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Postby bigmick » Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:46 am

I must say peewee that after accusing Sabre for the last few days, you are showing admirable restraint in not publishing this PM. Are you sure it really is incriminating and not just Sabre saying he is totally p!ssed off with being caled a liar every five minutes for the last few days?
I only ask because if it's something like that, you can hardly blame the fella and I for one wouldn't think it qualified as a smoking gun. BTW I didn't get your bold type PM. That's not a complaint as it seemed a bit derogatory, but I didn't get it anyway.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:47 am

dawson99 wrote:
EddieC wrote:I've gotta admit, I saw the title of this thread and thought 'here we go again' but then I thought how I'd be reacting in Peewee's shoes.

To be fair all he's asked for is an explanation, and then got louder & louder when he hasn't got one. Maybe it's just me, but I think most people would do the same.

im with u dude, i want answers. i want the truth, and i think i could handle it

you cant handle the truth, we need walls

Postby neil » Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:51 am

just open your window and shout "I've had enough and I'm not going to take this anymore"
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:53 am

neil wrote:just open your window and shout "I've had enough and I'm not going to take this anymore"

What will that do ?

Its the internet no fecker will here you .

Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:59 am

bigmick wrote:I must say peewee that after accusing Sabre for the last few days, you are showing admirable restraint in not publishing this PM. Are you sure it really is incriminating and not just Sabre saying he is totally p!ssed off with being caled a liar every five minutes for the last few days?
I only ask because if it's something like that, you can hardly blame the fella and I for one wouldn't think it qualified as a smoking gun. BTW I didn't get your bold type PM. That's not a complaint as it seemed a bit derogatory, but I didn't get it anyway.

sorry mick, i sent sabres pm to the head honcho, not to all mods, the bold type i thought i sent to all mods.

its not sabre saying he annoyed about being called a liar, he mentions his dislike of me and goes on to joke about the pms he has sent me in full knowledge that will antagonise the siuation. the people i trust have all seen it.

then when he realsies his mistake he tries to hide behind badbob, saying how unfair it will be on him to show the pm, even though badbob has nothing to do with the pm, he would just be the expected recipient, i reiterate badbob has been totally supportive for me in this issue, and to use him like sabre did to  try and save his own hide is a disgrace.

then when he sees that tast wont work he send another pm trying to call a truce and ask how he can resolve this, its amazing isnt it how he can go from hatred and trying to antagonise a situation, to trying to be all pally in the space of a few minutes.

i gave him his options, admit to his dislike and trying to drum up support in hi dislike, admit to his trying to antagonise the situation, and step down as mod as he is not fit to do it taking into account his backstabbing of another mod and his attempts to stir up touble.

when all that failed he threatened to show my pms where i call him names, hey did that in public so that was no threat.

anyway even though i now have a great dislike of sabre, he is in my opinion one of those people that you avoid, the backstabber, the sneak, he gave support in public in woofs thread while working behind the scenes to promote his hatred of me, he has had a dislike since he got the wrong of the stick when i had a discussion with metalhead (who i might also add has been a total gent through all this and offered his support, his hatred the n grew when i banned his friend stu (again in my remit as mod i was right), he campaigned to get his renistated and sent many boring posts about how he would have handled it differently) he is still banned sabre. then he had a go at woof and i defended woof against him building his dislike even further.

as it stands now mick i have had no need to show his pm, it exists, he knows what it says, i know and a few others know, no doubt it will hav ben forwaded to you by now. like i say its nothing major, but its enough for me to finally get answers and provide some of the prrof that sabre has been trying to get out of me. it proves he has an agenda in private whilst in public pulling the wool over everyones eyes.

Postby neil » Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:00 pm

Bamaga man wrote:
neil wrote:just open your window and shout "I've had enough and I'm not going to take this anymore"

What will that do ?

Its the internet no fecker will here you .

Good point, well put.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:02 pm

i am going out now, to the red cross fair.

have fun guys   :D

Postby 66-1112520797 » Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:04 pm

peewee wrote:i am going out now, to the red cross fair.

have fun guys   :D

Buy something cheap  :D

And not a girl with a wi.lly  :D

Postby Rafa D » Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:09 pm

I was trying to stay out of all this as its going to and has been getting messy. However I am fed up of coming onto the forum and seeing tit for tat posts in the GENERAL LIVERPOOL DISCUSSION FORUM and seeing the multiple threads in here on the same topic. Its like a broken record now.

