Peewee, the truce

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Postby Kharhaz » Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:54 am

A topic was raised by a respected member in which he called for a truce between two other respected members were to end a bickering, and to all extents it was achieved and the end to the bickering was ended. I looked forward to getting back to normal on here and enjoy the future posts and threads. However, another member had other ideas and decided to push things as far as possible. After having achieved her aims, the following comment showed total unfairness:

Ha wait till woof reads it Peewees a goner, and good ridence in my book.
then woof resigns as MOD  :)
Then gets back to a rapscalion like us.

Where is ciggys card? why has she not been warned for being a WUM. The decision to card peewee and not ciggy is shocking. She had one thing on her agenda and that was to wind up peewee and to get him carded which she managed to do without damage to her own standing. Like I said, the point of that topic was to call a truce between two respected members and ended up worse because of a WUM with her own agenda.

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Postby LFC2007 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:00 am

It's only the internet, nobody died.
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Postby account deleted by request » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:02 am

ffs Karhaz don't start another fkn war mate, we haven't got over the last one yet  :D

Hopefully once everything has settled down peewee's cards will be removed and everyone will live happily ever after.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:07 am

I dont think this thread should of been started Kharhaz.

Peewee hasnt been around for a couple of days mind you ?

Postby Kharhaz » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:12 am

Bamaga man wrote:I dont think this thread should of been started Kharhaz.

Peewee hasnt been around for a couple of days mind you ?

Why not? he got carded because he responded to all comments that he recieved. He agreed to a truce and yet was carded because someone made it there mission to aggravate them, other times they are called WUM's in this case it is called tolerance.
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Postby redtrader74 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:15 am

FFS it was the most obvious of ambushes and he fell for it.
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Postby Kharhaz » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:18 am

redtrader74 wrote:FFS it was the most obvious of ambushes and he fell for it.

So that justifies everything?
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Postby redtrader74 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:21 am

Kharhaz wrote:
redtrader74 wrote:FFS it was the most obvious of ambushes and he fell for it.

So that justifies everything?

Not the cards dished out that day, but they were coming, and were not given earlier when they were merited. Anyway thats my take.
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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:25 am

We want blood.

i think yes what about you
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Postby J*o*n*D*o*e » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:39 am

dont worry about it we all new how it would end
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Postby Kharhaz » Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:47 am

J*o*n*D*o*e wrote:dont worry about it we all new how it would end

And so the future for this forum looks equally as promising. I look forward to future journalists printings from tabloids rather than peoples own opinion. Oh doesnt the future look good...
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Postby Igor Zidane » Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:50 am

Kharhaz wrote:
J*o*n*D*o*e wrote:dont worry about it we all new how it would end

And so the future for this forum looks equally as promising. I look forward to future journalists printings from tabloids rather than peoples own opinion. Oh doesnt the future look good...

You worry to much , don't be interfering . Peewee and lando sorted things out with a little help . He and ciggy can sort things out between themselves , so grow up and stop stirring the sh!te. :D
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:13 am

Sorry Kharhaz, we're not carrying this on.  At the risk of having my online arse whupped by angry members, here's the explanation why I'm locking this.

First of all, it's very harsh and is not the done thing to start a thread asking for someone to be carded.  What's that all about?  Very harsh mate...  I've personally carded people in the past for doing this very thing.  I recall doing so to someone as harmless as ivor_the_injun, who's never done anything to anyone, but he pulled this stunt so he was carded.  Take that as a gentle hint.  Don't do this again.  I'll let you off this time to keep the fucking peace.  That's all I want.

Your mate Peewee who you feel needs defending (he's only on four cards, he can come back anytime he wants, he doesn't essentially need defending...) has pushed the moderators to the very limit.  All this is his own making.  Some mods are livid with him, others not so, others laughing at the situation, others nonchalant, some have a lot to say, some don't, but it's not some bullying campaign on our behalf or anything like that.  The cards were not because Ciggy came on and carried a thread on.  Peewee's been a problem for months.  Ciggy even said in that thread that she used to find him funny and got on great with him as an 'online pal'.  As I myself once did.  Now I am finding I would rather switch my laptop off than to actually read ANOTHER thread that he has engaged in with someone and it flares up.  He's involved in every bit of aggro on here.  Sometimes he can't help himself...

... I noticed last week that he had a sly did at St Mick for going to the Derby County game and getting back home to post on here in the space of an hour.  St Mick lives up in Middlesborough, a fact that he's not shy of letting people know about.  So Peewee had too be clever and comment on it as if he'd found out St Mick was some kind of liar (Peewee must have thought it was Christmas... :eyebrow ) and he'd driven back up to Boro in record time.  Or IMPOSSIBLE time.  St Mick really couldn't be arsed pulling him on it.  He had driven to his parents in Leicester apparently and was using their PC, an hours drive away.

Why did he have to be such a smartarse and get involved in something that had nothng to do with him?  I find people like that intolerable in real life, never mind on an internet forum...  You looked like a fool there Peewee, by the way.  Am I allowed to say that as a moderator?  Well, I just have.

