - Get well soon Phil, Walk On
9. Dawson99 - Drummerphil, we all love ya mate, walk on and see you on here real soon
10. Laza  -  Get well soon D-Phil, No retreat No surrender
11. ckay -  Best wishes Phil. YNWA
12. babu - Come Phil u can beat this.
13. SouthCoastShankly - Get Well Soon mate. I need some betting tips!
14. 2520years - Never give up, even if you're 3-0 down.  YNWA.
15. thrgreedo - You're in Istanbul at 1/2 time Phil, you know the rest! YNWA!
16 kidder- get well soon mate. my thoughts and prayers are with you and ya family YNWA.
17. TommyCockles - get well soon mate - we're all thinking of you.
18. Leonmc0708 - Phil mate, through the wind and rain, you'll never walk alone. Karen and family thoughts prayers and best wishes are yours.
19. Red37 - all our hopes and dreams are on your side phil mate. you can win this battle! keep the faith...
20. JMac - Get well soon Phil
21. The Ace1983 - You Can Beat this, Phil. Keep fightin' Buddy. YNWA
22. Ciggy: Walk on Phil with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone my friend.
23. JBG - Hang in there Phil
24. andy_g: a big love to you and all your family, phil mate. keep strong, brother.
25. Woollyback: keep fighting Phil my friend, you're a tough cookie. At the end of the storm is a golden sky...
26.The Red Baron;with hope in OUR hearts YOU will never walk alone,Come on you mighty RED.
27. Maximus - My thoughts are with you an your family Phil, hang in there buddy
28. 7_Kewell-Don't you be going anywhere! Our glory days have returned and your team needs you!  So get well soon.
29. ToTinho- get well soon brother, my thoughts are with u and your family , YNWA
30.  john craig - I can only echo what everyone else has said - everyone's rooting for you.
31. Bad Bob -- Walk On Phil and family...we're right there with you
32. Lando. Thoughts and prayers for you mate. Best of luck. We all miss you dude.
33. Cool Hand Luke - You will truely never walk alone, there are many who love and support you.
34. Sabre - The respect you've achieved has reached abroad.
35. GOAT - Walk on Phil, We're all thinking of you
36. Woof Woof - Come on Phil , I know you're gonna wanna be with us when we win the prem next season , hang in there mate .
37. Stmichael - get well soon Phil. You will truly never walk alone.
38. Reinas No.1 Fan - keep on drumming Phil get well soon mate YNWA!!!!
39. Zarababe - Hey Fella you are a legend, enshrined on these pages forever... prayers and best wishes with you always !
40. Fivecups - No matter what hardships come - keep fighting, keep positive and enjoy your life.
41. DrTNT - Phil your an excellent poster and wish you all the luck in beating your illness, YNWA
42. Kazza 1 - My thoughts are with you and your family. Get well soon!! YNWA, X.
43.Redsince2001- Keep the faith .I'm praying for you everyday.!!I'm sure U'll be back soon!
44. Gaunt - YNWA Phil, hope you get well soon mate, i enjoyed your posts, especially the fight with Chelsea forever lol
45 Igor Zidane.... keep strong phil YNWA.
46. s.ward - I've seen your posts and I wish you the best! YNWA!
47. A.B. - Hang in there, you can do this. Prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family
48.Feeney - We were 3-0 down Phil, you know the score, keep fightin YNWA
49.Richardlfc1 - Ynwa phil god bless your sole keep fighting mate
50. Kukilon - You will never walk alone.
51. Dundalk - Hang in there phil we are all praying for you
52. Garymac - YNWA Phil, Thinking about you and your family always, Dont stop fighting mate
53. daxy1 seen your posts phil and seen the friends you have here YNWA..ALL THE BEST
54. Gareth G - Hang in there Phil, best wishes.
55. mrsdrummerphil - I love you sweetheart, please don't leave me xxx.
56. Hawkmoon - Remember fortress Anfield - play to the whistle - never give up! We're all thinking/praying for you.  Keep the faith.
57. supersub - keep up the fight Phil, we'll do the praying.
58. Mikz- Battle on ol soldier, God Knows we are praying for ya mate.
59. Scottbot - You can get well again. We believe you can do it.
60. RAFABENITEZ - keep fighting on! 
61. Alonso14 - Hang in there Drummer.
62. Ace Ventura - Phil thinking of you and your family, YNWA mate
63. RUSHIE#9 - Keep fighting this Phil, we're ALL rooting and praying for ya matey! YNWA
64.Rage uk—best wishes to you m8 walk on
65. Lionheart - it's not over until the fat lady sings and she hasn't even taken a deep breath yet. YNWA Phil mate.
Oops. (sorry guys) 
66. LFCNUTTER- You can beat this Phil, look forward to your posts soon
67. Phil - you the man. YNWA to you mate and karen. Get back here fella
68. God Bless you phil, keep fighting and i know God is on your side
69.H_K_LFC -  Stick in there Phil,hope ya enjoyed the F.A Cup final mate.
70. adamnbarrett - Come on phil, never give up. Keep fighting. Nothing is impossible. You'll Never Walk Alone
71. Sparky and Mrs Sparkz - Keep fighting phil and karen we are thinking about you and look forward to seeing you back on the forum !!! Y N W A !!
72. -Rafa- - Get well soon mate, you can beat this. YNWA
73. Coddy - Your a friend to some, an inspiration to much more.
74. Rafa-Dodd  -  Keep fighting Big Fella. You'll Never Walk Alone.
75. jkop - My family and i wish the drummerphil clan all the best.
76. Ola Mr Benitez - YNWA
77. s@int - God bless you, YNWA
78. Sundy - YNWA Phil... Will be sorely missed on this forum
79. Kash_Mountain - Rest In Peace Phil. YNWA
80. Zarababe - Goodby fella, the memory of you will live on and on ....
81. Hebz - I wish I had joined sooner, so I could talk Liverpool with you. a pure legand. you'll be missed on the forum and elsewhere. Rest In Peace, you'll never walk alone, ever
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Location: Coventry

