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Postby Fingers » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:32 pm

sorry double post!!!
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Postby Judge » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:32 pm

lynds, we shudda been awake before this. its easy to say, but the government has better intelligence than those poor folk who have needlessly died today :(

my brothers in london, and his mobile isnt working :(
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Postby London_Red » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:34 pm

no phones are working in central london, i was trying to phone people all morning, but couldnt get through until theyre out of central london
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Postby mramo » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:35 pm

Hmm?? Maybe Dawson99's mate & my mate mayve got it wrong & maybe not been a suicide bomber? maybe the police gunned down an innocent person who was thought to be a suicide bomber carrying something suspicious? Probably thats why it aint made the news?
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Postby Ciggy » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:35 pm

The Return of the Judge wrote:lynds, we shudda been awake before this. its easy to say, but the government has better intelligence than those poor folk who have needlessly died today :(

my brothers in london, and his mobile isnt working :(

Even Tony Blair could not have stopped this happening judge, as I have said you cannot check every person who travels on public transport in London its imposible.
I hope your brothers ok Judge, Vodafone have shut the lines down only for emergencies he will be ok :)
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Postby Judge » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:36 pm

yeah, but i am talking about mobiles, not landlines
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Postby Pablo_Escobar » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:36 pm

The Return of the Judge wrote:my brothers in london, and his mobile isnt working :(

Sorry to hear that Judge, he's ok for sure. Must be tough for You not to know what's happening.

Sad, sad day :(
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Postby London_Red » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:38 pm

hope your brothers ok, theyre starting to move people out now, and some trains have restarted
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Postby Judge » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:39 pm

the last time we couldnt reach him, he'd been in an RTA

de'javu :(
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Postby Fingers » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:39 pm

Judge have you tried the number on bbc, i'm sure your bro is fine, but it might help put your mind at rest??
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Postby Fingers » Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:41 pm

Sorry dp again!!
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:30 am

JBG wrote:Almost certain Al Quidya, or a related group.

Makes "sense" (if you wish to call it that) as probably the most hyped G8 meeting ever was about to convene. The whole world was looking to Gleneagle for developments on poverty in Africa, so what better time for a terrorist to grab the headlines?

Right before i say what i have to say about this situation, i would firstly like to send my condolensces to all the INNOCENT people that lost their lives yesterday, in those atrocius attacks.

R.I.P    Y.N.W.A.

OK I already envisage the response that this post is going to get, based upon the posts that have gone before me. At this time I would again like to say that MY HEART GOES OUT TO ALL THOSE AFFECTED...those that DIED, those that were INJURED and all FAMILY and FRIENDS connected with these people.

SORRY JBG, I normally agree with most you say but have to disagree here as I have a totally different view on this.

At this point (by this point you are probably thinking [NOT JBG all of you] 'get on with it will ya') sorry but i need to clarify my position before i say what i have to say as it is quite heavy!!!


*I HAVE NO RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION (catholic mother/muslim father/catholic all boys school education/still 'technically' (as i no longer go to church) Catholic) AND DO NOT GO TO CHURCH/ moto is..IF there really is a GOD, then he will hear my prayers whether they be from a place off worship or from my home as long as it is genuine!

*I HAVE NO RACIAL BIAS (White Mum/Black Dad)

*I SAY WHAT I HAVE TO SAY NOT TO CAUSE TROUBLE, BUT ACTUALLY TO TRY AND ENLIGHTEN (just finished uni in Publishing/Media {graduate in exactly 09hrs 27mins (1030am)} and gotta where tha funky hat..LOL!
I aim to be a talk show host, as in phone in show (no music) on current affairs, but wolud of course love to do a footy one, but prefer the idea of opening peoples eyes to whats ACTUALLY going on around them).

Finally, we can get on with it    :;):   Well i wont go into FULL details of what I beleive, as i say i got graduation ceremony in the morn and dont really wanna be looking tired in the photos, as they are only ever gonna be taken once.....ok sorry for the sligh digresion.....lets get on with this..........

Alright, firstly and most importantly I do NOT beleive this was TERRORISTS, I BELEIVE THIS WAS DONE BY THE GOVERNMENT (omg i can already hear the ghasps, but please read on and let me explain my reasoning).

Here are the reasons that for me make 'sense' :

*Funny how the Queen and Blair were not in London (G8 I know) just saying this first as it is probably the frailest point I have to make. But still.....

*Terrorists prefer to attack LANDMARKS to REALLY make a statement to the world, as it easier for the WORLD to relate to the problem. eg; Imagine Parliament had been hit or London Bridge, EVERYBODY in the world can relate to things like this, just as they did the TWIN TOWERS. The places hit (I live in London) are not the type of place you would hit to make a point. heres why:

-Kings Cross: Full of Pimps, Prossies, and a HEAP of drug sellers (Claas A), nothing actually there except the train station.

