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Postby andy_g » Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:08 am

hot knives - who the hell ever thought they were a good idea?

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Postby Woollyback » Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:12 am

andy_g wrote:hot knives - who the hell ever thought they were a good idea?


for about 10 minutes when i was 15 :sniffle
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Postby Judge » Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:35 pm

does that include chilled forks?
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Postby neil » Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:47 pm

Coming home from Ibiza one year, I had about an eighth left and was sat in the airport, 2 choices- down the bog or smoke it all at once, smoked it. On that plane home I went as white as a f.uckin sheet, buzzed the steward about 15 times in a minuite whilst the food was being given out. Recieved my  paper bag and ran in the bogs to vom and squit all over the f.uckin shop. Tried cleaning it to no avail, flushed the bog about 30 times, gave up and came out to some 100 pairs of disgusted eyeballs. S.hit man, that was one embarrassin flight.
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Postby Judge » Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:52 pm

neil wrote:Coming home from Ibiza one year, I had about an eighth left and was sat in the airport, 2 choices- down the bog or smoke it all at once, smoked it. On that plane home I went as white as a f.uckin sheet, buzzed the steward about 15 times in a minuite whilst the food was being given out. Recieved my  paper bag and ran in the bogs to vom and squit all over the f.uckin shop. Tried cleaning it to no avail, flushed the bog about 30 times, gave up and came out to some 100 pairs of disgusted eyeballs. S.hit man, that was one embarrassin flight.

no disrespect neil as i find you an ok person, but if you ever die from a drug related problem, then i will not shed a tear.

i will feel sorry for your family, due to the stupid act of taking any sort of illegal substance. I also think your drug habits shouldnt be voiced on here, kids log on you know!!

there's nowt funny about smoking what you are on about
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Postby andy_g » Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:53 pm

the dreaded whitey. sh!t man  - i've had my fair share of those. it so often feels like a good idea to smoke a few when you get home p!ssed from the pub.

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Postby Judge » Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:55 pm

each to their own, but in private
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Postby woof woof ! » Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:34 pm

Judge wrote:
neil wrote:Coming home from Ibiza one year, I had about an eighth left and was sat in the airport, 2 choices- down the bog or smoke it all at once, smoked it. On that plane home I went as white as a f.uckin sheet, buzzed the steward about 15 times in a minuite whilst the food was being given out. Recieved my  paper bag and ran in the bogs to vom and squit all over the f.uckin shop. Tried cleaning it to no avail, flushed the bog about 30 times, gave up and came out to some 100 pairs of disgusted eyeballs. S.hit man, that was one embarrassin flight.

no disrespect neil as i find you an ok person, but if you ever die from a drug related problem, then i will not shed a tear.

i will feel sorry for your family, due to the stupid act of taking any sort of illegal substance. I also think your drug habits shouldnt be voiced on here, kids log on you know!!

there's nowt funny about smoking what you are on about

Thats a bit harsh Judge , you after all started this thread . Weeds is about a woman who makes a living from selling Dope . What the f'uck did you expect from the cosmopolitan crew in here ? We'd all be banging our Sally Army drums ? Getting on our soap boxes and proclaiming it's evil .
If your so anti drug why start this thread .   ???

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Postby neil » Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:35 pm

I do not condone these things as I mentioned, its been along time since I have smoked pot. Surely my experience on that occasion ought to dissuade any potential 'users'. Ps put that fag out and leave the beer alone, much much worse.
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Postby Judge » Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:13 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
Judge wrote:
neil wrote:Coming home from Ibiza one year, I had about an eighth left and was sat in the airport, 2 choices- down the bog or smoke it all at once, smoked it. On that plane home I went as white as a f.uckin sheet, buzzed the steward about 15 times in a minuite whilst the food was being given out. Recieved my  paper bag and ran in the bogs to vom and squit all over the f.uckin shop. Tried cleaning it to no avail, flushed the bog about 30 times, gave up and came out to some 100 pairs of disgusted eyeballs. S.hit man, that was one embarrassin flight.

no disrespect neil as i find you an ok person, but if you ever die from a drug related problem, then i will not shed a tear.

i will feel sorry for your family, due to the stupid act of taking any sort of illegal substance. I also think your drug habits shouldnt be voiced on here, kids log on you know!!

there's nowt funny about smoking what you are on about

Thats a bit harsh Judge , you after all started this thread . Weeds is about a woman who makes a living from selling Dope . What the f'uck did you expect from the cosmopolitan crew in here ? We'd all be banging our Sally Army drums ? Getting on our soap boxes and proclaiming it's evil .
If your so anti drug why start this thread .   ???

i take your point woof. but if you look at my original comments, i noticed that a drug den was called ''pablo escobar'', and he posts here. you know, him from poland.

ive never said i saw the program, but have seen the adverts. I assume it will show a women struggling to find money?? im not totally anti drugs, as canabis can help ease the suffering for folk with MS, so it is medicinal.

soz for any offence to anyone, i know your not abusers
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Thu Oct 13, 2005 4:57 pm

