Newkit awards 2009 - Oh yeah

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Postby bigmick » Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:24 pm

Newcomer of the year who isn't an alter ego Milou. He's had a couple of really good threads which have made interesting reading. Most recently the one about the defence. A thoughtful poster and a good read. Not sure how "new" he actually is, but he's only in the last year or so really started making his mark.

Mod of the year Bad Bob. They all do a good job mostly I think, but Bob reminds me very much of Alan Hansen in the way he goes about the job (I'm talking as a player here). He is unflustered, avoids glaringly obvious mistakes and reads the game well enough to allow him to nip dodgy situations in the bud before they develop. I sometimes don't agree with him, but I always respect him.

Thread of the year Last man standing. A great idea this, excellently thought out and marshalled by DD.

Optimist of the year Lando. We could lose 6-0 at Home to Crewe and Lando would find something about the left backs performance which would give him hope enough to denounce anyone who said it was a dodgy result. Deservedly suspended IMHO, but nontheless one of the posters who makes the boards worthwhile. I look forward to being on the receiving end when he returns no doubt all guns blazing.

Pessimist of the year Heimdall. We could win the Champions League final 6-0 against the Mancs and Heimy would find something in the left backs performance to fill him with dread about the season to come. Unjustly banned IMHO and once again one of the charcters who make the forum special.

Please come back All banned posters who are genuine Liverpool fans. Lando, Stu, Leon (whO I know isn't banned), Peeewee, Johnnymac, Zara "big Sam yeah :buttrock ", Heimdall etc etc. No more to be said really. I don't agree with all of them from time to time, or some of them any of the time, but the rules if applied properly should be robust enough to accomodate everyone IMHO.

Joker of the year Judgie. Close one this. Barry has had the funniest line of the year for me with the Hughes having photos of him doing bycicle Kicks on the dressing room walls (you had to be there, it was funnier when he said it). S@int and andy G's dry wit one-liners make me laugh regularly, Benny the Noon has become a joint leader with DD at posting up hilarious pictures, but for overall inanity on a grand scale it's the Judge. The way he switches from wanton Buffoonery to sage like seriousness on climate change or more recently football at the drop of a hat kills me.

Oustanding contribution Dundalk, Effes, S@int, Owzat. DD for his "last man standing" thread, his posting up up of hilarious videos and pictures, and for just being a really top lad. Effes for his gamblers league thread which I fecking haven't had a pick up in yet, and once again for being a good bloke and a voice of reason. S@int I think puts in some excellent threads and some well researched answers. As much as many don't agree with him, he makes arguments keeps going, and I mean that as a compliment :D Owzat similarly puts up his stats and some of them are really thought provoking. Obviously some are utter b0ll0cks (basically the ones which don't back up a point I'm making), but it makes the forum a good place to talk football. Overall my winner this year in DD by a whisker. 

Football poster of the year S@int, LFC2007, Owzat, Sabre. Two I generally agree with, two I generally don't but they all post excellent stuff. My marginal winner is S@int for his well researched and though provoking points , but we are lucky to have them all on here.

Baddie of the year :sleep

Newkitter of the year Nanny red. No contest. She's everyones mate, comes on here absolutely wasted and talks utter b0ll0cks but you can't read it anyway, she gets her log-in periodacally hijacked by her bitter son who abuses all and sundry, she's got real madrid connections, knows all the football faces in Sarf East Landen, gets a bit of info, starts rumours which get picked up by the Worldwide football press (Scott Parker to Liverpool made it onto the football show over here) and posts up Santa stuff for the kids which pretty much the whole of Christchurch has used (got me sooooo many Brownie points that did. Mother in Law works at the hospital in the kids ward). She even talks sense about football too, opposite end of the great divide to me but a great poster.

Sorry if I didn't give you a mention, I just sat here and filled it in without giving it thought. If I'd really considered it I'd probably come up with a host of different answers. Suffice to say none of us would spend so much time on here if it wasn't a bit of fun, and everyone contributes. Anyway, the kids are bored with their presents now (they did open them half an hour ago and they only cost a couple of weeks wages) so I'd better get the frisbee out and we'll go on the back field. have a good one guys, Mick.
Last edited by bigmick on Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby red37 » Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:56 pm

NEWCOMER:  Made in UK - not seen eye to eye in the past, but - heck we are all human and none of us are here long enough to bear a lasting grudge.

