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Postby LFC #1 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:22 am

Seems like no one is backing down to me.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:50 am

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:See what i mean Mods, he will not stop, so just to prove a point i will now show the PM's : Just to see who looks as though they are backing down....Now I want peoples honest opinions on who the hell is backing down here!!

Gangstar!!!  haha, thats funny....What am I the ' Gangstar Graduate' then. You Kn.ob. People check the time of his last PM and the different sounding one he posted on here

BTW - I have edited out the addresses and phne nmbrs, of course!

Obviously you have to start from the center and work your way outwards for it to make sense!!!

Now this time I WILL NOT reply on the matter, I only did so as he persists to PM, but then post in the thread too!!! Bit pointless that really. Anyway this is done for me until December rolls round!

peewee wrote:good backpeddaling there. ok i have no problem meeting with you, and then when ive finished with you or you have finished with me we can go and have a beer together.

i dont bang ladyboys, i leave my mate to do that. im engaged to a thai woman wh is more than beautiful. i own property in Bangkok as well as Kuala Lumpur.

i was in the Police from 1988 to 1993 and i know how corrupt the police can be, one of the reasons i left was the hypocrasy. however i defend the for what they did in stockwell because i know as an ex firearms trained officer that i would have done the same thing.

its not sad to see how you react, its quite funny for me to do that and you reacted how i expected, with threats. anyway have good day and see you when i see you

peewee wrote:why am i an idiot for not being in the UK, im in Asia earning a fortune and living in luxury, and you call me an idiot?

your living on an estate in London paying high taxes with poor weather.

work that one out einstein. you cant even work out on the forum that i am winding you up by writing what i write. i know i dont answer you points, thats the whole point. i wanted to see how long it would be before you totally lost it and threatened me.

seems you missing the point, london is dump and i do go there on business reguarly, however i said i am next there in busy at the moment with Thai and Hong kong contracts. at no point did i say i dont know how london is. i know full well how London is

funny how you dont want to come to Malaysia, i thought you were wealthy the way you go on, two cars blah blah blah. i thought you wanted to teach me a lesson. im offering you a free holiday in the sun, just pay for you flight, (or can you steal one)

typical cockney blagger

peewee wrote:tel +



or if you would rather wait i will be in UK at Christmas.
see you soon boy

Haha, you are not even in the UK, what an idiot!!!  Probably dont have a clue what its like in London these days you prat, going on like you talking from experience!!!  Awwww these fakes....omg!!!

Anyway yea when you are here in Dec holla at me yea: 


There you go!

I will be happy to give you a reality check mate and welcome you to the great city of London!


Well seen as I am making trying to get money together for a mortgage and you say you are coming over makes sense not to bother wasting my money on a ****** like you! 

Look I dont really care for your 'luxury' its not all about 'possesions' in life, or are you yet to figure that out...Just go bang a shemale!!

Also i said you are an idiot becasue they way you go on is like you still in the UK, but fair enough you are where you are, I didnt know where you are which should make you realise that I am being serious and didnt say all  that i have just becsuse i know where you are...Look  I am nit a fool you know. Well you can find that out for yourself anyway!

Also ou are a very sad man if your 'game' is trying to rile me, I just want to debate on the issues ina thread but others dont like it when they are disagreed with or your points made to look invalid or weak.

Look stop PM'ing me until a week or so before coming over or even once you are here. I have not got time to converse thru PM with a p.rick. So just wait for a few months and it will all be dealt with!


All i have to say to you is that you for sone reaosn believe that you are 'smart' because you feel i answered as you expected, but the irony is that YOU also answered the way i expected, by NOT ddebating and backing up your post, like most of the p.riks on here!!!!

