Smoking ban

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Postby Mikz » Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:31 pm

Lionheart wrote:I was stunned to hear that smoking in hospitals will be permitted. Now there's some consistency for you!!! :D

Cmon lads -lets go to the hospital for a smoke  :D
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Postby drummerphil » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:13 pm

I packed in smoking 4 years ago and was on 40 aday.If this new law had come in back then i would be fecking livid now.Its only now with non yellow fingers / yellow teeth you can appreciate how i smelt and must have looked.....
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:14 pm

Absoloute madness.

Complete height of narrowminded fuck-witted ignorant twats of excuses for polititions in this country.

Absoloute idiots.

Landlords of small pubs are going to go bust. I don't believe for one second people don't go in pubs because someone smokes. In contrast, people WILL stop going in pubs because they can't smoke. People go into pubs to have a drink and a smoke and socialise, this element is being taken away. The smokers will stop going in, therefore the price of ale will increase which will drive people like meself out. I already pay 2.30 a pint in my local, when the smokers stop going in it will go up to probably around 2.60 a pint, i ain't gonna pay that for Carlsberg.

Not only that, can you imagine in pubs like the Huyton Park, Royal Oak, Aigburth arms etc when a barmaid/barman/owner asks someone to put there fag out and they don't, Its putting the bar staff in an impossible situation, its going to cause trouble, so they call the police, 999... yes hello, we've got someone in our pub smoking... oh, ok, we'll we've not got any better to do like deal with assaults, robberies etc, so we'll drop everything and come round and give them a 50 pound fine.

There was a phone in the other day, some fella going on about how nice it was to take his family out for dinner in a smoke free environment, lovely it was, great. How often do you do that you tool? Once a month as a treat? Do you honestly think people like that keep pubs open? Do they :censored:.

Mind you, the people who matter (those that go to pubs and socialise on a regular basis) don't matter, its what the do gooders want. Most people who go to pubs smoke, people who are bothered about health in general don't drink often anyway, so why should we :censored: the majority off to keep the mindless minority happy?

The narrowminded idioticness of these half bread thick bastard mongs is a joke. These fools need shooting.

Postby Mikz » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:50 pm

Brilliant post stu, and absolutely correct. I just dont see any wisdom in banning smoking in pubs? If anyone was so health concious they wouldnt be in a pub anyway lol  :laugh:  yeahh lets look after our lungs and wreck our liver instead.
    Buying pints in a pub was hard enough, but when some landlord comes over and says -oi no smoking in here, -that finishes it , i dont know one smoker who will still go to a bar now, because anyone who smokes knows cant enjoy a drink without a woodbine  :D  Witherspoons have the right idea with non smoking downstairs -smoking upstairs but not all pubs can have that facility. Some kind of segregation if possible , but total banning is just a bitch-slap
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Postby Igor Zidane » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:05 pm

Lionheart wrote:Smokers are becoming like dinosaurs with their attitutes and plaintive cries of rights, etc.

Here's a scenario:

Remember when you got short of breath because you'd just finished the horizontal tango with some fit bird (or bloke in the case of the ladies)??

Soon it'll be because you've walked to the fridge to get another beer or to the loo for a slash, play with the kids at the park.

Shortly after that it'll be because you needed to roll over in bed (scratch bum, had a shower, get the picture?) Forget playing with the kids!!!

Shortly after that you'll be propped up in a hospital bed (you won't be able to lie flat beause it causes the fluids to accumulate or pool  in your lungs). You'll pi$$ your bed because you don't have the energy/breath to reach for the buzzer to call the nurse or because you can't get to the loo. You'll have oxygen permanently under your nose because you can't breath without it due to the lung surface tissue being too inadequate to exchange blood gases (oxygen in & carbon dioxide out).

Your family will be gathered around your bed stressed and worried out of their minds wondering if this will be your last breath.

I hate to be horribly graphic but at this point I hope it was all worth the risk.

Now is it right that the financial resourses that you require to keep you alive (from a self inflicted habit) be denied to my neighbours child who needs a heart lung transplant or to by mate's aunt because she needs dialysis but they can't get either due to there being financial constraints on the health budget which don't stetch to permit these treatments??

