Smoking ban

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Postby 115-1073096938 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:47 pm

Mikz wrote: :laugh: classic.  Youre so against smoking but you light the fags for fit birds -bit like the ira quartermaster saying guns should be banned lol

I suppose one would never forgive themselves if the big girl got away, as women do ask for a light sometimes as a means of breaking the ice, its enlightening and it could ignite a relationship, something could spark :;):

Will you fuck off with you puns. :angry:  :D

Postby Mikz » Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:52 pm

:D is that spaghetti bolougnaise i smell on the burner?
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:05 pm

Mikz wrote: :D is that spaghetti bolougnaise i smell on the burner?

Not yet son, later....


Postby SouthCoastShankly » Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:32 pm

stu_the_red wrote:
SouthCoastShankly wrote:Thats the way surveys work, its a way of measuring public opinion without carrying out a full census. Society works in a way where peoples opinions are grouped, therefore you don't get 50million different opinions. The data from a few individuals (usually 100 or more) is used to accurately estimate the data for the entire population.

And how accurately do think it is? Where did they ask these people?

Come upto my local and ask everyone if smoking should be banned. Ask landlords do they want to ban smoking in pubs, ask the people who actually go into pubs regularly if they mind if smokers go in there and smoke.

Alot of people they're asking don't go to pubs often. I drink in about 7 or eight pubs in the area, you always see the same people, not everyone who's asked these questions go to pubs.

Why should the people who don't go to pubs be asked there opinions? Its bollox.

I totally agree that areas of Britain have different opinions than others. Just like race, religion and sex can sway an opinion. But I think those surveys are trying to reflect Britain as a nation.

Anyways its these conversations that make Britain the place it is, at least we can freely argue our @rses off about smoking bans  :buttrock
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:34 pm

Mikz wrote: :laugh: classic.  Youre so against smoking but you light the fags for fit birds -bit like the ira quartermaster saying guns should be banned lol

I suppose one would never forgive themselves if the big girl got away, as women do ask for a light sometimes as a means of breaking the ice, its enlightening and it could ignite a relationship, something could spark :;):

I don't blame fit girls for being easily led by peer pressure when it comes to smoking. Ironically maybe my offer of a light may start a converstaion that convinces her to stop smoking. Cos' kissing a girl who smokes isn't as pleasant as it could be
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Postby Mikz » Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:37 pm

:D as long as she hasnt been smoking beef im ok with that
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:37 pm

Mikz wrote: :D as long as she hasnt been smoking beef im ok with that

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Postby Lionheart » Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:20 am

Smokers are becoming like dinosaurs with their attitutes and plaintive cries of rights, etc.

Here's a scenario:

Remember when you got short of breath because you'd just finished the horizontal tango with some fit bird (or bloke in the case of the ladies)??

Soon it'll be because you've walked to the fridge to get another beer or to the loo for a slash, play with the kids at the park.

Shortly after that it'll be because you needed to roll over in bed (scratch bum, had a shower, get the picture?) Forget playing with the kids!!!

Shortly after that you'll be propped up in a hospital bed (you won't be able to lie flat beause it causes the fluids to accumulate or pool  in your lungs). You'll pi$$ your bed because you don't have the energy/breath to reach for the buzzer to call the nurse or because you can't get to the loo. You'll have oxygen permanently under your nose because you can't breath without it due to the lung surface tissue being too inadequate to exchange blood gases (oxygen in & carbon dioxide out).

Your family will be gathered around your bed stressed and worried out of their minds wondering if this will be your last breath.

I hate to be horribly graphic but at this point I hope it was all worth the risk.

Now is it right that the financial resourses that you require to keep you alive (from a self inflicted habit) be denied to my neighbours child who needs a heart lung transplant or to by mate's aunt because she needs dialysis but they can't get either due to there being financial constraints on the health budget which don't stetch to permit these treatments??

Sorry if this sounds all doom and gloom but as long as the smokers are happy and can do their thing eh?? I know some of you won't like this but that's the truth. I see it everyday.


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Postby loco4liverpool » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:47 am

I don't smoke but i think it's really unfair to have smoking banned. I mean, what the hell! So what if you smoke! Its your business not theirs! Who cares if some other person's clothes stink the next day!
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:21 am

So its gunna be banned from next year. Boo Hoo.

Here are the details:

Where will smoking be banned?

Smoking in all public places like pubs, cinemas, offices, factories, public transport and so on will be banned.

Where will you be able to smoke?

People will still be able to smoke outdoors, and in private homes, plus places that Ms Hewitt says are "like homes", such as care institutions, army barracks, and prisons.

When would a ban come into force?

Summer 2007.

Why didn't the government stick to its manifesto pledge?

The post-election consultation on the plans for a partial ban raised enough questions - such as how you define pub food or enforce a one metre exclusion zone from a bar - that the new health secretary felt it was impractical. There was then a well-publicised row in Cabinet with Ms Hewitt pushing for a wider ban and former health secretary, John Reid, demanding ministers stuck to the original policy of a partial ban, which he won. The prime minister was clearly facing the prospect of a continuing row and decided it was such a controversial issue it warranted a free vote in the Commons and we have ended up with the health secretary essentially opposing her own policy.

What were the winning arguments for a full ban?

Those demanding a total ban argued it was a matter of public health, particularly protecting people working in pubs and private clubs from the effects of passive smoking. They said that having a partial ban would give private clubs an unfair economic advantage against nearby pubs. They also said that allowing smoking in pubs which do not serve food would widen health inequalities, on the basis that many pubs in less well off areas would choose not to serve food, so their clientele and staff would suffer the effects of passive smoking.

What about those who opposed a ban?

Those wanting a partial ban claimed a full ban could hit clubs and pubs hard and was unnecessary. They said the government was infringing civil liberties, and could lead to places such as, for example, regulars at the Royal British Legion being unable to smoke. Many said that it should be up to the pubs and clubs themselves to decide whether to allow smoking.

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Postby Mikz » Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:41 am

:censored: them -Let them ban it -us smokers dont wanna sit near yous health obsessed kn.obs anyway  :D  Im glad too itll keep us out of the bars and have a good few pound more in our pockets .  A bit of smoke in the air should be the least of your worries when the junkies take a real hold  :glare:
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Postby Lionheart » Wed Feb 15, 2006 11:13 am

I was stunned to hear that smoking in hospitals will be permitted. Now there's some consistency for you!!! :D

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Postby ynwa » Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:44 pm

i smoke does not bother if they ban smoking or not
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:09 pm

I was quite surprised how deep this new ban stretched though. By all intents and purposes from summer 2007 the only place you can legally smoke is on the streets on in your home. No office smoking rooms, pubs, restuarants, bus stops, train stations, etc.

They released details on the fines involved too:

Individuals smoking in an prohibited area - £50
Establishments failing to show a no smoking sign - £200
Establishments failing to enforce the ban - £2500

These being first offence fines
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Postby drummerphil » Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:16 pm

bus stops seems abit your standing outside by one.......
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