Message to zarababe

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Postby 112-1077774096 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:42 am

since you chose to come back and post in a locked thread, even though i was assured you had left the forum is wrong.

so since i cant reply to your post in there i will do it here, and mods please lock this after my comments so that it doesnt desend into the previous threads tribulations.

the comments made by both you and metalhead were wrong and offensive, i notice you mention one member protesting vigourously, its ok you can name me, its me. but to think that i am the only one offended is very wrong and i did recieve pms from very respected and unexpected members of the forum supporting my stance, however i am just the one who is prepared to speak in public which is fair enough considering the abuse i recieved for standing up for myself.

i read your post with interest a few times and at no point did i see any apology for the offence caused by your comments, just a riduculous explanation about attire worn to football games, i have never seen a rucksack in my life worn to a game and your explanation basically tries to make a mockery of peoples intelligence.

with regards to muslims being the butt of jokes on here sometimes, that is true, just as the scots, the welsh, the mancs, scousers are, but what i do know is that the mods have recieved complaints from some muslim posters about those jokes so dont sit there and tell us its all taken in good spirits because i know it isnt. i made my decision to complain based purely on these comments and NOTHING else and if you think that then you are sadder than i thought.

the decent thing here would be for the 2 of you to apologise to the offended person(s) but it seems like even that is too much for you to do, you actions have cause disharmony on the board between members wrongly condoning your comments before eventually agreeing they were in very poor taste, and members seeing it for exactly what they were, which is a disgrace.

anyway please lock this, i wanted it in public as zara aired her email in the same way, but i want her to read it, then log out and not bother coming back like she promised

Postby Ciggy » Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:18 am

I havent got a message to any one in general but what I would like to say is Peewee is being treated like Jade from the Celeb Big brother house on here.
But not many of you would know that cause not many of you are from England, Peewee wouldnt know what I mean either.

He can get upset and wound up like we all do at times, he is only human, peewee responded to MH topic cause he didnt like references from people making jokes about terrorists as I understand it Peter lives in Malaysia where Al Queada is rife and there is more chance of him getting killed than us?

I maybe wrong?

People from an other origin will understand the fact that if you live abroad or in your own country they do not want death threats, Do I agree with the asylum infux into Europe no I dont.

I lived in Holland for the best part of ten years I have blonde hair, green eyes, I was treated like a feckin kunt, but not once did I say it was racial all I saw it as was jealousy TBH.

To many people throwing the racial card up and to many kunts being PC.

And Andy_g isnt it weird the way your very involved in this issue when you havent been on here for months?

I am also friends with Zara and I am very upset and annoyed that she sent Andy a message and not me when you havent been here for over a year.

This whole thing is very childish I am not taking sides but me and Zara go a long way back so much so I thought I was worth more than Andy_G who hasnt posted on here for over a year.

But I hold no hard feelings Zara I am just let down.
Metal head I have no problem what so ever and you know that anyway.

p.s. Peewee your a kunt for the Sabre incident :D

Sabre is sound and that just got lost in translation.
Which can happen and peter you should know that living abroad yourself words get mixed up.   :)
Last edited by Ciggy on Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:32 am

i live in thailand now mate, and to be fair malaysia is quite safe as i am sure babu and azriahmad will attest.

i live in thialand now, in bangkok where there were 10 bombs exploded on new years eve, there is also a civil war as such in southern thailand where the muslims are killing monks, schoolteachers, children etc because they cant get their own way.

and i must have missed the part where i did something bad to sabre, he got involved, he tried to belittle me and as such got some mild comments back   :D

Postby 66-1120597113 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:14 am

peewee wrote:i live in thailand now mate, and to be fair malaysia is quite safe as i am sure babu and azriahmad will attest.

i live in thialand now, in bangkok where there were 10 bombs exploded on new years eve, there is also a civil war as such in southern thailand where the muslims are killing monks, schoolteachers, children etc because they cant get their own way.

and i must have missed the part where i did something bad to sabre, he got involved, he tried to belittle me and as such got some mild comments back   :D