You you are not smart...You are Sad.
and where exactly am i backing down in the pms?? and what happend to 'whatever he writes i wont respond'

i cant seem to see that part. like i said, you laid down the threats and i will meet you anytime and anywhere, and then when ive finished with you i will buy you a pint, hell i even offered to put you up in my place if you want to come to malaysia and carry out your threat, if not i will see you in december.

you started the whole 'threat' business here. either put up or shut up gangsta boy. your the one who wanted to fight so i sent you my address and you come up with a feeble excuse about mortgage.

keyboard gangster, hiding behind your screen and then saying thats what im doing. you know where i am, and if you really want to fight me then please feel free. im looking forward to it, if you are too poor to fly here then we will meet in december, not a problem for me.

im so happy you posted the pms and then say im backing down. shows just what an idiot you really are.

but people will already know that the minute you offered to meet me and sort it out like men. prove to me your a man, get on a plane to Malaysia, they fly daily, you could be here tomorow. dont make excuses about mortgage etc. this is something you really want to do so why dont you do it coward. is it because your bullying threats have not worked, you thought i would back down like your victims did.  w@nker

you laid down the threat boy and now you dont want to act on it, seems like back peddaling to me boy.  put the addresses and phone numbers in, why did you leave them out?

notice i use the word 'boy'. quite a lot for you?

your not a man and never will be unless you get on a plane and show me otherwise. im waiting but i wont be losing any sleep boy.

haha, threaten me then dont back it up. typical cockney blagger
Last edited by 112-1077774096 on Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:55 am

for those that are interested, i dont think it fair to not show the pms in full, and since gangsta decided to show pms i thought i should also show addresses and tel numbers

Quote (peewee @ July 27 2005,03:50)
tel +60193880619


A-27-02 Angkasa Impian 2
16 Jalan Sahabat
50200 Kuala Lumpur

or if you would rather wait i will be in UK at Christmas.
see you soon boy

Haha, you are not even in the UK, what an idiot!!!  Probably dont have a clue what its like in London these days you prat, going on like you talking from experience!!!  Awwww these fakes....omg!!!

Anyway yea when you are here in Dec holla at me yea:    07960 498 474

34 Burne Jones House
Lytton Estate
West Kensington
London W14 8TA

There you go!

I will be happy to give you a reality check mate and welcome you to the great city of London!


everyone happy now. im waiting gangsta   :;):

Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:26 am

ok, just checked for you, you can fly here next monday for 783 quid, thats an open ended return ticket in economy class. i never bothered to look at business class for you. its a nice long flight so you will be able to gets lots of sleep before you get here to be nice and refreshed for when you teach me a lesson.

call me all the names you want for posting this but at the end of the day, you are the one who made the threats now lets see you put your money where your mouth is.   :laugh:

Postby LFC #1 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:33 am

Whats the point of him shelling out all that money and going half way around the world when you are going to be in the UK in December? I assume he made the threats thinking you lived in the UK.

Sort each other out then.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:47 am

LFC #1 wrote:Whats the point of him shelling out all that money and going half way around the world when you are going to be in the UK in December? I assume he made the threats thinking you lived in the UK.

Sort each other out then.

he made the threats knowing full well where i am. he wants to rumble then lets see him rumble. he wants it, he made the threats so im just saying lets see how much he wants it. even if i lived in the next road to him he wouldnt turn up.

he is just a typical blagger that probably talks a good fight when he is in the pub with his mates. thinks he is a ducker and a diver.

he has the chance to come and put his words ito action now. if he doesnt come i just assume he is a coward and will thank him for making a fool of himself. i will be in liverpool in december and i will make the journey to his place in London (by the way you missed the road of your address, its North End Road that your slum flats are on).

dont forget here LFC#1 i never made any threats, im just making myself available for him to carry through his threat and if he cant be bothered coming here then he cant be that serious about it, although im sure he will tell his gangsta mates that he sorted it out, he worked it to the mickey mouser.

if your not prepaed to follow through with a threat then dont make it    :glare:

Postby laza » Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:24 am

Woollyback wrote:In terms of policing against the terrorist threat, those armed police did exactly the right thing in London last week by killing that Brazilian guy. Obviously it's very sad that an innocent man has died but the police have to make split-second judgement calls which could potentially save dozens of lives, or indeed COST dozens of lives if they take the easier decision and don't open fire. I've no idea why this chap ran from armed police but he obviously had his reasons and by all acounts spoke very good English and couldn't fail to be aware of the tension around London in the last 2 weeks, so why was he running? ???

