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Postby 76-1115222408 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:19 pm

Garymac wrote:
jonnymac1979 wrote:Never heard of it JBG.  What's that other stuff called?  The really dangerous sh!t?  You're only allowed one shot of it a night in some Liverpool bars.  Can't think of the name.

There it's just popped in there!!!!  ABSINTHE!!!  I've never had that.  Anyone ever had that?  Gary surely has!! :D

I'm actually a fan of Aftershock.  A week or two back, I was in the Jacaranda with my mates on a Friday night.  I'd had a skinful at this point, and me and my mate were at the bar and I ordered two Aftershocks.  It went down too fast though.  As soon as I had drank it, I stepped into the gents, promptly threw my guts up, wiped my mouth with my sleeve and carried on drinking.  I was all the better for it as well.  Cleared my stomach.

Was absolutely rat-ar$ed.

In the reveloution in town they put this sugary looking thing on fire for about 30 seconds then drop it in the absinthe which in turn sets that on fire and then they stir it until it goes out and as soon as it goes out you drink it, I thought i handled it quite well untill 20 minutes later i was dancing like a n0bhead, it sends you well and truly sideways but if you dont mind making a right t!t off yourself, its well worth a try........And i can reveal to LFC 1 that i saw no fairys from what i can remember!!!

Jonny in the Jacaranda are the pints still about £1 20 and the jukebox still a pound for 10 songs?? We used to go there after work in me old place about 2 years ago but havent been back, you couldnt walk out of there sober, it was a permenent happy hour!!!

Thats it G-Mac, the sugary stuff (as i said ) and then you light the drink or something, yea thats what we done.

Again though people if you have'nt already, make sure at some point you try:


It is at the same time, both the BEST and WORST drink i have EVER had.

PS - Did you lot know that the best thing for SUNBURN is to put the drink OUZO on your skin and it will help sooth and heal it a lot quicker.
All WHITE spirits will help, but Ouzo is the best!!!

Just thought i would pass on that frivellous peice of information to you lot!!!   :lookaround

Postby LFC #1 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:14 pm

It's spelt frivolous, another bit of frivolous information. :D
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Postby Garymac » Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:30 pm

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:PS - Did you lot know that the best thing for SUNBURN is to put the drink OUZO on your skin and it will help sooth and heal it a lot quicker.
All WHITE spirits will help, but Ouzo is the best!!!

Just thought i would pass on that frivellous peice of information to you lot!!!   :lookaround

I thought you meant the Ouzo would help ease sunburn if you drank it straight from the bottle as being paraletic would numb the pain!

Youre right though, it is another frivolous piece of info
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:16 pm


I would expect YOU to think that G-Mac you bloody Alki !!!! :p :laugh:


Postby woof woof ! » Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:37 pm

Garymac wrote:In the reveloution in town they put this sugary looking thing on fire for about 30 seconds then drop it in the absinthe which in turn sets that on fire and then they stir it until it goes out and as soon as it goes out you drink it,

The "sugary stuff" is in fact sugar  !   :D

Teaspoon of sugar doused in absinthe ,burnt until it starts to bubble and then stirred into the glass.

The Hallucinogen ingredient in absinthe was the oil from the wormwood tree, also very toxic and even low dosage could kill  thats why it was eventually banned .To the best of my knowledge today's legalised absinthe no longer contains wormwood oil ,any one claiming to hallucinate on it is obviously still coming down from the previous nights acid trip .

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Postby Garymac » Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:44 pm

woof woof ! wrote:The "sugary stuff" is in fact sugar  !   :D

yet another piece of frivolous information!!!....The things ive learnt on this thread, Ouzo cures sunburn, Sugar is in actual fact Sugar, Im off to sign up for Mensa........My drink problem just looks a bit glorified on this forum, i just get excited talking about ale when not drinking it, like now!
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Postby JC_81 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:39 pm

Absinthe.  Jesus.  That stuff is lethal.

Remember when I was 19 or so I had a few shots of that at the end of the night when i was already fu.cked.  Next thing I knew I was putting coins into the lock of my back door.  My mate later informed me that I had thought i was playing a slot machine.  The coins are stuck in there to this day!!  I also spewed in my sleep that night which is pretty damn dangerous, so I've not touched the stuff since.  Beer or vodka these days for me!!
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Postby steppenwolf » Fri Jul 22, 2005 7:46 pm

ice cold vodka on its own, you cant beat it
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:28 pm

Gary, I was out with Neil last night.  Fell asleep again.  Left him in some boozer!!!! He's an absolute fu*king crackpot!!!!! :D :laugh: :D :laugh: :D

Postby Garymac » Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:46 pm

jonnymac1979 wrote:Gary, I was out with Neil last night.  Fell asleep again.  Left him in some boozer!!!! He's an absolute fu*king crackpot!!!!! :D :laugh: :D :laugh: :D

Haha Good stuff Jonny, Did u go out round your way or was you in town? Me mate in work falls a kip everytime we go out, one time in lloyds he went the bar to get the round in and fell a kip on the bar!! I stayed by ares friday for a bit of kareoke, Me speciality is livin on a prayer, brought the fu*kin house down!!!
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:57 pm

Yeah, in Town mate on Friday.  Was upstairs in the Revolution, can't remember where I ended up though.  Might have been Havana.  Ended up in a fu*king house in Toxteth drinking all night and listening to Michael Jacksons Bad album!!!  Got home 13:00pm yesterday afternoon.  Had a can of Carling before I'd even had a piece of toast yesterday.  Back out for the match last night with the lads, another monster session.  I'm out tonight for a few and then tomorrow night - and this isn't a lie, I'm going on a brewery tour!!!!! 

I've got a sneaky suspicion I'm not going to make it into work on Tuesday!!!

Postby Garymac » Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:16 pm

jonnymac1979 wrote:Yeah, in Town mate on Friday.  Was upstairs in the Revolution, can't remember where I ended up though.  Might have been Havana.  Ended up in a fu*king house in Toxteth drinking all night and listening to Michael Jacksons Bad album!!!  Got home 13:00pm yesterday afternoon.  Had a can of Carling before I'd even had a piece of toast yesterday.  Back out for the match last night with the lads, another monster session.  I'm out tonight for a few and then tomorrow night - and this isn't a lie, I'm going on a brewery tour!!!!! 

I've got a sneaky suspicion I'm not going to make it into work on Tuesday!!!

Hope you tryed the absinthe in the Reveloution....although if you did that is probably why u fell a kip, cant remember anything and ended up listening to the Bad album!!! Think it would be a good idea booking Tuesday off work as well. Brewery tour should be class, in fact i cant think of a better type of tour id like to go on!
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Postby 84-1106852058 » Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:20 pm

ALL THIS TALK OF BOOZE! Iam sitting here with a cup of tea.Iamm supposed to be going to work later :angry: could easily be persueded to go on the ale. :p

Postby Garymac » Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:34 pm

Terrible isnt it TRB im not out till friday (Cos im skint and its payday then!) but god damn am i gonna make the most of it! Jmac is one lucky fecker!
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:59 am

Sorry ladies and gents, I wont be on here much today, I am absolutely disgusted with myself over my antics over this last weekend.  Enough said. :( :( :( :( :(


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