For such a big lad yer a big POOF!! :D

Postby Sabre » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:16 am

Look Ciggy I didn't think much of the semantics of "sad bástard". All english insults are quite exotic to me and you could throw 1000  insults to me and couldn't be insulted. Just in the same way, I wanted to call a name to Peewee because I owed him an insult since he insulted me and that was the very first insult it come to my mind, as could have come moron -which sounds funny to me- or any else. No, I didn't mean that insult, if that's the worst of what I said to Peewee, then apologises and forget it

In the same way all the stuff he threw after my insult and saying that I was leaving a *while* sounded all very exotic, funny, and like John TOshack said once "like water over a duck's back". I can only be offended by people who actually can offend me, and 350 Peewees in a row couldn't bother me in the slightest: I've been in forums since 1994 and I know how they work and what kind of posters there are.
So that's not a problem, neither.

But the worst thing about what I've read this days is not about insults.

I think that all regular posters here hate terrorism, and I think that everybody feels pretty much the same reaction when we see the London or Madrid, or any other terrorist attack.

To state how offended you are about a comment, it takes 1 post. Just 1 post. You don't need more than that. If you're truly offended, then you report it to the mods aswell, end of.

And believe me, if you are really offended and shocked due to terrorism feelings you don't go 1 minute later to any other post to laugh about a trivial joke and use emoticons like this :D :laugh:, because offended people simply don't do that. And if they have the memories of terrorist attacks in his mind, even less.

I've seen a pattern in all this posts of peewee

1) Ban Metalhead
2) Ban Zarababe

He stated how offended he was in the very first posts, and I took those posts as simply that. I didn't see anything strange. I had no previous knowledge of Zarababe-Peewee clashes, that was new to me as I usually focus on football. So I saw Peewee offended and I understood, although I thought it was just a misunderstanding of a joke. I was perfectly neutral at that point, it was just two mates, in yet another discussion.

Since the mods stated that Zarababe had no intentions to offend, and thus, she wasn't going to be banned, then Peewee started to the second best goal to him, that Zarababe should leave by her own decission. You can see that goal in every fúcking post he's wrote on the issue including this one.

Another pattern I could notice is that Peewee has real troubles not to have the last word. Peewee made his point of being offended long ago, but since he didn't get his true goal, he kept on it on and on, and he's still on it. Quite simply, because the goal isn't achieved, and he has real troubles not to have the last word. The "now lock it" tells me a lot. It tells me that he doesn't like being answered. And he does that often. Sometimes it's not even enough to get the ban, and the Karim tower watch in every newbie is quite a proof of that obsession he has to clean up the board of people he dislikes, at all costs. It also explains why he has that interest in moderation.

And the sickening part of his posts is that he uses the feelings that terrorism provokes us to try to put people on his side, which I think is exactly the meaning of trivialising: using important beliefs to achieve irrelevant and stupid goals. IN this case, the banning of a member he dislikes.

I bought he was truly offended and shocked at the beginning, not after watching him joking with someone else, and after the more than 60 posts with the pattern I described.

Peewee likes to say that he's educated. To be honest I never needed to back my words with my degree and knowledge. The truth is that he's not the smartest of the posters I've read this year. He should be careful stating things like this

the sad fact is no one invited him into the dispute, he chose to join the dispute and has now got himself all upset because he isnt getting his own way.

Cos when he's angry, he doesn't control what he says. It takes composture to do that. And look, that's the real matter, I joined the *dispute*, the real matter, the dispute with ZB. So all this hasn't anything to do with terrorism and being offended, you see.

And that's what I think. Harsh I know. The Goodie-Goodie Sabre probably has done some enemies now forever, but I could not have my conscience calm if I didn't say what I think.

