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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:26 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:Kharhaz that was out of order talking about someones private life mate.

I didnt start this thread to try and get people arguing even more or get anyone banned.

I started it because i feel Mick and ace did not deserve being banned, and i genuinely feel there is an agenda against them by one mod.

well said Ben ,

Do you know what though i havnt posted in this thread until this mornin, i dont think i have anyway , an to be honest im not ar,sed who get cards wether it be Ciggy , or Mick or anyone else , because its not real , yes at the end of theday its peoples opinions and they will all differ , but unless you know the person personally you can never know what there true opinions are, If Ciggy get a card thats down to her , if Mick or me or you get a card thats down to us. People are big enough an ugly enough to surely not let what happens rgarding a footie dissgussion get in the way ofthere everyday lives, You go the match same as i do , and im sure like me you have dissagreed and arued with strangers regarding everything LFC , an you move on , no problem why because youll most prob end up disagreeing the next match with someone next to you , You believe that it waswrong for Bigmick an Ace to get banned , thats your opinion and you have expressed that its allowed , It justs annoyes me when things always turn personal when people who dont know each other from Adam think yeh thats about right . its wrong so wrong .
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:28 pm

the forum has lost the plot, kharhaz was bang out of order but now hes the scapegoat papering over the cracks on everything that is wrong with this place, im juts gonna say it how it is now... about 10 of us should be banned for recent ruining of the threads, me included, but there are others... not for me to say who but until there is actual honesty about everyone whos out of order whats the point?
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Postby Igor Zidane » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:33 pm

So who do you love more ?


There's only one way were gonna find out

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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:33 pm

dawson99 wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:You forgot add that BM creates half the problems on here with his constant labelling of people and creating of these so called groups which wind people up and he knows it . Don't be acting as if people like yourself and BM are innocent in all this - it takes two to tango .

exactly, it takes 2, i admit that, but when will others?

lock this thread. ban me and Thommo, get everyone taking the pi$$ out of Roy an make a Rafa statue and it'll all be fine

you see Daws that is exacly what i mean , you sound like the class snob whos had there dinner money taken from the poor kid,
I dont give a shi,t if i get a card off some fella behind a telly screen, its not real and thats what people are failing to realise , they think its the end of the world if they get a card . there life is gonna fall apart , why because of a yellow pic on a telly screne , behave .
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Postby neil » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:38 pm

telly screen :D
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:42 pm

NANNY RED wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:You forgot add that BM creates half the problems on here with his constant labelling of people and creating of these so called groups which wind people up and he knows it . Don't be acting as if people like yourself and BM are innocent in all this - it takes two to tango .

exactly, it takes 2, i admit that, but when will others?

lock this thread. ban me and Thommo, get everyone taking the pi$$ out of Roy an make a Rafa statue and it'll all be fine

you see Daws that is exacly what i mean , you sound like the class snob whos had there dinner money taken from the poor kid,
I dont give a shi,t if i get a card off some fella behind a telly screen, its not real and thats what people are failing to realise , they think its the end of the world if they get a card . there life is gonna fall apart , why because of a yellow pic on a telly screne , behave .

a class snob?

fuck off mate.

you are just a condescending little girl mate, im saying it how it is. yeah i flame, but so do you, so do many others, but as soon as 'we' do you lot all get upset and cry.. its embarressing to be honest, whilst im just laughing away, bored with it, less than bothered anymore but disgusted at the hypocracy at the same time.

so what do we do now? lets have anarchy, destroy the whole fucking place, or the mods can ban me and you Benny, then everyone else will behave.
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Postby Ben Patrick » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:45 pm

NANNY RED wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:You forgot add that BM creates half the problems on here with his constant labelling of people and creating of these so called groups which wind people up and he knows it . Don't be acting as if people like yourself and BM are innocent in all this - it takes two to tango .

exactly, it takes 2, i admit that, but when will others?

lock this thread. ban me and Thommo, get everyone taking the pi$$ out of Roy an make a Rafa statue and it'll all be fine

you see Daws that is exacly what i mean , you sound like the class snob whos had there dinner money taken from the poor kid,
I dont give a shi,t if i get a card off some fella behind a telly screen, its not real and thats what people are failing to realise , they think its the end of the world if they get a card . there life is gonna fall apart , why because of a yellow pic on a telly screne , behave .