-Aldgate East: Gimme a break, it is a dump and part of the east end (financial part) so you could argue i suppose about them attacking the financial areas......but wouldnt Canary Wharf (tallest in London, maybe UK..dont qoute me though!) be a bigger and 'better' target as the REAL heart of the London financial world??  As i said Terrorist want to make statements, and beleive me when i say ALDGATE EAST is by no means making a statement.

EDGWARE ROAD: Now this one is a VERY important one. For anybody that has not been to this part of London, it is predominantly, almost exclusively, populated by people of Middle Eastern decent...Be it living in and around Edgware Road or running their business, you could easily beleive you were on a street in ANY middle eastern city when in Edgware Road.
Now there is NO WAY that when attacking on FORIEGN shores, they would  attack their 'own'. I do agree they do attack each other in their home countries, but if attacking like we saw yesterday they wouldnt attack EDGWARE ROAD, as they wouldnt be attacking those that are (in their eyes) doing wrong in the middle east and the world as a whole.

-I can hear you say in response well they didnt want to damage Landmarks but simply wanted to maim and kill INNOCENT people. This of course is a fair point, but i would counter this by saying that IF these were terrorists there would have been MANY more deaths than (at this time) 37 (dont get me wrong 1 is too many). Especially if attacking the trains, as Lynds (CGGY) said earlier THREE million people use the Tube A DAY and for only 37 to die (also remember that figure includes THAT bus, plenty will have died on there alone!) is EXTREMELY lucky.
But do you HONESTLY (think if YOU were the Terrorist, hard I know but try!) think that 37 is the sort of number of casulties expecting to be seen after MONTHS maybe even years of planning....I DONT THINK SO!!

The Tube is WAY too packed in the rush hour and it would be easy for a Terrorist to blow up a WHOLE carriage (which could easily have 500 people on it in rush joke, just like sardines and worse than NYC!), do that a few times and hundreds if not thousand would have died.

*The buses were up and running around London, apart from right by the affected areas, just about on a normal service (dont beleive reports, I SAW THEM and couldnt beleive it!!), NOW WHY THE HELL would they ALLOW buses to continue running unless they KNEW the 'attacks' (read sabotage!) had ended eh??  They were not called a la IRA and pre-warned to save some lives, NO....but they still let buses run after one was blown to smitherines and others also damaaged (and people killed) on other buses too!!!   VERY SUSPECT IMHO!!!!

*Oh yea....Funny how Guiliani (former Major of NYC) is here aswell, Hmmmmmmmmmm   ???

THE GOVERNMENT though (I beleive) did this and thats why there has not been as many deaths as would be expected in such circumstances.

*A previously unknown group calling itself "Secret Organisation al Qaeda in Europe" said it carried out the attacks as revenge for British "military massacres" in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Qouted from Jonnymac1979).

LOOK at this statement CLOSELY: 'previously unknown' well how convenient is that, if they were 'unknown' then how could MI5 etc; track them, obviously they cant, thus no blame or review/investigation into the poor surveillance from the secret services!
'..Of Europe'......How sly of you guys to put Europe, now with this ONE word the WHOLE of europe should be in fear, and now WONT BE SURPRISED if an attack happens near them. They then get the same treatment - more new drachonian laws and loss of liberty and privacy ever more!!
Also ANY attack in europe can be put at their door....but who are THEY, nobody knows because they are 'Unknown', so technically nobody is getting the blame are they?  PERFECT, THE PERFECT CRIME, NO WITNESSES, NO SUSPECTS = NO CASE = we have to listen to the MEDIA(see below!)

At this time we have seen NOBODY actually coming out with a tape or video claiming responsiblity (as is the norm, from middle eastern Terrorists). So we have to take the MEDIA's word that they claimed responsiblity. Beleive me i have studied the media, and as many of you on here are well aware, THEY ARE NOT TO BE BELEIVED.


*G8 was WED (nite before the tradegy). Awareness on this meeting was obviously heightened by Geldof et al and as they said 'The World Was Watching'.
Well NOT ANYMORE, because everybody is looking at and reading about the atrocity in London. Nice move guys, do any of you know what they did about Africa in those meetings, because I DONT!!! Anybody know PLEASE tell me, cause I was waiting to see what Live8 was gonna achieive (I expected NOTHING) and tbh thats what it looks like now anyway!

*The introduction of ID cards can now be hurried along, because HOW MANY are gonna object now, they will play the Terrorist card as back-up...think about it people, open your eyes.
Maybe you are saying well if you have nothing to hide whats the problem, but once we have these you WONT be able to hide ANYTHING, eventually these cards wil be used as your bank card, passport, ID, Driving License and will have some type of ID on it such as your IRIS SCAN or Fingerprint, which will then be on file and on the Governments computers. So much for a free society, we will be tracked everywhere as they also introduce the pay-per-mile scheme in our cars, which of course will inviolve another device to help monitor where we go and when we go there   :(
Oh yea nearly forgot to mention that there have been qoutes this card will COST US, US FFS, £300 (preliminary, could go down, but knowing this country these days is more likely to go UP) which will BE COMPULSORY.....So lets round down to 50million people paying £300, off my head as its late, that must be £15bn, straight in THEIR coffers AGAIN, but will the NHS get better, doubt it, will we have a state pension - of course not - Where the hell does all this money go, because we certainly dont see it??