There.  I've said it.  This isn't a recent thing by a long shot.

I'm sorry Peewee, I know you're reading.  You probably don't want to be reading this, but I'm being as sensitive and diplomatic as I can.  I didn't start this thread, but I am ending it.

Kharhaz, the fact is, his attitude towards the other members and the rules and respect for the place is appalling on here.  Condescending, superiority complex, arrogant and insulting. 

He never used to be like this.  I've been around here years and he used to get on with everyone.  Now he appears to hate everyone, yet he's clever enough to spin it so he looks like the victim nearly all of the time.  And it's never an isolated incident.  He's involved in rucks every day on here.  No new members can register because they're a fucking WUM half the time according to him.  Sick of that fucking term.  Let the mods sniff them out.  There's enough of us patrolling the place to spot them, and we do a good job.

Ask yourself are you COMPLETELY BLAMELESS for your troubles on here Peewee?

As a moderator, I feel I've got to take a step back and de-personalise and look at a situation objectively.  That's about as objective as I can put it.  He has no defence.  It's not even just about Lando Griffin anymore, and the rucks he has with him.  Peewee's involved in 'murder' in most threads he enters.

Don't think for one second I enjoy posting this.  I don't 'do' online scraps.  You won't get one from me.  If anything, the second I get involved in one, I'll offer the hand of apology and we'll move on.  I don't carry shit on for months.  I have been a member here sice I was 23.  I'm now 28.  I like to think I've grown up a bit in that time.  Some might say I haven't, that's up to them.

Please don't start another thread on this.  I'll just lock that.

PM me if you want to talk.  You have my ears.

On other forums though, the moderators would just tell you to get fucked.  Cause it's not really important is it?  Keeping a roof over your head.  Being able to buy food.  Looking after your family etc...

Just drop this for the good of all concerned.


Postby 112-1077774096 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:52 am

having a go and then locking the thread so i couldnt respond, typical really.

now lets get the record straight, i lost a lot of respect for people on here when i was made moderator and then that was removed without reason or explanation, there you go so now you know that (not that you care obviously)

secondly why do you and the other mods always miss the bigger picture, for many months i have been having to defend myself, but not one of you took the time or effort to look at the real culprit, oh i know what you all say, but its all your fault peewee, however thats not true, i never asked lando to get into dispute with me, i got bored with his snide comments and personal attacks so i responded, i got a final warning and i abided by it, you all seem to forget this, it was bobs failure to live up to his final warning that allowed lando to carry on, joined i might add by bob, leon, jbg and LFC2007, where were the mods then john, oh i know, they were just looking at my comments while totally ignoring the comments of others.

so why have i been a bit off, well for the reason mentioned above and because of the complete failure of the moderating team, why do i make comments about the mods, i will tell you why, because not one of you had the f*cking decency to pm me and let me know what was happening, i was constantly having to inform you all about the abuse and carry doing what i was told, i avoided the conflict but you allowed it to continue towards me, i complained (as i was asked to do) and it was ignored,

then i got a card from bob, i wrote a post, next time i looked it had gone, bob was the only mod on line and baring in mind his dislike for me (from his previous comments) i assumed he deleted it.

i was then subject to a barrage of abuse in public and private from leon and bob, but hey i suppose as mods they are allowed to do this and i am just supposed to accept this,

listen john i used to respect you and some of the mods, but since this there is only mod left i have any respect for, you all allowed this to continue in the knowledge that you would get your ammunition to card me (not that bob needs the ammunition).

mick started the thread, i agreed to the truce as soon as i saw lando had, (again bare in mind i was reading through the thread and responding to each post, when i saw landos i agreed), then ciggy entered and started on a drunken rant, lets not forget how many squabbles and drunken racist rants she has had on here, how many cards does she have? yeah thats right none.

ultimately i have been carded for defending myself, why did i have to defend myself? because of a weak moderating team that allowed it to get to the stage where i had to, despite my following the rules after a final warning you all again failed.

i know you see it differently, you see it this way because of bias, luckily there are people on the forum who can see it correctly and i than them for their support and pms.

however while these ridiculous cards are still agaisnt my name and the protagonists are still unpunished then i have no desire to be on here, also while their are moderators who are more keen on stirring up problems than actually deal with them then i have no desire to be on here.

sadly some of you could not even find your @rses with both hands, this is blatantly obvious by you missing the obvious bigger picture and taking the easy option based on past misdemeanours

Postby jonnymac1979 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:11 am

Whatever Peewee.  I've had enough of this whole situation and enough of you.  Really.  You're probably a good bloke.  I've no doubt about that.  You don't just turn into a cock overnight.  You appeared to though when you lost the plot over all this moderating b*ll*c*ks.  It's not real you know?  It's just a little forum at the end of the day.

I really don't think you're going to last on here though.  I'm seriously going to speak to the mods first chance I get about your issues with this forum.

Best left at that.


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