San i totally agree about things on here not being the be all and end all and that.
But am one of those people that think if something is not fair then i will say.
I know mick and ace might of at times stirred it up a bit, but to be banned was OTT.
Ciggy last night accused me of trying to get her banned.
There is no way i would ever ask anyone to be banned, not sure where she was getting that from.

I am fine with people havinga different opinion than mine, who am i to say i am right blah blah blah ?

At the end of the day it is only an internet forum and i wont lose any sleep over what goes on but i dont like just sitting back and watching when things are not right.
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Postby Igor Zidane » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:53 pm

I got a bollocking for putting a roy sacked thread up , no card though . Must be because i swallowed instead of spat . Ive never had a card since i've been posting . I've had a few near miss's like ,but never actually had one . Is that because the mods are biased towards me or because i heed a warning and shItmyself  . I reckon it's the latter . Some are like dogs with bones and don't let it lie . It's in every post in every thread in a suttle way and it's only intention is to get people 's backs up . We can all see it ,we aren't stupid (except for rocky like ) ,you either bite or you ignore  Sometimes i bite and sometimes i ignore .
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:53 pm

Igor Zidane wrote:I got a bollocking for putting a roy sacked thread up , no card though . Must be because i swallowed instead of spat . Ive never had a card since i've been posting . I've had a few near miss's like ,but never actually had one . Is that because the mods are biased towards me or because i heed a warning and shItmyself  . I reckon it's the latter . Some are like dogs with bones and don't let it lie . It's in every post in every thread in a suttle way and it's only intention is to get people 's backs up . We can all see it ,we aren't stupid (except for rocky like ) ,you either bite or you ignore  Sometimes i bite and sometimes i ignore .

do you always swallow?

(yeah, thats as far as i read)
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Postby Ben Patrick » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:59 pm

Igor Zidane wrote:I got a bollocking for putting a roy sacked thread up , no card though . Must be because i swallowed instead of spat . Ive never had a card since i've been posting . I've had a few near miss's like ,but never actually had one . Is that because the mods are biased towards me or because i heed a warning and shItmyself  . I reckon it's the latter . Some are like dogs with bones and don't let it lie . It's in every post in every thread in a suttle way and it's only intention is to get people 's backs up . We can all see it ,we aren't stupid (except for rocky like ) ,you either bite or you ignore  Sometimes i bite and sometimes i ignore .

igor i know exactly where your coming from, and i agree that mick and ace probably have wound people up at times and may have deserved a card here and there.
Its the fact that they are left on 4 cards so they are 1 step away from a ban all of the time.
There are other posters that get left alone that wind it up the opposite way.
All's i am saying is it isnt right that.

By the way i have also never had a card either.

I asked for mine as i thought i looked like a big girl without one  :D
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:09 pm

dawson99 wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:You forgot add that BM creates half the problems on here with his constant labelling of people and creating of these so called groups which wind people up and he knows it . Don't be acting as if people like yourself and BM are innocent in all this - it takes two to tango .

exactly, it takes 2, i admit that, but when will others?

lock this thread. ban me and Thommo, get everyone taking the pi$$ out of Roy an make a Rafa statue and it'll all be fine

you see Daws that is exacly what i mean , you sound like the class snob whos had there dinner money taken from the poor kid,
I dont give a shi,t if i get a card off some fella behind a telly screen, its not real and thats what people are failing to realise , they think its the end of the world if they get a card . there life is gonna fall apart , why because of a yellow pic on a telly screne , behave .

a class snob?

fuck off mate.

you are just a condescending little girl mate, im saying it how it is. yeah i flame, but so do you, so do many others, but as soon as 'we' do you lot all get upset and cry.. its embarressing to be honest, whilst im just laughing away, bored with it, less than bothered anymore but disgusted at the hypocracy at the same time.

so what do we do now? lets have anarchy, destroy the whole fucking place, or the mods can ban me and you Benny, then everyone else will behave.

