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Postby LFC #1 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:54 am

shanks72 wrote:But if you look at nature in all it's magnificence, you surely can't believe it came from an explosion.
Look at the beautiful skies and sunsets and the flowers and the wildlife and dare I say it US.....
believe what you will, but I know this is the work of God, the creator.

This is the only thing that stops me from being a total Atheist (I'd like to say I'm Agnostic). Every else I can argue as to why there is no god.

However I believe in Evolution and many other scientific phenomena. I have a little theory that it's possible God created the Earth in it's basic form, but then left it up to nature to what path it would take. It's hard to comprehend how a Big Bang could create such perfections

Maybe God isn't immortal?
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:07 am

shanks72 wrote:Regarding the 'big bang' theory: what is left after a massive explosion?...precisely NOTHING....

i dont expect you to understand astrophysics shanks, but what is left after an explosion is debris, after the big bang there was debri floating around and crashing into each other, they then started to knit together, these larger pieces then started to form a gravity because of their mass, therefore attracting more debri, hence the planets were formed.

i have one thing to ask you shanks, if there is a god and he created heaven and earth, ant the bible is true and adam and eve are true etc, please explain to me where the dinosaurs are in the bible, i have never seen mathew, mark, luke, T Rex in there. also what about prehistoric man from who we evolved, or are you saying adam and eve were prehistoric man and then we evolved into what we are today therefore believeing in evolution in some form.

come on guys, there is no god, we are here because of the splendour of nature and evolution, this is a scientific fact, we evolved, we are carbon based life forms that had the ideal conditions to grow.

Postby 66-1112520797 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:24 am

peewee wrote:
shanks72 wrote:Regarding the 'big bang' theory: what is left after a massive explosion?...precisely NOTHING....

i dont expect you to understand astrophysics shanks, but what is left after an explosion is debris, after the big bang there was debri floating around and crashing into each other, they then started to knit together, these larger pieces then started to form a gravity because of their mass, therefore attracting more debri, hence the planets were formed.

i have one thing to ask you shanks, if there is a god and he created heaven and earth, ant the bible is true and adam and eve are true etc, please explain to me where the dinosaurs are in the bible, i have never seen mathew, mark, luke, T Rex in there. also what about prehistoric man from who we evolved, or are you saying adam and eve were prehistoric man and then we evolved into what we are today therefore believeing in evolution in some form.

come on guys, there is no god, we are here because of the splendour of nature and evolution, this is a scientific fact, we evolved, we are carbon based life forms that had the ideal conditions to grow.


As for your blue skies Shanks, thats just UV rays beeming through the atmosphere that make that beautiful blue colour (apart from Birmingham where the skies are grey  :D )

Why do people believe our beautiful sunsets are something God created, when its a basic fact that the sun is our closest star shedding light on our beautiful earth caused by a natural form of evolution.

I suppose its each to their own, I'm just inclined to believe the atom theory rather than the God one.

Postby red37 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:20 am

read up on your Darwin/Bryson shanks....even a listen of Patrick Moore might help.   :D   As for the Bible..... :glare:    without treading on any toes, ill just say it makes for a long-winded, topical account of the views held of the times in which it was written.  combined with an innocent ignorance, quite understandable given the process of liberation mankind through its evolvement had yet to realise or fulfill.  Everything was fair game up for mis-interpretation and speculation. and only the benefit of hindsight allows the inspection of those musings through the truth of scientific fact.  Id suggest it is more a case of when  the interpretation of which is likely to come about as opposed to if.

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Postby Woollyback » Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:35 pm

sorry shanks but there's no god, there's no higher intelligence, and there was no creator. everything evolved from the big bang. evolution is a not like religion - it's not a concept which you either believe or don't, it's scientifically proven FACT. you can see it happening all around you (just go to burnley if you want to see how we all evolved from the apes).

everything that we do, everything we see, everything which happens all around us every day is all a result of physics, chemistry and biology. sadly i'll never get to prove it all to you as when we die we're just lumps of carbon where the chemical reactions and electrical impulses have slowed down to the point we're we're just not here any more
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:50 pm

(just go to burnley if you want to see how we all evolved from the apes).


Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:11 pm

Bamaga man wrote:
(just go to burnley if you want to see how we all evolved from the apes).


yeah some of us have definitley evolved more than others.

and is there any truth in the rumour that bellamy grabbed that girls neck because he was jealous that she had a neck


Postby Woollyback » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:13 pm

peewee wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
(just go to burnley if you want to see how we all evolved from the apes).


yeah some of us have definitley evolved more than others.

and is there any truth in the rumour that bellamy grabbed that girls neck because he was jealous that she had a neck


:laugh:  :D
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Postby Mikz » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:14 pm

Sorry brothers, but there is a God. Ive been in a very bad situation where I actually cried out for him , and he was there in a split second.  :nod A split second that changed my whole way of thinking. As for Darwin red37, who did he cry out for on his death bed?  :eyebrow People think its either God created or evolution, when really its a bit of both.
My beliefs on religon are mixed. Religonists hate spiritualists, and the churches have turned into a money grabbing scam.All the teachings of the lake of fire etc are scare tactics in my opinion, why would God want to do that to himself? Each and every one of us are tiny part of God. We just dont remember...
Its each to their own really and it matters not wether we believe in God or not, we all go to the same place. So Ill just carry on with my meditation  and invokation of the angelis. :bowdown
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:19 pm

Woollyback wrote:
peewee wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
(just go to burnley if you want to see how we all evolved from the apes).


yeah some of us have definitley evolved more than others.

and is there any truth in the rumour that bellamy grabbed that girls neck because he was jealous that she had a neck


:laugh:  :D

here is a quote from the trial

'"I tried to pull him (Bellamy) off but there was no way I was going to pull him off," said Miss Williams, who was 18 at the time.'


Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:21 pm

Mikz wrote:Sorry brothers, but there is a God. Ive been in a very bad situation where I actually cried out for him , and he was there in a split second.

well your lucky mikz because there are millions crying out for him everyday and they just get ignored, what happened mikz is that you got yourself out of the problem or had a stroke of luck, its that simple
Last edited by 112-1077774096 on Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby taff » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:27 pm


I see you as a intelligent member.  I tend to nod and agree with a lot of what you say to be honest.  Can you answer me this.

Do you really really want to be right in this debate.  Wouldnt you rather have that 1% of doubt that maybe your wrong and just maybe there might be something there, not the bible/koran or whatever just something
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:35 pm

taff wrote:Peewee

I see you as a intelligent member.  I tend to nod and agree with a lot of what you say to be honest.  Can you answer me this.

Do you really really want to be right in this debate.  Wouldnt you rather have that 1% of doubt that maybe your wrong and just maybe there might be something there, not the bible/koran or whatever just something

taff dont get me wrong mate, i will never criticise anyone for believing, i just like to say what i think also.

if religion gives comfort then thats great, where i live mate i see the vast majority are religious, i see them every morning giving food to the monks, i see them wai at buddah stutues and i see them trying to make merit every day mate so when they come back in the next life they get an easier life. i see the comfort it gives them and sometimes i wish i could also believe in what they do, the thais are also the calmest people i have ever met so there is something in it for them.

but i just cant believe in it, i believe in facts and figures more than folklore taff and thats why i cant believe in god.

one thing i will say, when people ask me about ghosts and spirits etc, i always say its pretty weird that we are here at all so anything is possible

Postby Mikz » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:54 pm

peewee wrote:
Mikz wrote:Sorry brothers, but there is a God. Ive been in a very bad situation where I actually cried out for him , and he was there in a split second.

well your lucky mikz because there are millions crying out for him everyday and they just get ignored, what happened mikz is that you got yourself out of the problem or had a stroke of luck, its that simple

Im talking about in a situation where you are close to death brother. If them millions you talk about cry out for him he WILL answer in whatever way he sees fit  :)
But it does no harm to actually believe he is there in the first place  :;):

I just cant NOT believe in God , sometimes I try to think what the world would be like if it was Godless  :no
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:03 pm

Mikz wrote:sometimes I try to think what the world would be like if it was Godless  :no

i think there will be less wars and less hatred, but thats just my opinion mate and who knows? i could be 100% wrong and if god ever shows himself then i will hold my hands up and take whatever punishment is coming.

although if i ask for forgivness doesnt he have to forgive me   

:;):  :D


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