MOD:  All the other Lads - who do the donkey work with next to no fuss.

THREAD of the YEAR:  For sheer volume it has to be the now 'infamous' Takeover topic....what a shame its not exactly a comforting read.

BADDIE: n/a   (sorry like....)

OPTOMIST: Nan. Admirable in the face of a maelstrom of justifyable reasons to waver - she barely has. Closely followed, i will make sure to add, the name of: Sabre.

PESSIMIST: Heimdall - no apologies in saying.

PLEASE COME BACK: Leon - probably will not, but i for one miss his candid approach. On the side, a good lad as well.

JOKER: Deffo Baz...  :D  s@int ran him close though...

FOOTY POSTER: Mick - again, dont always see things the same way.  But he is a constant on this forum and part of the furniture, always highly readable - another who i would share a pint with willingly if he would reciprocate.

NEWKITTER of the YEAR: Kop out this - all of yer. Without which, there would BE no Newkit. Good, Bad AND the ugly.

MODS AWARD: (Additional section if im allowed) I would like to give this to someone who frequently courts controversy on here, despite not always being allowed the luxury of true understanding:  Somebody who i have, in the past and will continue to, respect for a single act of humility that is indicative of the lads character, which few might have hesitated to emulate. 

And it is for Lando Griffin.

Once again - the very best wishes to ALL posters here, who have LFC in their hearts.  Merry Christmas.

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Postby Effes » Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:20 pm

Newcomer of the year
Made in UK

Mod of the year

Bad bob

Thread of the year  

Last Man Standing - when everyone was too weary to talk football, it was somewhere lighthearted
and had everyone interested. It must have also taken DD loads of time sorting out, so well in DD.

Optimist of the year

Benny the Noon

Baddie of the Year

Realist of the year

Owzat - cant get more real than his stats. :D

Please come back


Joker of the Year


pointless reply with smileys spam or just get a room you guys poster of the year 2009

Benny the Noon

Outstanding contribution

Dundalk, s@int, Owzat, Bad Bob - all eclipsed (just) by BigMick.

Football poster of the year

Bigmick and s@int (although s@int starts less threads).

An extra mention for Mick for the abuse he has received, (even by Mods) and yet continuing to post football
with only minor retalliation from him - he's probably the most productive poster, but you wouldn't think that looking at the abuse he got from the mods.

Newkitter of the year

I think people who are "regulars" on here are decent people.
Anyone who takes time to converse on here and be bothered to string a few
responses deserves credit.

It is certainly a site I visit every day - which shows how good it is.

Happy Christmas everyone.
Last edited by Effes on Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Number 9 » Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:54 am

Benny the Noon...if its who I think it is after all was said and done,he deserves saluted.
If its some randomer off the net he deserves saluted anyway..cause I'd have cracked by now.I aint been on much lately but that is one poster that stood out!Apologies to all the new posters I know feck all about!

MODERATOR...Woofs pished and watching foreign movies,Bobs on the end of a sniper rifle 24/7,All is on his X box,St Mike is too obsessed with looking at Thierry Henry and taking things that are not his and Supersub is almost plantfood....I cant pick between really is anybodies trophy...dont type to quick or Bob will shoot!

Take over thread....More fallouts in that thread than any stirred passion and was probably the architect of BigMicks fences,that we all sit on either side of,around or in some cases have picnics on top names!

Hands down Peewee wins...a total lowlife,no point beating about the bush..what he done or tried to do to another LFC fan is beyond my comprehension and one of the main reasons I rarely post on here...It turned my fuc'king gut what he did and made me think twice about who I talk to..even online!


Igor and Emy Red..Im sorry I know there are a hell of a lot more but I dont see the board as I used to...either way from where I stand anyone that can stay positive now deserves a fu,ckig medal


The name says it all "LAKES" every time i read one of your posts I feel like jumping into one,no matter how cold,just to get it all over.....apparently manages anger,what do you say?Dont be angry..just listen to me for a few minutes then you'll wanna hang yourself?


