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Postby Mikz » Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:27 pm

peewee wrote:
Mikz wrote:sometimes I try to think what the world would be like if it was Godless  :no

i think there will be less wars and less hatred, but thats just my opinion mate and who knows? i could be 100% wrong and if god ever shows himself then i will hold my hands up and take whatever punishment is coming.

although if i ask for forgivness doesnt he have to forgive me   

:;):  :D

Couldnt disagree more brother! Take away the biblical laws and remove God and I assure ya, thered be serious incest and death and a few more things goin missin. :D We could always invade the isle of man  :buttrock

Well if you ask for forgiveness peter, than that shows a lack of faith, so instead of asking , just assume that its already been granted  :;):
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Postby Woollyback » Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:31 pm

Mikz wrote:
peewee wrote:
Mikz wrote:Sorry brothers, but there is a God. Ive been in a very bad situation where I actually cried out for him , and he was there in a split second.

well your lucky mikz because there are millions crying out for him everyday and they just get ignored, what happened mikz is that you got yourself out of the problem or had a stroke of luck, its that simple

Im talking about in a situation where you are close to death brother. If them millions you talk about cry out for him he WILL answer in whatever way he sees fit  :)
But it does no harm to actually believe he is there in the first place  :;):

I just cant NOT believe in God , sometimes I try to think what the world would be like if it was Godless  :no

i very very nearly died 2 years ago. i'm not still here because of god, i'm still here because of 21st century pharmaceuticals and medical expertise
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Postby taff » Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:39 pm

I,m not religious but I do respect religion especially the belief and comfort it brings to millions of people, but I also despise the hatred and bigotry it brings to millions.

I do think that we do not know all the answers, not everything is explained by science.  Not everything is resolved by science.  And in a hundred years time people will be looking at us as ignorant, like we look back ourselves.  I genuinely think that as we are an energy force that there is something beyond our comprehension and something that we may never understand, and I for one do not want to understand it.  All religions seem to go in the one direction of this although with differing beliefs and morals. 

I dont want to belittle the argument or sound daft but the force thing in start wars comes close to it for me although I know this is a film but the principles of doing the right thing and a greater energy rings the bells for me.  We are part of a huge universe and we are just one tiny part of it and if you can honestly tell me that this is it then we will never agree to be honest on this subject.
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Postby Judge » Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:43 pm

There isnt a GOD. He/she didnt create the earth and heaven in 6 days and rested on the seventh. what a load!!

science has something bordering on the real answer.

however, i do appreciate faith and belief and do not have a problem with it or with anyone who is religious, as long as they realise and respect my decision as a non-believer
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Postby Mikz » Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:29 pm

Woollyback wrote:
Mikz wrote:
peewee wrote:
Mikz wrote:Sorry brothers, but there is a God. Ive been in a very bad situation where I actually cried out for him , and he was there in a split second.

well your lucky mikz because there are millions crying out for him everyday and they just get ignored, what happened mikz is that you got yourself out of the problem or had a stroke of luck, its that simple

Im talking about in a situation where you are close to death brother. If them millions you talk about cry out for him he WILL answer in whatever way he sees fit  :)
But it does no harm to actually believe he is there in the first place  :;):

I just cant NOT believe in God , sometimes I try to think what the world would be like if it was Godless  :no

i very very nearly died 2 years ago. i'm not still here because of god, i'm still here because of 21st century pharmaceuticals and medical expertise

Then you obviously didnt need God -or had no reason to cry out for him. None of yer tablets could have helped me .
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Postby Woollyback » Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:56 pm

i'm the same as probably most atheists - i respect religion for the hope & comfort it gives to billions of people worldwide but i just can't believe in the presence of any higher intelligence myself. i'd love to really, but i just can't see it. if i'm ever that ill again i'll stick with relying on the drugs ta :)
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Postby red37 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:58 pm

ive seen and heard (what i understand to have been) a spirit. (more apt might be to say some residual footprint of their resonating 'energy' thats left behind in the atmosphere - easy to comprehend now, long after the event. but admittedly at the time i sh@t myself!)  Ive attended open circle at Spiritual church on several occasions. And more often than not, received some kind of 'message' from the medium as a result. (some of which were accurate and relative) I consider my interpretation of the above though to be nothing to do with there being any God whatsoever.  Merely the consideration of there being additional 'planes' along which the Human mind travels. and the as yet, minefield of knowledge and wisdom, Humanity has yet to unearth.  However, if you allow yourself to, or are able to find comfort in the possibility of God/Religion and them playing a part in your own existance. No one can question your beliefs at all. When the complexity of the universe remains largely untapped. There have to be dimensions that exist far beyond the scope of our Brains capacity to acknowledge. Maybe it is better to concede, the prospect of an all powerful omnipresence, is equally yet to be fully revealed and therefore....possible.    (what splinters?)   :D

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Postby Woollyback » Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:01 pm

i'm in touch with the spirit world too

er, sorry i meant spirits cabinet :D
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Postby red37 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:23 pm