Postby EddieC » Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:59 am

1. Joko & Mom - Get well soonest and YNWA, Phil! (we know you can cope, good man, keep getting better - joko's mom)
2. anfieldadorer - YNWA and god bless you, mate!
3. cheesecrackernuts - see you tomorrow on this forum, drummer
4. peewee- keep fighting phil, you can come back
5. NiftyNeil - Best wishes Phil, the lads will do you proud tomorrow.
6. dward - Get well soon Phil. All our thoughts and prayers are will you. Keep fighting. You'll Never Walk Alone.
7. LFC #1 - All the best to you and your family Phil mate, we're all thinking of you. YNWA
8. Bamaga - Get well soon Phil, Walk On
9. Dawson99 - Drummerphil, we all love ya mate, walk on and see you on here real soon
10. Laza  -  Get well soon D-Phil, No retreat No surrender
11. ckay -  Best wishes Phil. YNWA
12. babu - Come Phil u can beat this.
13. SouthCoastShankly - Get Well Soon mate. I need some betting tips!
14. 2520years - Never give up, even if you're 3-0 down.  YNWA.
15. thrgreedo - You're in Istanbul at 1/2 time Phil, you know the rest! YNWA!
16 kidder- get well soon mate. my thoughts and prayers are with you and ya family YNWA.
17. TommyCockles - get well soon mate - we're all thinking of you.
18. Leonmc0708 - Phil mate, through the wind and rain, you'll never walk alone. Karen and family thoughts prayers and best wishes are yours.
19. Red37 - all our hopes and dreams are on your side phil mate. you can win this battle! keep the faith...
20. JMac - Get well soon Phil
21. The Ace1983 - You Can Beat this, Phil. Keep fightin' Buddy. YNWA
22. Ciggy: Walk on Phil with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone my friend.
23. JBG - Hang in there Phil
24. andy_g: a big love to you and all your family, phil mate. keep strong, brother.
25. Woollyback: keep fighting Phil my friend, you're a tough cookie. At the end of the storm is a golden sky...
26.The Red Baron;with hope in OUR hearts YOU will never walk alone,Come on you mighty RED.
27. Maximus - My thoughts are with you an your family Phil, hang in there buddy
28. 7_Kewell-Don't you be going anywhere! Our glory days have returned and your team needs you!  So get well soon.
29. ToTinho- get well soon brother, my thoughts are with u and your family , YNWA
30.  john craig - I can only echo what everyone else has said - everyone's rooting for you.
31. Bad Bob -- Walk On Phil and family...we're right there with you
32. Lando. Thoughts and prayers for you mate. Best of luck. We all miss you dude.
33. Cool Hand Luke - You will truely never walk alone, there are many who love and support you.
34. Sabre - The respect you've achieved has reached abroad.
35. GOAT - Walk on Phil, We're all thinking of you
36. Woof Woof - Come on Phil , I know you're gonna wanna be with us when we win the prem next season , hang in there mate .
37. Stmichael - get well soon Phil. You will truly never walk alone.
38. Reinas No.1 Fan - keep on drumming Phil get well soon mate YNWA!!!!
39. Zarababe - Hey Fella you are a legend, enshrined on these pages forever... prayers and best wishes with you always !
40. Fivecups - No matter what hardships come - keep fighting, keep positive and enjoy your life.