  Forgive me for not being up to date on the facts surrounding this incident as to be honest I stopped reading these posts around 2 days ago and tried to stick to the main Liverpool page, it was tediously boring and to be honest I could see myself losing my rag eventually.

Well here's my tuppence worth.....

First and foremostly before the 2 new mods were announced, when the whole "peewee for mod" campaign started a few months ago, I was not really convinced Peewee was the right man for the job - I didn't feel he showed newbies enough leeway before he started hounding them and felt he was aggressive towards them from an early stage with no feasible evidence. My view on him was I neither liked him or disliked him either way. I felt he would not be up to the job. and to be honest I did not want him to be a mod.  However over the next month or 2 he was proved right as the WUM's showed there true colours and I was left quite impressed with how he sniffed them out. I got talking to peewee over that month about where he lives etc and I realised he was a sound bloke - my first reservations about him seemed unfounded and yes I made a mistake in judging him too quickly.

Fastforward to when Supersub announced that he had asked 2 people to be mods and instantly my first thoughts where peewee and s@int. When Sabre was announced as a mod (by me) I was surprised with the appointment but felt he had all the tools to do the job. He had experience of modding, he was very passive most of the time and seemed to have a level head. I was surprised but happy with the appointment of Sabre. Peewee was always going to be the other choice and I was happy with that after my inital assessment had been wrong.

There was a slight stink with Woof-Woof who felt that Sabre shouldn't of been made a mod due to his alligence being to Real Sociedad. I felt that this should not come into it and to be honest thought it made Sabre even more passive and neutral to arguments. I echoed these sentiments to Sabre and Woof in that thread and I did state that IF woof woof wanted the job he should of been a prime candidate due to his time here, his post count and the type of guy he is. I like Woof-woof  a lot, he's sound and a laugh. I felt he was a bit harsh on Sabre but he pointed out the remark where Sabre told him to "get f'ucked" or something and I stated to woof and sabre in PM it was a bit naughty. However I felt woof-woof had been agressive beyond the comment.

  Over the next few days I did not SEE ONE PORN LINK OR ANYTHING OF A WUM nature on this site - the first time for a long time.

  Fastforward to the incident involving me and Stu that kicked all this off. Stu called me a fat little munchen or something and I replied in the thread to stop resorting to abuse if people don't agree with you, he refused and started it AGAIN so I followed procedure and went back and reported the original post as abuse. I was not in the slightest bothered by the abuse I get far worse dailly working for a train company but felt because he would not even consider toning it down I had to follow the procedure. Peewee responded practically straight away telling me he had his eye on it and I told him I werent arsed but he had previous etc. Peewee then went on to warn Stu to tone it down in the thread and Stu started goading him straight away. Peewee had warned him and he was trying to wind peewee up and I believe Peewee took the correct steps and temporarly banned him till the other mods had a look - where was the harm in that? I actually am a admin our a work forum and Igor Zidane will tell you I would of acted in a similar manner. Peewee was new to the job and stated he would ban stu till the other mods had discussed it. To be thats the spot on way to deal with it when you are new to the job - look for advice.

Some friends of stu stated it was a bit harsh but how many times was he warned?

The next day I recall is where it went wrong for me - Sabre had a little dig ar woof-woof in the thread about ciggs - calling woof woof not a man or something  - which in my humble opinion was the not the right thing to do. Was it lost in translation or a little dig for the way woof woof had unfairly treated sabre a few days earlier? Whatever it was it was wrong to say this especially when in a position of authority.

However what unfolded then in that thread between peewee and Sabre for me is where it all went wrong. Peewe defended Woof woof because he was his friend but in my opinion he should not of done it in public. Sabre and Peewee started arguing , not discussing, in the thread and this in my eyes was the beginning of the end for peewee role as a mod. I don't think any mod or admin should ever argue in front of the members of the forum, it undermines the position of themselves and is not showing a united front. Even if you dont agree with there views , publically you should not speak out against it. Sabre should not of have a snide remark at Woof but peewee should of not took action in public - who's to blame I don't know but they were both wrong in their actions.