I love you all and I'll keep posting about the stuff that matters here, LFC, if you wish I do so. If I'm not welcome, I won't come back, and I'm not one of those who uses alter egos.
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Postby A.B. » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:22 am

Sabre wrote:Look Ciggy I didn't think much of the semantics of "sad bástard". All english insults are quite exotic to me and you could throw 1000  insults to me and couldn't be insulted. Just in the same way, I wanted to call a name to Peewee because I owed him an insult since he insulted me and that was the very first insult it come to my mind, as could have come moron -which sounds funny to me- or any else. No, I didn't mean that insult, if that's the worst of what I said to Peewee, then apologises and forget it

In the same way all the stuff he threw after my insult and saying that I was leaving a *while* sounded all very exotic, funny, and like John TOshack said once "like water over a duck's back". I can only be offended by people who actually can offend me, and 350 Peewees in a row couldn't bother me in the slightest: I've been in forums since 1994 and I know how they work and what kind of posters there are.
So that's not a problem, neither.

But the worst thing about what I've read this days is not about insults.

I think that all regular posters here hate terrorism, and I think that everybody feels pretty much the same reaction when we see the London or Madrid, or any other terrorist attack.

To state how offended you are about a comment, it takes 1 post. Just 1 post. You don't need more than that. If you're truly offended, then you report it to the mods aswell, end of.

And believe me, if you are really offended and shocked due to terrorism feelings you don't go 1 minute later to any other post to laugh about a trivial joke and use emoticons like this :D :laugh:, because offended people simply don't do that. And if they have the memories of terrorist attacks in his mind, even less.

I've seen a pattern in all this posts of peewee

1) Ban Metalhead
2) Ban Zarababe

He stated how offended he was in the very first posts, and I took those posts as simply that. I didn't see anything strange. I had no previous knowledge of Zarababe-Peewee clashes, that was new to me as I usually focus on football. So I saw Peewee offended and I understood, although I thought it was just a misunderstanding of a joke. I was perfectly neutral at that point, it was just two mates, in yet another discussion.

Since the mods stated that Zarababe had no intentions to offend, and thus, she wasn't going to be banned, then Peewee started to the second best goal to him, that Zarababe should leave by her own decission. You can see that goal in every fúcking post he's wrote on the issue including this one.

Another pattern I could notice is that Peewee has real troubles not to have the last word. Peewee made his point of being offended long ago, but since he didn't get his true goal, he kept on it on and on, and he's still on it. Quite simply, because the goal isn't achieved, and he has real troubles not to have the last word. The "now lock it" tells me a lot. It tells me that he doesn't like being answered. And he does that often. Sometimes it's not even enough to get the ban, and the Karim tower watch in every newbie is quite a proof of that obsession he has to clean up the board of people he dislikes, at all costs. It also explains why he has that interest in moderation.

And the sickening part of his posts is that he uses the feelings that terrorism provokes us to try to put people on his side, which I think is exactly the meaning of trivialising: using important beliefs to achieve irrelevant and stupid goals. IN this case, the banning of a member he dislikes.

I bought he was truly offended and shocked at the beginning, not after watching him joking with someone else, and after the more than 60 posts with the pattern I described.

Peewee likes to say that he's educated. To be honest I never needed to back my words with my degree and knowledge. The truth is that he's not the smartest of the posters I've read this year. He should be careful stating things like this

the sad fact is no one invited him into the dispute, he chose to join the dispute and has now got himself all upset because he isnt getting his own way.

Cos when he's angry, he doesn't control what he says. It takes composture to do that. And look, that's the real matter, I joined the *dispute*, the real matter, the dispute with ZB. So all this hasn't anything to do with terrorism and being offended, you see.

And that's what I think. Harsh I know. The Goodie-Goodie Sabre probably has done some enemies now forever, but I could not have my conscience calm if I didn't say what I think.

I love you all and I'll keep posting about the stuff that matters here, LFC, if you wish I do so. If I'm not welcome, I won't come back, and I'm not one of those who uses alter egos.

Just stick to the football section of the forum, you'll get less headaches. There's no need to leave, your insight on football matters is refreshing and I'm sure most of us would appreciate if you stayed.

Don't let this prevent you from talking about one thing we all love here: which is L.F.C.