41. DrTNT - Phil your an excellent poster and wish you all the luck in beating your illness, YNWA
42. Kazza 1 - My thoughts are with you and your family. Get well soon!! YNWA, X.
43.Redsince2001- Keep the faith .I'm praying for you everyday.!!I'm sure U'll be back soon!
44. Gaunt - YNWA Phil, hope you get well soon mate, i enjoyed your posts, especially the fight with Chelsea forever lol
45 Igor Zidane.... keep strong phil YNWA.
46. s.ward - I've seen your posts and I wish you the best! YNWA!
47. A.B. - Hang in there, you can do this. Prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family
48.Feeney - We were 3-0 down Phil, you know the score, keep fightin YNWA
49.Richardlfc1 - Ynwa phil god bless your sole keep fighting mate
50. Kukilon - You will never walk alone.
51. Dundalk - Hang in there phil we are all praying for you
52. Garymac - YNWA Phil, Thinking about you and your family always, Dont stop fighting mate
53. daxy1 seen your posts phil and seen the friends you have here YNWA..ALL THE BEST
54. Gareth G - Hang in there Phil, best wishes.
55. mrsdrummerphil - I love you sweetheart, please don't leave me xxx.
56. Hawkmoon - Remember fortress Anfield - play to the whistle - never give up! We're all thinking/praying for you.  Keep the faith.
57. supersub - keep up the fight Phil, we'll do the praying.
58. Mikz- Battle on ol soldier, God Knows we are praying for ya mate.
59. Scottbot - You can get well again. We believe you can do it.
60. RAFABENITEZ - keep fighting on! 
61. Alonso14 - Hang in there Drummer.
62. Ace Ventura - Phil thinking of you and your family, YNWA mate
63. RUSHIE#9 - Keep fighting this Phil, we're ALL rooting and praying for ya matey! YNWA
64.Rage uk—best wishes to you m8 walk on
65. Lionheart - it's not over until the fat lady sings and she hasn't even taken a deep breath yet. YNWA Phil mate.
Oops. (sorry guys) 
66. LFCNUTTER- You can beat this Phil, look forward to your posts soon
67. Phil - you the man. YNWA to you mate and karen. Get back here fella
68. God Bless you phil, keep fighting and i know God is on your side
69.H_K_LFC -  Stick in there Phil,hope ya enjoyed the F.A Cup final mate.
70. adamnbarrett - Come on phil, never give up. Keep fighting. Nothing is impossible. You'll Never Walk Alone
71. Sparky and Mrs Sparkz - Keep fighting phil and karen we are thinking about you and look forward to seeing you back on the forum !!! Y N W A !!
72. -Rafa- - Get well soon mate, you can beat this. YNWA
73. Coddy - Your a friend to some, an inspiration to much more.
74. Rafa-Dodd  -  Keep fighting Big Fella. You'll Never Walk Alone.
75. jkop - My family and i wish the drummerphil clan all the best.
76. Ola Mr Benitez - YNWA
77. s@int - God bless you, YNWA
78. Sundy - YNWA Phil... Will be sorely missed on this forum
79. Kash_Mountain - Rest In Peace Phil. YNWA
80. Zarababe - Goodby fella, the memory of you will live on and on ....
81. Hebz - I wish I had joined sooner, so I could talk Liverpool with you. a pure legand. you'll be missed on the forum and elsewhere. Rest In Peace, you'll never walk alone, ever
82. EddieC - RIP Phil, gone but never forgotten. YNWA
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Postby kazza 1 » Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:21 am