Woollyback wrote:i'm in touch with the spirit world too

er, sorry i meant spirits cabinet :D

we gathered that   :D

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Postby account deleted by request » Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:32 pm

I would love to believe in god spirits etc, as it must be a great comfort in times of great sadness. In fact until the death of my parents I did have a some belief in my weaker moments. I just find it hard to believe that a god would help A but let B suffer intolerable pain. Why would any omniscient being need everyone to praise him all the time (im not counting Gerrard :D )

I didnt intend this to become a religion knocking thread so I will change my destination to the time of the Dinasours , and see if it was indeed a comet that wiped them out.
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:36 pm

ok, one final thing on god.

its not that a is helped but b isnt. god did his bit, now its down to us.

there will never be any proof as that would mean that faith is not needed.

Ok, a time machine, id go back to when i was in spain, took some gal back to the hotel room, then when she asked what i wanted to do, i fell unconcious :(

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Postby account deleted by request » Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:40 pm

dawson99 wrote:ok, one final thing on god.

its not that a is helped but b isnt. god did his bit, now its down to us.

there will never be any proof as that would mean that faith is not needed.

Ok, a time machine, id go back to when i was in spain, took some gal back to the hotel room, then when she asked what i wanted to do, i fell unconcious :(


Thats happened to me to mate , out like a light , but I made up for it in the morning.  :cool:
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Postby adamnbarrett » Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:17 pm

Anyway back to topic:

1) the place you wish to visit


2) the date/time

25th May 2005

3) the event/history

Liverpool vs AC Milan European Cup Final 2005.

Best night of my life  :buttrock
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Postby shanks72 » Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:55 pm

peewee wrote:
shanks72 wrote:Regarding the 'big bang' theory: what is left after a massive explosion?...precisely NOTHING....

i dont expect you to understand astrophysics shanks, but what is left after an explosion is debris, after the big bang there was debri floating around and crashing into each other, they then started to knit together, these larger pieces then started to form a gravity because of their mass, therefore attracting more debri, hence the planets were formed.

i have one thing to ask you shanks, if there is a god and he created heaven and earth, ant the bible is true and adam and eve are true etc, please explain to me where the dinosaurs are in the bible, i have never seen mathew, mark, luke, T Rex in there. also what about prehistoric man from who we evolved, or are you saying adam and eve were prehistoric man and then we evolved into what we are today therefore believeing in evolution in some form.

come on guys, there is no god, we are here because of the splendour of nature and evolution, this is a scientific fact, we evolved, we are carbon based life forms that had the ideal conditions to grow.

Hi, Peewee....
I knew it mentioned dinosaurs in the Bible....though it doesn't specifically call them that...
been looking it up for you and I did find something...

Though just want to say, not every creature is mentioned by name....and of course the dinosaurs existed..

Anyhow, for info, there is a reference in Job 40:15-24.

It is thought that this is a ref' to one of the dinosaurs.

This 'dinosaur' was called 'Behemoth'.

"Look at Behemoth, which I made along with you
and which feeds on grass like an ox.
What strength he has in his loins, what power in his belly!

His tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are close knit.
His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like rods of iron.
He ranks first among the works of God, yet his Maker can approach him with his sword.
The hills bring him their produce, and all the wild animals play nearby.

Under the lotus plant he lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh.
The lotuses conceal him in their shadows; the poplars by the stream surround him.
When the river rages he is not alarmed; he is secure, though the Jordan should surge against his mouth.
Can anyone capture him by the eyes, or trap him and peirce his nose?"

Also the following is a ref: from a book called:
"Dinosaurs and the Bible" by Ralph O. Muncaster (which my bro just happened to have.. :) )

"A Tail that "Sways Like a Cedar"

This phrase in Job 40 causes many to conclude that the Behemoth could be neither an elephant nor hippopotamus--
both of which have short tails that certainly don't look like a tall cedar tree.
It is important to note, however, that the ref' is not to the size of the tail, but to it's motion.
The tail is said to sway like a cedar, not to be as long as a cedar".

With ref' to Adam and Eve....yes I believe the Bible when it says that they were the first people on earth.
I do not believe we evolved from apes or prehistoric man or whatever you what to call him.
And I would disput any "evidence" that says otherwise.
I belive the Bible to be the inspired word of God which means it is "God breathed" as it were.
The people who wrote it were inspired by tell it like it is... It is His word..He would want them to get it right.

I remember there being a prog' a while ago which said that the monkey skull the scientists thought was a distant relative of ours had turned out to be a mistake...
and it was the scientists admitting it! (Although I know they have other skulls they consider 'relevant').

A long time ago people thought the earth was flat, but of course they were poved wrong.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Sun Nov 26, 2006 12:43 am

shanks72 wrote:The hills bring him their produce, and all the wild animals play nearby.

ok shanks there is a contradiction.

if other wild animals play nearby then he must be referring to an animal, as during the time of dinosaurs there were no wild animals, only other dinosaurs


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