Judge wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:
Judge wrote:
neil wrote:Coming home from Ibiza one year, I had about an eighth left and was sat in the airport, 2 choices- down the bog or smoke it all at once, smoked it. On that plane home I went as white as a f.uckin sheet, buzzed the steward about 15 times in a minuite whilst the food was being given out. Recieved my  paper bag and ran in the bogs to vom and squit all over the f.uckin shop. Tried cleaning it to no avail, flushed the bog about 30 times, gave up and came out to some 100 pairs of disgusted eyeballs. S.hit man, that was one embarrassin flight.

no disrespect neil as i find you an ok person, but if you ever die from a drug related problem, then i will not shed a tear.

i will feel sorry for your family, due to the stupid act of taking any sort of illegal substance. I also think your drug habits shouldnt be voiced on here, kids log on you know!!

there's nowt funny about smoking what you are on about

Thats a bit harsh Judge , you after all started this thread . Weeds is about a woman who makes a living from selling Dope . What the f'uck did you expect from the cosmopolitan crew in here ? We'd all be banging our Sally Army drums ? Getting on our soap boxes and proclaiming it's evil .
If your so anti drug why start this thread .   ???

i take your point woof. but if you look at my original comments, i noticed that a drug den was called ''pablo escobar'', and he posts here. you know, him from poland.

ive never said i saw the program, but have seen the adverts. I assume it will show a women struggling to find money?? im not totally anti drugs, as canabis can help ease the suffering for folk with MS, so it is medicinal.

soz for any offence to anyone, i know your not abusers

Judge you f.ucking p.ussy!!!

Be a man and stand up for what you really think FFS!!!

What you said to Neil, wasnt even as bad as wat you said to me (wonder why?) but now you are backtracking, because of what Woof said in reply!!!

FFS, stop trying to please eveyone. You are nothing but a hypocrit, you STARTED the thread (with the obligatory mention of me of course ???) but feel the need to complain about drugs.

TBH I dont care either way, but stop changinf your tune, a la 'its medicinal'. F.uck where did that come from!!!

Plus, you only started on Neil,because I mentioned you had done it before to me and it would have shown a double standard. If you really meant what you said to Neil, then you would have stated so in your initial post!!!

Anyway, you are a drinker, NO? ALCOHOL IS A DRUG TOO!! Only difference is it is LEGAL!!!  Thats all!!

Is there not more drinking related deaths (at any age) and FAMILIES ruined or women beaten due to alcohol and its influence compared to Marijuana/Cannabis!!!

I agree with the fact it shouldnt be glorified etc; as there could be little kids etc; but stop playing like you are Mr. Innocent.
Put it like this, I would rather be a smoker, than come up with some of the utter rubbish you do!!  And you say these things without being 'buzzing' .

Postby Judge » Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:17 pm

:sleep what what....who said that :D

to answer your question LA, i dont drink, so fu'ck you  :p

neil, your ok man, LA dont like it when he's not the centre of attention.  wuhahahahaha  :D Trouble is the only pussy he's had is the grey tabby down the road, and that had to think twice  :D
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:27 pm

Typical k.nobhead, trying to deflect attention with very weak humour.
Earlier you apoligised, oh, but I forgot, it was one of your bum-chums wasnt it!!  That makes sense then

As for being centre of attention............PLEASE......You are the one that will mention me at the drop of a hat, first post in this thread is proof of that.

As I said before stop trying to please everyone Judge. Look I am not arguing or anything here, just that its funny how I got lambasted for this months ago and the post deleted (because Judge complained to Mods!) but then you START a thread on 'drugs' or a programme about 'drugs', what did you expect the response to be?
Also when I did what Neil did in his first post in this thread, it wasnt out of 'glorification', it was actually because someone was trying to take the p.iss and thought I was some youngster who doesnt have a clue about drugs!!!!

Anyway, seen as the thread is still open and others are atlking about drugs, then so shall I:

All I will say is DOUBLE ZERO.
Some will know what I am on about!!!   :p


Postby Woollyback » Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:28 pm

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:Typical k.nobhead, trying to deflect attention with very weak humour.
Earlier you apoligised, oh, but I forgot, it was one of your bum-chums wasnt it!!  That makes sense then

As for being centre of attention............PLEASE......You are the one that will mention me at the drop of a hat, first post in this thread is proof of that.

As I said before stop trying to please everyone Judge. Look I am not arguing or anything here, just that its funny how I got lambasted for this months ago and the post deleted (because Judge complained to Mods!) but then you START a thread on 'drugs' or a programme about 'drugs', what did you expect the response to be?
Also when I did what Neil did in his first post in this thread, it wasnt out of 'glorification', it was actually because someone was trying to take the p.iss and thought I was some youngster who doesnt have a clue about drugs!!!!

Anyway, seen as the thread is still open and others are atlking about drugs, then so shall I:

All I will say is DOUBLE ZERO.
Some will know what I am on about!!!   :p


f*ckin hell some things stand the test of time, can you still get that stuff?  :suspect:
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Postby JBG » Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:32 pm

Can't beat a bit of the ol' snuff.
Jolly Bob Grumbine.
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