LEON.....more of a red than most on here and a big gentle person..I would knock him out,hes almost gay.
Shame the day that guy left...totally misunderstood on to the core!Get him back!


Been a while since I had a laugh on here.......Dawson makes me laugh cause he is deluded and actually thinks he is awesome,Judge makes me laugh cause he is obviously not allowed to talk in the house or be near a computer..(wonder why)
Andy G makes me laugh cause he is a bit off the wall....but Sabre makes me laugh most(and Im sorry Ivan cause I know you dont mean to)but "she kept my thing hard all night" and "rafa buggering players"..just the way you talk lad,the translation!


That gay baldy yorkshire kunt!


Dundalk....and may I say what a true unflapable gent DD is,never once a harsh word to anyone on here mate..its been noticed.(probably cause he is too busy looking at tits)


Id have to say Mick the dido seller....Although at times your sarcasm lets you down you do put more to the board than anyone else in terms of your own opinion and how you actually feel.A lot of the time you are right you dont really go "I told you so" No,you take your time and massage it in over 3 whole months subtly,stabbing a knife into every wound of every disagreeing joking!!
Great poster...full of sh'te at times but knows his stuff and the board would be fuct without him,cu,nt as he is!
And that is all...Merry Xmas to you and the family Mick!


Nanny Red...A true Red,can bet feck all though!But shes about 70 odd on a zimmer and still goes to games even with her incontinence nappy on.Rumour has it that when we scored one time she took her nappy off and nearly hit Gary Neville with it...this I cannot confirm but I reckon its true!

Anyway Newkitter of the year from me goes to Nanny Red...a truely lovely lady and one with LFC in her heart..YNWA!


KUNTS! :rasp
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Postby laza » Fri Dec 25, 2009 1:58 pm

Newcomer of the year

Ben Patrick

Mod of the year

Bad Bob Rolls royce of Mods

Thread of the year

Last Man standing

Baddie of the Year

They are all evil

Optimist of the year


Pessimist of the year

You take this guy with you and could sell prozac by bucketload even  in Dalai Lama residence

Please come back

Red before ego

Joker of the Year

Andy G always brings a smile to face.......not a happy smile mind you

pointless reply with smileys spam or just get a room you guys poster of the year 2009

Outstanding contribution to jubblies 2009
Dundalk with honourable mention to the K-Mount

Football poster of the year

We talk football on this site???

Newkitter of the year

Dundalk besides being high priest of Airbrush and Silicon Temple, his last man standing thread was little oasis in desert of broken red dreams[/quote]
And thats all Ive got to say about that  :D
Last edited by laza on Fri Dec 25, 2009 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby NANNY RED » Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:11 pm

My nan noninations goes to ,

Newcomer of the year

redbeergoggles, i really love reading his posts , and for me he puts a different way of saying things with lovely words ,

An i forgot Ben Patrick although im sure hes Ace Ventura, but a nice lad anyways

Mod of the year

Red37 gent in my eyes , with Woof coming a close on the nose second , so could be a photo finish,
Actualy there all nice so its hard to pick one

Thread of the year

takeover talk
I hate the thread but i cant keep out of it, first thread i look at when i come on here,
And the Xabi thread , broke my heart though,

Baddie of the Year
That nomark PETAR

Optimist of the year
Hard one this, Igor, Benny, Ciggy, Bav,
Just edges it for me is Igor

Pessimist of the year
couldnt spilt them.