  LFC then removed peewee from his mod duties. He stated that members had complained. If this is the truth so be it, but the strong reaction of support peewee has had suggests the forum is a fan of peewee being a mod. However if this is not true and it was in fact because of the public argument with Sabre he should of been honest with Peewee and told him so.

Did Sabre go to LFC to moan about peewee's reactions in that thread?  I don't know, its possible, he could of, but you have to take his word in this situation and he is verminatly dening going to lfc with this. If he didn't he is telling the truth and should not get the stick but if he did LFC will know he did and will see how strongly he is denying it in this thread - which means he is a liar. Only LFC knows if he is telling the truth so we have to take Sabre's word. Sabre I ask you now to honestly tell Peewee if you did complain. If you did explainwhy you did and your enititled to that, but peewee derserves a explanation of why you did. If I was LFC I could see why you might of complained.

Supersub, Jonnymac, St Mike and big mick have all refrained from commenting on the situation as they are all doing the correct thing and waiting for LFC to act as he instigated this and no-one should step on his shoes, its his problem he deals with it.

I can see why Peewee is infuriated because he was doing a good job, he needs to be told why. The truth may hurt but at least its the truth.

  If Sabre is indeed being abusive to Peewee and mocking him that needs to be dealt with, in private by the admin. LFC or supersub should take this away from the public board and have it out with Sabre and Peewee in private. If Sabre is relieved - ok. If peewee is moved back up to mod - ok.

The new mods in my eyes should of been briefed a lot more on "modding equieitte"  and they both have been in the wrong here.

I hope I have not lost any friends with this but this is my truthful assesment of the whole situation. I want to come here and talk footy not see 2 people who i respect and would like to have a bevvy with, try to pull each other apart with attacks on their characters. We're all grown ups here and its about time someone took this by the scruff of the neck and sorted it out in PRIVATE.

Pull it apart as you please.

(BTW the whole PM's debacle - in my eyes , PM's should stay private as they were intended.)

I am not accusing Peewee or Sabre of lying but both of them need to be very truthful.
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Postby Sabre » Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:28 pm

Rafa-Dodd, you have a surprising ability to be impartial for being so young. Congratulations, you have developed an ability that will serve you well in your life. There's people who do not develop that in their whole life

Did Sabre go to LFC to moan about peewee's reactions in that thread?  I don't know, its possible, he could of, but you have to take his word in this situation and he is verminatly dening going to lfc with this. If he didn't he is telling the truth and should not get the stick but if he did LFC will know he did and will see how strongly he is denying it in this thread - which means he is a liar. Only LFC knows if he is telling the truth so we have to take Sabre's word. Sabre I ask you now to honestly tell Peewee if you did complain. If you did explainwhy you did and your enititled to that, but peewee derserves a explanation of why you did. If I was LFC I could see why you might of complained.

I've told him honestly. Publicly, and privately. I did not complain not to the mods, not to LFC.

In fact, that message I sent to a friend of mine here and that due to a clumsy mistake was sent to peewee eventually, was a compilation of PMs between me and Peewee, with a couple of comments.

Peewee has chosen to say his view instead of posting the PM. Since I like transparency Rafa, I'll post it removing the name of my friend.

peewee wrote:
Sabre wrote:
peewee wrote:
This message was sent to: LFC, Sabre, supersub

so it was sabre complained after all, so what are you going to do about? is this any way for a mod to behave. i will post this in the forum in the next 24 hours unless this matter is adressed, then i can only see people not taking him seriously.

LFC you made this mess and you can deal with it, stop running, stop hiding, people are asking question, answer them

you can take this as an official complaint about sabres actions, deal with it

Sabre wrote:
peewee wrote:
Sabre wrote:
liar, thats all i have to say on the matter

How does that affect me?  :talktothehand

Night Peewee.

yes its this attitude that will be your downfall, your not as clever as you like to think.

you have the cheek to say that woof is not manly, you are the biggest coward on the whole forum, do something then deny it, you should be ashamed. it will all come out then i can do this pathtic smiley


if i met you face to face you wouldnt have the chance, i would dance all over your big fat spick head

woooohooo  :D

You see a talktothehand was enough in order he sent a complaint to LFC.