1. Joko & Mom - Get well soonest and YNWA, Phil! (we know you can cope, good man, keep getting better - joko's mom)
2. anfieldadorer - YNWA and god bless you, mate!
3. cheesecrackernuts - see you tomorrow on this forum, drummer
4. peewee- keep fighting phil, you can come back
5. NiftyNeil - Best wishes Phil, the lads will do you proud tomorrow.
6. dward - Get well soon Phil. All our thoughts and prayers are will you. Keep fighting. You'll Never Walk Alone.
7. LFC #1 - All the best to you and your family Phil mate, we're all thinking of you. YNWA
8. Bamaga - Get well soon Phil, Walk On
9. Dawson99 - Drummerphil, we all love ya mate, walk on and see you on here real soon
10. Laza  -  Get well soon D-Phil, No retreat No surrender
11. ckay -  Best wishes Phil. YNWA
12. babu - Come Phil u can beat this.
13. SouthCoastShankly - Get Well Soon mate. I need some betting tips!
14. 2520years - Never give up, even if you're 3-0 down.  YNWA.
15. thrgreedo - You're in Istanbul at 1/2 time Phil, you know the rest! YNWA!
16 kidder- get well soon mate. my thoughts and prayers are with you and ya family YNWA.
17. TommyCockles - get well soon mate - we're all thinking of you.
18. Leonmc0708 - Phil mate, through the wind and rain, you'll never walk alone. Karen and family thoughts prayers and best wishes are yours.
19. Red37 - all our hopes and dreams are on your side phil mate. you can win this battle! keep the faith...
20. JMac - Get well soon Phil
21. The Ace1983 - You Can Beat this, Phil. Keep fightin' Buddy. YNWA
22. Ciggy: Walk on Phil with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone my friend.
23. JBG - Hang in there Phil
24. andy_g: a big love to you and all your family, phil mate. keep strong, brother.
25. Woollyback: keep fighting Phil my friend, you're a tough cookie. At the end of the storm is a golden sky...
26.The Red Baron;with hope in OUR hearts YOU will never walk alone,Come on you mighty RED.
27. Maximus - My thoughts are with you an your family Phil, hang in there buddy
28. 7_Kewell-Don't you be going anywhere! Our glory days have returned and your team needs you!  So get well soon.
29. ToTinho- get well soon brother, my thoughts are with u and your family , YNWA
30.  john craig - I can only echo what everyone else has said - everyone's rooting for you.
31. Bad Bob -- Walk On Phil and family...we're right there with you
32. Lando. Thoughts and prayers for you mate. Best of luck. We all miss you dude.
33. Cool Hand Luke - You will truely never walk alone, there are many who love and support you.
34. Sabre - The respect you've achieved has reached abroad.
35. GOAT - Walk on Phil, We're all thinking of you
36. Woof Woof - Come on Phil , I know you're gonna wanna be with us when we win the prem next season , hang in there mate .
37. Stmichael - get well soon Phil. You will truly never walk alone.
38. Reinas No.1 Fan - keep on drumming Phil get well soon mate YNWA!!!!
39. Zarababe - Hey Fella you are a legend, enshrined on these pages forever... prayers and best wishes with you always !
40. Fivecups - No matter what hardships come - keep fighting, keep positive and enjoy your life.
41. DrTNT - Phil your an excellent poster and wish you all the luck in beating your illness, YNWA
42. Kazza 1 - My thoughts are with you and your family. Get well soon!! YNWA, X.
43.Redsince2001- Keep the faith .I'm praying for you everyday.!!I'm sure U'll be back soon!
44. Gaunt - YNWA Phil, hope you get well soon mate, i enjoyed your posts, especially the fight with Chelsea forever lol
45 Igor Zidane.... keep strong phil YNWA.
46. s.ward - I've seen your posts and I wish you the best! YNWA!