Sorry if this sounds all doom and gloom but as long as the smokers are happy and can do their thing eh?? I know some of you won't like this but that's the truth. I see it everyday.


o.k good grief lets ban people from eating fatty foods,driving cars ,drinking alchohol,wearing glasses ,being gay ,being black,being jewish,being ozzies,being young, being old .Get were i'm coming from ace.Is it ever gonna end.It's a f@ckin nanny state i tell yer.It's all a drain on the N.H.S so lets ban the lot.I know lets gas em that would cut all the costs, and us elite few will reap the rewards. :angry:  :angry:
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Postby JBG » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:44 pm

stu_the_red wrote:Absoloute madness.

Complete height of narrowminded fuck-witted ignorant twats of excuses for polititions in this country.

Absoloute idiots.

Landlords of small pubs are going to go bust. I don't believe for one second people don't go in pubs because someone smokes. In contrast, people WILL stop going in pubs because they can't smoke. People go into pubs to have a drink and a smoke and socialise, this element is being taken away. The smokers will stop going in, therefore the price of ale will increase which will drive people like meself out. I already pay 2.30 a pint in my local, when the smokers stop going in it will go up to probably around 2.60 a pint, i ain't gonna pay that for Carlsberg.

Not only that, can you imagine in pubs like the Huyton Park, Royal Oak, Aigburth arms etc when a barmaid/barman/owner asks someone to put there fag out and they don't, Its putting the bar staff in an impossible situation, its going to cause trouble, so they call the police, 999... yes hello, we've got someone in our pub smoking... oh, ok, we'll we've not got any better to do like deal with assaults, robberies etc, so we'll drop everything and come round and give them a 50 pound fine.

There was a phone in the other day, some fella going on about how nice it was to take his family out for dinner in a smoke free environment, lovely it was, great. How often do you do that you tool? Once a month as a treat? Do you honestly think people like that keep pubs open? Do they :censored:.

Mind you, the people who matter (those that go to pubs and socialise on a regular basis) don't matter, its what the do gooders want. Most people who go to pubs smoke, people who are bothered about health in general don't drink often anyway, so why should we :censored: the majority off to keep the mindless minority happy?

The narrowminded idioticness of these half bread thick bastard mongs is a joke. These fools need shooting.

Stu, over here in Ireland we brought the smoking ban in 2 years ago and at the start there was absolute uproar. Protests to the high heavens.

I was a smoker (but have only stopped since 10 days ago) and I thought it was the end of humanity as I knew it.

Yet none of the things you mentioned above happened over here. For some strange reason, people just got on with it and obeyed the law.

All the same, there has been some creative solutions to the problem. "Smoking areas" have sprung up all over the country where you can, ahem, "legally" smoke in outside areas...........which pretty much amount to a heated shed at the rear of the pub.  :D
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Postby drummerphil » Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:07 pm

as i said earlier....i packed in 4 years ago.I would be rather píssed off if i did now.Imagine standing outside in the bloody winter with yer pint because some nob neck in the govt tries to be pc again.
The goverment make billions in tax every year from smoking more than the NHS gets for cancer treatments.In reality they keep on how they want people to kick the habit but the cost in doing so will cost billions in revenue they have fed on for years.
You go abroad and pay 80p for a packet of 20 and here you pay nearly a fiver,without that money they would be in the shít.
Last edited by drummerphil on Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:59 am

I think smokers will still go out to pubs because they don't go to the pub solely to smoke. I'm convinced the social aspect of going to a pub is more important than smoking, and to go even furthur I think people put drinking as a higher priority than smoking. People will get used to it.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:29 pm

SouthCoastShankly wrote:I think smokers will still go out to pubs because they don't go to the pub solely to smoke. I'm convinced the social aspect of going to a pub is more important than smoking, and to go even furthur I think people put drinking as a higher priority than smoking. People will get used to it.

I also find it hilairious that people who own pubs and LIVE there aren't allowed to smoke in there own home.

You don't seem to understand the points i made, re-read it then tell me what you disagree with.

Postby Mikz » Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:53 pm

I think obese people will be banned soon. Made to stay indoors in case of a heart attack. Theyre endangering there own lives going out ,huffing and puffing down the street, it must stop too  :D 
Its unsightly too and they smell like a monkeys armpit on a summers day  :talktothehand stay bacccccck! Ffs -cant even light up now to take the smell away if one sits beside me

God only knows what chain of events this will lead to. :no
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Postby dawson99 » Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:01 pm

cant wait to ban the fatties!!!
i will always smoke, im just a stubborn bar steward like that.
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:16 pm

stu_the_red wrote:
SouthCoastShankly wrote:I think smokers will still go out to pubs because they don't go to the pub solely to smoke. I'm convinced the social aspect of going to a pub is more important than smoking, and to go even furthur I think people put drinking as a higher priority than smoking. People will get used to it.