I've had arguments with possibly every member here but I'm still here because of Liverpool Football Club.
YNWA - DrummerPhil
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:23 am

Sabre wrote:Look Ciggy I didn't think much of the semantics of "sad bástard". All english insults are quite exotic to me and you could throw 1000  insults to me and couldn't be insulted. Just in the same way, I wanted to call a name to Peewee because I owed him an insult since he insulted me and that was the very first insult it come to my mind, as could have come moron -which sounds funny to me- or any else. No, I didn't mean that insult, if that's the worst of what I said to Peewee, then apologises and forget it

In the same way all the stuff he threw after my insult and saying that I was leaving a *while* sounded all very exotic, funny, and like John TOshack said once "like water over a duck's back". I can only be offended by people who actually can offend me, and 350 Peewees in a row couldn't bother me in the slightest: I've been in forums since 1994 and I know how they work and what kind of posters there are.
So that's not a problem, neither.

But the worst thing about what I've read this days is not about insults.

I think that all regular posters here hate terrorism, and I think that everybody feels pretty much the same reaction when we see the London or Madrid, or any other terrorist attack.

To state how offended you are about a comment, it takes 1 post. Just 1 post. You don't need more than that. If you're truly offended, then you report it to the mods aswell, end of.

And believe me, if you are really offended and shocked due to terrorism feelings you don't go 1 minute later to any other post to laugh about a trivial joke and use emoticons like this :D :laugh:, because offended people simply don't do that. And if they have the memories of terrorist attacks in his mind, even less.

I've seen a pattern in all this posts of peewee

1) Ban Metalhead
2) Ban Zarababe

He stated how offended he was in the very first posts, and I took those posts as simply that. I didn't see anything strange. I had no previous knowledge of Zarababe-Peewee clashes, that was new to me as I usually focus on football. So I saw Peewee offended and I understood, although I thought it was just a misunderstanding of a joke. I was perfectly neutral at that point, it was just two mates, in yet another discussion.

Since the mods stated that Zarababe had no intentions to offend, and thus, she wasn't going to be banned, then Peewee started to the second best goal to him, that Zarababe should leave by her own decission. You can see that goal in every fúcking post he's wrote on the issue including this one.

Another pattern I could notice is that Peewee has real troubles not to have the last word. Peewee made his point of being offended long ago, but since he didn't get his true goal, he kept on it on and on, and he's still on it. Quite simply, because the goal isn't achieved, and he has real troubles not to have the last word. The "now lock it" tells me a lot. It tells me that he doesn't like being answered. And he does that often. Sometimes it's not even enough to get the ban, and the Karim tower watch in every newbie is quite a proof of that obsession he has to clean up the board of people he dislikes, at all costs. It also explains why he has that interest in moderation.

And the sickening part of his posts is that he uses the feelings that terrorism provokes us to try to put people on his side, which I think is exactly the meaning of trivialising: using important beliefs to achieve irrelevant and stupid goals. IN this case, the banning of a member he dislikes.

I bought he was truly offended and shocked at the beginning, not after watching him joking with someone else, and after the more than 60 posts with the pattern I described.

Peewee likes to say that he's educated. To be honest I never needed to back my words with my degree and knowledge. The truth is that he's not the smartest of the posters I've read this year. He should be careful stating things like this

the sad fact is no one invited him into the dispute, he chose to join the dispute and has now got himself all upset because he isnt getting his own way.

Cos when he's angry, he doesn't control what he says. It takes composture to do that. And look, that's the real matter, I joined the *dispute*, the real matter, the dispute with ZB. So all this hasn't anything to do with terrorism and being offended, you see.

And that's what I think. Harsh I know. The Goodie-Goodie Sabre probably has done some enemies now forever, but I could not have my conscience calm if I didn't say what I think.

I love you all and I'll keep posting about the stuff that matters here, LFC, if you wish I do so. If I'm not welcome, I won't come back, and I'm not one of those who uses alter egos.

A tramp too far Sabre!!
Watch yer mouth kiddo! :nod

Postby Ciggy » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:26 am

No problem Sabre your sound  :)
Last edited by Ciggy on Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sabre » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:36 am

Yes she has Ciggy, just a short one . Very similar to other PMs I received to cheer up and to continue in the forum.