The shoot-to-kill policy has to be upheld as it is the only way to effectively deal with the threat of a suicide bomber, the risk of an innocent person being killed is always there but if that is ever the case then their blood is well and truly on the grubby hands of the terrorists who are ENTIRELY to blame for the whole situation. The police have been doing an EXCELLENT job in London and, after all, those who are within the law and do not run from armed police officers have NOTHING TO FEAR from the law. I for one would feel much safer getting on the tube knowing that the police have the power to take instant and decisive action against these dispicable murderous zealots

Considering some of stories that have circulated about some element of the Brazillian police service i could probably understand why he may have run.
Very unfortunate and very sad but thats the tragedy of this sort of madness
If they hadnt shot him and he had been a bomber who blew himself up , there would be a lot of people dead and different bunch of idiots whinging about it

The Asylum is run by the inmates these days so there is no point in trying to make sense of it
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Postby andy_g » Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:19 am

what a pair of utter t.ossers the pair of you are. just look at yourselves - you are both talking cr@p, both winding each other up and both acting like little kids in the playground. really really really pathetic.

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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:25 am

andy_g wrote:what a pair of utter t.ossers the pair of you are. just look at yourselves - you are both talking cr@p, both winding each other up and both acting like little kids in the playground. really really really pathetic.

thanks for your input and i couldnt agree more, but im sure you understand when someone wants to act like a child and threaten you the you stand up for yourself. thats what i am doing to make a show of him. he wants to give me a kicking so let him come and do it. we all know thats not going to happen so i will just wind him up a bit more. that is my aim and it succeeded. i wanted to prove a point and i have proven it

i agree totally about the patheticness of it all, but ho hum.

i would draw the line at calling me a t.osser though, if you bother to read back and see who threw the first personal insults and who made the threats, who posted the pms then maybe you will change your view on calling us both.

unless you want to come and give me a kicking also    :p

seriously the guy has problems with his temper, it started out as a topical debate but rapidly decended fuelled by two egos, one educated and one neathandertal who had to resort to violent threats. i was not prepared to back down in the face of violence and never will, even though its obvious the gangsta was just puting on a show of how hard he thinks he is. hey its daytime here, i wasnt the one sitting up all night arguing on a forum, i wouldnt be so stupid as its not really ever going to affect my life.

quite pathetic really.

am i proud of my part in this? not really but hey i was having good fun, i always enjoy a good argument with a retard. maybe i should have been kinder to him as he obviously is one of lifes losers. you reap what you so andy. once he laid the threats then it became pathetic. up to then it was topical about supporting the police or not. the guy adnitted to a criminal past so i made a valid point, thats why you dont support the police, than it got into education and who was streetsmart (all instigated by him) and once he could see he wasnt likely to win the argument he wants to resort to threats and violence.

ah well, im sure once he rises he will continue this. but i always love it when someone threatens to do something and then never does it. think before you speak is always a good philosophy
Last edited by 112-1077774096 on Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Ciggy » Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:32 am

Just when you thought you had seen everything on this forum,  :D .
OMG unbelieveable, better than a Kat Slater fight when she finds out little Mo has been carrying on with Alfie  :D
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:39 am

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Just when you thought you had seen everything on this forum,  :D .
OMG unbelieveable, better than a Kat Slater fight when she finds out little Mo has been carrying on with Alfie  :D

thanks lynds, i enjoyed it also although i didnt see the Kat Slater fight   :D

Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:41 am

im going the gym now, got to get ready for my fight   ???