*Taxes will be risen, excuse - 'oh we need more money for Terrorism protection...B.*ll*c*ks FFS  :angry: .

Maybe you say ahh this is far fetched, there is no way, stop the conspiracy theories, thats fair enough, but IF you have ever seen the film 'Face Off' where they perform a face transplant you would have thought amazing but just a film. Well this is NOT JUST A FILM, this surgery is now available. What that film was, was a like taster or forerunner to the surgery being actually unveiled, to gauge reaction etc; and i doubt many thought, 'er thats disgusting' it is more likely you thought 'Cool...Imagine if I changed faces with.......'
This is what happens, it is all planned and we are spoon fed as and when they feel we are 'ready' for the next thing, be it technolgy, advances in surgery etc; and the 'Idiot Box' or TV as its commonly known and the 'Big screen' are vehicles for making things seem 'natural' to us plebs.
The latest in this line of films is the Tom Cruise films 'Minority Report', may seem far fetched now...but just wait and see the coming years what develops!

'But Governments dont do these kinds of things...No way' its what you might say, but ONE simple example (as I just noticed its 0315am..s.hit!)

If you didnt know the USA were aware of this imminent attack (as has been accused of them in 9/11 too!!) but still allowed it to go ahead, with the loss of MANY of their OWN SOLDIERS. WHY??  Just so they had a concrete reason to enter the war!!
The reason that Governments do these kinds of things is because they normally only ever get out decades or even at times centuries later, when the people who find out (ie; us with the Pearl harbour incident) are not of the same era and therefore do not take as much notice as it normally doesnt directly affect them.

Look it is getting too late now, so I will just end by saying:

*The government is (in collaboration with the media companies) trying to dumb down the nation, so we DONT look at things like this from a different perspective and just take the force fed information...What they want is 'Ok Ok, just do the b.loody ID card thingy, as long as i can watch Big Brother/The football....and sadly this is what is happening!

*Not enough people read anymore and this is a KEY to the problem, the information is out there you just have to look for it.

*Lets see how long it takes for there to be new 'measures' and 'laws' brought in in the name of Terrorism??

*For those that havent, for a tiny slice of what i am talking and the the type fo behaviour to be found is in The Docufilm 'Fahrenheight 9/11'..........Side point..why (for those that have seen it) do you think nobody wanted to take it on and arrgghhhhh whats the word...ohhh its late, well noone was willing to put it out their on a wide scale, in fear of Government backlash....Total Must See for those that have'nt!!!

Ok, thats it, these are my own views after listening to the reports and looking at the available evidence all day long, whilst at work and in the barbers chair too!!!
I am NOT saying THIS IS FACT it is WHAT I HAVE COME TO AS MY OWN CONCLUSION (Thus far on available info).

These are my own views and am not spouting rhetoric of any kind, just my opinion, my point of view, MY BELIEF.

I am just sad that so many people dont see whats going on around us everyday of our lives, dont get me wrong, TBH there isnt much we can do is there and i know it, they have set the ball rolling and we just have to take the ride now, but at least with our eues open collectively it will make their plans a lot harder to accomplish.....But then again it is my belief that it was this EXACT collectiveness that I just mentioned, that ultimately caused this event -the collectivity coming in the form of the Live8 thing.......

They were beginning to sweat, but thought they will stop worrying about us, if they are too busy worrying about their own safety.

Sorry for the long post (could have been double or triple with a lot more detail but hey.......I'm not getting paid here am I  :D )
So I'll leave it here and wait for the backlash...Be gentle guys !! 

BTW wish me luck on my graduation yea, I;m a bit worried i am gonna trip up when i get on the stage....imagine the emabarrasment, well if i dont bloody go to might just happen...Nite! 
Last edited by 76-1115222408 on Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 4:45 am

well i have found the first flaw in your argument about terrorists attacking landmarks, all i will say is madrid train bombing. then we can get to the IRA who dont attack landmarks.

the attacks were aimed ay disruption and they achieved the aim.

to be honest i am amazed you have posted this drivel and i think you may have had too much wacky backy. i think you should go away and think about your post as i really dont have time to do through each ridiculous point you make as i have a plane to catch

Postby A.B. » Fri Jul 08, 2005 5:08 am

Shocked about the attacks, especially after London won the bid for the 2012 Olympics. My thoughts and prayers go to all those families who've lost their loved ones today.
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Postby woof woof ! » Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:21 am

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:I will just end by saying:

*The government is (in collaboration with the media companies) trying to dumb down the nation,

Having read your tedious and juvenile conspiracy theories the above quote is the only point on which I might agree as it is plain to see from your post that the governments plan to dumb down the nation has, in your case,certainly succeeded.


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