Rangers bigger than liverpool?

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Postby Reinas No.1 Fan » Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:09 pm

wow how thick can people be
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Postby Chicago » Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:34 pm

Quite an statement you put forth there Greg, pity it's complete P!SH.

I blame the schools really, not your fault your a moron.
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:37 pm

chicago, so u r saying its all rangers fault?
(cant believe im getting s :censored:ed back in)
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Postby fivecups » Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:40 pm

greg_rfc wrote:To RAFABENITEZ- "Rangers don't have the sam size fan base as we do in Britain or the world."
What makes you think Liverpool have a bigger fanbase in Britain than we do? For a start Rangers are the most supported team in Glasgow and Scotland, and even a half sensible Celtic fan would admit that...(not to take away Celtics support in foreign co :censored:ries such as Ireland, where they obviously have a bigger following than us.) At the end of the day, in Britain, Liverpool have the following of around 50% of one cities football fans, we have about 70% of Scotland's football fans...

Your statement broadcasting your love and respect for a dirty terrorist organisation like the IRA and asking your fellow fans not to put them “....on the same level as nazism, it makes me as mad as f**k.” is quite ridiculous. The IRA are on the same level as Nazism, they both terrorised and killed innocent people,


Worldwide LFC clearly have the biggest fanbase. UK-wide too. Is it generally accepted that Rangers have the biggest support in Glasgow and Celtic? I know Celtic have a higher match attendance although this presumably relates to their larger stadium.

If the question is: Who would have higher attendances in a stadium of unlimited capacity? Liverpool or Rangers? Then, that is a difficult question to answer. It is conceivable that Rangers could sell more seats. I was at a Portsmouth match at Anfield a couple of seasons ago and there was plenty of empty seats. I know there's a 10 year wait for a LFC season ticket. How long is it at Ibrox? In terms of support I've only been to Parkhead, not Ibrox, but the passion of the fans (for football, not sectarianism, was unbelievable). 

Your last comment equates the IRA to Nazism. I find it amazing that anyone can seriously put Nazism, a movement responsible for millions of deaths, for no clear purpose on a parallel with the IRA. I don't support the IRA or terrorism but the two are on a different level entirely.
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Postby REDTILLDEAD » Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:42 pm

greg_rfc wrote:The thread about Rangers being bigger than Liverpool is the opinion of one of our fans, It doesn't mean we all think the same as him - infact, most of the replies were disagreeing with him.

To The_Rock - "Rangers a big club ? ..... Smoking pot eh....."
Listen up Rocky, If you don't think Rangers are a big club, you are truly deluded! I'm not saying we're a massive club, I'm not saying we are bigger than Liverpool, but we're a big club...That's not really up for debate.

To REDTILLDEAD - "they are the scum of Glasgow! they follow a p1ss poor team"
I think you should go and find yourself an education, by the looks of things, your greatest achievement is making up such a catchy moniker "REDTILLDEAD", that's truly great - and it rhymes too...

To RAFABENITEZ- "Rangers don't have the sam size fan base as we do in Britain or the world."
What makes you think Liverpool have a bigger fanbase in Britain than we do? For a start Rangers are the most supported team in Glasgow and Scotland, and even a half sensible Celtic fan would admit that...(not to take away Celtics support in foreign co :censored:ries such as Ireland, where they obviously have a bigger following than us.) At the end of the day, in Britain, Liverpool have the following of around 50% of one cities football fans, we have about 70% of Scotland's football fans...

To AlanHansen, you are just talking like a typical Pro-IRA Celtic fan with your idiotic statement
“When I see them doing nazi salutes I know exactly what to think mate, don't put celtic in the same league.”, when exactly are we suppose to have made Nazi salutes, that’s a new one all together. Rangers are a club with a very diverse squad and fan base, there is no way any Rangers fan would get away with doing a Nazi salute at Ibrox, by the club or fellow fans, and why would they want to in the first place, what on earth would that symbolise? If you’ve seen thousands of Rangers fans put their hands in the air, in a way that makes you link it to a Nazi salute, then you’ve got to question your own bitter mind and stop scrutinising everything our fans do and branding it something racist or bigoted.
Your statement broadcasting your love and respect for a dirty terrorist organisation like the IRA and asking your fellow fans not to put them “....on the same level as nazism, it makes me as mad as f**k.” is quite ridiculous. The IRA are on the same level as Nazism, they both terrorised and killed innocent people, and if the truth makes you mad as “f*ck” - then F*CK YOU - You’re an Irish clown with typical tunnel vision!

In conclusion, take a look back, Rangers fans are happily posting opinions on their own boards, a Celtic fan then decides to cause trouble - as usual - and post it one your board....Liverpool take the bait.