Postby Woollyback » Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:40 am

Boxing training Peewee-style:  :D


Please keep this thread going, it's comedy gold - I've not seen such a good c*ck-waving contest in years! :laugh:
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Postby Woollyback » Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:46 am

btw back on topic, police have arrested 4 people in Birmingham this morning, one of whom they believe is one of the failed bombers from last week

hope they throw the book at the c*nt then deport him so uk taxpayers don't have to pick up the bill for keeping him in a luxurious prison, let him rot in some flea-infested sh*thouse jail in Somalia or wherever he's from
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:26 pm

I HAVE NEVER heard so much c.ack in my life......He claims he wanted to debate, but if you look back over the posts he did nothing of he sort. When I countered his arguments he did not reply to them, he replied on a personal level.
I have had many debates with Woof Woof for example, but it has never descended in to this, as we KEPT TO THE SUBJECT MATTER!!!

Also check the last PM he sent at 04.33am and tell me if that PM is not sort of 'friendly' as opposed to everything else he said. I know I am not backing down, and it seems as though he is trying to make an excuse in relation to me going to Malaysia, when he clearly stated in HIS FIRST PM to me that he was going to be in London December. That shows he is stupid (which LFC obviously picked up on!).

Look all you talk about is ME on a personal level and trying to make me look a fool, but that doesn’t phase me as I know he is talking out of his a.rse!!
BTW I DID NOT KNOW HE LIVED IN MALAYSIA, just the same way that I thought Woof Woof was a Scouser! So again he is ASSUMING and talking c.rap.

Why carry on continuing this drama, when all we have to do is wait until December??

'Once it was clear he wasn’t going to win the argument, he resorted to threats' look Peewee, how many times does this have to be repeated to you??  You were not arguing about the Brazilian guy, you chose to make it a personal argument!!! That is pointless on the net, and instead of trying to be the hard man on the net because YOU are thousands of miles away in another country, just take it to a real personal level. I did not make this personal, YOU DID, I wanted to debate about the Brazilian guy and the Police (especially as you were one, or so claim) but you were unable to do this!!!

You also say that if I lived in the road next to him I wouldn’t turn up!!! This guy really is a plonker, just seems as though he is trying to make me seem to be the one that is worried, when to be honest I am EXCITED at battering him, might teach him to keep his posts off of personal things etc;

Have you noticed who is the one with all the excuses FOR ME!!!  How can he make excuse for me, these are excuses he HOPES that I use!!  Look stop all the talking now, it is getting quite boring TBH. You are 38 yrs old, but act like you are 16; I saved your address from the public, as a courtesy, but then again I think that this just shows that if you are willing to post your details that they are probably FAKE anyway. I mean who can exactly check, if you are so far away!! 
Anyone can check mine if they want on an internet map etc and see I am not chatting rubbish, feel free to call my number too!!!  This shows you are an ar,se, didn’t like it that I posted the PM's that show you to be someone who seems to believe that 'goods and possessions' are ever so important. Well that’s you my friend, that’s you!!!

Stop the b.ollox talk and stop being so hypocritical. Just about everything you say is absolute rubbish, look I don’t want to take you up on each every point of your last few posts, as I really will make you look like a fool and show how much rubbish you talk!

ACTUALLY I have decided I WILL do that:
and where exactly am i backing down in the pms?? 

As stated above your PM at 04.33am was rather 'friendly' why the hell would I go for a pint after battering you, you will need a hospital! Furthermore go for a pint where?? Sorry but I don’t frequent pubs, not really my style to be honest. I am more of a connoisseur (if you don’t know what that means it is as follows - 'A person of informed and discriminating tastes' I don’t do pubs (sorry for those that do, Pub is just not me!!)

hell i even offered to put you up in my place if you want to come to malaysia and carry out your threat, if not i will see you in december.

Firstly I DONT stay at weird men’s houses! Who knows what you might try, you might try and date rape with Rephynol (SP?) for all I know.  Put me up in your place, does this sound like the actions of someone who is serious....I don’t think so!!!

you started the whole 'threat' business here. either put up or shut up gangsta boy. your the one who wanted to fight so i sent you my address and you come up with a feeble excuse about mortgage.