I did, however, tried to annoy him to comment a post of his about Arsenal. Tribute to Stu.

peewee wrote:
Sabre wrote:
are we plaing in spain, no we are not so whats the point with that comment.

anyway back to reality, i think he has tinkered again too much and we will get our @rses handed to us on a plate.

surely 3rd place is just as important as tuesdays game.

lets hope i am wrong

Get a clue, lad.  :D

just keep it coming sabre, your time will come, dont worry, do you think i am doing what i am doing without some form of plan, then you are very much mistaken

take your oversized head and shove it somewhere, must be great for you, this must be the highlight of your sad life, how sad does that make you     :no

It was a bit mean, I admit, hehe.

The rest of the abuse, was his, because I didn't answer this kind of PMS

you really are low life scum sabre, it will all come out eventually.

anyway you have already lost the respect of a lot of posters on here with your attitude change, and eventually you will be gone, i can just bask in that.

if you had any sense you would leave both the modship and the forum.

rundle will see sense eventually, you are not as clever as you think you are the last few days.

like i say i defended you, you just stabbed me in the back. in real life mate you wouldnt know what hit you, thats the sad fact

I was very quiet about all this XXXXXXXX (name of a user). You're the only one with whom I was truly honest about Peewee and I trusted you completely (besides you're not LFC nor a mod so the accusation was false anyway).

His friends did PM me, but I was utterly diplomatic and defending the point that he shouldn't have been dropped once appointed him as a mod -- I was doing my job as a mod, and besides I knew whatever bad thing I said it would reach to peewee.

So it must have been very frustrating to gather evidence, since there wasn't any!

Cheers mate, I send you this as a joke, the get a clue lad was something I wanted to tell him *lol*

so the truth is starting to come out, you did act like a bitch after all, wooo big bad peewee defended a poster aginst sabre so sabre went running to his friends to complain.

what a sad insignificant litte jobsworth you are, personally i would take great pleasure in meeting you one day to educate you on being a man.

This is it. I won't tell my story Rafa like Peewee did, I'll just let you decide.

But note that in this message to my friend I state my innocence again. It was hard to gather evidence that I complained, because I hadn't written such complaint!!!!

This PM is the message of a friend, tired of all this, to another friend. This is nothing special, as Peewee also has people who trusts and has PMs with

Another fact, is that when Peewee got this message by accident, he hasn't waited much to tell all you about it.

I wonder where's all the evidence he said he has all this days.

It's you who must decide who's abusing who, I won't tell you what to think, you're all clever enough to jump into your own conclussions.

P.S. I know some of the things I've said this days are not proper of a good mod. In my defence I must say that since 1994 I hadn't been attacked this insistingly in a internet forum. I thought I had seen everything, but this takes the biscuit.

I'd understand that the fellow mods would retire me as there are people who doesn't like me in the job, I'll take the risk, because I have to defend myself once again. My honour is the most important thing for me, not a modship.

PS2. I could go on. But I've said just what I felt is necessary to claim my innocence again. Posting more Peewee's posts here would undermine his reputation even further, and that's not my point.

PS3. If I'm relieved it will be ok. Perhaps I'll be even happy. If another mod is chosen, I hope he has the impartial sense which has Rafa Dodd.
Last edited by Sabre on Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:09 pm

see sabre, this is exactly why you shouldnt be a mod because you have a knack of missing the obvious.

your pm shows a great deal of hypocrisy, while defending me in the the thread you were behind my back telling people of your dislike for me. i said what i had to say in public, i didnt dislike you, so what we had a squabble, i though we had it sorted but obviously not from your side.

also now removing badbobs name from the post as though you are doing him a favour, i have already made it clear that this is nothing to do with badbob, and again you are using him to try and curry favour, just to make this clear, this is nothing to do with badbob apart from the fact that you were sending him a pm admiting your dislike for me and admitting that you were trying to antagonise the situation with your wind up. your continual use of badbob leaves a bad taste in the mouth, its as though constant reference by you to another poster is looking to deflect the flak.

the funny thing is sabre you thought you were so cool asking for evidence, then because of your stupidity you present me something on a plate, sure its not what i wanted but at least it shows you to be a hypocrite, you are a backstabber, however much you try to justify it, its a fact, you are two faced and a backstabber.