Please come back,
Barry , dont half miss him , sh it at betting though, i know he posts every now an again but hed better hurry up an start posting back regular, not the same for laughs on here with out him

Daxy an all he had me in bulk with some of the things he says and seems a genuine lad

Rumour of the year ,
Scott Parker , That Dundalk has got alot to answer for lol

Joker of the Year
Ciggy for me , says things that sometimes have me in bulk , an words that only some of us understand,
And Sabre cracks me up with some of his sayings

Saint an Benny , they actualy love each other,


CIGGY, Never ever waiverd and if everyone of our supporters was like her they would of fecked off long ago

Football poster of the year

Big Mick, I feel like im reading a novel when i read some of his posts ,an have a sneaky read of the ending first,  but fair play to him he knows his footie and states what comes out of his mouth, We dont always agree especialy on his mate , Jose but that might be the only mate hes got so ill leave that alone, I actualy wish i could write what i wanted to say on here like Michael, because id batter the lot of you with my words, An anyway hes gonnabuy me a bevvie when he comes back over here so ill leave it till then to educate him,lol , hes alrite though

Newkitter of the year

For me its  Saint, because he helps me with me link thingys, an never moans at me, maybe its because hes an arl bas,tard an all, But he knows a bit about footie past and present sometimes we agree on team matters an sometimes we dont but one thing we do agree on is them two, An hes got more chance of getting into my bloomers than we have of getting a new stadium.

An a special nomination of mine goes to Bav, good match going Red who travels miles to watch us play, nice lad an all,
Last edited by NANNY RED on Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby andy_g » Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:35 pm

NANNY RED wrote:An hes got more chance of getting into my bloomers than we have of getting a new stadium.

any idea by which date he'll have a spade in your ground, nanster?

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Postby tubby » Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:40 pm

Newcomer of the year

Benny the Noon

I will also mention made in the UK. Tough call.

Mod of the year

IMO All the mods here do a great job but if I had to pick one out id say woof woof or red 37

Thread of the year

Takeover thread for me can only be this one. I know it's rambled on for so long but for me it's the most important one in terms of the club and until the situation is resolved it will remain the most important.

Baddie of the Year

They are not so bad really.

Optimist of the year


Whenever I am looking for inspiration or am feeling blue it's always reading posts from one of these 2 that gets me going again

Pessimist of the year


Please come back

manhattan project

Joker of the Year
Number 9
Andy G

Football poster of the year

This is a tough one and these are in no particular order but for me I always like reading whatever these folks have to say. Although Mick please oh please try and paraphrase into smaller paragraphs. hehe

Big Mick
Emerald Red
Nanny Red

Newkitter of the year

Big Mick

Top top posters. Nothing more to say really.

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Postby tubby » Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:41 pm

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Postby NANNY RED » Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:59 pm

andy_g wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:An hes got more chance of getting into my bloomers than we have of getting a new stadium.

any idea by which date he'll have a spade in your ground, nanster?

He will have to use it to dig me up Andy, Mind you hes arler than me so  he might never get his chance hell be dead,  :laugh: he will just have the other little wrigglys for company :nod
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Postby Ben Patrick » Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:07 pm

Thanks for votes as newcomer - been on here for about 5 years as Ace Ventura though  :D

Newcomer has to be Nanny, my nan wouldnt even know what a laptop is never mind be able to come online and make up blag rumours that end up in the papers  :laugh:

poster of the year for me is saint, his posts always make sense and are well put forward.
bigmick makes the biggest and most vital contribution to the forum despite the unfair sh!te he has had to take, fair play mate. Make sure you keep posting.
Love ciggy's passion for the club.

Funniest poster is a hard one, bazza's obviously a nutter  :D
dawson is funny in a deluded awesome way, but andyg has me laughin most with his randomness.
optimist - lando
pessimist - heimdall

biggest bullsh!tter - lakes with his millions of connections  :D
Sabre looks like a big lezzer
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Postby NANNY RED » Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:12 pm


Ace :laugh:
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Postby Ben Patrick » Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:13 pm

thread of the year - that solent thread was pretty cool.
Sabre looks like a big lezzer
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Postby dawson99 » Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:21 pm

Sorry, Nan registered in 2007, so is up there for lurker of the previous years, but alas not newcomer :(

unless it took ehr 2 years to login, which is possible, so shes back in the game
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Postby NANNY RED » Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:23 pm

dawson99 wrote:Sorry, Nan registered in 2007, so is up there for lurker of the previous years, but alas not newcomer :(

unless it took ehr 2 years to login, which is possible, so shes back in the game

2007 i  must be a glory hunter then deffo :laugh:
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