Yes that’s correct I did initiate the 'fight' talk, but I actually gave you an option (if you check the post) to stop the personal taunts and carry on debating the subject, but you chose to continue personally and send your details (knowing you are MILES away!!) and also stated YOU will be here in December. You act like you are some superior business man ('Oh I have Hong Kong contracts to deal with' etc;) well if you are so a smart does it REALLY make economic sense for me to come to you, when you already stated YOU will be in London in December??  No it doesn’t does it!!   Stop with the excuses!!
And a 'mortgage' is a feeble excuse is it?? Thicker than I thought, A mortgage is a life commitment and not to be taken lightly, and you would like me to jeopardise that just for the sake of not waiting for you to come over (as you would in any case, seen as you over for business)...You act smart Peewee, but are clearly far from it. As said above LFC#1 said the exact same doesn’t make sense!!

keyboard gangster, hiding behind your screen and then saying that’s what im doing. you know where i am, and if you really want to fight me then please feel free. im looking forward to it, if you are too poor to fly here then we will meet in december, not a problem for me.

There you go with the 'gangster' rubbish again....What are you talking about you have no reason to believe I am a gangster!! Explain your reasoning behind it please (oh I forgot, you incapable of retorting to direct questions aren’t you so I guess scrap that!).
'Too poor'....well as stated above, why waste money when you coming over anyway?? Poor...haha. Yea right, I have just put myself through three years of uni at £1,150 per year (paid in cash) none of this Government help business..I don’t do freebies mate, I pay for what i want/need!!  Poor...Haha, with two cars yea, I must really be poor seen as one of them is a Mercedes 320 S Class and a fully loaded VR6, that has been fully customised, but don’t worry you will see it in December (anyone don’t believe me ask for photos and I will oblige, no problem). Even if it was the case that I was poor, so what, what difference does that make?? NONE!!!  You really are as I have been advised, you have this stupid idea in your head that because I live in an estate, I must be poor, more generalising from you. Well just shows my business smarts...Why pay a landlord about £300 per week for a studio flat, when I can pay a nice and humble £60 per week for a top floor two bedroom flat, with a nice balcony and GREAT view of the city?? This leaves me with more disposable income to do whatever with (mainly save for a mortgage)??  Duh!!!!
Poor, don’t make me laugh....Typical from an ex-copper!!! 

im so happy you posted the pms and then say im backing down. shows just what an idiot you really are.

As stated about twice FFS now, your PM seemed friendly, why are you telling me when you worked in the Police, I don’t care, I don’t care that you engaged (or so you believe!), Why would I go for a drink with you?? I don’t like you! Why are you telling me about your 'properties', what the hell has that to do with me...Nada!!  Telling me you left the police because of 'hypocrisy', SOOOO, what is that supposed to get me on side is it??  Look yea the PM was nothing but a weak attempt at taming the situation, once you had realised that I was serious!!

but people will already know that the minute you offered to meet me and sort it out like men. prove to me your a man, get on a plane to Malaysia, they fly daily, you could be here tomorow. dont make excuses about mortgage etc. this is something you really want to do so why dont you do it coward. is it because your bullying threats have not worked, you thought i would back down like your victims did.  w@nker

Why did you persist with the 'come over' line, it is clear to me and others too, that it makes NO SENSE seen as you are over in December (or are you lying?)!! So that is getting a bit boring now!
'Bullying threats'...what are you on about, I did not bully you, you were OFFERED two choices, swap numbers or get back to debating without making it personal...You chose the former, so there you go! You were offered the chance to leave it, but obviously you don’t want to lose face in front of your friends (that have no face I may add), so felt you would play the hard man and tell me you are over in December...FAIR ENOUGH...Lets see how you act in December!!! P.rick!

you laid down the threat boy and now you dont want to act on it, seems like back peddaling to me boy.  put the addresses and phone numbers in, why did you leave them out?