47. A.B. - Hang in there, you can do this. Prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family
48.Feeney - We were 3-0 down Phil, you know the score, keep fightin YNWA
49.Richardlfc1 - Ynwa phil god bless your sole keep fighting mate
50. Kukilon - You will never walk alone.
51. Dundalk - Hang in there phil we are all praying for you
52. Garymac - YNWA Phil, Thinking about you and your family always, Dont stop fighting mate
53. daxy1 seen your posts phil and seen the friends you have here YNWA..ALL THE BEST
54. Gareth G - Hang in there Phil, best wishes.
55. mrsdrummerphil - I love you sweetheart, please don't leave me xxx.
56. Hawkmoon - Remember fortress Anfield - play to the whistle - never give up! We're all thinking/praying for you.  Keep the faith.
57. supersub - keep up the fight Phil, we'll do the praying.
58. Mikz- Battle on ol soldier, God Knows we are praying for ya mate.
59. Scottbot - You can get well again. We believe you can do it.
60. RAFABENITEZ - keep fighting on! 
61. Alonso14 - Hang in there Drummer.
62. Ace Ventura - Phil thinking of you and your family, YNWA mate
63. RUSHIE#9 - Keep fighting this Phil, we're ALL rooting and praying for ya matey! YNWA
64.Rage uk—best wishes to you m8 walk on
65. Lionheart - it's not over until the fat lady sings and she hasn't even taken a deep breath yet. YNWA Phil mate.
Oops. (sorry guys) 
66. LFCNUTTER- You can beat this Phil, look forward to your posts soon
67. Phil - you the man. YNWA to you mate and karen. Get back here fella
68. God Bless you phil, keep fighting and i know God is on your side
69.H_K_LFC -  Stick in there Phil,hope ya enjoyed the F.A Cup final mate.
70. adamnbarrett - Come on phil, never give up. Keep fighting. Nothing is impossible. You'll Never Walk Alone
71. Sparky and Mrs Sparkz - Keep fighting phil and karen we are thinking about you and look forward to seeing you back on the forum !!! Y N W A !!
72. -Rafa- - Get well soon mate, you can beat this. YNWA
73. Coddy - Your a friend to some, an inspiration to much more.
74. Rafa-Dodd  -  Keep fighting Big Fella. You'll Never Walk Alone.
75. jkop - My family and i wish the drummerphil clan all the best.
76. Ola Mr Benitez - YNWA
77. s@int - God bless you, YNWA
78. Sundy - YNWA Phil... Will be sorely missed on this forum
79. Kash_Mountain - Rest In Peace Phil. YNWA
80. Zarababe - Goodby fella, the memory of you will live on and on ....
81. Hebz - I wish I had joined sooner, so I could talk Liverpool with you. a pure legand. you'll be missed on the forum and elsewhere. Rest In Peace, you'll never walk alone, ever
82. EddieC - RIP Phil, gone but never forgotten. YNWA
83. Kazza 1 - RIP Phil. YNWA
Gone but never forgotten
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Postby kidder » Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:17 am

84 God Bless And GoodNight R.I.P... Y.N.W.A :(

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Postby zarababe » Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:03 pm




Miss YOU Phil-Drummer - RIP YNWA


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Postby matrix » Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:47 pm

your strenth was totally amazing...  RIP MY DEAR FRIEND...  YNWA...

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Postby 7_Kewell » Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:59 pm

85- See you on the other side fella. Your spirit will always live here.
“You cannot transfer the heart and soul of Liverpool Football Club, although I am sure there are many clubs who would like to buy it.”
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