Now that made me laugh , well the fu,ck off mate did anyway, you see Daws id sooner be spoken to straight like that than anyone going round the houses havin sneaky digs , Nothin wrong with being told to feck off ,

But condecending little girl im not ,a know it all  arl bas,tard maybe . look i say exacly the same thing on here as what i do at the match or if i met any of yous in the real world away from the telly scene ,
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Postby Igor Zidane » Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:10 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:I got a bollocking for putting a roy sacked thread up , no card though . Must be because i swallowed instead of spat . Ive never had a card since i've been posting . I've had a few near miss's like ,but never actually had one . Is that because the mods are biased towards me or because i heed a warning and shItmyself  . I reckon it's the latter . Some are like dogs with bones and don't let it lie . It's in every post in every thread in a suttle way and it's only intention is to get people 's backs up . We can all see it ,we aren't stupid (except for rocky like ) ,you either bite or you ignore  Sometimes i bite and sometimes i ignore .

igor i know exactly where your coming from, and i agree that mick and ace probably have wound people up at times and may have deserved a card here and there.
Its the fact that they are left on 4 cards so they are 1 step away from a ban all of the time.
There are other posters that get left alone that wind it up the opposite way.
All's i am saying is it isnt right that.

By the way i have also never had a card either.

I asked for mine as i thought i looked like a big girl without one  :D

Well you deserve one for being from bl00dy birkenhead. I wasn't just talking about mick and ace . There's a few posters from whatever opinion they come from that do it . You either bite and come back with the insults aswell or you try and argue the toss in a constructive way . I'm the total opposite of mick in my opinion ,but i can have a discussion with him without us falling out .I don't wind him up and he doesn't me . He'll pull me up on some stuff and i will him , but never resort to abuse . I've had the same convo's with you ben and daws , so it's up to us to act with abit of maturity when having a debate . I've been guilty in the past of going over the top as have all of us , but surley the best thing to do is not bite .
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:14 pm

thats why you rock igor, i bite too much, i admit it all the time, things just get to me.. and the verbal diorrhea starts
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Postby Ben Patrick » Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:18 pm

Igor Zidane wrote:
Ben Patrick wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:I got a bollocking for putting a roy sacked thread up , no card though . Must be because i swallowed instead of spat . Ive never had a card since i've been posting . I've had a few near miss's like ,but never actually had one . Is that because the mods are biased towards me or because i heed a warning and shItmyself  . I reckon it's the latter . Some are like dogs with bones and don't let it lie . It's in every post in every thread in a suttle way and it's only intention is to get people 's backs up . We can all see it ,we aren't stupid (except for rocky like ) ,you either bite or you ignore  Sometimes i bite and sometimes i ignore .

igor i know exactly where your coming from, and i agree that mick and ace probably have wound people up at times and may have deserved a card here and there.
Its the fact that they are left on 4 cards so they are 1 step away from a ban all of the time.
There are other posters that get left alone that wind it up the opposite way.
All's i am saying is it isnt right that.

By the way i have also never had a card either.

I asked for mine as i thought i looked like a big girl without one  :D

Well you deserve one for being from bl00dy birkenhead. I wasn't just talking about mick and ace . There's a few posters from whatever opinion they come from that do it . You either bite and come back with the insults aswell or you try and argue the toss in a constructive way . I'm the total opposite of mick in my opinion ,but i can have a discussion with him without us falling out .I don't wind him up and he doesn't me . He'll pull me up on some stuff and i will him , but never resort to abuse . I've had the same convo's with you ben and daws , so it's up to us to act with abit of maturity when having a debate . I've been guilty in the past of going over the top as have all of us , but surley the best thing to do is not bite .

cant disagree with any of that mate.
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Postby andy_g » Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:34 pm

i had toast this morning

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