NO, I made you two offers and YOU chose the 'fight' route. Explain and show me where I back peddle please! I left the addresses etc; out, because I didn’t feel I had the right to post your details (which are probably fake) on a public forum, but YOU obviously feel that YOU DO have such a right. Shows who is THE REAL MAN round here!

notice i use the word 'boy'. quite a lot for you?

Ooooooo, You are so hard.....That really affects me that does... ???

your not a man and never will be unless you get on a plane and show me otherwise. im waiting but i wont be losing any sleep boy.

haha, threaten me then dont back it up. typical cockney blagger

I am 'not a man' unless I come over there, BUT I thought YOU were coming over in December though..I told you I can be there to 'welcome' you at Heathrow. Talking c.rap again aren’t we!!
No, I am WAITING for you!!
And there you go again with the generalising...'Cockney Blagger'..Basically saying ALL people from London are blaggers and liars!! Hmmmmmm, ok then whatever you say!!
So does that mean you are a 'Thief' or wear 'shell tracksuits' seen as you are from Liverpool (or claim to be), of course not, but if I was to generalise like you do all the time, then I would believe such rubbish. Good thing I am not like you then, as it would be a very shallow life that I would be leading!!

so I will just wind him up a bit more. that is my aim and it succeeded. i wanted to prove a point and i have proven it

Shows how sad you are really. Your 'aim' was stupid and as I have told you already, the irony of it all is that YOU reacted as was expected, with discrimination and generalisations and the rest of it. So you have shot yourself in the foot really. I wanted to talk Brazilian guy, and you claim that your aim was to rile me etc; WHY THOUGH??  I had said nothing to you to warrant you doing so, or was it simply that you didn’t like the fact that I was disagreeing with you and you had nothing to say in return, so used what you know best......BIGOTRY and complete and utter rubbish!!!  So what you are saying is that your 'aim' was to make me 'threaten' you?? Well as you say you 'succeeded'. But to me that means that YOU started this and wanted to get me to threaten you...Well I have and what are you going to do about it now you f.cuking p.rick eh?? 
Well what you have begun to do, is try and make out like I won’t come over and back my talk up, when you are heading over here anyway. YOU are the one trying to back down here...since your first PM you have failed to say 'Well lets see what happens when i get to London', you just persist in talking about me NOT coming to Malaysia. Weakling!
Tell me please, you say you wanted to make a point, and succeeded in doing so...So what point was that then?

i agree totally about the patheticness of it all, but ho hum.

This shows you to be a lick a.rse and hypocrite, if it was so pathetic, then why did you start all this then?? I think what you were supposed to type was ' I agree, I am totally pathetic, but ho hum'.

seriously the guy has problems with his temper, it started out as a topical debate but rapidly decended fuelled by two egos, one educated and one neathandertal who had to resort to violent threats. i was not prepared to back down in the face of violence and never will, even though its obvious the gangsta was just puting on a show of how hard he thinks he is. hey its daytime here, i wasnt the one sitting up all night arguing on a forum, i wouldnt be so stupid as its not really ever going to affect my life.

Oooo so many points to deal with here!!!  Temper??? I did not abuse you, what I have a temper, because I write what I write with a passion and believe in what I write?  Show me where I lost my temper please! I would like to see a quote that REALLY shows I lost my temper...If you are looking for someone with a temper, then look at some of Leon's and Stu-the-red's posts!!!
Yes it did start off as a TOPICAL DEBATE, which you could NOT continue, I am unsure if this was due to ignorance, hate, jealousy or plain stupidity.(PLEASE anyone go back and see how this started, WHO changed the subject from the debate??)
Yea it is spelt Neanderthal, try and use words that you know how to spell please and have an understanding means 'slow witted' and I am FAR form that. You claim to be educated, but have failed to show me thus far. I mean come on you couldn’t even debate the subject in hand properly, educated in Bigotry maybe!!
Now onto the MOST important part of the above quote you say ' i wouldnt be so stupid as its not really ever going to affect my life'.
Oh but I thought you wanted to buy me a pint after finishing me off though!!  What happened to that eh? You can’t do that if 'it’s not really going to affect my life'. You see, You idiot, you have completely contradicted yourself, and shown me and everyone else what a Fake you are!!! :laugh:

Do I really need to go on??