I also find it hilairious that people who own pubs and LIVE there aren't allowed to smoke in there own home.

You don't seem to understand the points i made, re-read it then tell me what you disagree with.

I think main point I disagree with is the statement that people will stop going to pubs because they can't smoke. Maybe I wasn't clear but I refer back to my last post that I think people don't just go out to a pub to smoke. I think the social aspect and drinking are more important to punters that the fact that they can smoke there.

I tend to agree with JBG, smokers will still go out to the pub and if they want a fag will go outside to smoke it. The uproar won't last more than 2/3 months. Remember also the govenment are implementing this legislation from summer 2007, most people are going to be outside anyway. Your not going to see much of a reaction until the winter sets in.
Last edited by SouthCoastShankly on Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:39 pm

SouthCoastShankly wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:
SouthCoastShankly wrote:I think smokers will still go out to pubs because they don't go to the pub solely to smoke. I'm convinced the social aspect of going to a pub is more important than smoking, and to go even furthur I think people put drinking as a higher priority than smoking. People will get used to it.

I also find it hilairious that people who own pubs and LIVE there aren't allowed to smoke in there own home.

You don't seem to understand the points i made, re-read it then tell me what you disagree with.

I think main point I disagree with is the statement that people will stop going to pubs because they can't smoke. Maybe I wasn't clear but I refer back to my last post that I think people don't just go out to a pub to smoke. I think the social aspect and drinking are more important to punters that the fact that they can smoke there.

I tend to agree with JBG, smokers will still go out to the pub and if they want a fag will go outside to smoke it. The uproar won't last more than 2/3 months. Remember also the govenment are implementing this legislation from summer 2007, most people are going to be outside anyway. Your not going to see much of a reaction until the winter sets in.

All very well and good on the south coast where its all PC. Pubs in Toxteth and Huyton...

Barman: "Sorry mate you aren't allowed to smoke in here".
Customer: "I'll smoke where i want" *continues smoking*
Barman: "Really sir i need you to put that cigarette out"
Customer: " :censored: off you tit or i'll smack your face in"

At that point the customer either smacks the barmans face in causing trouble... OR the barman rings the police to tell them someone's "smoking in the pub".

You can't see whats wrong with that? ???

Postby JBG » Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:42 pm

If it works in Bray or Tallaght in Dublin it will work in Toxteth and Huyton.
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:57 pm

stu_the_red wrote:
SouthCoastShankly wrote:
stu_the_red wrote:
SouthCoastShankly wrote:I think smokers will still go out to pubs because they don't go to the pub solely to smoke. I'm convinced the social aspect of going to a pub is more important than smoking, and to go even furthur I think people put drinking as a higher priority than smoking. People will get used to it.

I also find it hilairious that people who own pubs and LIVE there aren't allowed to smoke in there own home.

You don't seem to understand the points i made, re-read it then tell me what you disagree with.

I think main point I disagree with is the statement that people will stop going to pubs because they can't smoke. Maybe I wasn't clear but I refer back to my last post that I think people don't just go out to a pub to smoke. I think the social aspect and drinking are more important to punters that the fact that they can smoke there.

I tend to agree with JBG, smokers will still go out to the pub and if they want a fag will go outside to smoke it. The uproar won't last more than 2/3 months. Remember also the govenment are implementing this legislation from summer 2007, most people are going to be outside anyway. Your not going to see much of a reaction until the winter sets in.

All very well and good on the south coast where its all PC. Pubs in Toxteth and Huyton...

Barman: "Sorry mate you aren't allowed to smoke in here".
Customer: "I'll smoke where i want" *continues smoking*
Barman: "Really sir i need you to put that cigarette out"
Customer: " :censored: off you tit or i'll smack your face in"

At that point the customer either smacks the barmans face in causing trouble... OR the barman rings the police to tell them someone's "smoking in the pub".

You can't see whats wrong with that? ???

I see the problem, the fact that the punters rule the pubs. Down here if you give the landlord gip you have two/three heavies shoving a size 11 up your @rse.

Its is different up north I know but things will change. The pub owners will take the risk for a while until they get slapped with a £2500 fine. If they want the business to survive then they'll enforce the change. Just a matter of priorities. And its not like smokers will go somewhere else where they're allowed to smoke cos it'll be the same everywhere. The punters will have to deal with it.
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