But she hasn't told me a word that has inspired this post.

I'm very sorry if I'm wrong, but I've thought that post very well and made my opinions slowly with time. I don't think I'm important here at all  but I do think that I have respected every one here.

I rarely have PM with other members if it's not for helping with questions about la Liga or questions like that. I don't get involved in personal issues if that's what you ask.

BB, sorry to dissapoint you too. But bear in mind I wouldn't risk the good relationship I have with most of you if I didn't truly think what I posted.  :(
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Postby Ciggy » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:44 am

Sabre wrote:Yes she has Ciggy, just a short one . Very similar to other PMs I received to cheer up and to continue in the forum.

It was very nice of her to send you a message next time she sends one ask her to reply to Ciggy.
cheers Sabre mate I knew you would come up tops  :)
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:44 am

Sabre wrote:Yes she has Ciggy, just a short one . Very similar to other PMs I received to cheer up and to continue in the forum.

But she hasn't told me a word that has inspired this post.

I'm very sorry if I'm wrong, but I've thought that post very well and made my opinions slowly with time. I don't think I'm important here at all  but I do think that I have respected every one here.

I rarely have PM with other members if it's not for helping with questions about la Liga or questions like that. I don't get involved in personal issues if that's what you ask.

BB, sorry to dissapoint you too. But bear in mind I wouldn't risk the good relationship I have with most of you if I didn't truly think what I posted.  :(

Listen Sabre fella can i ask you stop typing fella please?

Postby 112-1077774096 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:45 am

sabre once again you miss the point, and lest get this clear so even you can understand it.

i made one post on the subject and then had to answer posts from other posters, that has now gone on for two days, now if people like you had kept your own counsel and not got involved we would not have this escalation, but you seem to think that people are interested in your opinion on this, i am not interested in your opinion as i am sure many other posters are not interested.

so to reiterate, i made my point, i wrote to the mods to deal with it, then other idiots got involved and that includes you, YOU SHOSE TO ESCALATE THE PROBLEM, AND YOU WERE ALSO OFFENSIVE TO WHICH I SAID I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION, i suggest you go back and read everything again.

secondly zara chose to ban herself, i had no say in that matter, she wrote to the mods and said she would impose a self imposed ban, nothing to do with me, now you can see how your comments are very unhelpful as theyare based on things you obviously know nothing about.

also i have no interest in being mod, if you again read the posts properley i ask for a new mod and i also say who i think should be mod, hwoever if i am asked then i will CONSIDER it, something else you have got wrong sabre.

also i am not angry and no point have i been angry over the last few days, however if you choose to belittle me sabre then you will get it back

also i dont need people on my side, i used the terrorism a thats what zaras post was aimed at but it obvious the less  educated couldnt see that so i reminded them what it was about. something else you have got wrong sabre. the list just keeps adding up doesnt it, shall i stop? no i will carry on with the things you are very mistaken about.

am i still on about it or am i responding to other posts from people carrying it on, again go and read the posts sabre, maybe this time you will get it right

also i have NEVER used an alter ego, something which can be proven by the mods, something else you intimate at and have got wrong.

and the saddest part of your post is that you say 350 peewees could not offend you yet yesterday you stormed off and are now showing just how angry and upset you are, it seems that just one peewee can get under your skin sabre.

oh i wont resort tio name calling here, you have done a good enough job of belittling yourself with all your mistakes i have just mentioned

so do i want you on here, i really dont care, i have never taken much notice of you anyway to be fair so it wont affect me in the slightest if you stay, however a word of avise, read things properley and you will get a balanced viw, and if you choose to get involved in other peoples matters then expect the flak that can come with it
Last edited by 112-1077774096 on Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby 66-1120597113 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:45 am


Postby 66-1120597113 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:46 am

Sabre is going booghallooooooooo!!!!!! :D :laugh:

Postby Sabre » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:47 am

Got the message, I'll get my coat.

I'll keep lurking the site to get LFC info though! Bye
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