now also i seem to remember recently how adamant you were that you would never post a pm, so now you have posted a pm, again you are a hypocrite sabre. i made the decision to not post the pm, i didnt think it was needed, i thought that you would eventually become a man, how wrong i was.

with regards to your position, i wouldnt wait for admin to make the decison sabre, just fall on your sword, people can see your true colours now, they can see your hypocrisy, they can also see your attitude change since you became mod.

now you have made the decison to post the pm, i will now add your following 2 pms. the one where you realise your mistake, and the one where you try and change tack knowing full well how bad this will look for you.

sabre, when you send a pm, remember to type in te name of the recipient, and not the last person you want to send it to.

no to quote your wind ups

get a clue lad

Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:14 pm

now look at how he reacts when he sees he made a simple error, he tries to stop me showing the pm by referring to badbob, when its obvious that badbob can not be blamed for this is any way.  talk about using your friends

FFS that's a mistake, leave BadBob alone, he defended you all the time.

He just supported you all the time but I have good relationship with him and asked me how I was doing after all this and he wanted to know my abuse towards you.

But apparently while answering him back I misclicked or something and sent it to you.

Yes Peewee, I don't like you, you can imagine that. But I haven't told anything to the mods -- as you can see up there -- nor to many members.

If you bother Bad Bob about this, you'll be bothering one of the guys who complaint STRONGER about your quitting as a mod. He said it was UNFAIR all the time!!

Have the flak on me, Peewee, not people who has said nothing bad.

Postby Sabre » Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:15 pm

Peewee, name calling doesn't affect me, and doesn't help you to make your points.

Continual use of BadBob? I haven't used him, it's you who has brought him to this thread.

I tried to talk about football yesterday when the thread was locked.

I tried to shake hands despite all the insults, some of them classless.

You followed me in the LFC discussion zone, with your paranoia. People can see that! no matter how much you dress it up!! No matter my english is limited!! No matter you have a degree in laws!! the truth has only one way.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:17 pm

and now the thir installment where he pleads with me, and expects me to forget his hatred and his attempts to antagonise the situation the previous few days. see how he asks me how he can sort this out, and when i tell him in the next pm he accuses me of blackmail when all i do is ask him to come clean in public and stand down his position.

the guy is comedy genius   :D

Peewee, it's about time we bury the hatchet. We both have more important things to do in our lifes.

You have your friends here, I have mine, and we all are regular members, so we must live together. Please tell me what I can do in order all this is over. I don't think it benefits neither you or me.

About me running after my friends, we all comment things between things here. Don't you?

Come on Peewee, leave this behind.

sabre you reap what you sew.

and as you used this one as an attempted wind up, have it back again

get a clue lad 

Postby Sabre » Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:20 pm

Yes, I admit that was me trying to make peace, with no success.

And this was you

sabre i will tell you why i am angry, i was removed for no reason and you chose to try and antagonise me, you tried to rub it in, even after i defended your promotion.

that is low, however you want to dress it up, we both know you had something to do with it, your pm to badbob, although still not having the balls to admit full involvment shows some level of involvement.
read you post to badbob again, look at how funny you think it all is, and then read your post asking me to basically forgive you,then understand why i will not forgive you, your request for peace is false and based on the fact that you have been rumbled, you say you dont like me, well now the feeling is mutual,

however i can see one for you to get out of this and save some face, you know what it is, maybe some people will still respect you. its not the fact you dont like me thats the problem, its the false niceness you try and show in public, its the fact you are two faced and its the fact that you denied all involvment in this.

i will give a couple of hours, if you are able to enter my inbox and remove the pms, dont worry i have copies as do my friends on here, if you ban my account i will rejoin and show your pms.

you were right, eveidence was hard to come by as to how two faced you are, and then you present it to me on a plate.

save face, admit to some involvment and i will not show your pms in public. stand down as mod as your behaviour ha sshown that you dont really deserve to be a mod. if  you dont do this then i will start a thread, if even one member loses some respect in you then its worth it in my view.

we have a few sayings i english sabre, a couple of my favourites are 'what goes around, comes around' and 'everything comes to he who waits'.

Your only agenda is to undermine me. Why? I don't know.
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