Mmm...you have a lot to say for a "newbie" (most of it total :censored:) so you think your some kind of authorutive on this subject do you?...well you know jack sh1t! you ball bag! who the fuk do you think you are?..go and play with yer dolls..toss-pot!. :buttrock
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:45 pm

IRA and nazism are only diffrent because nazism was more successful.

I know that sounds evil and trust me im no nazi but basically if we are getting into politics then in my opinion the IRA are terrorists. Terrorism is on a par with what the nazis did as they destroy innocent lives on a grand scale.
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Postby mighty mo » Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:48 pm

i can't believe this thread is still here and it has manifested into  debate  about sectarianism of northern ireland,maybe we should have a political section on this forum
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:49 pm

political section?
that would be, as max said it best... moider

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Postby REDTILLDEAD » Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:55 pm

Who gives fukk about Rangers or Celtic...either of them couldn't live with the mighty L.F.C.! :nod
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Postby Glofut » Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:01 pm

The original question is one Ive tackled with co :censored:less other supporters from loads of clubs before .. and even before we won the Uefa and were going nowhere very quickly, I gave the same response then as I would now .. we are the most successful club in Britain, and that's all that matters to me. When we're the most successful club in Europe, I'll be even happier and I won't care if ManU, Rangers, Madrid, Barca or anyone have 200,000 at every home game ... there's only one thing that really matters >>> trophies won.

And as it happens, LFC's name around the world, especially in the Far East, I hear, is pretty much without equal right now.

I won't get into the political/religious stuff, as that's for another place, methinks. :)
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Postby fivecups » Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:05 pm

"By genocide, the murder of hostages, reprisal raids, forced labor, "euthanasia," starvation, exposure, medical experiments, and terror bombing, and in the concentration and death camps, the Nazis murdered from 15,003,000 to 31,595,000 people, most likely 20,946,000 men, women, handicapped, aged, sick, prisoners of war, forced laborers, camp inmates, critics, homosexuals, Jews, Slavs, Serbs, Germans, Czechs, Italians, Poles, French, Ukrainians, and many others. Among them 1,000,000 were children under eighteen years of age.1 And none of these monstrous figures even include civilian and military combat or war-deaths"

Look at those numbers. The aim of the Nazi's was to wipe out the entire Jewish race!

It's estimated that 3-4000 people died in the troubles on all sides. I don't see how these acts can be put on the same level. Again, I in no way condone the actions of the IRA, but their aim was never the mass destruction of 50 million people.
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Postby RAFABENITEZ » Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:06 pm

can we stop tis ffs
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:08 pm

i agree IRA didnt want that, but they were murderers. and kill one or amillion, its all the same, its wrong.
there is no difference between IRA and osama bin laden. and the only difference between laden and hitler is success (success is wrong word, u know what i mean)

its just the way my bizarre mind looks at things
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Postby Gareth G » Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:21 pm

Johnnymac, I didn't mean what I said as a personal assualt on any mod's, maybe I choose the word's, but I meant mod's should have had this locked before it turned into what it did - after all it's your ( not personally ) job on here, and in my opinion it was only common sense and inevitable what was going to happen.

The IRA are definitely terrorist's dawson, they f*cking killed my mate's whole family in the Shankill bombing, his mum, dad and kid sister! Near the whole of America think they aren't for some reason, well :censored:il recently.
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Postby Gaunt » Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:28 pm

You have to look at the foundations, the IRA that was founded in the 1920's is not the IRA of today, they share names and that is really it. The IRA back then was not a terrorist organisation but it was founded to help create a free Ireland which it did, like it or not the troops Britain sent over the Black and Tans were the ones engaging in terrorist activities beating and killing innocents and using brutal methods, they even set fire to cork city as a reprisal against the IRA.

Then there was a split in the IRA when the anglo-irish treaty was proposed which would divide the co :censored:ry but there hints in it that some day Northern Ireland would be reunited by a boundary commission which didn't happen. There were those in the IRA who wanted a full 32 co :censored:y republic straight away and they split and there was a civil war in Ireland. It was those of the IRA who split that preceded to engage in activities in Northern Ireland. I am from the Republic of Ireland but i know myself that the IRA in the north engaged in criminal activites and became more concerned about money and power up there and started to use the full Republic as a screen for their activities in my opinion.

Where i'm going with all of this is that the IRA was not founded as a terrorist organisation and the songs that are sung about the IRA and the praise that is given to those men is well deserved. They are about the old IRA that helped free Ireland so Celtic singing songs about them is not singing songs about terrorists so the people who tried to make that point are mistaken.
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