Why not, you wanted to continue in public, then so shall I:

quite pathetic really.

Yes you are aren’t you!! 

i always enjoy a good argument with a retard

Hmm retard eh?? Here is what it means (seen as it is clear you don’t actually understand the meanings of a lot of words you use) 'A person considered to be foolish or socially inept.'
Who is the one that cannot keep to the subject matter?  Not me, whenever you post I deal directly with what you say, whereas you tend to just generalise, misquote and basically talk b.ollox...Why don’t you deal with what I say directly...Do you find it hard to comprehend what I say, so you decide to believe you read something else!

maybe i should have been kinder to him as he obviously is one of lifes losers

How wrong you are, that’s ALL I need to say on that!!

you reap what you so

Firstly it is 'sow' not so...I thought you were educated?  And you are right you DO reap what you sow, because you wanted to rile me for no reason but now it has gone further. I will say to you - 'you made your bed, now be a man and lay in it'.

once he laid the threats then it became pathetic

NO it came pathetic once you couldn’t debate properly and became personal!

the guy adnitted to a criminal past so i made a valid point, thats why you dont support the police

How can that possibly be a valid point if you don’t know me? You assume because I have done whatever in the past that affects my view on the Police. Well YOU WORKED for them, so it’s the same difference isn’t it??  You will obviously stick up for them, made even worse by the fact that you claimed in a PM that you LEFT the force because of HYPOCRISY...... Are you sure YOU were not kicked out because of YOUR HYPOCRISY??  So if you left because of Hypocrisy, then why still support them...That is what is hypocritical mate!!!  You are so stupid it is unreal!!!  All you do is contradict yourself you need to keep up with your lies as you seem to have problems remembering what you have actually said!

than it got into education and who was streetsmart (all instigated by him)

Yes I did state such things, but was because you had attempted (very poorly I may add) to say that as I was an ex-criminal that I would always be that way and never be able to change, and I showed you that that was not the case considering I have JUST graduated!!!   It’s nice the way you give snippets of information as opposed to telling the full story!

and once he could see he wasnt likely to win the argument he wants to resort to threats and violence.

Utter rubbish (again!). I wanted to debate the issues in hand (bombings etc;) but you didn’t, so because you were unable to back p your points, I feel I 'won' (as you put it) the argument by default, i.e.; No reply or answers to points made!
And once again, I didn’t threaten you, I gave you two options and we all know which you chose. If you feel you have made a mistake, then feel free to say so!! I won’t look at you as anymore of a fool than I already do!!

ah well, im sure once he rises he will continue this. but i always love it when someone threatens to do something and then never does it. think before you speak is always a good philosophy

Well yes I will continue it, I was willing to leave it last night until closer to December, but you want to continue and I am not really one for 'turning the other cheek' as they say, I will defend myself, especially when someone is talking utter c.rap!!
How can you say 'but i always love it when someone threatens to do something and then never does it', when December hasn’t even come round yet!!
What you mean is this isn’t going to happen, because I have s.hit my pants and don’t expect to see myself meeting this guy at anytime!

I ALWAYS THINK BEFORE I TYPE........Otherwise it would not be coherent would it?
I think you need to check yourself mate, you are 38yrs of age and this is how you act, playing games on the net!!  Maybe you should find a kiddies forum, as you seem incapable of having reasoned debate and don’t like it when someone disagrees with you. You throw your toys out of the pram and attack personally..... You are a Very, Very sad man!

Look I know I said I would not reply, but hey there you go!!  You probably took my word on that and that is the reason you have continued this via the forum and not PM! And try and get some extra points with your bum chums!!!
Well I'm not having it!!

WHAT!!!!!   :shifty    :cool:
Last edited by 76-1115222408 on Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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