Osama bin ladin

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Postby jacdaniel » Mon May 16, 2011 10:17 am

Ciggy wrote:if I was a muslim I would be asking myself why sh!thouses like Bin Laden and the rest of his cronies get young men to carry out their violent acts when they dont carry out these acts themselves why didnt Bin laden fly one of them planes into the Twin Towers? Because he was nothing but a sh!thouse coward.Its about time these young men woke up to this fact that these preachers are taking them for a ride and there is no 27 virgins waiting for them in hell !!!!

Thats the part that I just can't understand!  Why do these guys agree to blowing themselves up when clearly their leader has no intention of doing the same thing.

I dont like war at all but some of these countries have made if impossible to avoid.
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Postby metalhead » Mon May 16, 2011 10:50 am

Kenny Kan wrote:How  people are so naive to the blindly obvious is unbelievable, I wish I could be an apologist and brush everything off with a petty excuse and live comfortably with it.

Yeh ok just stick to your one sided view and just forget about what I have been talking about in the last couple of pages in this thread.
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Postby tubby » Mon May 16, 2011 12:33 pm

Kenny Kan wrote:
tubby wrote:
maypaxvobiscum wrote:does anyone have a link to a news article with regards to the incident in Thailand? i've not been up to date with the current affairs lately and i tried searching for that piece of news on yahoo to no avail.


Just a heads up, this contains an extremely graphic and disturbing video. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! DO NOT WATCH IF YOU ARE LIKELY TO BE OFFENDED.

Unfortunately there is very little if any censorship in the Thai media.

I think this just confirms that there isn't any 'political' motivation to hide behind when seeing disturbing scenes like this. I mean, what have the southern people of Thailand got politically in common with people of the same extremes in the middle east. A big fat nothing!

The apologists can come out in their droves but this disturbing scene shows that the extremists across the world are only bound by Islam. They have taken this 'holy book' and used it's literally meaning to try and Islamify the world.

Other Muslim's who don't condone this should be doing their uptmost to bring these vile humans to justice. Islam already has a bad name and it's only going to get worse otherwise. Also im pretty sure some Imams from the region have denounced the attacks.


The Budhists are forming their own vigilante squads - 'Thai's United' and are carrying out revenge attacks. I think they are even endorsed and trained by the military. The thing is the government is too concerned with upcoming elections and the disputed territory with Cambodia.

I've tried writing to some western bloggers over there but none seem to want to know anything about it, and this doesn't get reported in the mainstream media either. But from what I can tell the muslims in the southern region object to Budhism being taught in schools and want to drive all the monks out of the south.

You know the situation is getting bad when Budhists are carrying out revenge attacks. I think a civil war is a real possibility in the near future.  :(
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Postby Ola Mr Benitez » Mon May 16, 2011 1:16 pm

apparently Bin Ladins last words where "Give Torres the gun"...
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Postby Reg » Mon May 16, 2011 2:09 pm

Tolerance is needed, to better understand our muslim cousins I've just taken out a 12 month subscription to 'Practical Stoning'.
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Postby dawson99 » Mon May 16, 2011 2:20 pm

Reg wrote:Tolerance is needed, to better understand our muslim cousins I've just taken out a 12 month subscription to 'Practical Stoning'.

I minored in getting stoned at college if that helps

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Postby tonyeh » Mon May 16, 2011 5:49 pm

Santa wrote:how in the 'ell did a thread about ObL turns into discussion about lady boys? :laugh:

Cos we're all infidels.
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Postby Emerald Red » Mon May 16, 2011 8:36 pm

Ciggy wrote:But not all muslims believe or carry out them passages only the ones who live in the stoneage, if I was a muslim I would be asking myself why sh!thouses like Bin Laden and the rest of his cronies get young men to carry out their violent acts when they dont carry out these acts themselves why didnt Bin laden fly one of them planes into the Twin Towers? Because he was nothing but a sh!thouse coward.Its about time these young men woke up to this fact that these preachers are taking them for a ride and there is no 27 virgins waiting for them in hell !!!!

Exactly. Islam is the second biggest religion on the planet. You could single out the same sort of stuff written in the Bible, but most of that is in the Old Testament, and most who are brought into Christianity of any sort know that from a very young age, the Old Testament is nothing but parables and myths, and the archaic scriptures of a world long lost. No one ever takes it serious, or is ever instructed to take it serious. Common sense denotes that. However, there are a few odd nut cases running about in cults that do. They either end up going on some kind of rampage, or lock themselves in barns and burn it down with themselves inside it. They do so because they are nuts. Simple as that. Those that are running around carrying out these beheadings like this are the same bracket of lunatic. Only, the thing is, beheadings have always been a sign of warning, terror or a scare tactic. My ancient ancestors used to do it to ward off invaders by lining the beach with heads on pikes. Ironic that all that sh*t was cut out once Christianity was introduced to the island, isn't it?
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Postby Emerald Red » Mon May 16, 2011 8:48 pm

Kenny Kan wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:Hmm, I think I'll give that one a miss, then.

And I'd hardly cite religion as the main factor in these types of brutality. Those carrying these kinds of murders out are nothing but misguided savages, and if they really were devout Muslim, then surely they'd know that the people they killed (assuming that they were of Buddhist faith) that Buddha is regarded as a prophet of Islam in certain sects of their faith as far as I understand it. Maybe MH knows more. These scum get their murderous tendencies from elsewhere, because in no religion I've read about does it instruct people to go around cutting people's heads off out of spite of their faith.

Well, 'you'd hardly cite' blah blah blah, you didn't click the link did you.

extremists hence their name, have or are taking warrior Muhammad's words/interpretations to  extreme measures.

How people are so naive to the blindly obvious is unbelievable, I wish I could be an apologist and brush everything off with a petty excuse and live comfortably with it.

Why would I want to click a link that shows a kid with his head cut off? F*ck that. F*ck that big style.

However, I'm not going to look at something like that, then have my mind swayed by it by having a narrow-minded view that it happened all because of the Muslim faith. The faith had f*ck all to do with it.
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Postby Ciggy » Mon May 16, 2011 9:42 pm

All my holidays the last few years have been to Tunisia, Egypt & The Emirates we now have lots of muslim friends in the Emirates we go to their houses, they pick us up from the airport, and show us round places we havent seen before.  We go out drinking with them, FML I was in some nightclub in RAK until 4 in the mornin with a group of my friends last week and had a great time.  So peoples perceptions are wrong I mean look at Metal head he doesnt want to behead us does he  :p  :D
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Postby metalhead » Mon May 16, 2011 9:53 pm

of course not :p  :D
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Postby Kenny Kan » Mon May 16, 2011 11:06 pm

Emerald Red wrote:
Kenny Kan wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:Hmm, I think I'll give that one a miss, then.

And I'd hardly cite religion as the main factor in these types of brutality. Those carrying these kinds of murders out are nothing but misguided savages, and if they really were devout Muslim, then surely they'd know that the people they killed (assuming that they were of Buddhist faith) that Buddha is regarded as a prophet of Islam in certain sects of their faith as far as I understand it. Maybe MH knows more. These scum get their murderous tendencies from elsewhere, because in no religion I've read about does it instruct people to go around cutting people's heads off out of spite of their faith.

Well, 'you'd hardly cite' blah blah blah, you didn't click the link did you.

extremists hence their name, have or are taking warrior Muhammad's words/interpretations to  extreme measures.

How people are so naive to the blindly obvious is unbelievable, I wish I could be an apologist and brush everything off with a petty excuse and live comfortably with it.

Why would I want to click a link that shows a kid with his head cut off? F*ck that. F*ck that big style.

However, I'm not going to look at something like that, then have my mind swayed by it by having a narrow-minded view that it happened all because of the Muslim faith. The faith had f*ck all to do with it.

So you're happy to speak on behalf of the people who carried this out and other atrocities like it and say their faith had nothing to do with it, even though they contradict it by admitting so.

Bury head in sand.
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Postby tubby » Mon May 16, 2011 11:08 pm

I think this thread has run it's course.
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Postby Greavesie » Mon May 16, 2011 11:14 pm

he's dead. He deserved it

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Postby Emerald Red » Tue May 17, 2011 7:27 am

Kenny Kan wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Kenny Kan wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:Hmm, I think I'll give that one a miss, then.

And I'd hardly cite religion as the main factor in these types of brutality. Those carrying these kinds of murders out are nothing but misguided savages, and if they really were devout Muslim, then surely they'd know that the people they killed (assuming that they were of Buddhist faith) that Buddha is regarded as a prophet of Islam in certain sects of their faith as far as I understand it. Maybe MH knows more. These scum get their murderous tendencies from elsewhere, because in no religion I've read about does it instruct people to go around cutting people's heads off out of spite of their faith.

Well, 'you'd hardly cite' blah blah blah, you didn't click the link did you.

extremists hence their name, have or are taking warrior Muhammad's words/interpretations to  extreme measures.

How people are so naive to the blindly obvious is unbelievable, I wish I could be an apologist and brush everything off with a petty excuse and live comfortably with it.

Why would I want to click a link that shows a kid with his head cut off? F*ck that. F*ck that big style.

However, I'm not going to look at something like that, then have my mind swayed by it by having a narrow-minded view that it happened all because of the Muslim faith. The faith had f*ck all to do with it.

So you're happy to speak on behalf of the people who carried this out and other atrocities like it and say their faith had nothing to do with it, even though they contradict it by admitting so.

Bury head in sand.

The religion had nothing to do with it. Yes, that is what I am saying, and I am not apologising or speaking for anyone but myself. Where you're getting that from, I don't know. Every living soul has a choice in life. It's not forced on you by religion. All the religion is is an idea. It's up to the individual how they want to take it, or how much of it they want it to influence their life. If what you're trying to get at is that the Muslim faith teaches people to go out and behead people, then I think you're a bit misguided yourself. As you've said, these people are extremists. Although that word is only a westernised word given to them through the media propaganda. If it were local and something like that happened, not only would it be all over the news on every channel and on the front page of every paper, but they'd be chosing different words to call them. Why is it that something like this happens, yet it's rarely reported in the news here and elswhere in the west? This sort of stuff - and much, much worse - has been going on the World over for a very long time, and not just by those of Islamic faith either. Yet, it gets swept under the carpet.

It's amazing how the World seems to change its views on people of a certain denomination in such a short space of time, it really is. If you want a perfect example of this, just look at most of the films from the 80's. They were all anti-soviet propaganda driven bollox. What, you don't believe me? Go watch Rambo 3 or Rocky or some sh*t like that. Rambo even had the Afghanistans as the good guys, remember? Couldn't see a film like that happening these days, could you? What's my point? Well, it just seems that everytime the US or UK government has a bit of a political agenda, the propganda changes. In the 80's it was Thatcher and Reagan and those terrible Russians. Now it's those bad Arab folks and their nasty religion. As the Yanks say: go figure.
Last edited by Emerald Red on Tue May 17, 2011 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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